TeCOMM Cluj Napoca 5th edition - eCommerce Conference & Expo, 2015
Power to the Customers! October 21-22, 2015
5th Edition
Grand Hotel Italia*****
Powered by: UrgentCargus
Gold Sponsors: MasterCard, FAN Courier
Parteners: Profitshare, Netopia mobilPay, Chic Ville, EuroGsm MxHost Romania, Conectoo, United Business Center Cluj-Napoca, Forbes Romania, Wens - The Travel Agency, Tokyo Restaurant Cluj-Napoca
Comunication partners: Romanian Copywriter, Markataing, ciulea.ro, Lumea SEO PPC, SEMdays.ro, Conversion Academy, Ovidiu Balcacian
Media Partners: Vocea Transilvaniei, ARIES, Business Review, Brand Report, Revista Bulevard, ClujToday, Ad Hugger, Doingbusiness.ro, manager.ro, Marketing Portal, Orașul Cluj, Softlead, startups.ro, IQads, Transilvania Business, cluj.com, Romania libera, Clujul de buzunar, The pharmacy, Olivian.ro, Transilvania Reporter, EClujeanul, Revista CARIERE, Romanian Startups, Casa Construct, Info Auto Gratuita, SMSLink.ro, Cluj Life, SMARK, Cluj-Forum.ro, IAA Young Professionals Cluj, Youth@Cluj-Napoca 2015, Zile si Nopti Cluj-Napoca, Cabinetul de Business, Buna Dimineata, Zelist.
Organised by Libero Events
THE WOMAN - Conferinta de Leadership Feminin, editia a IV-a, Cluj-Napoca (2015)
The Woman este singura conferință de women leadership din România care a reușit să își păstreze continuitatea și să crească de la ediție la ediție.
Ziua femeii este doar oportunitatea, scopul evenimentului însă, este de a dezvolta comunitatea de femei în business prin valoarea și calitatea pe care formatul evenimentului o aduce: speakeri aleși cu grijă, workshopuri interesante, surprize de tot felul.
Mulțumim partenerilor și susținătorilor noștri
Avon Space - partener principal,
Susținători: #1 În Epilare Definitivă Din România - COQUETTE BEAUTY CLINIQUE - Cluj, Mediatic, Impress Cluj, Ciao Bella, Conversion Academy, Marty Restaurants, Okian, Chic Bijoux Gallery, Esthetic Lux Center, Heila.ro, EuroGsm, DEILANI, Smart HR, Piera Linjerie, Vania Szasz, Demira, Coriolan, Club Moving, Tokyo Restaurant, Academia Burticilor, Luado Chocolate
Decor oferit de catre Chic Ville
Foto: Lucian Zaharie Anton
Video: AV Media Productions
Parteneri media: Revista Bulevard, Transilvania Business, Eva.ro, MuJeR.ro, marya.ro, cluj.com,121.ro, Admirror, 9am news, Business24, Garbo.ro, JurnaldeAfaceri.ro, Brand Report, Orasul Cluj, profit360, Transilvania Reporter, Ziare.com, Radio Romania Cluj, Bunadimineata.ro, JCI Cluj
Bloggeri oficiali: Fashion Spot, Ganduri ascunse, Sandra's Fashion Corner, The Indie Chase, Stilistele, Beautify by Beatrice, Gabriela Popescu / Makeup & Bridal Accessories
Moderator eveniment: Psiholog Dr. Raluca Anton
HR Summit - Conferinta de resurse umane, Cluj-Napoca (2016)
Asa a fost la cea de-a patra editie HR Summit Cluj-Napoca, care a avut loc la Hotel Golden Tulip Ana Dome**** in perioada 17-18 martie 2016.
Multumim sponsorilor, speakerilor, partenerilor si nu in ultimul rand voua, celor care ati luat parte la acest eveniment!
Alaturi de noi la aceasta editie au fost: Signal Iduna, Romanian Software, SCA Chirita si Asociatii, Benefit Online, NNDKP, High-Tech Systems & Software, Nestlers Group, Human Invest, Chic Ville, Siveco Romania, Jobus.ro, Max Relax, Wens Travel, Tokyo Japanese Restaurant si Toyota.
Premium media partner: BrandReport.ro
Blog oficial: Allaboutjobs.ro
Parteneri media: Vocea Transilvaniei, Cariere, HRManager, PortalHR, Workstickers, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Learning Network, Codecs, Market Watch, Revista Bulevard, Undelucram.ro, Catalog de cursuri, Transilvania Business, Stiri.com.ro, Cluj.com, Transilvania Reporter, Satmareanul, Rasunetul, Cluju.ro, Ziare.com, Business 24, Manager Express, Clujlife.
Organised by Libero Events
Walkthrough Hpi Racing Shop 2.0 - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Magazin RC Hobby Store in Cluj-Napoca.
Comanda online pe hpi-racing.ro
TeCOMM Cluj 2016: Mediul online din România
Florinel Ioan Chiș (Director AMRO) vorbește despre poveștile în online și comerțul electronic în 2016.
Evenimentul a fost susținut de:
Main Partner: Raiffeisen Bank
Gold Sponsor: Ve Interactive, Mastercard
Silver Partner: PayU
Recommended Payment Processor: Netopia mobilPay
Partners: Microsoft, DPD, Easyhost, DWF, Hostvision, Proclick, IAgency, Service Return, Profitshare, Conectoo, Chic Ville, EuroGSM, MxHost, Optivoice, Free Wifi, Findoo.ro, OpenVille, Mready, Filadelfia Turism.
Official car: Pony Car Sharing
Exhibitors: Optivoice, CustomSoft, AdLemonade, 3PlusLogistics, DHL, SEO Cupcake, MiniCRM, InovSquad, Livrari Online, Plati online
Communication Partners: RFI, Manager.ro, Jurnalul de afaceri, Brand Report, Jobus, Comunicat de presa, IQuads, Ovidiu Bălcăcian, Smark, Laboratorul de online, Agora, Cluj Forum, Marketing Portal, Revista Bulevard, AdHugger, Clujlife, Romanian Copywriter, Internet&Mobile World, Transilvania Business, Vocea Transilvaniei, Aries, Cluj.com, Softlead, Zelist Monitor, Smart Bill, SMS Link, Doing business.ro, The Pharmacy, Calatoria perfecta, Anis, Lumea SEO PPC, Portal Management, Clujul de buzunar, Cluju.ro, Publicom, Bunadimineata.ro, Casa Construct, Orasulcluj.ro.
The Woman - Conferinta de Leadership Feminin (2014)
Multumim partenerilor si sustinatorilor nostrii
Avon Space - partener principal,
Sponsori: Cord Blood Center si #1 În Epilare Definitivă Din România - COQUETTE BEAUTY CLINIQUE - Cluj,
Decor oferit de catre Chic Ville
Masina oficiala: Audi
Sustinatori: Mediatic, Impress Cluj, Ciao Bella, Marty Restaurants, Okian, Sabion, Chic Bijoux, Boudoir- Designers Boutique, Iulius Mall Cluj Napoca, Esthetic Lux Center, Cofetaria Dana, Worldclass
Parteneri media: Revista Bulevard, Tabu, Business Woman, Galeriile Artmark, Transilvania Business, eva.ro, MuJeR.ro, Zile si Nopti, FlashMe, 24 FUN, stiri.com.ro, marya.ro, cluj.com, evenimenteincluj.ro, 121.ro, addmirror.
Moderator eveniment: Raluca Anton
Organised by Libero Events
Architecture Conference Expo 2016, 4th Edition - Cluj-Napoca
The 4th edition of Architecture Conference&Expo was held on October 6th at Cinema Florin Piersic from Cluj-Napoca.
The main theme of the 2016 edition was Renewing cities: Building environments for new generation and gathered more than 300 architects and specialists from related domains. 16 speakers participated at the event sharing their knowledge in architecture, urban transportation or smart cities.
The companies that understand the importance of architecture to the community and supporting this event are:
Silver Partner: Grohe
Partners: Rockwool, Fakro, Record, Reynaers, FunderMax, Rigips Saint Gobain, Knauf Insulation, Brikston, Symmetrica Evo Computers, OpenVille , Omifa, Parkdekor, Unishowroom, vertical garden Supported by: OAR OAR Transylvania, OAR Timis, Chic Ville, EuroGSM, Impress, the Union of Architects of Romania Official Car: Pony Car Sharing Exhibitors: Siceram, Pipelife, Creaton, AlfaLed, Kromston, Helix , Chairry, Croso, Carmeuse, Gira, Hotspring, Liferelax, Bose, Systegra, RomsymData
Premium Media Partner: Arhispec
Main Communication Partner: SpatiulConstruit.ro
Communication Partners: RFI, Transylvania Business, Brand Report, Homes and gardens Magazine workshop, Igloo , Project House, Cluj.com, Arhimania, Instalnews, building services, house allowance, Architecture Magazine, Arena Construction, Arto, Roarhitect, IBC Focus, Green Architecture, Roof Shop, Spa Shop, Casa Construct, ProIdea, Architravel, Cluj forum, Days and Nights, Designist Magazine Construction, Casa Lux, Clujlife, RUR, Top Architects.
TeCOMM eCommerce Conference&Expo, Cluj 2016 - Sell them your Story!
The 9th edition of TeCOMM eCommerce Conference&Expo was held in October 25-26th in Cluj-Napoca gathering more than 300 eShop owners and eCommerce professionals.
32 international and national speakers shared their knowledge through presentations, debate panels and workshops focused on the main theme of the event: ”Sell them your Story!”
The event was held with the support of our partners:
Main Partner: Raiffeisen Bank
Gold Sponsor: Ve Interactive, Mastercard
Silver Partner: PayU
Recommended Payment Processor: Netopia mobilPay
Partners: Microsoft, DPD, Easyhost, DWF, Hostvision, Proclick, IAgency, Service Return, Profitshare, Conectoo, Chic Ville, EuroGSM, MxHost, Optivoice, Free Wifi, Findoo.ro, OpenVille, Mready, Filadelfia Turism.
Official car: Pony Car Sharing
Exhibitors: Optivoice, CustomSoft, AdLemonade, 3PlusLogistics, DHL, SEO Cupcake, MiniCRM, InovSquad, Livrari Online, Plati online
Communication Partners: RFI, Manager.ro, Jurnalul de afaceri, Brand Report, Jobus, Comunicat de presa, IQuads, Ovidiu Bălcăcian, Smark, Laboratorul de online, Agora, Cluj Forum, Marketing Portal, Revista Bulevard, AdHugger, Clujlife, Romanian Copywriter, Internet&Mobile World, Transilvania Business, Vocea Transilvaniei, Aries, Cluj.com, Softlead, Zelist Monitor, Smart Bill, SMS Link, Doing business.ro, The Pharmacy, Calatoria perfecta, Anis, Lumea SEO PPC, Portal Management, Clujul de buzunar, Cluju.ro, Publicom, Bunadimineata.ro, Casa Construct, Orasulcluj.ro.
Colecția mea de căni||Jumbo, Pepco, ChicVille, Jysk||
Asa cum v-am promis, am filmat si colectia mea de cani. Multumesc fetelor pentru idee. Daca aveti si alte idei, sa le lasati in casuta cu descrieri.
Sper sa va placa acest clip si nu uitati sa va abonati canalului meu pentru a fi la curent cu tot ce postez.
Link-uri utile:
Pe mine ma gasiti si pe:
♥E-mail: sdenisalaura@gmail.com
TeCOMM Cluj 2016 - eCommerce în 2017
Ovidiu Joița (Owner iAgency) vorbește în cadrul TeCOMM eCommerce Conference&Expo 2016 despre viitorul industriei comerțului electronic și impactul evenimentului pentru industria eCommerce.
Ovidiu Joița a fost speaker în cadrul celei de-a 9-a ediții TeCOMM ce a reunit la Cluj-Napoca în 25-26 octombrie 2016 peste 300 proprietari ai magazinelor online și profesioniști în eCommerce.
Evenimentul a fost susținut de:
Main Partner: Raiffeisen Bank
Gold Sponsor: Ve Interactive, Mastercard
Silver Partner: PayU
Recommended Payment Processor: Netopia mobilPay
Partners: Microsoft, DPD, Easyhost, DWF, Hostvision, Proclick, IAgency, Service Return, Profitshare, Conectoo, Chic Ville, EuroGSM, MxHost, Optivoice, Free Wifi, Findoo.ro, OpenVille, Mready, Filadelfia Turism.
Official car: Pony Car Sharing
Exhibitors: Optivoice, CustomSoft, AdLemonade, 3PlusLogistics, DHL, SEO Cupcake, MiniCRM, InovSquad, Livrari Online, Plati online
Communication Partners: RFI, Manager.ro, Jurnalul de afaceri, Brand Report, Jobus, Comunicat de presa, IQuads, Ovidiu Bălcăcian, Smark, Laboratorul de online, Agora, Cluj Forum, Marketing Portal, Revista Bulevard, AdHugger, Clujlife, Romanian Copywriter, Internet&Mobile World, Transilvania Business, Vocea Transilvaniei, Aries, Cluj.com, Softlead, Zelist Monitor, Smart Bill, SMS Link, Doing business.ro, The Pharmacy, Calatoria perfecta, Anis, Lumea SEO PPC, Portal Management, Clujul de buzunar, Cluju.ro, Publicom, Bunadimineata.ro, Casa Construct, Orasulcluj.ro.
TeCOMM Cluj 2016 - Industria eCommerce în 2016
Marius Costin (Country Director PayU) vorbește despre industria eCommerce în 2016 și comportamentul consumatorilor.
Evenimentul a fost susținut de:
Main Partner: Raiffeisen Bank
Gold Sponsor: Ve Interactive, Mastercard
Silver Partner: PayU
Recommended Payment Processor: Netopia mobilPay
Partners: Microsoft, DPD, Easyhost, DWF, Hostvision, Proclick, IAgency, Service Return, Profitshare, Conectoo, Chic Ville, EuroGSM, MxHost, Optivoice, Free Wifi, Findoo.ro, OpenVille, Mready, Filadelfia Turism.
Official car: Pony Car Sharing
Exhibitors: Optivoice, CustomSoft, AdLemonade, 3PlusLogistics, DHL, SEO Cupcake, MiniCRM, InovSquad, Livrari Online, Plati online
Communication Partners: RFI, Manager.ro, Jurnalul de afaceri, Brand Report, Jobus, Comunicat de presa, IQuads, Ovidiu Bălcăcian, Smark, Laboratorul de online, Agora, Cluj Forum, Marketing Portal, Revista Bulevard, AdHugger, Clujlife, Romanian Copywriter, Internet&Mobile World, Transilvania Business, Vocea Transilvaniei, Aries, Cluj.com, Softlead, Zelist Monitor, Smart Bill, SMS Link, Doing business.ro, The Pharmacy, Calatoria perfecta, Anis, Lumea SEO PPC, Portal Management, Clujul de buzunar, Cluju.ro, Publicom, Bunadimineata.ro, Casa Construct, Orasulcluj.ro.
The Woman Leadership Conference, 6th edition, 2017
The Woman Leadership Conference brought together more than 600 women interested in developing themselves personally and professionally.
The Woman aims to promote the importance of education and its role in transforming communities.
The event took place between March 14th-15th in Cluj-Napoca, Romania and included presentations, workshops and debate sessions focused on the main theme of the event „Education, the power to change the world!”
The Woman brand includes:
- The Woman Leadership Conference thewoman.ro/conference
- The Woman digital magazine thewoman.ro
- Women Mentors mentoring platform - womentors.ro
The companies who understood the importance of leadership and who supported the event were:
Powered by: Raiffeisen Bank
Gold Partner: Carrefour
Silver Partner: Aegon, UBC
Sponsored by: AVON
Partners: KO by Karina Ochis, IQOS, Savage Beauties, Sabion, Ecco Shoes, Chic Ville, EuroGsm, Ciao Bella, Alfaparf, Art&Craft, Sublime, Salon Arta Eleganței, Liberty Technology Park, Transylvania Medical Center, Piera Linjerie, Noi9, Clote, Artsage, Coquette, Hart Consulting, Transilvania Healing, Sophia, Corola Traduceri, Vavian Pharma, Jidvei
Travel Partner: Wens Travel
Official Coffee: Meron
Official Car: RMB, She’s Mercedes
Supported by: Impress, Marty, Infinity Trophy, Magnolia.ro, Silver Business Center, Kommio, Gentlab, Ami Cristea
Exhibitors:Centrul Ortodontic Cluj, Playful Learning, Medispa, Noah, Sole, Curtea Veche, Asociația Femeilor Chirurg din România, Epics Photo-booth, Zuriell, Young Living
Communication Partners: Magic Fm, Jurnalul de Afaceri, Kudika, Garbo, 9AM, Eva.ro, Translvania Business, Mujer, Fashion8, Zelist Monitor, Buzznews, Clujul de buzunar, Leaders, Unde Lucram, Actual de Cluj, Orasul de Cluj, Buna Dimineata, Cluju.ro, Clujlife, Risco, Baboom, Brand Report, Inside Cluj, Cluj Insider, Cluj Today, Transylvania Today, Antreprenor in Romania, Autentici.ro, Cluj.com, I like Cluj, Revista Avantaje, Transilvania Reporter, Business Club, Revista Bulevard, The Markers, Portal Management, Lean in Cluj, IAA, Mediadome, Cluj Manifest
Official Bloggers: Sandra Bendre, Gabriela Popescu, Ioana Chișiu, Fica Bălăcan, Beautify by Beatrice, Dyrogue, Loving Evelyn, Teola Blog, Style is Fresh, Agentia de Content, Ioana Grama, BloggingTM, Coffentrophy, Blogu lui Andra.
Music: Man! I Feel Like A Woman! - Shania Twain
Masina in flacari la Cluj
Roumanie VLOG#1 : première étape à Iași
Voilà. J'étais en Roumanie. C'était sympa.
Premier episode du séjour :)
Q Caffe
– cafeneaua care te poartă într-o lume psihedelică fantastică -
EN- “About people” is the motto of our coffee house Q Caffe, recently re-opened, in a brand-new version from the one known so far. Having a unique interior design that jumps off any charts, the café built itself a charming identity, inspired by a land of fantasy and dreams, in which any man can become conscious, free and creative.
Built in collaboration with the designers from 6th Sense (recognized worldwide for designing cafés like Enigma, Joben or Submarine) and lots of other first grade artists, the new design illustrates a story and a fresh message that proposes a deviation from the “new normal”, from the daily routine, in favor of a humanly, fabulous dimension, with steampunk and dark-fantasy influences, a world animated by archetype characters and meaningful metaphors.
It is almost impossible to grasp the café’s complexity on the first visit. Each and every one of the three rooms represent chapters of our grand story “about people”. Thus, if the first room’s dominant figure is Icarus, whose sculpted wings frame the entire front side of the bar, the second room introduces you to a space of life’s flow, of the tornado, followed by the finale, entering a mechanized universe, whose representative image is a “puppeteer” hanging from the ceiling, who stretches his tentacles through the whole room.
These visual metaphors, thought through to the smallest detail, from manually painting unique images on each table, to the objects incorporated in the tornado’s structure or the puppeteered man’s avatars, captured in the suitcases from the last chamber, depict an amazing journey through the introspective, social, contemporary universe.
Far from being your ordinary café, Q Caffe proposes a fantastic experience, and the originality and importance given to detail capture you immediately. If you want to escape in a world of fantasy, it’s worth finding yourself wondering around Cluj, Petru Maior street, nr.13.
„About people (Despre oameni)” este deviza cafenelei clujene Q Caffe, redeschisă recent, într-o versiune cu totul diferită de cea cunoscută până acum. Având un design interior unic, ieșit din orice tipar, cafeneaua și-a construit o identitate fermecătoare, inspirată dintr-un tărâm al fanteziei și al visului, în care omul poate alege să devină conștient, liber și creativ.
Realizat în colaborare cu designerii de la 6th Sense Interiors (recunoscuți la nivel mondial pentru realizarea designului cafenelelor Enigma, Joben sau Submarine) și cu mulți alți artiști de primă clasă, noul design Q Caffe ilustrează o poveste și un mesaj de actualitate ce propune o abatere de la „noua normalitate”, de la rutina zilnică, în favoarea unei dimensiuni umane, fabuloase, cu influențe steampunk și dark-fantasy, o lume animată de personaje arhetipale și de metafore pline de semnificații.
Este aproape imposibil să cuprinzi complexitatea locului într-o singură vizită. Toate cele trei încăperi constituie, în sine, câte un capitol al marii povești „despre oameni”. Astfel, dacă în prima încăpere figura dominantă este Icar, ale cărui aripi sculptate cuprind întreaga latură frontală a barului, în cea de-a doua intri într-un spațiu al curgerii vieții, al tornadei, urmând ca, la final, să ajungi într-un univers mecanizat, a cărui imagine reprezentativă este un „păpușar” atârnat de tavan, ce-și întinde tentaculele prin toată încăperea.
Aceste metafore vizuale, gândite până la cel mai mic detaliu, de la pictarea manuală a fiecărei mese cu o imagine unică, deosebită, la obiectele încorporate în structura tornadei sau la avatarurile omului marionetizat, așa cum sunt surprinse în valizele-tablou din ultima încăprere, conturează o călătorie uimitoare prin universul contemporan lăuntric și social.
Departe de a fi o cafenea oarecare, Q Caffe propune o experiență fantastică, iar originalitatea și importanța acordată detaliului te captivează imediat. Dacă vrei să evadezi într-o lume psihedelică a fanteziei, merită să-ți rătăcești pașii prin Cluj-Napoca, pe strada Petru Maior nr.13.
Rezervations: +4 0752104641
Le 17 décembre 2010, 76 familles, soit environ 350 personnes (dont une majorité de Roms), ont été expulsées de force du centre-ville de Cluj-Napoca, en Roumanie.
Quarante familles ont été relogées dans de nouvelles habitations en périphérie de la ville, près de la décharge municipale et d'une ancienne déchetterie destinée aux produits chimiques. Les logements fournis sont insuffisants. Un résident a déclaré : « La seule pièce est toute petite ; l'humidité de l'air extérieur imprègne les murs. C'est horrible, c'est un cauchemar... À côté de nous, il y a une famille de 13 personnes, dont 11 enfants, dans une seule pièce. » Les logements ne sont approvisionnés ni en eau chaude ni en gaz. L'arrêt de bus est à environ 2,5 km, ce qui rend difficile pour les enfants d'aller à l'école et pèse sur l'accès des habitants à l'éducation, à l'emploi, à la santé et aux autres services fondamentaux.
Sur les 76 familles, 36 ne se sont vu offrir aucune solution de relogement et se sont donc retrouvées à la rue. Sept familles sont hébergées chez des proches. Les 29 autres familles ont construit des logements de fortune près des habitations qui leur ont été assignées. Elles n'ont ni eau courante, ni installations sanitaires, ni électricité. N'ayant reçu qu'une autorisation verbale des autorités pour construire ces habitations, elles craignent chaque jour d'être expulsées.
Location appartement Cluj en plein centre
Appartement en plein centre ville de Cluj
Idéal colocation étudiant