《汉语桥》第14届20150813期 决赛第三场: 张丹峰家属秘密探班 考生齐享宫廷盛宴 Chinese Bridge: Final Third Round【湖南卫视官方版1080p】
本期精彩 - 汉语桥迎史上最强任务,唐国强神曲题愁坏选手!华晨宇助阵,人气火爆张丹峰醋意大发!
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《爸爸去哪儿》第二季 全集:
《爸爸去哪儿》第一季 全集:
《我是歌手3》官方版 全集:
《我们的歌手》官方版 全集:
《花儿与少年》第二季 官方版 全集t:
《天天向上》官方版 全集:
《我们都爱笑》官方版 全集:
《变形计》官方版 全集:
《噗通噗通的良心》官方版 全集:
《奇妙的朋友》官方版 全集:
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《真正男子汉》官方版 全集:
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Workers Cultural Palace - Kacem Wapalek - Culture Palace.
The 2nd Workers' Cultural Palace Station or Shiergong Station (Chinese: 市二宮站) is a station on Line 2 of the Guangzhou Metro. It is situated underground at the junction of Jiangnan Avenue (Chinese: 江南大道) and Tongfu Road (Chinese: 同福路)in the Haizhu District and began operation on 29 December 2002.[1] The streets of the local area are noted for selling wedding dresses.[2]More info to Visit:
Kacem Wapalek - Culture Palace.
TV9 News : Mysore Palace Workers In Sad Mood For His King Death
Oil Rocks - City Above the Sea / La Cité du Pétrole / TRAILER
The Largest Oil Rig in The World
Moving relics of the Palace Museum during wartime
When the Japanese Kanto Army instigated the September 18 incident, both the ROC Government and the Palace Museum were concerned with the safety of museum relics, so they planned to move them to Southern China.In 1933, a total of 19,621 cases and 72 bags of ancient Chinese relics were loaded onto relic trains at the West Train Station in Beiping, and first transported along the Ping-Han, Lun-Hai and Jin-Pu railroads to Pukou, Nanjing, then they were shipped by boat to Shanghai International Settlement along the Yangtze River.In December 1936, the relics were moved to the warehouse of Nanjing Chaotian Temple. As the Japanese advanced from Beiping southwards, the relics were transported westward via three routes.The South Route was by truck to Anshun, Guizhou Province via Changsha and Guilin.The North Route was by railroad to Baoji, Shaanxi Province, and then by truck along the Sichuan-Shaanxi Highway to Emei, via Hanzhong and Chengdu.The Middle Route was by ship, upstream along the Yangtze River, to Leshan, Ba County, via Yichang, Chungking and Yibin.This process was full of difficulties and danger, and very bumpy all along the way.A few days after departure, the original place of storage was bombed by Japanese bombers.In 1944, the ROC Government was at risk of defeat along the South Western frontlines, so, after the Palace Museum held an emergency meeting, the relics stored in Anshun were moved to Sichuan Province.After victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the relics were first gathered together near Chungking, and then transported back to Nanjing Chaotian Temple, mainly by ship, but some by truck.Soon afterwards, the civil war broke out between the Nationalists and the Communists, and the relics were in jeopardy again.Members of the Executive Committee of the Museum, held an emergency meeting to discuss the evacuation of relics, and decided to move selected exquisite items to Taiwan.5,522 cases of ancient Chinese relics were shipped, in three batches, from Nanjing to Keelung, and stored in the warehouse of Taichung Sugar Factory.In 1950, the relics were moved to Beigou warehouse in Wufeng, where they were stored for more than ten years.During the 8- year War of Resistance Against Japan and the following Chinese Civil War, people from all fields of our country cooperated in moving our national treasure around, so that they were preserved, and now they continue to tell our country’s long history.
Our Visit to the Windows of the World in Changsha City, China
NewArk Hotel construction timelapse: 15 storeys in 48 hours.
This is our time-lapse on another challenging construction: The Newark Hotel, on Changsha, China with a 48 hours deadline.
for more information.
Level 9 Earthquake Resistance: diagonal bracing structure, light weight,
steel construction, passed level 9 earthquake resistance testing.
6x Less Material: even though the construction materials are much
lighter(250kg/m2) than the traditional materials(over 1500kg/m2), the floors
and walls are solid with sure footedness, airtight and sound-proofing.
5x Energy Efficient: 150mm thermal insulation for walls and roofs, triple
glazed plastic windows, external solar shading, heat insulation, fresh
air heat recovery, LED lighting, yearly HAVC A/C energy consumption
equivalent to 7 liters oil.
20x Purification: after 3 levels of purification, the purification efficiency
for fresh air reaches 95%-99.9%; air exchanged 1-2.5 times per hour, and
indoor air is 20x cleaner than out door air.
1% Construction Waste: all components are factory made, construction
waste, mainly package materials, result from on site set-up only and
amount to 1% of the total weight of the building.
This is the first building in human history which combines almost all
environmental friendly, comfortable and secure elements. So, we call it:
Sustainable Building.
Disclaimer: The Ark Hotel Video is copyright free. Please feel free to use it for any purpose.
Groundbreaking ceremony ng 2 China Aid Bridges Project
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Gas station fire put out in 38 seconds in Hunan, China
38 seconds! Watch how staff handled an emergency at a gas station in Changsha, China.
【长沙行】小吃香辣 人文霸气 | Changsha Trip (English Sub)
2019年五月中来到长沙,虽然是冲着马王堆的千年睡美人辛追夫人来的,下了飞机却迫不及待去找美食和小吃!第一次吃到又脆又多汁的黑色长沙臭豆腐,特别喜欢嗦粉,当地各种蔬菜和土鸡,第二次吃小龙虾(在长沙叫做口味虾)但几天里吃了好多啊!???? 最大的收获当然是人,从长沙岳麓书院看千年书院的力量;被曾国藩的出生地“白玉堂”和故居“富厚堂”的气魄和灵气所震撼;而每天接触到的长沙人的性格和红辣椒一样,热情爽快又相对悠闲快乐!是我期待再去一次的地方!
The challenges faced by African-Chinese marriages
Parts of the southern city of Guangzhou in China have become a melting pot of Chinese and African culture. Nowhere is this more visible than in the growing number of marriages between locals and Africans. However, for the African population in China, fitting in and making a life in a foreign country is not so easy. CGTN’s Wu Lei talks to some of them about life in their new country.
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Lost in China Going Local - With The Hutchens Brothers(中國正在遺失的民俗)
Lost in China Going Local.
- With The Hutchens Brothers(中國正在遺失的民俗)
Language: English
Subtitle: None
By National Geographic
Made In China Documentary (2001)
Made in China is a documentary about the underground youth culture in the post-maoist china. Shot in november 2000, the film takes you on journey to the culture underground of China at that time. It portraits without commentary 10 protagonists like a jazz musician, a dj, a radio commentator, two film directors, a writer, a fashion designer, a punkband and several artists finding ways of expressing themselves in the fast changing realities of postmaoist China.
The protagonists are:
Coco Zhao, Mian Mian, Zhang Youdai, Ai Wei Wei, Brain Failure, Tian Peng (Supermarket), Xiao Weng, Miao Shu, Liu Xuan, Wang Quanan, Xu Zhen.
《国家宝藏》第二季 国宝盛典之夜:九大国宝组天团C位出道 黄圣依安慰“哭泣”国宝 吴彤与国宝再续前缘 雷佳完美嗓音动情演绎《国家宝藏》插曲联唱 20190209 | CCTV综艺
本期节目主要内容: 九州同,四海定。《国家宝藏》第二季巡礼中国九大博物馆,二十七件顶级国宝,二十七个前世今生,最终入选2019年《国家宝藏》特展的九件文物是金漆木雕大神龛、后蜀残石经、“五星出东方利中国”锦护膊、长信宫灯、聂耳小提琴、银雀山《孙子兵法》《孙膑兵法》汉简、铜奔马、侯马金代董氏墓戏俑和样式雷建筑烫样。九大国宝特展将在故宫博物院箭亭广场华彩上演。
03:43 悠远流长最动听!国乐合鸣演绎经典《九州同》;
09:18 广东省博物馆入选文物:金漆木雕大神龛;
13:15 追求极致的工匠精神总是相通的!港珠澳大桥总设计师孟凡超讲述建桥之路;
18:31 四川博物院入选文物:后蜀残石经;
21:50 国家图书馆副馆长陈樱讲述自己与国宝的渊源;
26:20 风乎舞雩好不自在!北京舞蹈学院演绎古典舞《纸扇书生》;
30:12 新疆维吾尔自治区博物馆入选文物:“五星出东方利中国”锦护膊;
34:30 “中国航天第一人”杨利伟阐述国富民强的真正意义;
39:29 河北博物院入选文物:长信宫灯;
43:09 旧金山亚洲艺术博物馆馆长许杰介绍自己的文物展示理念——使文物活起来;
47:59 钢琴演奏家吴牧野与雷佳合作 动情演绎《国家宝藏》插曲联唱;
53:32 云南省博物馆入选文物:聂耳小提琴;
56:00 台湾收藏家颜铮浩之子讲述父亲捐宝义举;
01:01:20 山东博物馆入选文物:银雀山《孙子兵法》《孙膑兵法》汉简;
01:04:42 潘鲁生——民间国宝也需要保护与传承;
01:08:11 黄圣依化身特展讲解员 看她在《国宝之夜》会pick哪件国宝;
01:18:06 甘肃省博物馆入选文物:铜奔马;
01:20:48 四十二年恪守己任 老馆长初世宾退休后仍为“丝绸之路”奔波;
01:25:50 山西博物院入选文物:侯马金代董氏墓戏俑;
01:29:47 王晓鹰透过戏俑感悟古戏台的文化魅力;
01:34:31 吴彤与国宝再续前缘 一曲《抱月入怀》唱尽壮志难酬;
01:39:24 故宫博物院入选文物:样式雷建筑烫样;
01:42:54 “人间国宝”耿宝昌——中国陶瓷鉴定第一人;
01:49:44 全国十七大博物馆馆长深刻解答“我们为什么是今天的我们”。
In China documentary. produced by Les Owen
At a time when relations between the US and China are delicate, The United States Army Band visited China as guests of the People's Liberation Army Band. The shared experience of music as a common language showed how we can rise above political differences and become friends.
《汉语桥》第14届20150820期: 决赛第4轮张丹峰热情约跑 The 14th Chinese Bridge: The Final 4th Round【湖南卫视官方版1080p】
本期精彩 - 张丹峰热情约跑魏晨魅力献唱
■□ 更多其他湖南卫视精彩节目【官方超清1080P】■□
《爸爸去哪儿》第三季 全集:
《偶像来了》官方版 全集:
《爸爸去哪儿》第二季 全集:
《爸爸去哪儿》第一季 全集:
《我是歌手3》官方版 全集:
《我们的歌手》官方版 全集:
《花儿与少年》第二季 官方版 全集:
《天天向上》官方版 全集:
《我们都爱笑》官方版 全集:
《变形计》官方版 全集:
《噗通噗通的良心》官方版 全集:
《奇妙的朋友》官方版 全集:
《快乐大本营》官方版 全集:
《真正男子汉》官方版 全集:
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10 Storey building in 48 hours synergy- Mohali- Instacon -New (Final Footage)
Instacon 10 Storey building in 48 hours full video. We made it Happen which was NEVER Done before in INDIA.
2nd Confucius institute in Ghana
The Confucius Institute at the University of Cape Coast was initiated in partnership with the Hunan City University to promote Chinese language teaching and culture in Ghana.
James Annan, a final-year student at the university, has expressed delight in learning the Chinese language as a selective subject and hopes to become an ambassador to spread the language to people in the region.
SOUNDBITE(ENGLISH): JAME ANNAN, Student at University of Cape Coast
After I complete my Bachelor degree, I will come and register as a new student so that I can take the full Chinese course because of the focus that I have in the Chinese language.
Until the Institute was established, students at the university studied the Chinese language as a selective course to broaden their general knowledge and experience.
Now, new students have been admitted to undertake a Bachelor of Arts course in Chinese with a full four-year course starting in the new academic year in August.
Another student, Calvin Osei Tenkorang, believes China is becoming a world power and being able to communicate with someone with the language would present opportunities to graduates in the future.
SOUNDBITE(ENGLISH): CALVIN OSEI TENKORANG, Student at University of Cape Coast
I like interesting communication with someone. So it could be nice that someone would speak and you could understand. You can serve as a bridge between China and Ghana as the ambassador once said and I like communicating with others.
Godwin Yaw Deegbe, who initially did not like the idea of studying Chinese, said he got hooked after his first lecture and immediately developed the passion to continue with it.
SOUNDBITE(ENGLISH): GODWIN YAW DEEGBE, Student at University of Cape Coast
So now I have decided to make the Chinese language a part of me. So I am going to keep on studying the Chinese language and make sure that I really get to know what it is really all about.
The university's Vice Chancellor, Professor Domwini Dabire Kuupole, says the Confucius Institute at the University of Cape Coast is a positive addition to their stock and an enriching overture in a congenial dialogue among cultures.
Tibet tour_show in chinese
The ancient Lhasa city, which is the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region, has a history of 1300 years. It was built by King Songzanganbu . Lhasa has been the center of Tibetan Buddhism since the ancient times and become a superlative holy land in the Buddhists' minds. Jokhang Monastery , Dreprung Monastery and Gandan Monastery constitute the centers of Buddhist architectural group, which are yearned for by the Buddhist faithfuls.
After the peaceful liberation of Tibet, Lhasa has taken on an entirely new look, thanks to large scale urban construction projects. Lhasa now has become a major city on the Roof of the World, boasting comprehensive urban functions, reasonable size, favorable environment for investment and a place where fine traditions of the ethnic Tibetan group and modern civilization are integrated.
recommend:suits to the chinese learner,who like the china culture and interested in travelling china...
AIIS Center for Art & Archaeology (CA&A)
One of two scholarly research centers supported by the American Institute of Indian Studies, the Center for Art & Archaeology (CA&A) is devoted to documenting India’s rich visual traditions.
The AIIS Center for Art and Archaeology (CA&A), established in 1965 and located in Gurgaon, is an international leader in the documentation of Indic art and architecture. The CA&A welcomes scholars and students to the Archive and Library.
The CA&A Archive documents and maintains images and architectural plans for more than 7000 monuments and ancient buildings. These resources have been primarily created by CA&A professional staff and include some contributed by research scholars. In addition, the Archive houses surveys of 350 museum collections in India, the results of documentation projects, some also commissioned and funded by the Government of India and carried out by CA&A staff.
The CA&A also maintains a Library that stands among the finest collections on Indian art history in the subcontinent. This open-stack facility houses 75,000 books, journals and maps.
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Music by AIIS Fellow Max ZT:
Video by Adrienne von Wolffersdorff and Nick Gottschall:
10 of Zaha Hadid Architects's Unbuilt Designs
10 of Zaha Hadid Architects's Unbuilt Designs
Visit Our Website for More Luxury Architecture:
Al Wakrah Stadium Qatar
Hadid’s fluid design for a showcase for the upcoming World Cup has been a lightning rod for controversy, both for its shape and the labor practices involved in its construction.
Beijing New Airport Terminal Building
Set to be the world’s largest airport terminal upon completion—twice the size of Heathrow’s Terminal 5—this 7.5 million square foot space was designed to handle roughly 125,000 passengers a day.
Changsha Meishihu International Cultural Centre
This sinuous, 1,800-seat performance venue for the capital of the Hunan province hasn’t moved much past the design and proposal stage since being unveiled in 2013.
Chartres Expo Chartres France
This star-shaped exposition center on the outskirts of Chartres was abandoned last year due to budgetary reasons.
Culenova City Centre Bratislava Slovakia
This unrealized mixed-use development for the Slovakian capital would have featured a series of elliptical towers.
Mariner’s Cove Brisbane Australia
Submitted last summer for approval, this pair of towers overlooking Australia’s Gold Coast iterate on a common form from the Hadid body of work; sleek, tapered towers wrapped in curved edges.
Grand Theatre de Rabat
The curvaceous exterior of this yet-to-be-built 1,800-seat theater references the flow of the nearby Bou Regreg River. It’s part of a larger cultural district development that, while still in the news, has stalled since being proposed in 2010.
Esfera City Center Monterrey Mexico
Hadid does Habitat with the sprawling Mexican apartment complex, a curved, nine-story stack of nearly 1,000 apartments surrounding a massive park, her first project in Mexico. Initially meant to be a series of tall towers, Hadid instead proposed a snaking, horizontal site plan.
Eleftheria Square Nicosia Cyprus
This large-scale urban planning effort would see this city’s historic, Venetian square fuse with Hadid’s curves and futuristic aesthetic. As of last summer, the controversial plan, which has taken far longer and cost far more than initially expected, is still marching forward, despite no firm completion date.
Kartal Pendik Masterplan Istanbul Turkey
This award-winning redevelopment scheme, yet to be acted upon, sought to turn an old industrial center into reactivated, thriving neighborhood.