QUARTU SANT'ELENA Top 13 Tourist Places | Quartu Sant'Elena Tourism | ITALY
Quartu Sant'Elena (Things to do - Places to Visit) - QUARTU SANT'ELENA Top Tourist Places
City in Sardinia, Italy
Quartu Sant'Elena, located four miles East from Cagliari on the ancient Roman road, is a city and comune in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy.
There are five churches situated in the city. The most important are the churches of Sant'Elena Imperatrice (dating before 1589, but now in neoclassical style and recently proclaimed Basilica), Santa Maria Cepola (before 1089) and Sant'Agata.
QUARTU SANT'ELENA Top 13 Tourist Places | Quartu Sant'Elena Tourism
Things to do in QUARTU SANT'ELENA - Places to Visit in Quartu Sant'Elena
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QUARTU SANT'ELENA Top 13 Tourist Places - Quartu Sant'Elena, Sardinia, Italy, Europe
A Quartu fiaccolata per Rossella Urru. Video registrato dalla scala della Chiesa di Sant'Agata.
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Quartu Sant'Elena
Places to see in ( Sardinia - Italy ) Quartu Sant'Elena
Quartu Sant'Elena, located four miles East from Cagliari on the ancient Roman road, is a city and comune in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. It is the third biggest city of Sardinia with a population of 71,216 as of 2015. The city's name comes from its distance to Cagliari (Quartum miles, Latin for “four miles”), and from the passage there of St. Helena, mother of emperor Constantine.
The first traces of human presence in Quartu are from the Prenuragic, Nuragic and Phoenician period, as attested by findings in Cepola, Geremeas, Is Mortorius and Separassiu localities. Roman findings were found near Sant’Andrea villa, a graveyard at S. Martino and a few tombs at Simbirizzi.
In the 11th century AD Sardinia was divided into four Giudicati: Quartu, which included fourteen villas, belonged to the Giudicato of Cagliari. In 1066 Quartu was given to Cagliari’s archbishop and then went back to Judge Torchitorio II of Cagliari. During the Aragonese rule, Quartu suffered from famines, plague, malaria and continuous raids from Saracen pirates, following the general path of decay of the whole of Sardinia.
In 1793 the soldiers of a French fleet landed on the coast of Quartu, with the intention of conquering the whole island; the people of the city, led by Antonio Pisanu, assailed the French and repelled them after a bloody battle. Feudalism ended in 1836 under the baron Pes di Villamarina. In 1956 Quartu Sant’Elena was upgraded to the status of “city” by the President of Italy Giovanni Gronchi.
There are five churches situated in the city. The most important are the churches of Sant'Elena Imperatrice (dating before 1589, but now in neoclassical style and recently proclaimed Basilica), Santa Maria Cepola (before 1089) and Sant'Agata. There is also Sa dom’e farra, a large peasant house of the 17th century with various rooms, objects and tools used by the peasant society. There are numerous nuraghi in the vicinity.
( Sardinia - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Sardinia . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sardinia - Italy
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Places to see in ( Quartu Sant'Elena - Italy )
Places to see in ( Quartu Sant'Elena - Italy )
Quartu Sant'Elena, located four miles East from Cagliari on the ancient Roman road, is a city and comune in the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. It is the third biggest city of Sardinia with a population of 71,216 as of 2015. The city's name comes from its distance to Cagliari (Quartum miles, Latin for “four miles”), and from the passage there of St. Helena, mother of emperor Constantine. The first traces of human presence in Quartu are from the Prenuragic, Nuragic and Phoenician period, as attested by findings in Cepola, Geremeas, Is Mortorius and Separassiu localities. Roman findings were found near Sant’Andrea villa, a graveyard at S. Martino and a few tombs at Simbirizzi.
In the 11th century AD Sardinia was divided into four Giudicati: Quartu, which included fourteen villas, belonged to the Giudicato of Cagliari. In 1066 Quartu was given to Cagliari’s archbishop and then went back to Judge Torchitorio II of Cagliari. During the Aragonese rule, Quartu suffered from famines, plague, malaria and continuous raids from Saracen pirates, following the general path of decay of the whole of Sardinia. In 1793 the soldiers of a French fleet landed on the coast of Quartu, with the intention of conquering the whole island; the people of the city, led by Antonio Pisanu, assailed the French and repelled them after a bloody battle.
There are five churches situated in the city. The most important are the churches of Sant'Elena Imperatrice (dating before 1589, but now in neoclassical style and recently proclaimed Basilica), Santa Maria Cepola (before 1089) and Sant'Agata. There is also Sa dom’e farra, a large peasant house of the 17th century with various rooms, objects and tools used by the peasant society. There are numerous nuraghi in the vicinity.
( Quartu Sant'Elena - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Quartu Sant'Elena . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Quartu Sant'Elena - Italy
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