THINGS TO DO IN DILI, East Timor | Traveling with Mom to Dili, Timor Leste
In 2017, Halef visited Dili, East Timor with his mom. He are a few things to do in Dili, Timor Leste - the nation's capital.
More on what to do in Dili, East Timor:
1. Cristo Rei of Dili
2. East Timor Resistance Museum and Archives
3. Chega! Exhibition at the Balide Prison
4. Santa Cruz Cemetery
5. Taman Makam Pahlawan Seroja
6. Dili Cathedral
7. Pope John Paul II sites
8. Motael Church
9. Basar Ai-Fuan Fruit Market
10. Tais Market
11. Alola Esperansa Foundation
12. Dili Main Waterfront and Government Palace
13. Plaza Timor Mall
14. Atauro Island: Diving in East Timor
And our review of the D'City Hotel of Dili:
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Michael and Halef live in Atlanta, GA, but are originally from Canada and Indonesia, respectively. They love to travel and try to do it as much as possible. They are currently planning a long-term round the world trip, starting in Antarctica!
DILI Top 10 Tourist Places | Dili Tourism | TIMOR-LESTE
Dili (Things to do - Places to Visit) - DILI Top Tourist Places
Capital of Timor-Leste
Dili is the capital city of Timor-Leste, or East Timor, on the country's north coast. The large Cristo Rei de Dili statue is on a hilltop east of the city, with views of the bay.
Landmarks in the city recall the nation's struggles for independence from Portugal and then Indonesia. Exhibits on the conflicts feature at the Timorese Resistance Museum and the Chega! Exhibition, the latter of which is in a former prison.
DILI Top 10 Tourist Places | Dili Tourism
Things to do in DILI - Places to Visit in Dili
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DILI Top 10 Tourist Places - Dili, Timor-Leste, Southeast Asia
Visit to the CHEGA! Exhibition in Dili, Timor-Leste (Peace Fund, 2013)
East Timor 2018 Tour
Video of my trip in East Timor
Thanks to: Atauro Dive Resort for the Snorkeling experience and Juventude ba Desenvolvimentu Nasional for the awesome history tour. More credits in the end of this video.
Shot with a #DJIMavicPro, #DJIOsmo2, #Canon6d and #GoPro #Hero7...
Feliz Natal e um Feliz Ano Novo!
Ksolok loron natal nian no Boas entradas!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Atauro Island
Motael Church
Sta. Cruz Cemetery
Sebastiao Gomez Grave
Chega! Exhibition
Nicolau dos Reis Lobato Statue
Pope John Paul II Statue
Cristo Rei Statue
Timor Plaza Mall
CAVR Exhibition (Tetun)
The CAVR exhibition is a museum covering the events of 1975-1999 in Timor-Leste. It is based on information in the Chega report that was produced by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (CAVR). It is a place where Timorese can go to learn about the past, and to remember those lost in the struggle for independence.
Lansamentu livru Chega! versaun inglés iha Palasiu Prezidensia
Dili, 05 Novembru 2014 – Chefe Casa Civil Prezidénsia Repúblika Sr. Fidelis Leite Magalhães, lansa livru “Chega” versaun inglés kona-ba relatóriu finál Komisaun Akollimentu, Lia-loos no Rekonsiliasaun (CAVR) hosi volume I to’o V, ne’ebé maka Secretariado Tecnico Pos-CAVR organiza iha kuarta-feira ne’e iha Palásiu Prezidénsia Nicolau Lobato, Dili.
Tour de Timor 2012: Stage 1 first 6 mins
First 6 mins of Stage 1 (104km Dili to Mota Ain) Tour de Timor 2012.
Oh Helele - Coro da EPRC/EPD
Dedicamos essa música a nossa nação Timor Leste
19.07.2012-Lançamento do CD
Governu presiza klarifika orsamentu emerjensia
Bankada FRETILIN husu ba Governu atu klarifika ba publiku kona ba utilizasaun orsamentu emerjensia. Bankada FRETILIN konsidera utilizasaun orsamentu ida ne'e laiha transparensia.
Feto iha Otel Flamboyan - Opening (Historical Background)
Sekilas Latar Belakang Historis: Konflik Politik Indonesia -- Timor Leste, 1975 -- 1999
Brief Hostorical Background: Political Conflict Indonesia -- Timor Leste, 1975 -- 1999
Bahasa Indonesia
Tahun 1913, pengadilan internasional di Den Haag menentukan perbatasan yang membagi pulau Timor menjadi dua. Sebelah barat dikuasai oleh Belanda, sebelah Timur oleh Portugis.
Pada akhir Perang Dunia Kedua, wilayah bekas jajahan Belanda memproklamasikan kemerdekaannya sebagai Indonesia. Niat Portugal untuk memerdekakan Timor Portugis pada tahun 1974 berbuntut pecahnya perang saudara yang berkecamuk selama beberapa bulan. Pihak pemenang, Fretilin, memproklamasikan kemerdekaan pada tanggal 28 November 1975.
Sepuluh hari kemudian, Indonesia mengerahkan pasukannya menerobos perbatasan dalam sebuah operasi milter besar-besaran. Aparat Indonesia berkuasa selama 24 tahun dengan impunitas total.
Setelah konflik usai, Komisi Kebenaran dan Rekonsiliasi (CAVR) melakukan penelitian tentang apa yang telah terjadi. CAVR memperkirakan 100 ribu s.d. 180 ribu orang meninggal akibat konflik. Ada 18 ribu orang yang dibunuh atau dihilangkan dan ribuan lainnya yang ditahan dan disiksa.
Ini adalah cerita Maria, salah seorang perempuan yang ditahan dan disiksa di Hotel Flamboyan. Cerita Maria hanyalah satu cerita dari ribuan cerita yang serupa di berbagai tempat penyiksaan di Timor Leste pada saat itu.
In 1913, the International Court in Den Haag, established the border which devided Timor island into two parts. The west side was controled by the Dutch, the east side by the Portuguese.
At the end of World War II, the former Dutch territoty proclaimed its independence as Indonesia. The intention of Portuguese to liberate Timor Portuguese in 1974, resulted in a civil war that raged for several months. The victor, Fretilin, proclaimed independence On 28 November 1975.
Ten days later, Indonesia mobilized it's army penetrated the border in a large scale military operation. Indonesia maintained occupation for 24 years with total impunity.
After the conflict, the Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation (CAVR) conducted a research on what had happened. CAVR estimated that 100-180 thousand of people died in the conflict. 18 thousand of people were killed or disappeared and several thousands of others were detained and tortured.
This is Maria's story, one of the women who was detained and tortured in Flamboyan Hotel. Maria's story is only one of the stories from thousands of similar stories in various torture facilities in Timor Leste at that time.
Iha tinan 1913, Tribunal Internasional Den Haag deside hafahe fronteira rai ilha Timor ba rua. Parte Westw kolonializa husi Olanda no parte Leste Kolonializa husi Portugal.
Iha segunda Guerra Mundial nia rohan, territorio eis Kolonia Olandeza proklama ninian independensia hanesan Indonesia. Vontade Portugal nian, hodi fo autodeterminasaun ba Timor Portugues iha tinan 1974, ikus mai, hamosu funu bo'ot entre Timor oan iha fulan hirak nia laran. Parte ne'ebe manan, Fretelin, proklama independensia iha loron 28 Novembro 1975.
Hafoin loron sanolu, Indonesia mobiliza nia tropas hodi tama iha fronteira no hahu halao operasaun Militar ho eskala ne'ebe bo'ot tebes. Rezime Indonesiu ukun durante tinan 24, ho, impunidade total.
Hafoin konflitu remata, Komisaun Lia-los no Rekonsiliasaun (CAVR), halo peskiza ba hahalok ne'ebe akontese tiha ona. CAVR, kalkula katak ema nain 100.000 to'o 180.000, mate tamba konflitu. Ema nain 18.000 maka hetan oho ka halakon obrigatoriu, no rihun balu seluk tan hetan tortura no sulan iha prizaun.
Ida ne'e, Maria nia istoria, feto maluk ida ne'ebe hetan kastigu no tortura iha, Hotel Falmboyan. Historia Maria nian, hanesan istoria husi historia rihun ba rihun ne'ebe akontese iha fatin tortura oi-oin iha Timor-Leste iha tempu ne'eba.