Chigaga group MOROCCO promo
Driving to Erg Chegaga Dunes - Sahara Desert in south Morocco
Driving to Erg Chegaga Dunes - Sahara Desert in south Morocco
Marrocos 2017 v2.0
2º video da viagem a Marrocos deste ano
Nomad Music in Chegaga desert camp/ desert guitar dance
desert music
music mhamid
mhamid el ghizlane
M'Hamid , the last Moroccan town before the Sahara. Photo tour in the Kasbah
Mysterious, intriguing, remote , secretive but also authentic and beautiful. A walk in the maize of alleys and corridors of the original buildings
Chegaga south-east Morocco. شگاگة جنوب شرق المغرب
Chegaga Desert
South of Morocco
Tours in Morocco
Aspects of Morocco,Morocco Custom Tours and Excursions,Sahara Excursions in Morocco,Day trip from Marrakech to Essaouira,Desert Excursions from Marrakech and Casablanca to Erg Chebbi and Chegaga,New year desert Tours,travel to morocco,tours from marrakech,cameltrekking in desert,marrakech excursions,1 day trip to essaouira,atlas mountains,tours ourika morocco,morocco desert tours,trips to morocco,journeys in morocco,2 days trip from marrakech to zagora,4 days trip from fes to marrakech,ouarzazate,fez,dades valley todgha gorges,merzouga,erg chebbi,private tours Fes
OLTRE2009 MAROCCO : Introducing
We are telling to you the new OLTRE expedition. This video was shot during the Scouting Phase in June 2009: few words but a lot of music, images and Moroccan mood.
(Credits: Organization: ICE Events, Speaker: Gianni Maccagni. Videographer: Marco Preti, Photographer: Sergio Lauro)
We Are The Sahara's NEW SECRET!!!
In a deep desert deserted spot, this luxury desert camp built with hope, heart & Eco principles is the first of its kind and sits nestled in the apricot coloured sand dunes of the Moroccan Sahara, twinkling in the moonlight.
Indulge your Spirit of Adventure and stay at Tiziri Camp:
(IG) @tiziricamp
+212 6 61 46 96 61
Video shot and edited by (IG) @ KyleVollaers
music orientale a authentic tizi desert camp zagora
authentic_tizi_desert_camp in Zagora / Musical by show by nomads in the door of sahara desert by caravane du sud
visit us :
DARAA TRIBES - Fusion Tribale du Sahara - 10 au 12 août - Sherbrooke
Daraa Tribes ouvre la porte sur le Sahara avec une sonorité éclectique distinctive fusionnant la musique tribale ancestrale de la vallée du Drâa au Maroc avec le blues du désert.
Originaires de diverses tribus du sud marocain, les membres de Daraa Tribes vous invitent à sortir des sentiers battus avec leurs grooves envoûtants influencés par Ali Farka Touré et Tinariwen.
Ils vous en mettront plein les oreilles avec leurs riffs de guitare électrique, leurs percussions tribales et leurs uniques styles vocaux.
La résidence musicale entre Daraa Tribes et Red Tail Spirit est rendue possible grâce au partenariat avec le Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke.
Daraa Tribes opens the door to the Sahara with a distinctive eclectic sonority merging the ancient tribal music of the Drâa Valley in Morocco with the blues of the desert.
With its members hailing from different tribes in southern Morocco, Daraa Tribes invite you to get off the beaten track with their haunting grooves influenced by Ali Farka Toure and Tinariwen.
Your ears will be filled with their electric guitar riffs, tribal percussion and unique vocal styles.
The musical residency between Daraa Tribes and Red Tail Spirit is made possible thanks to our partnership with the Festival des traditions du monde de Sherbrooke.
Chamra Overview
Chamra dancer Aicha Zahaf introducing Chamra music
visit for access to our digital archive documenting the diverse spectrum of culture unique to the Draa River Valley in southeastern Morocco through music, dance, language, instrumentation, clothing, and natural and architectural spaces where music has been performed traditionally for centuries and beyond
The Musical Heritage of the Southern Draa Valley project was granted to Association Zaila of M'hamid el Ghizlane by US Embassy Rabat through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Project partners include Joudour Sahara, Conseil Provincial Zagora, Aziza Chaouni Projects, Playing For Change Foundation, The International Society for Music Education, Komcept, with additional support from Playing For Change partner Audio-Technica USA
Chamra Song 2
Introducing Group Chamra of M'hamid el Ghizlane performing Chamra music
visit for access to our digital archive documenting the diverse spectrum of culture unique to the Draa River Valley in southeastern Morocco through music, dance, language, instrumentation, clothing, and natural and architectural spaces where music has been performed traditionally for centuries and beyond
The Musical Heritage of the Southern Draa Valley project was granted to Association Zaila of M'hamid el Ghizlane by US Embassy Rabat through the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation
Project partners include Joudour Sahara, Conseil Provincial Zagora, Aziza Chaouni Projects, Playing For Change Foundation, The International Society for Music Education, Komcept, with additional support from Playing For Change partner Audio-Technica USA
Porte du désert
M'Hamid (sud Maroc) ...le Sahara !
Auf den Spuren zu uns selbst - in die Stille der Wüste
Auf den Spuren zu uns selbst
6-tägige spirituelle Wüstenwanderung durch die marokkanische Sahara
Mit unserer Touareg-Karawane durchwandern wir die Weite dieser Stein- und Sandwüste vom Ende der großen üppigen Drâa Oase bis zum Erg Chegaga mit den höchsten Sanddünen des Südens Marokkos.
Die Stille und Weite der Wüste schafft Raum für den Kontakt mit unserer inneren Weite und Ruhe. Zusammen mit dem Schamanen Georg Schantl wandern wir bewusst in die Verbindung mit den Elementen im Außen wie im Innen. Wir begeben uns auf eine Reise in die Stille unseres Herzens.
Schamanische Reisen, Trommeln am Lagerfeuer sowie tägliches Yoga und Meditation stärken unsere Verbindung und ergänzen die faszinierenden Naturerlebnisse und inneren Erfahrungen. Unbeschreibliche Lichtspiele bei Sonnenauf- und Untergang, die absolute Stille der Wüste. Eine Reise der intensiven Selbsterfahrung in mitten der Stille Wüste. Die traumhaften Landschaften Marokkos sowie die Gastfreundschaft der Berber-Nomaden machen diese Reise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.
TERMIN: 14. - 24.03.2016
Infos im Überblick:
Reisedauer: 11 Tage (davon 6 Tage Trekking in der Wüste)
Beste Reisezeit: November bis März
Schwierigkeit: Leicht bis Mittel
Keine Alpinen Schwierigkeiten. Gute Kondition und Trittsicherheit erforderlich.
Keine Vorkenntnisse in spiritueller Praxis benötigt (Meditation, Yoga, etc.)
leichtes Yoga für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene jeder Altersklasse
Gehzeiten bis zu 6 Stunden / Tag
Teilnehmer: 6 - 10
Alle Termine mit österreichischem Bergwanderführer & Schamane
Preis: ab € 1.470,-
Durchführung und Buchung in Kooperation mit Clearskies Expeditionen & Trekking
marrocos aventura
viagem em outubro de 2012 a marrocos de jipes - 6 amigos, 3 carros, 400 km
lisboa - zagora - lisboa
Marrocos 2014 reedition
2014 Off-road travel in Morocco.
Bikepacking Morocco - The Route of Caravans
In October 2018 i cycled the Route of Caravans. A Bikepacking Route created by Logan Watts.
Route of Caravans:
Due to bad Weather and bad road conditions i had to change my Route a bit. But nevertheless it was a great Adventure.
My Adventure started in Marrakech towards the City of Imilchil and i cycled over the Grand Atlas trough the Todgha Gorge. From there i headed to Zagora and the Dunes of Erg Chegaga. Due to heavy Rain, Parts of the dry Lake Iriki in the Sahara desert were flooded. From there i cycled over the Antiatlas towards Tiznit and the Atlantic Ocean.
Filmed with a OnePlus 5t, a Sony Alpha 5000, and a Daping Action Cam.
Filming and Editing: Simon Weilbacher
Taveller, The126ers
Three Kinds of Sun, Norma Rockwell
Oud Dance, Max Dougwell
Swinging with the Sultans, Max Dougwell