Pavel Chesnokov: Glory... Only Begotten Son | PaTRAM Institute Male Choir
Music: Слава…Единородный Сыне / Glory… Only Begotten Son
Composer: Pavel Chesnokov
Artists: PaTRAM Institute Male Choir; Vladimir Gorbik, conductor
Album: Teach Me Thy Statutes (Научи мя оправданием Tвоим)
Label: FRESH! From Reference Recordings
Release Date: May 18 2018
We are very pleased to present our first release in a new series from the PaTRAM Institute. The music performed on this recording of Orthodox choral music in the Slavonic language was written by famed Russian composer Pavel Chesnokov (1877-1944). Teach me Thy Statutes is performed by the PaTRAM Institute Male Choir, a highly professional group which is a collaboration of Russian and American singers. The male choir is considered by many to be the mainstay of traditional chant and Orthodox monasticism. PaTRAM Institute Singers and Reference Recordings are planning several more CD releases over the next 5 years with Dr. Peter Jermihov as artistic director and conductor. Alexis Lukianov, Founder, Chairman and CEO of PaTRAM Institute states: “I am very pleased that PaTRAM Institute Singers has partnered with one of the top labels in the classical music industry. We are excited about our newest prospects and opportunities to produce and distribute world-class orthodox liturgical music.”
Teach Me Thy Statutes was recorded in Russia in July of 2016 in the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian Orthodox Church, at the Saratov Orthodox Theological Seminary. PaTRAM’s objective was to immerse the listener in the beautiful Russian monastic style of singing through its fullness and richness of sonority. Highly-esteemed conductor Maestro Vladimir Gorbik, whose pedigree is from the Moscow Conservatory and as choirmaster of the Holy Trinity—St. Sergius Lavra Representation Choir (monastery), skillfully unites strong musicianship with superb diction to a degree that is seldom heard outside of Russia, but which epitomizes the best traditional culture of singing in the Russian Orthodox Church.
2018.06.20. The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God
The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God
Interview of Archpriest Victor Potapov by Elena Belaschenko
Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St John the Baptist in Washington, DC
June 20, 2018
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Герои Правды и кривды. Эгрэгоры. Александр Пыжиков.Ноосфера Вернадского
история одной картины: Герои Правды и Кривды
Территориально деятельность народников сосредотачивалась в российских губерниях, расположенных вдоль по Волге. Считалось, что в этих преимущественно старообрядческих регионах наиболее силен бунтарский разинско пугачевский дух. Волга рассматривалась в качестве естественной оси, от которой в обе стороны должны распространиться агитационные импульсы. Наиболее мощный народнический центр действовал в Саратове; кстати, к лету 1874 года там ожидали приезда самого М.А. Бакунина, который лично должен был возглавить пробуждение России . Агитаторы всюду действовали по стандартной схеме: организовывали различные артели, школы, медицинские пункты и т.п., откуда распространялась нелегальная литература и где велась разъяснительная работа. Например, в Ярославской губернии устроили слесарную артель, куда приглашались крестьяне из соседних селений. Работа в ней шла для отвода глаз, главным же было настраивание местного населения на восстание против царя и правительства, за установление новых порядков. Крестьянам сообщалось о массах недовольных, о пяти тысячах уральских казаков, ожидающих начала бунта. Народовольцы ходили по селам, посещали сходы, учили революционным песням, раздавали листовки . Иногда к делу относились более творчески, используя религиозные моменты. Так, в Калужской губернии столичные студенты из медико хирургической академии, военно артиллерийского училища ходили по деревням с Библией и в христианском ключе проповедовали о новой эре, когда не будет ни частной собственности, ни правительства, а все будет общее. Эта грядущая жизнь, по их убеждению, связана с утверждением новой религии, изложенной в Откровении Иоанна Богослова. Она станет своего рода надстройкой социализма, что сделает его более цельным и полным .
Необходимо подчеркнуть, что темы листовок, распространявшихся агитаторами по стране, были рассчитаны в первую очередь на раскольников. Скажем, в широко известной листовке «О правде и кривде» содержался рассказ о неправедном насаждении на Руси греческой церкви, от которой все зло. Два столетия тому назад народ восстал против попов, насаждающих иноземщину, и начал по своему разумению толковать Писание, отверг власть помещиков и церкви, весь царский порядок и решил вернуться к старым обычаям:
«Вот за что поднимались наши раскольники: старые книги и двуперстное сложение и восьмиконечный крест – это было для них то же, что знамя для солдат. Не за него бьются солдаты: знамя поднимается, чтобы собрать всех вокруг него» ..(А.В.Пыжиков Грани русского раскола)
#художник #культура #картина #живопись #арт #искусство #художниктв #история #Пыжиков
РАЗГОВОР БЕЗ ГАЛСТУКОВ (видеоколлекция) часть 1
РАЗГОВОР БЕЗ ГАЛСТУКОВ (видеоколлекция) часть 2
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МИСТИКА ФАМИЛИИ Как эгрэгоры воздействуют через имя и фамилию-
ТАЙНЫЕ ЗНАНИЯ! Как концентрироваться на хороших эгрэгорах?-
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Акафист благодарственный «Слава Богу за всё». Читает Схиархимандрит Илий (Ноздрин).
Источник: Телеканал «СПАС»
Схиархимандрит Илий (в миру Алексей Афанасьевич Ноздрин; 8 марта 1932, село Становой Колодезь, Орловский район, Центрально-Чернозёмная область) — священнослужитель Русской православной церкви, духовник братии Оптиной пустыни, личный духовник патриарха Московского Кирилла.
Родился 8 марта 1932 года в селе Становой Колодезь Орловского района (ныне — Орловской области) в крестьянской семье. При крещении в церкви соседнего села Лукина был наречён в честь Алексия, человека Божия. По собственному признанию, молиться начал с трёх лет.
В 1949 году окончил среднюю школу в родном селе. Служил в армии, где старшина уговорил его вступить в комсомол. По возвращении домой он глубоко раскаивался в этом, видя в этом грех против Бога, и тотчас сжёг свой комсомольский билет.
С 1955 по 1958 год обучался в машиностроительном техникуме в Серпухове, а после окончания распределён на работу в город Камышин Волгоградской области. Посещал единственную в городе действующую церковь в честь святителя Николая, где его первым духовником стал священник Иоанн Букоткин, который рекомендовал молодому человеку поступить в Саратовскую духовную семинарию. После закрытия Саратовской семинарии был переведён в Ленинградскую духовную семинарию, а позднее окончил Ленинградскую духовную академию.
В Духовной академии познакомился с будущим патриархом Кириллом: «Я поступил в семинарию, а он в том году кончал академию. И мы его все любили. Он был еще мирянином, просто Алёшей Ноздриным, но отличался удивительным характером и замечательным стилем отношений с людьми.
13 марта 1966 года митрополитом Никодимом пострижен в монашество с именем Илиан в честь одного из сорока мучеников Севастийских. Позднее митрополитом Никодимом был последовательно рукоположён в сан иеродиакона и иеромонаха. Нёс своё служение в разных храмах Ленинградской епархии.
С 1966 по 1976 год провёл в Псково-Печерском монастыре, а под влиянием прочтения книги о Силуане Афонском принял решение о поступлении в Пантелеимонов монастырь на Афоне.
3 марта 1976 года определением Священного синода был направлен нести иноческое послушание на Афоне. Проживал в Старом Русике, исполнял обязанности духовника Пантелеимонова монастыря.
В 1989 году был призван в Россию и направлен в качестве духовника в восстанавливаемую Оптину пустынь. Настоятелем обители архимандритом Евлогием (Смирновым) был пострижен в великую схиму с именем Илий (в честь одного из мучеников Севастийских).
После Поместного собора 2009 года был избран духовником своего сокурсника по Ленинградской духовной академии — новоизбранного патриарха Кирилла.
4 апреля 2010 года на Пасху в кафедральном храме Христа Спасителя в Москве патриархом Кириллом был возведён в сан схиархимандрита.
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Нажимая на Мне нравится и Рассказать друзьям - вы очень помогаете распространению Слова Божиего!
Братья и сестры! Просим Ваших святых молитв!
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
Братья и сестры! Просвещайтесь, распространяйте, подписывайтесь -
Господу нашему Слава!
Patriarch Tikhon Choir World Premiere
Learn more about this new and exciting opportunity for Orthodox Christians to unite their musical skill with Orthodox worship.
How do I qualify my dream? part 2
Dr. Leslie McNulty is an internationally acclaimed public speaker, author, certified John Maxwell coach and TV host of Divinely Inspired Ideas for Life. Dr. Leslie McNulty also works as a global strategist and teacher.
In this video, ask yourself the next question of how to qualify your dream: is my dream good for people?
As a global communicator, Dr. Leslie McNulty is known for her simple and passionate message. Dr. McNulty has addressed crowds of 5,000 to 250,000 and has won acclaim as one of the emerging international women’s voices of our time. Co-founder of Christian Adventures International, with offices in the U.S., Russia and India, and pioneer of the Eurasian 100-Tent Project, she regularly conducts national leadership conferences entitled “Women of Miraculous Destiny.” Along with her husband, Kevin, she served for 16 years as co-minister and Global Event Director for the late Missionary Statesman Dr. T. L. Osborn.
Dr. McNulty was catapulted into a drastically different phase of life in 1988, when her career changed from a bank manager and commercial loan officer in Florida to worldwide public figure. Through 10 years of experience living in Russia establishing churches, Bible schools and training missionaries, combined with experience in over 60 nations, she has developed a unique, intense perspective for today’s global environment. She holds a degree in Finance from Stetson University, a bachelor’s degree in Church Administration, a master’s degree in Theology and a conferred doctorate from Life Christian University.
St Vladimir's Orthodox Seminary
A selection of chants from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary
Nostalgia for Paradise - a poem by Miroslava Sabbath
This posting will introduce you to a new Ottaworth channel, known as Ottaworth-MiroSab, dedicated to the poems (accompanied by piano improvisation) of theologian, iconographer and poet Miroslava Linda Sabbath -- especially her collection published in 2002 under the title Detour to Paradise. You are invited to watch (and subscribe to) these videos at The first poem with improvisation, Nostalgia for Paradise is reproduced here. It includes a scrolling text of the poem. To see a brief introduction to the collection, go to:
Митрополиту Волгоградскому и Камышинскому Герману - 80!
Богослужение в день юбилея митрополита Волгоградского и Камышинского Германа состоялось в Свято-Духовом монастыре Волгограда.
11 ноября 2017г., в Волгоградской епархии молитвенно отметили юбилей митрополита Волгоградского и Камышинского Германа. Торжества начались с Божественной литургии в Свято-Духовом монастыре. Его Высокопреосвященству сослужили епископ Урюпинский и Новоаннинский Елисей, епископ Калачевский и Палласовский Иоанн, благочинные епархиальных округов, руководители епархиальных отделов в священном сане, клирики митрополии.
По окончании богослужения в актовом зале Свято-Духова монастыря Его Высокопреосвященство принимал поздравления. Своего дорогого Владыку пришли поздравить священнослужители, представители администрации города. Поздравительные адреса Главе Волгоградской митрополии направили губернатор области А.И. Бочаров, глава администрации Волгограда В.В. Лихачев, руководители силовых ведомств и учебных заведений региона. В словах поздравлений они особо отметили вклад Владыки в духовное развитие общества.
Помощи Божией во всех делах! Многая и благая лета!
«Епископ призван душу свою отдать за избавление многих»
80 лет исполняется 11 ноября владыке Герману. Более четвери века он руководит Волгоградской и Камышинской епархией, последние пять лет также возглавляет Волгоградскую митрополию, в состав которой после реформы РПЦ, кроме Волгоградской и Камышинской, вошли — Урюпинская и Новоаннинская, а также Калачёвская и Палласовская епархии.
Основание Царицынского православного университета, развитие активной социальной и миссионерской деятельности, начало воссоздания в Волгограде собора в честь святого благоверного князя Александра Невского и возрождение духовной жизни в доверенном ему регионе – лишь часть осуществленных планов митрополита. О пути служения владыки Германа и значимых фактах биографии — в материале, подготовленном пресс-службой епархии.
Все начиналось с храма Александра Невского
Митрополит Герман (в миру Геннадий Евгеньевич Тимофеев) родился 11 ноября 1937 года в Ташкенте в семье служащих. С большим теплом владыка вспоминает свои первые впечатления от посещения церкви – это был храм святого благоверного князя Александра Невского на Ташкентском кладбище, куда ребенком его привела бабушка:
«Тогда, помню, душа моя, по рождению и по крещению христианка, пленилась благолепием Божия Дома. Потом я видел много других храмов, более благолепных, и в них было больше святынь в виде чтимых икон и мощей угодников Божиих. Но тот кладбищенский храм на земле моего знойного, далекого отсюда родного края навсегда остался единственным, как родоначальник всех других святынь, пережитых мною от того часа даже до днесь».
С 1950 года будущий епископ служил в алтаре Ташкентского кафедрального собора, был книгодержцем у владыки Гурия. После окончания средней школы в 1955 году с благословения Ташкентского архиепископа Ермогена (Голубева) поступил в Саратовскую духовную семинарию, а через год перешел в Ленинградскую духовную семинарию, которую окончил только в 1962 году из-за двухлетнего перерыва в связи со службой в Советской армии.
В 1966 году Геннадий Тимофеев завершает образование в Ленинградской духовной академии, откуда выходит кандидатом богословия за сочинение «Богослужение Святой Пасхи в его историческом развитии». На последнем курсе — 19 декабря 1965 года принимает монашеский постриг.
«Я постригся, чтобы удобнее было душу спасти, и думал, что иночество станет для меня чем-то вроде вьючного животного, которое послужит мне средством передвижения по тесной дороге, ведущей в вечную жизнь. … Я знаю, что епископская митра – это терновый венец Христа; архиерейский омофор представляет собой заблудшую овцу, взятую добрым пастырем на рамо: это заблуждения, немощи и болезни чад церковных, вся тяжесть которых ложится на плечи епископа; епископ образ Христа в церкви, а царство Христово не от мира сего, и, подобно Христу, епископ призван служить, а не господствовать, он призван душу свою отдать за избавление многих».
Братья и сестры! Просим Ваших святых молитв!
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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Eastern Catholic Churches
The Eastern Catholic Churches are autonomous, self-governing particular churches in full communion with the Pope. Together with the Latin Church, they make up the entire Catholic Church. They preserve many centuries-old Eastern liturgical, devotional, and theological traditions, which are in most cases shared with the various other Eastern Christian churches with which they were once associated, such as the Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox Church.
Some theological issues (mainly, though not exclusively, regarding the role and extent of the authority of the Bishop of Rome) divide them from their counterparts of similar traditions that are not in communion with Rome. Accordingly, they admit members of such churches to the Eucharist and the other sacraments only in the circumstances indicated in canon law.
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Nicene Creed St Vladimir's Seminary
Dmitri Mendeleev | Biography | Chemist, Inventor
This is a short biography of Dmitri Mendeleev, who was a Chemist and Inventor of Russia. He was also called the greatest scientist in all Russia.
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Eastern Catholic Churches | Wikipedia audio article
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Eastern Catholic Churches
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Eastern Catholic Churches or Oriental Catholic Churches, also called the Eastern-rite Catholic Churches, and in some historical cases Uniate Churches, are twenty-three Eastern Christian particular churches sui iuris in full communion with the Pope in Rome, as part of the worldwide Catholic Church. Headed by patriarchs, metropolitans, and major archbishops, the Eastern Catholic Churches are governed in accordance with the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, although each church also has its own canons and laws on top of this, and the preservation of their own traditions is explicitly encouraged. The total membership of the various churches accounts for about 18 million, according to the Annuario Pontificio (the annual directory of the Catholic Church), thus making up about 1.5 percent of the Catholic Church, with the rest of its more than 1.2 billion members belonging to the Latin Church, also known as the Western Church.
The Maronite Church is considered the only one of the Eastern Catholic Churches to have always remained in full communion with the Holy See, while most of the other churches unified from the 16th century onwards. However, the Melkite Catholic Church and the Italo-Albanian Greek Catholic Church also claim perpetual communion. The largest five Churches based on membership are: the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite), the Syro-Malabar Church (East Syriac Rite), the Maronite Church (West Syriac Rite), the Melkite Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite), and the Armenian Catholic Church (Armenian Rite). These five Churches account for about 80% of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
Full communion constitutes mutual sacramental sharing between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church, including Eucharistic intercommunion. On the other hand, the liturgical traditions of the 23 Eastern Catholic churches, including Byzantine, Alexandrian, Armenian, East Syriac, and West Syriac, are shared with other Eastern Christian churches: the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Ancient Church of the East. Although some theological issues divide the Eastern Catholic churches from other Eastern Christian ones, they do admit members of the latter to the Eucharist and the other sacraments, as governed by Oriental canon law.Notably, many Eastern Catholic churches take a different approach to clerical celibacy than the Latin Church does and allow the ordination of married men to the priesthood (although not to the episcopacy).
Eastern Catholic Churches have their origins in the Middle East, East Africa, Eastern Europe and India. However, since the 19th century, diaspora has spread to Western Europe, the Americas and Oceania in part because of persecution, where eparchies have been established to serve adherents alongside those of Latin Church dioceses. Latin Catholics in the Middle East, on the other hand, are traditionally cared for by the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.
Eastern Catholic | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
Eastern Catholic
00:03:00 1 Terminology
00:03:34 1.1 iRite/i or ichurch/i
00:07:05 1.2 iUniate/i
00:08:10 2 History
00:08:19 2.1 Background
00:08:55 2.1.1 Council of Ephesus (431 AD)
00:10:02 2.1.2 Council of Chalcedon (451 AD)
00:11:44 2.1.3 East–West Schism (1054)
00:13:54 2.1.4 Attempts at restoring communion
00:16:23 2.2 Emergence of Eastern Catholic churches
00:17:46 2.3 iOrientalium dignitas/i
00:20:09 2.4 Second Vatican Council
00:20:45 2.4.1 iOrientalium Ecclesiarum/i
00:22:29 2.4.2 iLumen gentium/i
00:23:41 2.4.3 Unitatis Redintegratio
00:23:59 2.4.4 Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches
00:24:49 2.4.5 Liturgical prescriptions
00:27:35 3 Organisation
00:27:44 3.1 Papal supreme authority
00:28:08 3.2 Eastern patriarchs and major archbishops
00:29:14 3.3 Variants of organizational structure
00:30:35 3.4 Juridical status
00:33:31 3.5 Bi-ritual faculties
00:35:31 3.6 Clerical celibacy
00:38:50 4 List of Eastern Catholic churches
00:39:51 4.1 Membership
00:40:57 4.2 Other
00:42:47 5 Persecution
00:42:56 5.1 Islamic world
00:43:43 5.2 Eastern Europe
00:47:21 5.3 United States
00:48:38 6 See also
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Eastern Catholic Churches or Oriental Catholic Churches, also called the Eastern-rite Catholic Churches, and in some historical cases Uniate Churches, are twenty-three Eastern Christian particular churches sui iuris in full communion with the Pope in Rome, as part of the worldwide Catholic Church. Eastern Catholic churches separated from mainly Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox and United to Roman Catholic Church.The same way Roman Catholic separated to join Orthodox Church is called Western Rite Orthodoxy.Headed patriarchs, metropolitans, and major archbishops, the Eastern Catholic Churches are governed in accordance with the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches, although each church also has its own canons and laws on top of this, and the preservation of their own traditions is explicitly encouraged. The total membership of the various churches accounts for about 18 million, according to the Annuario Pontificio (the annual directory of the Catholic Church), thus making up about 1.5 percent of the Catholic Church, with the rest of its more than 1.2 billion members belonging to the Latin Church, also known as the Western Church.
The Maronite Church is considered the only one of the Eastern Catholic Churches to have always remained in full communion with the Holy See, while most of the other churches unified from the 16th century onwards. However, the Melkite Catholic Church and the Italo-Albanian Greek Catholic Church also claim perpetual communion. The largest five Churches based on membership are: the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite), the Syro-Malabar Church (East Syriac Rite), the Maronite Church (West Syriac Rite), the Melkite Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite), and the Armenian Catholic Church (Armenian Rite). These five Churches account for about 80% of the Eastern Catholic Churches.
Full communion constitutes mutual sacramental sharing between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church, including Eucharistic intercommunion. On the other hand, the liturgical traditions of the 23 Eastern Catholic churches, including Byzantine, Alexandrian, Armenian, East Syriac, and West Syriac, are shared with other Eastern Christian churches: the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Ancient Church of the East. Although some theological issues divide the Eastern Catholic churches from other Eastern Christian ones, they do admit members of the latter to the Eucharist and the other sacraments, as governed by Oriental canon law.Notably, many Eastern Catholic churches take a different approach to clerical celibacy than the Latin Church does and allow the ordination of married men to the priesthood (although not to the episcopacy).
Eastern Catholic Churches have their origins in the Middle East, East Africa, Eastern Eur ...
Helena Blavatsky | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:45 1 Early life
00:04:26 1.1 Childhood: 1831–1849
00:04:38 1.1.1 Birth and family background
00:07:19 1.1.2 St. Petersburg, Poltava, and Saratov
00:11:35 1.2 World travels: 1849–1869
00:17:55 1.2.1 Tibet
00:21:20 2 Later life
00:21:29 2.1 Embracing Spiritualism and establishing Theosophy: 1870–78
00:21:44 2.1.1 Arriving in New York City
00:25:13 2.1.2 Meeting Henry Steel Olcott and the foundation of the Theosophical Society
00:29:22 2.1.3 iIsis Unveiled/i
00:31:56 2.2 India: 1879–1885
00:41:01 2.3 Final years in Europe: 1885–1891
00:48:48 3 Personal life
00:52:39 3.1 Socio-political beliefs
00:54:33 4 Theories and doctrines
00:55:05 4.1 Theosophy, the Masters, and the Ancient Wisdom
00:59:25 4.2 Theology, cosmogony, and the place of humanity
01:05:26 5 Reception
01:11:40 6 Influence
01:11:50 6.1 Theosophical movement
01:13:57 6.2 Western esotericism
01:16:39 6.3 Linguistics
01:17:36 6.4 South Asian religion and politics
01:20:51 7 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9005402937624003
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-A
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Russian: Еле́на Петро́вна Блава́тская, Yelena Petrovna Blavatskaya; 12 August [O.S. 31 July] 1831 – 8 May 1891) was a Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She gained an international following as the leading theoretician of Theosophy, the esoteric religion that the society promoted.
Born into an aristocratic Russian-German family in Yekaterinoslav, then in the Russian Empire (now Ukraine), Blavatsky traveled widely around the empire as a child. Largely self-educated, she developed an interest in Western esotericism during her teenage years. According to her later claims, in 1849 she embarked on a series of world travels, visiting Europe, the Americas, and India. She also claimed that during this period she encountered a group of spiritual adepts, the Masters of the Ancient Wisdom, who sent her to Shigatse, Tibet, where they trained her to develop a deeper understanding of the synthesis of religion, philosophy and science. Both contemporary critics and later biographers have argued that some or all of these foreign visits were fictitious, and that she spent this period in Europe. By the early 1870s, Blavatsky was involved in the Spiritualist movement; although defending the genuine existence of Spiritualist phenomena, she argued against the mainstream Spiritualist idea that the entities contacted were the spirits of the dead. Relocating to the United States in 1873, she befriended Henry Steel Olcott and rose to public attention as a spirit medium, attention that included public accusations of fraudulence.
In New York City, Blavatsky co-founded the Theosophical Society with Olcott and William Quan Judge in 1875. In 1877 she published Isis Unveiled, a book outlining her Theosophical world-view. Associating it closely with the esoteric doctrines of Hermeticism and Neoplatonism, Blavatsky described Theosophy as the synthesis of science, religion and philosophy, proclaiming that it was reviving an Ancient Wisdom which underlay all the world's religions. In 1880 she and Olcott moved to India, where the Society was allied to the Arya Samaj, a Hindu reform movement. That same year, while in Ceylon she and Olcott became the first people from the United States to formally convert to Buddhism. Although opposed by the British administration, Theosophy spread rapidly in India but experienced internal problems after Blavatsky was accused of producing fraudulent paranormal phenomena. Amid ailing health, in 1885 she returned to Europe, there establishing the Blavatsky Lodge in London. Here she published The Secret Doctrine, a commentary on what she claimed were ancient Tibetan manuscripts, as well as two further books, T ...
Dallas, Texas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:39 1 History
00:07:55 2 Geography
00:09:08 2.1 Architecture
00:10:32 2.2 Neighborhoods
00:10:59 2.2.1 Central Dallas
00:11:49 2.2.2 East Dallas
00:12:38 2.2.3 South Dallas
00:14:33 2.3 Districts
00:14:41 2.4 Topography
00:19:07 2.5 Climate
00:24:57 3 Demographics
00:28:01 3.1 Race and ethnicity
00:32:36 3.2 Sexual orientation and gender identity
00:33:26 3.3 Religion
00:38:12 3.4 Crime
00:39:24 4 Economy
00:49:18 5 Arts and culture
00:49:28 5.1 Arts and museums
00:54:51 5.2 Libraries
00:55:36 5.3 Places of interest
00:55:45 5.4 Events
00:57:30 5.5 Cuisine
00:57:50 6 Sports
00:58:30 6.1 Major league
01:01:35 6.2 Minor league
01:02:57 6.3 College
01:04:12 7 Parks and recreation
01:05:27 7.1 Fair Park
01:05:57 7.2 Klyde Warren Park
01:07:01 7.3 Turtle Creek Parkway park
01:07:47 7.4 Lake Cliff Park
01:08:34 7.5 Reverchon Park
01:09:46 7.6 Trinity River Project
01:10:34 7.7 Katy Trail
01:11:26 7.8 Preserves
01:12:25 7.9 Dallas Zoo
01:12:48 8 Government
01:12:57 8.1 Local
01:14:13 8.2 Federal and state
01:14:56 8.3 Politics
01:17:04 9 Education
01:17:28 9.1 Colleges and universities
01:17:59 9.1.1 Colleges and universities within Dallas city limits
01:22:24 9.1.2 Colleges and universities within Dallas County
01:25:21 9.1.3 University Research Center
01:25:28 9.1.4 Other area colleges and universities
01:25:38 9.2 Primary and secondary schools
01:28:12 9.2.1 Private schools
01:29:19 10 Media
01:33:34 11 Infrastructure
01:33:43 11.1 Public safety
01:34:36 11.2 Health care
01:36:08 11.3 Utilities
01:36:53 12 Transportation
01:38:41 12.1 Highways
01:40:43 12.2 Airports
01:42:36 12.3 Transit systems
01:45:58 13 Sister cities
01:46:49 14 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.901467974109907
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-E
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Dallas () is a city in the U.S. state of Texas and the seat of Dallas County, with portions extending into Collin, Denton, Kaufman and Rockwall counties. With an estimated 2018 population of 1,345,047, it is the ninth most-populous city in the U.S. and third in Texas after Houston and San Antonio. Located in North Texas, the city of Dallas is the main core of the largest metropolitan area in the Southern United States and the largest inland metropolitan area in the U.S. that lacks any navigable link to the sea. It is the most populous city in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country at 7.5 million people as of 2018. The city's combined statistical area is the seventh-largest in the U.S. as of 2017, with 7,846,293 residents.Dallas and nearby Fort Worth were initially developed due to the construction of major railroad lines through the area allowing access to cotton, cattle and later oil in North and East Texas. The construction of the Interstate Highway System reinforced Dallas's prominence as a transportation hub, with four major interstate highways converging in the city and a fifth interstate loop around it. Dallas then developed as a strong industrial and financial center and a major inland port, due to the convergence of major railroad lines, interstate highways and the construction of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports in the world.Dallas is a beta(+) global city. Dominant sectors of its diverse economy include defense, financial services, information technology, telecommunications, and transportation. Dallas is home to 9 Fortune 500 companies within the city limits. The Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex hosts additional Fortune 500 companies, including American Airlines (Fort Worth), ExxonMobil (Irving), and J. C. Penney (Plano). Over 41 colleges and universities are in its metropolitan area which is the most of any metropolitan area in Texas. The city has a population from a myriad of ethnic and religious backgrounds and one of the largest LGBT co ...
Dallas | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:39 1 History
00:02:49 1.1 Pre-colonial settlement
00:04:04 1.2 Settlement and development
00:05:45 1.3 20th and 21st centuries
00:08:43 2 Geography
00:09:50 2.1 Architecture
00:11:26 2.2 Neighborhoods
00:11:35 2.2.1 Central Dallas
00:12:34 2.2.2 East Dallas
00:13:29 2.2.3 Southern Dallas
00:15:55 2.3 Districts
00:16:05 2.4 Topography
00:21:22 2.5 Climate
00:28:17 3 Demographics
00:35:47 3.1 Religion
00:41:19 3.2 Crime
00:42:40 4 Economy
00:53:58 5 Arts and culture
00:54:08 5.1 Cuisine
00:54:31 5.2 Arts and museums
01:00:34 5.3 Libraries
01:01:24 5.4 Events
01:03:24 5.5 Places of interest
01:03:34 6 Sports
01:04:16 6.1 Major league
01:07:36 6.2 Minor league
01:08:36 6.3 College
01:10:00 7 Parks and recreation
01:11:25 7.1 Fair Park
01:12:00 7.2 Klyde Warren Park
01:13:13 7.3 Turtle Creek Park
01:14:04 7.4 Lake Cliff Park
01:14:57 7.5 Reverchon Park
01:16:16 7.6 Trinity River Project
01:17:10 7.7 Katy Trail
01:18:08 7.8 Preserves
01:19:14 7.9 Dallas Zoo
01:19:40 8 Government
01:19:49 8.1 Local
01:21:15 8.2 Federal and state
01:22:04 8.3 Politics
01:24:30 9 Education
01:24:56 9.1 Colleges and universities
01:25:33 9.1.1 Colleges and universities in the Dallas city limits
01:30:56 9.1.2 Colleges and universities in the Dallas-Fort Worth metropolitan area
01:34:38 9.1.3 University Research Center
01:34:46 9.2 Other area colleges and universities
01:36:34 9.3 Primary and secondary schools
01:39:32 9.3.1 Private schools
01:40:48 10 Media
01:45:43 11 Infrastructure
01:45:53 11.1 Health care
01:47:34 11.2 Police and fire
01:48:42 12 Transportation
01:50:45 12.1 Highways
01:53:06 12.2 Transit systems
01:57:13 12.3 Airports
01:59:23 12.4 Utilities
02:00:13 13 Sister cities
02:01:12 14 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.7961081067452137
Voice name: en-GB-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Dallas () is a city in the U.S. state of Texas. With an estimated 2017 population of 1,341,075, it is the ninth most-populous city in the U.S. and third in Texas after Houston and San Antonio. Dallas is the main core of the largest metropolitan area in the Southern United States and the largest inland metropolitan area in the U.S. that lacks any navigable link to the sea. It is the most populous city in the Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex, the fourth-largest metropolitan area in the country at 7.3 million people as of 2017. Dallas is the seat of Dallas County. Sections of the city extend into Collin, Denton, Kaufman, and Rockwall counties.
Dallas and nearby Fort Worth initially developed due to the construction of major railroad lines through the area allowing access to cotton, cattle, and later oil in North and East Texas. The construction of the Interstate Highway System reinforced Dallas's prominence as a transportation hub, with four major interstate highways converging in the city and a fifth interstate loop around it. Dallas then developed as a strong industrial and financial center, and a major inland port, due to the convergence of major railroad lines, interstate highways, and the construction of Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, one of the largest and busiest airports in the world.Dallas is rated a beta(+) global city. The economy of Dallas is considered diverse, with dominant sectors including defense, financial services, information technology, telecommunications, and transportation. It serves as the headquarters for 9 Fortune 500 companies within the city limits. The Dallas–Fort Worth metroplex hosts additional Fortune 500 companies, including American Airlines (Fort Worth), ExxonMobil (Irving), and J.C. Penney (Plano). The city has a population from a myriad of ethnic and religious backgrounds and the sixth-largest LGBT population in the United States.