Giuseppe Verdi
Turismo. Ecco i Paesaggi d'Autore, in sette regioni sulle tracce degli itinerari tra i luoghi celebrati dai grandi personaggi della letteratura, dell'arte, del cinema e della musica. Tra le tante proposte, ad esempio, l'itinerario verdiano è un viaggio tra luoghi e paesaggi che toccano Parma e Piacenza, Bologna e Ravenna. In città il percorso passa dalla ricca documentazione conservata al Teatro Regio, al monumento di Palazzo della Pilotta, ai musei nazionale di Villa Pallavicino e di casa Berezzi a Busseto, dove si possono visitare anche la Casa natale, l'Oratorio della Santissima Trinità dove Verdi sposò Margherita Barezzi e la Chiesa di S.Michele Arcangelo dove il celebre compositore si esercitava suonando l'organo. Il progetto è stato approvato e cofinanziato dal Dipartimento per lo sviluppo e la competitività del Turismo, Consiglio dei Ministri, in base alla legge 135/ 2001 (Progetti interregionali di sviluppo turistico).
Pronti Partenza...Via - MONTE SANT'ANGELO santuario nella roccia
Pronti Partenza...Via TRIP fa tappa presso il Santuario garganico di San Michele a MONTE SANT'ANGELO, uno dei più importanti luoghi sacri della Cristianità e patrimonio Unesco dal 2011.
Le apparizioni dell'Arcangelo Michele in un grotta indussero la costruzione di un santuario a lui dedicato, che divenne già dal medioevo una delle principali mete di pellegrinaggio.
Si sviluppo così un borgo che potesse dare accoglienza ai pellegrini e nacquero le Mansioni per poterli ospitare.
Il borgo è molto caratteristico e da qui si può godere anche di una vista che spazia sul mare verso il golfo di Manfredonia.
Una realizzazione di Fabrizio e Paolo Vaghi
Grafica, montaggio e regia di Fabrizio Vaghi
Una produzione Vaghi per il mondo
Tutti i diritti riservati, Vaghi per il mondo, 2009 -
Vietata la duplicazione e la diffusione non autorizzata al di fuori del canale
Guarda altre puntate di Pronti Partenza...Via, alla scoperta delle più belle città d'arte in Italia:
- serie TRIP (
- serie DISCOVERY (
Iscriviti al canale ( per rimanere sempre aggiornato su nuovi contenuti prodotti da Vaghi per il mondo e
continua a seguirci anche sui social network:
1- Le campane della Parrocchia di Campeggio, maggio 2019
Video 1. Le campane della Parrocchia di Campeggio, Alta Valle dell’Idice Monghidoro (BO) Italy. Riprese di Gilberto Tedeschi, 25 maggio 2019.
3- Le campane della Parrocchia di Campeggio, maggio 2019.
Video 3. Le campane della Parrocchia di Campeggio, Alta Valle dell’Idice Monghidoro (BO) Italy. Doppio “Le 36 dell’Annunziata eseguite nei pezzi di scala. Campanari: Bruno Righini, Andrea Persiani, Mario Marchi, Romano Tedeschi. Riprese di Gilberto Tedeschi 25 maggio 2019.
In diretta dal Santuario di Fontanellato
Giacomo Avanzi visita il Santuario di Fontanellato, in occasione della festa della Madonna del Rosario
Giovani piacentini in pellegrinaggio a Roma. Attesa per la messa di domani con il Papa
Le campane di Langhirano (PR) Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta
Langhirano, Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santa Maria Assunta
Diocesi di Parma
Concerto di 4 campane in Fa#3
1^-3^-4^ = Fisse Manuali
2^= Ambrosiano Manuale
Distesa Simulata a 4 campane per la Santa Messa Solenne delle ore 18 nella Solennità di Tutti i Santi
Finito il week-end sono tornato a casa! Quel giorno però era Tutti i Santi e quindi dovevo scegliere una chiesa dove andare a messa, ho scelto Langhirano!
Appena arrivato alla chiesa, ho scoperto che le campane avevano i ceppi in legno e quando sono entrato ho chiesto al parroco quando suonavano... lui mi ha risposto che le campane non avrebbero suonato, ma se volevo potevo suonarle tanto le corde erano in una cappella alla sinistra dell'altare e così ho iniziato con un'assolo ma poi, dopo aver scoperto che una si muoveva e le altre tre erano fisse, ho deciso di fare distesa simulata!
Dopo aver suonato sono andato dove c'erano le panche per sedermi e aspettare l'inizio della messa, ma quando sono arrivato la gente (6 signore) stava confabulando ma chi è che sta suonando le campane?? e quindi ho detto che ero stato io e loro mi hanno detto: Bravo! Complimenti! Siamo dovute uscire fuori per sentire questo spettacolo campanario!! Erano 50 anni che non suonavano così!! Bravoooo!.
Finita la messa, una signora mi ha fermato per rifarmi i complimenti e così le ho domandato cosa suonava di solito; ho scoperto che per tutte le messe (quando il sacrista è presente) suona la campana che va a distesa.
E' stata un'esperienza bellissima e spero di ritornarci perche sono 4 bellissime campane, mi dispiace solo di non aver ripreso fuori, ma non si vedeva niente!
a presto da campanaro29
Suonata campana ore 12.00
Campane della Parrocchia do Santa Maria a Settignano (Fi) v43
Concerto di 4 bellissime campane in sol³
Plenum ore 10:30
Spero vi sia piaciuto e a presto
IL RITORNO - La Trinità è di Guido Reni.
E’ stato riposizionato nel pomeriggio di martedì 4 agosto 2015, nella chiesa della SS. Trinità di Marino in provincia di Roma, la preziosissima pala d’altare attribuita a Guido Reni e raffigurante la Santissima Trinità. L’opera è stata tra le principali attrazioni della mostra Barocco a Roma, tenutasi a Palazzo Cipolla a cura della Fondazione Roma.
A conferire maggiori certezze sulla paternità dell’opera, la pubblicazione pregna di riferimenti e documenti dell’architetto e storico dell’arte, Francesco Petrucci, riportata integralmente anche nel catalogo ufficiale della mostra romana.
Campane di Pizzighettone (Cr) rione Gera
Pizzighettone (Cr)
Rione Gera
Chiesa parrocchiale dei Santi Rocco e Sebastiano
Diocesi di Cremona
Concerto di 5 campane in Sib3 fuse da De Poli di Revine Lago (Tv) nel
Distesa completa a 5 campane per l'Angelus festivo
video realizzato a Maggio 2017
Dedico questo video a Giusti
Ho capito signor si
Gianluca Lentini as Masetto singing Ho capito signor si in Teatro dell'Opera di Milano's production of Don Giovanni at Castello Sforzesco. This rehearsal was recorded on July 23, 2009.
Le campane di santa gemma.
Le campane della chiesa di sanTa gemma.
Stefano Mhanna, J. S. Bach, Organo Dom Bedos-Roubo Benedetto XVI a San Domenico in Rieti. (video 2)
Organista: Stefano Mhanna, Bach: Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in do magg., Passacaglia e Fuga in do min., Toccata e fuga in re min. BWV 565 Organo Pontificio Dom Bedos Roubo Benedetto XVI a San Domenico a Rieti benedetto dal Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone l'8-12-2008 .
tel. 3389610038
Roma, Italy.
A musician of international fame, Stefano Mhanna was born in Rome on the 11th of July 1995. Winner of 5 national competitions and two international competitions, he started attending the Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome when he was seven years old and he graduated on the 10th July 2007 with full marks and special mentions. There are no other cases in the long history of the celebrated Roman Conservatories that a student so young managed to complete his studies in such a short time with such high marks. He holds a post-diploma tirocionio didattico biennale always at Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, it numbers amongst the various prizes and the prize of the Via Vittoria of Rome, and the Rotary prize for the strings section. At only ten years old he had great success for the performance of Tchaikovskys Concerto in D Major opus 35, with the orchestra of the conservatory of Saint Cecilia of Rome, Directed by Maestro Ernesto Gordini; for this he gained important recognition from the SIAE.He appears and plays in various TV shows and news programs on the RAI network (Uno Mattina / In Famiglia / Ieri, Oggi e Domani / Telegiornali di Rai 1, 2 e 3, ecc.), Mediaset (Maurizio Costanzo), and other private TV networks. He has been spoken about in various dailies and also in specialist newspapers such as Viva Verdi and Suonare news. He collaborates as a soloist with several orchestras within Italy and also abroad, for example The philharmonic orchestras of Turin and Bacau conducted by Ovidiu Balan, the Kiev chamber orchestra etc. He plays in the Academy of Tirana in Albania and in the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome. He plays in various theatres such as il Teatro Argentina di Roma, il Gran Teatro di Tor di Quinto in Roma, il Teatro Regio di Torino, il Teatro della Filarmonica di Trento, Il Teatro Piccinni di Bari etc.. Worth mentioning amongst his various concerts is that at Casa Barezzi, Museo Giuseppe Verdi (Busseto). He has a repertoire of around 40 concerts with an orchestra, over 50 Sonatas and pieces for the piano and numerous compositions for the solo violin but to speak of his repertoire is superfluous for him given the capacity and speed with which he approaches any type of score. They say that the naturalness with which he expresses his musical essence reveals a personality that releases a continual flow of multiple emotions in those who listen to him, and that he seems to fuse himself with the music he plays without ever becoming isolated from the world around him but rather transmitting to the listeners the deep pleasure he finds in playing the various interpretations of the pieces in the programme. In the last few years he has tested himself with the most arduous pieces for the organ, playing entire scores of numerous preludes, toccate and fantasie and fugues and choral pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, from memory and with a masterful interpretation and excellent technique. Recognised and appreciated worldwide from numerous highly respected maetros and organ players, he has tested himself on the organ and is esteemed as Rieger, Callido, Tamburini and many others.
Paganini capricci Roma Stefano Mhanna
Paganini capricci Roma Stefano Mhanna.
tel. 3389610038
Roma, Italy.
A musician of international fame, Stefano Mhanna was born in Rome on the 11th of July 1995. Winner of 5 national competitions and two international competitions, he started attending the Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome when he was seven years old and he graduated on the 10th July 2007 with full marks and special mentions. There are no other cases in the long history of the celebrated Roman Conservatories that a student so young managed to complete his studies in such a short time with such high marks. He holds a post-diploma tirocionio didattico biennale always at Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, it numbers amongst the various prizes and the prize of the Via Vittoria of Rome, and the Rotary prize for the strings section. At only ten years old he had great success for the performance of Tchaikovskys Concerto in D Major opus 35, with the orchestra of the conservatory of Saint Cecilia of Rome, Directed by Maestro Ernesto Gordini; for this he gained important recognition from the SIAE.He appears and plays in various TV shows and news programs on the RAI network (Uno Mattina / In Famiglia / Ieri, Oggi e Domani / Telegiornali di Rai 1, 2 e 3, ecc.), Mediaset (Maurizio Costanzo), and other private TV networks. He has been spoken about in various dailies and also in specialist newspapers such as Viva Verdi and Suonare news. He collaborates as a soloist with several orchestras within Italy and also abroad, for example The philharmonic orchestras of Turin and Bacau conducted by Ovidiu Balan, the Kiev chamber orchestra etc. He plays in the Academy of Tirana in Albania and in the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome. He plays in various theatres such as il Teatro Argentina di Roma, il Gran Teatro di Tor di Quinto in Roma, il Teatro Regio di Torino, il Teatro della Filarmonica di Trento, Il Teatro Piccinni di Bari etc.. Worth mentioning amongst his various concerts is that at Casa Barezzi, Museo Giuseppe Verdi (Busseto). He has a repertoire of around 40 concerts with an orchestra, over 50 Sonatas and pieces for the piano and numerous compositions for the solo violin but to speak of his repertoire is superfluous for him given the capacity and speed with which he approaches any type of score. They say that the naturalness with which he expresses his musical essence reveals a personality that releases a continual flow of multiple emotions in those who listen to him, and that he seems to fuse himself with the music he plays without ever becoming isolated from the world around him but rather transmitting to the listeners the deep pleasure he finds in playing the various interpretations of the pieces in the programme. In the last few years he has tested himself with the most arduous pieces for the organ, playing entire scores of numerous preludes, toccate and fantasie and fugues and choral pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, from memory and with a masterful interpretation and excellent technique. Recognised and appreciated worldwide from numerous highly respected maetros and organ players, he has tested himself on the organ and is esteemed as Rieger, Callido, Tamburini and many others.
Stefano Mhanna, J. S. Bach, Organo Dom Bedos- Roubo Benedetto XVI a San Domenico in Rieti. (video 1)
Organista: Stefano Mhanna
J. S. Bach: Toccata, Adagio e Fuga in do magg., Passacaglia e Fuga in do min., Toccata e fuga in re min. BWV 565
Organo Pontificio Dom Bedos Roubo Benedetto XVI a San Domenico a Rieti benedetto dal Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone l'8-12-2008 .
tel. 3389610038
Roma, Italy.
A musician of international fame, Stefano Mhanna was born in Rome on the 11th of July 1995. Winner of 5 national competitions and two international competitions, he started attending the Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome when he was seven years old and he graduated on the 10th July 2007 with full marks and special mentions. There are no other cases in the long history of the celebrated Roman Conservatories that a student so young managed to complete his studies in such a short time with such high marks. He holds a post-diploma tirocionio didattico biennale always at Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, it numbers amongst the various prizes and the prize of the Via Vittoria of Rome, and the Rotary prize for the strings section. At only ten years old he had great success for the performance of Tchaikovskys Concerto in D Major opus 35, with the orchestra of the conservatory of Saint Cecilia of Rome, Directed by Maestro Ernesto Gordini; for this he gained important recognition from the SIAE.He appears and plays in various TV shows and news programs on the RAI network (Uno Mattina / In Famiglia / Ieri, Oggi e Domani / Telegiornali di Rai 1, 2 e 3, ecc.), Mediaset (Maurizio Costanzo), and other private TV networks. He has been spoken about in various dailies and also in specialist newspapers such as Viva Verdi and Suonare news. He collaborates as a soloist with several orchestras within Italy and also abroad, for example The philharmonic orchestras of Turin and Bacau conducted by Ovidiu Balan, the Kiev chamber orchestra etc. He plays in the Academy of Tirana in Albania and in the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome. He plays in various theatres such as il Teatro Argentina di Roma, il Gran Teatro di Tor di Quinto in Roma, il Teatro Regio di Torino, il Teatro della Filarmonica di Trento, Il Teatro Piccinni di Bari etc.. Worth mentioning amongst his various concerts is that at Casa Barezzi, Museo Giuseppe Verdi (Busseto). He has a repertoire of around 40 concerts with an orchestra, over 50 Sonatas and pieces for the piano and numerous compositions for the solo violin but to speak of his repertoire is superfluous for him given the capacity and speed with which he approaches any type of score. They say that the naturalness with which he expresses his musical essence reveals a personality that releases a continual flow of multiple emotions in those who listen to him, and that he seems to fuse himself with the music he plays without ever becoming isolated from the world around him but rather transmitting to the listeners the deep pleasure he finds in playing the various interpretations of the pieces in the programme. In the last few years he has tested himself with the most arduous pieces for the organ, playing entire scores of numerous preludes, toccate and fantasie and fugues and choral pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, from memory and with a masterful interpretation and excellent technique. Recognised and appreciated worldwide from numerous highly respected maetros and organ players, he has tested himself on the organ and is esteemed as Rieger, Callido, Tamburini and many others.
CORO VOCI BIANCHE del conservatorio A. Scarlatti (PA) a Roncole Verdi
CORO VOCI BIANCHE del conservatorio A. Scarlatti (PA) a Roncole Verdi
WHITE CHOIRS of the A. Scarlatti conservatory (PA) at Roncole Verdi
Salviamo la chiesa di Giuseppe Verdi a Roncole (Busseto, Parma – Italia)
Save the church of Giuseppe Verdi in Roncole (Busseto, Parma - Italy)
Sauvegarder l'église de Giuseppe Verdi à Roncole (Busseto, Parme - Italie)
Rettet die Kirche von Giuseppe Verdi in Roncole (Busseto, Parma - Italien)
Salvar la iglesia de Giuseppe Verdi en Roncole (Busseto, Parma - Italia)
Salve a igreja de Giuseppe Verdi em Roncole (Busseto, Parma - Itália)
Roncole(Busseto、Parma - イタリア)にGiuseppe Verdi教会を保存してください 拯救朱塞佩威尔第教堂在 Roncole(布塞托,帕尔马 - 意大利)
Спасите церковь Джузеппе Верди в Ронколе (Буссето, Парма - Италия)
Σώστε την εκκλησία του Giuseppe Verdi στο Roncole (Busseto, Πάρμα - Ιταλία)
(Google translator)
Violinista: Stefano Mhanna. Pianista: Alberto Galletti. Wieniasky Polonaise de Concert op.4
Violinista: Stefano Mhanna.
Pianista: Alberto Galletti.
Wieniasky Polonaise de Concert op.4
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Sala Sinopoli, 1 Dicembre 2009.
A causa di un errore di regia il pianoforte è stato amplificato e il violino no.
tel. 3389610038
Roma, Italy.
A musician of international fame, Stefano Mhanna was born in Rome on the 11th of July 1995. Winner of 5 national competitions and two international competitions, he started attending the Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome when he was seven years old and he graduated on the 10th July 2007 with full marks and special mentions. There are no other cases in the long history of the celebrated Roman Conservatories that a student so young managed to complete his studies in such a short time with such high marks. He holds a post-diploma tirocionio didattico biennale always at Saint Cecilia Conservatory in Rome, it numbers amongst the various prizes and the prize of the Via Vittoria of Rome, and the Rotary prize for the strings section. At only ten years old he had great success for the performance of Tchaikovskys Concerto in D Major opus 35, with the orchestra of the conservatory of Saint Cecilia of Rome, Directed by Maestro Ernesto Gordini; for this he gained important recognition from the SIAE.He appears and plays in various TV shows and news programs on the RAI network (Uno Mattina / In Famiglia / Ieri, Oggi e Domani / Telegiornali di Rai 1, 2 e 3, ecc.), Mediaset (Maurizio Costanzo), and other private TV networks. He has been spoken about in various dailies and also in specialist newspapers such as Viva Verdi and Suonare news. He collaborates as a soloist with several orchestras within Italy and also abroad, for example The philharmonic orchestras of Turin and Bacau conducted by Ovidiu Balan, the Kiev chamber orchestra etc. He plays in the Academy of Tirana in Albania and in the Auditorium Parco della Musica of Rome. He plays in various theatres such as il Teatro Argentina di Roma, il Gran Teatro di Tor di Quinto in Roma, il Teatro Regio di Torino, il Teatro della Filarmonica di Trento, Il Teatro Piccinni di Bari etc.. Worth mentioning amongst his various concerts is that at Casa Barezzi, Museo Giuseppe Verdi (Busseto). He has a repertoire of around 40 concerts with an orchestra, over 50 Sonatas and pieces for the piano and numerous compositions for the solo violin but to speak of his repertoire is superfluous for him given the capacity and speed with which he approaches any type of score. They say that the naturalness with which he expresses his musical essence reveals a personality that releases a continual flow of multiple emotions in those who listen to him, and that he seems to fuse himself with the music he plays without ever becoming isolated from the world around him but rather transmitting to the listeners the deep pleasure he finds in playing the various interpretations of the pieces in the programme. In the last few years he has tested himself with the most arduous pieces for the organ, playing entire scores of numerous preludes, toccate and fantasie and fugues and choral pieces by Johann Sebastian Bach, from memory and with a masterful interpretation and excellent technique. Recognised and appreciated worldwide from numerous highly respected maetros and organ players, he has tested himself on the organ and is esteemed as Rieger, Callido, Tamburini and many others.
Lego Cuggiono
Eccoci mentre prendiamo possesso della piazza di Cuggiono vestiti da Lego!
Eventi in occasione della festa del S.S. Crocifisso Bompensiere 27 e 28 settembre 2014
Presentazione del libro De Hereditate o di l'amuri tra sori e frati di Orazio Martorane, Processione del simulacro del S.S. Crocifisso, concerto complesso bandistico V. Bellini di Montedoro e giochi pirotecnici