Teochew Short Film 潮语微电影: My Little Devil in Chaozhou 《缘来潮州》
When an American lost in Chaozhou meets a feisty local girl. Dialogues in English and Teochew language.
For more great Teochew music, videos, articles and books, visit theteochewstore.org
Video uploaded for education and entertainment purpose only. The Teochew Store does not claim copyright to this film nor benefit monetarily from this upload.
【Teochew Walk Tour #3】Puning Xilong Village China 潮州人廣東普寧西隴村步行
This is my ancestral Teochew home in Xilong Village, Puning County, Guangdong Province China
普宁市(官方音译:Puning,传统外文:Poleng)是中国广东省揭阳市代管的一个县级市,地处广东东部,潮汕平原西缘,海峡西岸经济区西南隅,全市户籍人口247.27万人,其中农业人口167.76万人,非农人口79.52万人;市区常住人口58.90万人。是中国人口最多的县级市,也是逾180万旅外华侨的祖籍地。1988年被纳入广东省沿海经济开放区,1993年因商贸发达而撤县设市,拥有地级市经济管理权限。普宁也是首批 “中国纺织基地市” 和“中国中药名城”首个试点城市,纺织服装和医药是当地两大支柱产业。经济外向性明显,以商贸业为主的第三产业在当地经济中始终占有着重要地位。2017年,全市实现生产总值694.57亿元,经济总量位居广东各县之首。Wikipedia
China’s Economic Reform: 40 Years of Change on Chaoshan
In this week of Crossover, Xiaojun and Louisa headed to Chaozhou-Shantou region in Guangdong Province. They spoke to local entrepreneurs and explored how the economic reform influenced regional business and local lives.
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Temple Kaiyuan à Chaozhou, Chine
【视频看中国】Shantou,The birthplace of Chaoshan culture
Fine Antique Chinese Carved Gilt Wood Temple Panel Gold Lacquered Chaozhou Horse
Fine Antique Chinese Carved Gilt Wood Temple Panel Gold Lacquered Chaozhou Horse
广东潮州牌坊街/Memorial Archway Street of Chaozhou
Please scroll down for introduction in English.
The ancient memorial archways (paifang 牌坊) of Chaozhou are a unique feature of this historic city. In terms of sheer numbers, types and concentration, these imposing structures used to be unparalleled in the whole of China. Aside from enhancing the aesthetics of the city, they played the primary role of commemorating important achievements and civic contributions.
Constructed during the Ming and Qing era, the total number of archways used to total up to 152, and those located along the citys central axis, along Taiping Street (太平路), were known to be the most exquisite and intricate. However, these structurally unstable stone structures were entirely torn down in the early 1950s, as they often caused accidents.
Restoration works for Taiping Street began in 2007 and is close to completion. The entire length of the restored archway street stretches 1948m, incorporating 22 replicas of the demolished archways, a pedestrian mall, shops, performance avenues for cultural arts and even an ancient well.
(Comment: It's an ambitious and costly undertaking, most commendable effort indeed but one wonders if they charge entrance fees to enter the street once the project is completed... Hope not!)
Teochew Swatow 1918 (潮州汕頭 1918年)
Black and white clip on Swatow.
CHINA | Shantou Chaoyang 潮阳区 | Travel Tour Video in HD by Tudor and Heather
Original #China ????????
* Shantou Chaoyang 汕頭市 潮阳区
* Eat local and traditional food
* Town Temple, Morning Market
* Hiking in the mountains
* Road trips, bike trips, sightseeing
Chinese New Year 2018
The best thing to do is to travel to China. All chinese people who working from far away home feel very excited to come back to celebrate this festival. They couldn't wait for the reunion with families. For most of chinese people, they may only once time to have a long holiday to go home per year during the Chinese New Year. With this chance, we decided to visit Heather's grandma in Chaoyang 潮阳区.
Chaoyang is a little and cute town which is a district of Shantou City. there is no doubt that it is worth a visit. People can travel this place by train from hong kong. At these days, I experienced lots of local cuisines and full of chinese traditional culture from her typical family. The funniest thing is to give red packets for children and relatives due to we got married last year! A series of visiting relatives, families, sending greetings and eating a lot of foods, we certainly got full of joys and FAT to go back home.
People may not know this place, it is not a popular tourist attraction which people will plan to visit in China. But we believe it is definitely unforgettable memories for us. An inspiration and be proud of our generation.
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Tudor and Heather
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????Music: 吹箫人去玉楼空
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汕頭礐石天壇花園九天玄女寶塔及蒂蒂香手打魚丸-粵語解述2017 Goddess of war, sexuality, and longevity
2017汕頭礐石風景區,是南國奇石多而聞名遐邇的風景勝地,與汕頭市隔海相望。而宏偉壯觀的天壇花園,恰似鑲嵌在礐石風景區的一顆璀璨明珠。備受中外遊人所矚目。天壇花園位於礐石山東麓,依山傍海,海角自然風光旖旎。這裡有山澗曲徑林蔭,花香鳥語鳴囀之悅耳,無鬧市車水馬龍之喧嘩;有海角天涯發人幽思的景色。白花尖大廟、寶塔、九天禪院、龍船舫、思親堂,堪稱自然風景與人工巧築奇合的佳構,典雅堂皇廟殿。被冠為粵東第一塔之九天玄女寶塔,高聳入雲。所塑神佛,神人共襄,披澤南天。遊人可登塔眺望汕頭現代景觀,宛若海市蜃樓之幻現。白花尖大廟位於礐石風景區東麓海濱,其單體面積居全省之冠的大廟——白花尖大廟,也稱九天娘娘廟,1993年10月落成時,有 海內外人士多達五萬之眾參加了開光大典,盛況空前,此後成為汕頭旅遊熱點。大廟主神九天聖母娘娘,又名“九天玄女”,傳說為上古女神,人頭鳥身,是聖母元君弟子、黃帝之師,輔助黃帝戰勝蚩尤安定天下而得敕封為女神。
大廟門前廣闊的石板埕,寬40米、深40米。中間裝飾石刻雙龍奪寶 ,還配有雕刻各種龍的白石欄杆,是從江西井岡山運來的石料刻制,莊重雅觀。加之各種花卉盆景,使廣埕別有一番風景。大埕正中,設立“天地父 母”亭,鑄聯雲:“天恩普施世民沾霖露,地靈人傑安樂升 平”。亭後置一對 鐵鑄大香爐。即接近大門之埕置有一對雕藝精湛的大石 獅,兩個寶鼎,兩株高聳的木棉樹,還有一口泉水充沛的“青蛙泉” 古井。大廟門樓,立有4枝盤龍大柱,南、北牆各有一幅高2.6米,寬8.75 米的大型泥塑浮雕壁畫。北有《女媧補天》,大廟左、右門匾刻“驪山聖母 ”、“天后聖母”,門聯木刻:“九天廣恩四海直同天, 對母渡世眾生施雨露”。大廟門六幅彩繪文武大將尉遲恭、程咬金、魏征、 徐茂公、謝映登驅邪的油畫,給遊客以威嚴之感。
Humenzhen - China
Humen in Guangdong China. Garment city full of clothing shops. June 2009. Humen Ave.
Kome Island Introduction: Nan'ao Island, Shantou
This is a short video film promoting Kome Island In Nao'ao Island, Shantou. We have recently booked a homestay experience in Kome Island, check out our full review at ShinyVisa,
Chao Zhou - Chan's Roots 2
Another view Chao zhou house
Former Residence of Chen Cihong 中国广东澄海陈慈黉故居
This splendid mansion is located at Chenghai District (澄海区), a short distance from the cities of Shantou (汕头) and Chaozhou (潮州) of China's Guangdong Province (广东省). It is presently a museum, displaying a curious but harmonious mix of east-west architectural influences, with eclectic decorative elements. Many of the decorative ceramic tiles are similar in aesthetic styles as those found in the old town of Malacca. A Peranakan link, perhaps?
This mansion was originally owned by Thai-based Chinese rice mechant Mr Chen Cihong (陈慈黉). Constuction work began in 1922, and spanned many years, but eventually halted during the invasion of the Japanese in 1939.
Despite the passing years, the structural state of this cluster of buildings remains in very good shape, and the aesthetic elements are generally well preserved. Definitely worth a visit!
Heart of a city – The Nansheng Department Store, Shantou
Every city has areas that shine for a few decades and then fade away but none so visible as Shantou. In the 1930’s a new commercial district was built with a new shinny department store at its heart. Streets radiated in every direction full of shops and small markets. It stayed the epicenter of this thriving port city until the local government rebuilt the central business district in the 1990s to the west, leaving the store and the streets around it to slowly decay.
โรตีแต้จิ๋ว (หลั่วก๊วย) Roti Chaozhou
โรตีแต้จิ๋ว ของดีตลาดน้ำบางน้อย ว่ากันว่านักท่องเที่ยวถ้าไม่ได้มารับประทาน เหมือนมาไม่ถึงตลาดน้ำบางน้อยกันเลยทีเดียว ขนมอร่อยๆทำสดๆ ทานตอนร้อนๆจะนุ่มนอกกรอบใน และหอมมากเลยคะ
广东潮州广济楼(东门楼)/Guangji Gate Tower of Chaozhou
Please scroll down for introduction in English.
Guangji Gate Tower, commonly known as Han River Tower, or East Gate Tower, is the most spectacular of the seven ancient city gates of Chaozhou city. The 600-year old city gate overlooks the Hanjiang River and the famous Guangji Bridge, or Xiangzi Bridge. It is the emblem of the city, and also plays a key role in flood control when water of the Hanjiang River threatens to overflow its banks.
The tower was built in 1370, during the Ming dynasty and had undergone various rounds of restorative work during the past centuries. The last round of restorative work commenced in September 2002 and was completed by January 2004.
Wuyishan, China rare promo video (Mandarin & English)
Teochew Short Film 潮语微电影: Love in Teoswa 《缘来潮汕》
A story about a girl from Singapore who goes Swatow to learn to sing Teochew opera. Dialogues in Teochew and Mandarin language. A students' production by 汕頭職業技術學院 (Shantou Technical Vocational College) . Listen out also for a number of original Teochew songs!
Video uploaded for education and entertainment purpose only. The Teochew Store does not claim copyright to this film nor benefit monetarily from this upload.
For more great Teochew music, videos, articles and books, visit theteochewstore.org
Ningde Cityscape - China
Ningde Cityscape - China
Song: Ahrix - Nova
Ahrix's channel: