Shantou, also known as Swatow or Santow, is a prefecture-level city on the eastern coast of Guangdong province, People's Republic of China, with a total population of 5,391,028 as of 2010 and an administrative area of 2,064 square kilometres. Shantou has direct jurisdiction over six districts and one county, and the six urban districts of Shantou have a population of 5,330,764. With it and the surrounding cities of Jieyang and Chaozhou, the metropolitan region known as Chaoshan covers an area of 10,404 km2, and had a permanent population of 13,937,897 at the end of 2010. It's built up area spread of 11 districts was home to 11,635,577 inhabitants at the 2010 census.
Shantou, a city significant in 19th-century Chinese history as one of the treaty ports established for Western trade and contact, was one of the original Special Economic Zones of the People's Republic of China established in the 1980s, but did not blossom in the manner that cities such as Shenzhen, Xiamen and Zhuhai did. However, it remains eastern Guangdong's economic centre, and is home to Shantou University, a member of the Project 211 group.
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潮安县庵埠革命烈士纪念碑及碑廊/Revolution Heroes' Memorial of Anbu Township
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This memorial was erected in 1957 to honour those men and women from the Anbu and Caitang (彩塘) regions who had lost their lives during the revolution leading to the founding of communist-ruled China.
潮州 庵埠:这座小镇 -承载着我们的历史记忆
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