Chiesa di S Stefano Vicenza Italy
Le campane di Vicenza - Chiesa di S. Stefano
Vicenza, centro storico
Chiesa Parrocchiale di S. Stefano Protomartire
Concerto di 10 campane in Mi♭³↑
Pietro e Francesco Cavadini - Verona 1830
Mi♭³ rif. Pietro Colbachini - Bassano del Grappa 1869
Do⁴ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 1988
Si♭³ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 1989
La♭³ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 1990
Re⁴ e Mi♭⁴ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 1995
Fa⁴ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 1996
Sol⁴ agg. Daciano Colbachini e Figli - Padova 2005
Suonate per la S. Messa Solenne delle ore 10:00 nella Solennità della Pasqua di N. S. G. C.:
[01:14] Distesa festiva delle 3 campane maggiori, ore 9:45;
[03:06] Concerto solenne con le 6 campane maggiori per la fine della S. Messa;
[07:36] Distesa a 10 campane, che segue il concerto.
Ringrazio il parroco per la disponibilità e la segnalazione.
*agg./rif. ipotizzati.
VERONA - Chiesa di Santo Stefano
Daniela & Chris :: wedding in Vicenza
Daniela & Chris :: highlights video
Ceremony Venue: Chiesa di S.Stefano (Vicenza, Italy)
Reception Venue: Villa Valmarana ai Nani (Vicenza, Italy)
Wedding planner: Sylvie -
Photography: Cristiano Facibeni -
Drone: Stefano Santagiuliana -
Music: Analog Heart When I'm with you - licensed from
Campane di Vicenza, Parrocchia di Santo Stefano
Vicenza, Chiesa Parrocchiale di Santo Stefano Protomartire
Diocesi di Vicenza
Distesa delle 3 campane maggiori alle 17.15 (dura poco più di 1 minuto) per la messa festiva delle 17.30.
In sottofondo si sentono le 4 piccole della Cattedrale che suonavano per i vespri delle 17.30.
Concerto di 10 campane alla veronese in scala diatonica maggiore di Mi3 con il doppio sistema, fuse in diverse epoche e fusioni:
I: Mi3 calante. Rifusa da Pietro Colbachini di Bassano del Grappa (VI) nel 1869. Ha un diametro di 115 cm e una massa di 900 kg;
II: Fa#3 calante. Fusa da Pietro e Francesco Cavadini di Verona nel 1830. Ha un diametro di 101 cm e una massa di 600 kg;
III: Sol#3 calante. Fusa da Pietro e Francesco Cavadini di Verona nel 1830. Ha un diametro di 91 cm e una massa di 420 kg;
IV: La3 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1990. Ha un diametro di 87 cm e una massa di 327 kg;
V: Si3 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1989. Ha un diametro di 76 cm e una massa di 246 kg;
VI: Do#4 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1988. Ha un diametro di 67,5 cm e una massa di 185 kg;
VII: Re#4 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1995. Ha un diametro di 59 cm e una massa di 125 kg;
VIII: Mi4 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1995. Ha un diametro di 55 cm e una massa di 101 kg;
IX: Fa#4 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 1996. Ha un diametro di 49,5 cm e una massa di 77 kg;
X: Sol#4 calante. Fusa da Daciano Colbachini e Figli di Padova nel 2005. Ha un diametro di 46 cm e una massa di 58 kg.
Dopo Arre, ci troviamo di nuovo nella bellissima Vicenza, di cui ci siamo stati ben 3 volte (4 con questa). Visto che Campanaro Vicentino doveva suonare a Santa Caterina, mi ha proposto di risuonarle assieme a lui. Ho accettato. Arrivata domenica, parto alle 15.40 da casa mia e arrivo a Vicenza alle 16.50 circa. Ci troviamo alla chiesa di Santo Stefano, che ha sul campanile ben 10 campane! E per altro davvero belle! Entro in chiesa e faccio le riprese. Poi esco e faccio le riprese esterne. Mentre mi sono posizionato, è arrivato Campanaro Vicentino. Insieme abbiamo aspettato la suonata. Con un minuto di ritardo circa, partono le 3 grandi. Molto belle anche se 3 campane su 10 (tutte con il duplice sistema) alla domenica mi sembra davvero poco. Potevano fare le 6 grandi. E dopo 1 minuto e poco più di suonata, iniziano a fermarsi. Probabilmente ci saranno state le lamentele ma non penso. Era per non recare disturbo. Poi dopo avere smontato tutto, ci dirigiamo verso la chiesa di Santa Caterina. Arrivati li alle 17.45, Gianmarco mi mostra uno degli organi. Poi inizia a preparare la chiesa per la messa delle 18.30. Alle 18.13 ci siamo messi alla base del campanile per suonare le campane alle 18.15. Scattata l'ora, abbiamo iniziato a suonarle con circa 3-4 minuti di suonata. Dopodiché, siamo usciti dalla chiesa, ci siamo salutati e mi sono diretto verso un'altra chiesa che vedrete nel prossimo video.
Video dedicato a Campanaro Vicentino per il bel pomeriggio passato assieme.
Video 241
Chiesa dei Carmini Vicenza Italy
S. Caterina d'Alessandria (Galatina) - Laudario di Cortona
Basilica di S. Caterina d'Alessandria
Galatina (Lecce): XIV sec.
Musica: dal Laudario di Cortona, 'Voi ch'amate lo Criatore' (XIII sec.)
Jose Borgo: mezzosoprano
Lorenzo Fattambrini: pianoforte
Live recording at Chiesa di Santo Stefano (Vicenza)
Voi ch' amate lo Criatore,
ponete mente a lo meo dolore.
Ch' io son Maria co lo cor tristo
la quale avea per figliuol Cristo:
la speme mia et dolce acquisto
fue crocifisso per li peccatori.
Capo bello et delicato,
come ti veggio stare enkinato;
li tuoi capelli di sangue intrecciati,
fin a la barba ne va i' rigore.
Bocca bella et delicata,
come ti veggio stare asserrata;
di fiele e aceto fosti abbeverata,
trista e dolente dentr' al mio core.
Voi chamate lo Criatore,
ponete mente a lo meo dolore.
Al principe Raimondello Orsini del Balzo, feudatario di Galatina (Lecce) si deve la costruzione, sul finire del trecento, della straordinaria chiesa dedicata a S. Caterina dAlessandria, luogo di culto ed insieme centro irradiatore della cultura artistica in Puglia negli ultimi secoli del Medioevo. Accanto alla chiesa sorse un convento e un ospedale, attualmente sede del Municipio. La presenza degli Orsini del Balzo ed il potere sempre crescente di quello che diventerà lo Staterello di Santa Caterina danno un notevole impulso alle attività economiche della città. Come pure, la presenza della Basilica cateriniana sarà sempre il punto di riferimento di tutto il processo di sviluppo di Galatina, sia in senso religioso sia in quello culturale, economico, sociale. (Luigi Rossetti)
Church of Saint Cajetan, Vicenza, Veneto, Italy, Europe
The church of San Gaetano Thiene, also known as the Teatini church, is a religious building, located in Vicenza along Corso Palladio, built in the neoclassical style during the 18th century with an adjoining convent of the Theatine fathers, the latter demanialized in 1810 and used for uses. civilians. At the end of the sixteenth century (10 October 1595) the bishop Michele Priuli had called to Vicenza the regular Teatine clerics - to be helped to implement the Tridentine reform and had entrusted them with the ancient parish of Santo Stefano for the pastoral care of the community. The Theatines, after having bought some houses and land near the church to be able to manufacture, immediately began to build their convent, helped by alms collected in Vicenza and other cities. A century later, the pastoral needs of the parish of Santo Stefano, the most central and important of the city, were too distant from those of the religious community. In addition to this, the Theatines were not willing to shoulder the burden of rebuilding the old church without replacing the name of the owner with that of their founder, San Gaetano Thiene. Thus they manifested the precise intention of building a new one to be dedicated to St. Gaetano. To achieve this goal they gathered the consent of noble families: in 1692 the count Ascanio Thiene - showing the desire to be buried in the church of the Theatine fathers, in the chapel of St. Gaetano, wrapped in his white cloak of a member of the Confraternity of the Gonfalone left 1000 ducats to be used for the construction of a new church or, at least, for the expansion of the existing one; the testament of Claudio Thiene is even more explicit in this sense. The reconstruction of the church of Santo Stefano, despite the constraints posed by the Municipality and the very high costs, went ahead anyway and the blessing of the first stone took place in 1695 with the specific purpose of honoring the saint from Vicenza from 1672 proclaimed by the very serious Council of 150 new co-patron of Vicenza together with St. Vincent and to remember his canonization, so much so that the church was named after these two saints. In 1720 the Theatines, now uninterested in the running of the parish, were deprived with public decree of the church of Santo Stefano; at first they retreated to one of their buildings, placing it as a church with the door that led to the Corso and immediately began the construction of the present church of San Gaetano. The foundation stone was laid in 1721, designed by Girolamo Frigimelica and with the supervision of Gaetano Farina, lasted only nine years, although it could count - unlike the church of Santo Stefano which was built simultaneously with the financial support of the Municipality - only on alms and private donations. Already in July 1725, only four years after the laying of the first stone, as soon as the northern half of the nave was completed, with the presbytery, the choir and the main altar, the first two side altars and the sacristy, the church was opened and they began celebrations, even solemn. The challenge to the disapproval of the municipal council was obvious because of the duplication that was created, given that Santo Stefano, then undergoing renovation, should have been the church of the patron saints, Gaetano and Vincenzo, according to the initial terms. Perhaps this controversy or perhaps the lack of space for civilian homes was at the origin, in 1736, of the ducal prohibition that prohibited the construction of new churches without authorization. There were other disagreements with the canons of the cathedral, which boasted the ancient rights, and for the subdivision of the sacred furnishings. In particular, the Theatines were forced to leave Santo Stefano also the silver statue of their founder, executed in 1671 in Milan by Luigi Fiammingo and which had cost the Commune 1400 ducats. After the dissolution of the religious orders arranged with the Napoleonic decrees of 1806, on July 28 of the same year the six Theatine fathers were removed from Vicenza and the buildings were de-stateized. The church risked being demolished, but due to the interest of the then bishop Pietro Marco Zaguri and of the same municipality, it was saved and reopened for worship as a branch of the nearby church of Santo Stefano. In 1820 the high altar of the oratory of the Rosary was brought there, at the time built by the homonymous brotherhood in the garden of the church of Santa Corona, also closed, stripped of all his works and demolished in 1812.
Piazzi Signori, Biale and Erbe Vicenza Italy
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Chiesa di San Lorenzo
Places to see in ( Vicenza - Italy ) Chiesa di San Lorenzo
The church of San Lorenzo is a place of Catholic worship in Vicenza , built in the late thirteenth century in Gothic style , in its Lombard-Padana version of the thirteenth century. It is located in the central Piazza San Lorenzo, along Corso Fogazzaro, and was officiated by the Conventual Franciscans until 2017.
In accordance with the style of the churches built by beggars in Italy in the thirteenth century - the Lombard Gothic that does not completely abandon the Romanesque forms - the façade has the typical gabled profile in the upper half and seven high ogival arches in the lower half . characteristic elements of Venetian architecture, which can also be found in the most important Padua churches of the thirteenth century.
The most prominent element is the portal , made in the forties of the fourteenth century by the Venetian sculptor and architect Andriolo de Santi and financed with a testamentary legacy of a councilor of Cangrande della Scala , Pietro da Marano known as the Nano, who hoped with this an act of liberating oneself from the burden of a life lived by practicing usury . He is depicted in the splendid lunette of the portal, kneeling in an attitude of penitent before Mary and the Child, with Saints Francis and Lorenzo alongside . Around, among the acanthus , five busts of prophets on the left, ofpatriarchs on the right.
Along the jambs there are the busts of St. Paul and the apostles . The blessing Christ is at the center of the architrave . On his right are the saints Vincent , Lodovico , Francesco and Giovanni Evangelista , on the left Lorenzo , Antonio , Chiara and Stefano , four figures of tradition, four of the Franciscan repertoire . At the lower and upper ends of the jambs are the symbols of the Evangelists (the tetramorfo ). On the columns above the lions stiloforithere are the nunziante Angel and the announced Virgin .
The tall columns that lead the gaze towards the vaults of the ceiling and the beams of light that penetrate from the high windows and the rose-window pervade the interior - all elements gothicly - make the environment one of the most grandiose and evocative of the city.
The three naves are made of mighty cylindrical pillars on square bases and stone blocks. The capitals have leaves closed in two staggered bands and octagonal abacus . On the capitals rest the transverse arches of cruises side and in turn rise by them pilasters on which they insist the transverse arches of the medians cruises; the strong profile of the double rings and the ribs in terracotta accentuates the momentum of the vaults. Connect the arches a dense plot of horizontal beams.
( Vicenza - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Vicenza . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Vicenza - Italy
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Vicenza (Italy) - March 2016
Video by Andrey Shagin
Видео: Андрей Шагин
Vicenza is a city in northeastern Italy. It is in the Veneto region at the northern base of the Monte Berico, where it straddles the Bacchiglione River. Vicenza is approximately 60 kilometres (37 mi) west of Venice and 200 kilometres (120 mi) east of Milan.
Vicenza is a thriving and cosmopolitan city, with a rich history and culture, and many museums, art galleries, piazzas, villas, churches and elegant Renaissance palazzi. With the Palladian Villas of the Veneto in the surrounding area, and his renowned Teatro Olimpico (Olympic Theater), the city of Palladio has been listed as an UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1994.
Vicenza: il centro storico (agosto 2016)
Piazza dei Signori - Piazza delle Erbe - Corso Palladio - Teatro Olimpico - Palazzo Chiericati - Duomo - Chiesa di San Lorenzo - Chiesa dei Carmini - Piazza Castello - Giardini Salvi
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basilica cuore di vicenza
In occasione della presentazione del libro Merita un monumento di Antonio di Lorenzo con interventi di Nicoletta Martelletto e Vladimiro Riva, editore Terraferma per Consorzio Vicenzaè
Vicenza:Chiesa S.Corona????????
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Milan: San Bernardino alle Ossa | Italia Slow Tour
Slow Tour in Milan at the Basilica of Santo Stefano and its famous St. Bernardino charnel house, dating back till the 17th century. The sanctuary of San Bernardino alle Ossa is a work of art: the idea of arranging the bones of the dead in a more or less artistic and decorative manner is very strange. It is both fascinating and disturbing... maybe it is fascinating because it is disturbing! What's the history behind this work of art?
Cover pic by Flickr User @PedroCaetano
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In questa puntata Piero Brazzale ci porta ancora a Vicenza a visitare in particolare la chiesa di San Vincenzo e la chiesa dei Filippini.
Vicenza - Chiesa Santa Corona