First day of our trip to Taitung, including indigenous restaurant in Taimali, Zhiben Forest Recreation Area, and Hotel Royal Chihpen.
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Music by ketsa (
Restaurant Info:
Lalaolan Xiaomi Gongfang (拉勞蘭小米工坊)
Add: No. 21, Neighborhood 10, Taimali Township, Taitung County (台東縣太麻里鄉10鄰21號)
Tel: (089) 782-547
Hotel Info:
Hotel Royal Chihpen (知本老爺酒店)
Add: No. 23, Lane 113, Longquan Rd., Beinan Township, Taitung County (台東縣卑南鄉龍泉路113巷23號)
Tel: (089) 510-666
Website: hotelroyal.com.tw
English and Chinese
Taitung 台東
Zhiben - 知本
Zhiben Forest Recreation Area - 知本森林遊樂區
Also watch the latest video on this channel: {Trip} LALASHAN on the Northern Cross-Island Highway (北橫拉拉山)
Travel in Taiwan (May/June, 2016)
After picking up our rental car upon arrival from Taipei at Taitung Railway Station, we headed out along Highway 11 to the Zhiben Hot Springs resort area, not far south. Taitung City sits on the coast in the gap between the southern tip of the coastal mountains and the central mountains; the latter fan out and sprawl to the sea south of the city. The resort area lies close to the highway, just inside the mouth of a valley carved out by the Zhiben River. The Japanese developed the area as a healing resort during their 1895-1945 period of colonial rule, after systematically mapping the island’s natural resources upon takeover, at the same time introducing the Taiwanese to hot-spring culture. However, the local indigenous natives had long been using the healing waters, digging soak pools in the rocky riverbed.
The scores of inns and hotels are strung out along riverside County Road 194. At this road’s head you’ll find the entrance to the 110-hectare Zhiben National Forest Recreation Area ( Cross a bright-red 80-meter-long bridge, buy your ticket, and head uphill to the visitor center, which has displays on the local geology and flora/fauna. From there, explore the web of mountain-slope trails between the riverside cliffs and a boundary ridge. If you have the better part of the day you can consider tackling them all, but be sure to conquer the staircase Brave Man’s Slope Trail – steep, 320 meters long, rising 150 meters, 792 steps – which leads you past magnificent white-bark banyan trees. The roots of the giant Thousand Root Banyan create a fairyland setting you’ll expect to see forest spirits flitting through. There are fine views toward the ocean from the highest trail-points.
Back to Highway 11, and up to the Liji Badlands, directly north of Taitung City. They constitute the coastal range’s southern tip, on the Beinan River’s north side, city on the south. What are they, and what makes them “bad”? What you’ll see is a kilometers-long mountain wall riven with deep gullies. Enjoy them from viewing areas along County Road 45 that feature lookout pavilions, footpaths, and Chinese/English explanatory signage. You are in a grand outdoor geology museum: standing on this side of the river, you’re on the Philippine Sea Plate; peering across at the other side’s sedimentary hills, you’re looking at the Eurasian Plate. These are the two key players in Taiwan’s mighty, ongoing geotectonic drama, which among other things has given birth to the island’s scores of hot-spring sites. The badlands are primarily made up of fine mudstone pellets, long at the sea’s bottom, that are too light to go down under the Eurasian Plate with the rest of the Philippine Sea Plate. Now exposed, the unstable sediment suffers deep erosive scarring, creating a façade of ferocious, menacing demeanor. The forlorn, desolate landscape has also given rise to a nickname – Moon World.
Indigenous show part 4 @ Hotel Royal Chihpen in Taitung County, Taiwan
Pan of aboriginal/Catholic church in Taimali, Taitung
Eastern Taiwan. Note hand-carved pews in the likeness of aboriginals.
Florence with the aboriginals in Taiban, Taitung, Taiwan
My mission trip sponsored by Luke Christian Medical Mission(LCMM USA) in Taiban, Taitung, Taiwan with the Jialili Ministry of Taitung.
Taiwan - Forgotten People
Only 2% of the Taiwan population belongs to an ethnic minority group. Of the 14 aboriginal groups that exist on Taiwan the Tao people live on Orchid Island while the Ami people were the original inhabitants of Green Island. Joseph travels to Green Island to enjoy its natural pleasures such as ocean hot baths and moped rides through its dramatic volcanic landscape. On Orchid Island he has cultural encounters with the Tao people sampling their special foods, staying in traditional dwellings and participating in the rituals and customs associated with the hunt, capture and serving of flying fish.
Tropical Storm Fung-Wong strikes Taitung and leads to one fatality
Tropical Storm Fung-Wong is heading up the east coast, with Taitung bearing the brunt of the storm today. The storm has caused one casualty as a 50 year old man, surnamed Hsu, drowned after going out to clean a drainage ditch near his home.Tropical Storm Fung-Wong has caused one fatality in the Taitung area. Mrs. Hsu is standing anxiously near this ambulance as her husband went out early this morning to clear a drainage ditch, but he wasn’t able to return home alive. Taitung FirefighterAt that moment, a large amount of rain suddenly fell and he fell into the ditch and when we rescued him, he wasn’t breathing and there was no heartbeat.Unfortunately, Mr. Hsu couldn’t be revived. The strong winds and rain that lashed Taitung turned Provincial Highway No. 9 near Chihpen into a sort of river as cars and pedestrians had no choice but to wade across it. Tropical Storm Fung-Wong has brought total rainfall accumulation of 600 mm of rain to Taitung, leading to the evacuation of some 150 people from Taimali’s Shalun Village.
Hualien-Taitung Coastal Highway. The Part Close to Shiyusan. 台東縣成功鎮花東海岸公路 石雨傘附近
Dec. 2016
Chenggong, Taitung, Taiwan
Hualien-Taitung Coastal Highway
Provincial Highway 11 is located in eastern coast in Taiwan and called Hualien-Taitung Coastal Highway for its connection between Hualien County and Taitung County. This highway, which is 178.229 km,[1] begins in Hualien City and ends in Taitung City. It also has 3 branch lines. The East Coast National Scenic Area and Farglory Ocean Park (Hualien Ocean Park) are also located on this highway. It was called Tōkaidō during Japanese rule period.
The highway begins in Ji'an, Hualien at the intersection of Hua-tung Highway. The road runs parallel along the eastern coast of Taiwan for most of its length, passing through coastal townships of Shoufeng and Fengbin in Hualien County, as well as Changbin, Chenggong, Donghe, Beinan, Taitung City in Taitung County before ending at Highway 9 in Taimali, Taitung.
The highway is a popular scenic bypass of Highway 9, which runs through the more populated Huatung Valley. The highway attracts visitors for its unique rock formations along The East Coast National Scenic Area, such as Shitiping (石梯坪) in Fengbin, Baxiandong archeological site (八仙洞遺址) in Changbin, as well as Sanxiantai (三仙台) and Shiyusan (石雨傘) in Chenggong. The highway also passes through Chihpen, a suburb in Taitung City known for its hot springs.
East Coast National Scenic Area
省道台11線 花蓮-知本是一條縱貫臺灣東部花蓮縣到臺東縣的沿海省道。北端起點花蓮縣吉安鄉,南端終點台東縣太麻里鄉美和,全長178公里,是花東地區的主要公路之一。台11線有三條支線。在鼎東客運營運路線中,此路段稱為「海線」,而花東公路稱為「山線」。
清光緒三年(1877年)福建巡撫丁日昌及台灣鎮總兵吳光亮即闢建道路,並招汕頭潮民二千餘人於此屯墾,日治時期也依循此條道路修築,完成全線通車則完成於民國57年(1968年)。 日治昭和5年(1930年)完成海岸公路台東至靜浦段,俗稱花東海岸公路(英文:Hualien-Taitung Coastal Highway),當時也稱為東海道,為台灣東部重要的公路之一,後完成靜浦至貓公(豐濱)、貓公至馬太鞍(今台11甲線,光豐公路)路段。花蓮經水璉、磯崎至豐濱約50公里的路段,則是戰後才興築完成。今日全線最高點為花蓮縣壽豐鄉水璉村番薯寮與豐濱鄉磯崎村芭崎交界的北加路蘭山鞍部(台11線30k處)。
A Rolling Stone Trailer
The Pacific Arts Movement Presents:
The 14th Annual San Diego Asian Film Festival 2013 (November 7-16)
Grand Prize, 2013 Taipei Film Festival
Caring for an autistic adult can be seen as an act of faith. It is unpredictable. A regular interaction can lead to a violent lashing-out. The award-winning A ROLLING STONE documents such moments. However, due to its lack of exposition and its pure form of observation, the film captures something even more profound: life as a collection of failure, pain, and tragedy as felt by its protagonist, Chen Hung-tung, a father who cares with extraordinary patience for his autistic son Li-fu.
Director Shen Ko-shang (who had a short in 10+10, SDAFF '12) masterfully puts together the most ordinary -- yet most important -- moments of a man's life in this effective, powerful, and ultimately heartbreaking documentary. Some will see the film as a testament to patience, while others will see it as a tragedy of lives lost to fate. A ROLLING STONE is without exception one of the most evocative documentaries ever filmed about the direct effects of autism on the family unit. --Phillip Lorenzo
Co-sponsored by: UCSD Chuan Lyu Endowed Chair in Taiwan Studies, UCSD Taiwan Studies Lecture Series
Film Screening:
UCSD Price Center Theater
November 9, 2013 12:25pm
Buy Tickets Here!
Courtesy of the Pacific Arts Movement
| info@sdaff.org | 619.400.5911
FESTIVAL SCHEDULE: pac-arts.org/sdaff
MATTA FAIR SEPT 7-9 2012: Taiwan Aborigines Dance (Part 2)
台社Taishe,Taiwan Aboriginal people and Lu Xun study
Taishe,Taiwan Aboriginal people and Lu Xun study.Taishe identify Lu Xun,much teh same as Chinese intellectuals.It is special leftist in Taiwana nd China.Taishe is formed by Taiwan intellectuals
Brad and Aboriginal Taiwanese People (Elaine Li Yu's Video)
Tell Us Who You Are!: Taiwanese indigenous students' naming song
Taiwanese indigenous students from Dong Hwa University in Hualien, Taiwan teach visiting Maori students their naming song.
If you're an indigenous Taiwanese, tell us who you are! No matter if you're indigenous Taiwanese, tell us who you are!
知本溫泉耶誕趴 台東千人同歡
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Mio探索臺灣原生之美 系列形象廣告二部曲: 知本溪篇
這一趟走過的旅程 並無所謂非要獲得什麼不可,在原住民的歌聲與山海傳說中,彷彿有一股莫名的力量,讓自己毫不畏懼地不斷向前探索,追尋那歌聲背後的起源地,喜歡發現的感覺, 然後開始感受她的神秘,一路走的是自己開的路,其實原本是沒有的路,走的人多了也便成了路,重要的是 不要失去方向 探索台灣原生之美Mio
臺灣衛星導航大廠, Mio宇達電通 探索臺灣原生之美 系列形象廣告二部曲, 延續首部曲的拍攝團隊, 仍是由代言人隋棠演出, 國際大導演侯孝賢親自操刀拍攝, 將臺灣的美記錄下來, 同時也傳遞衛星導航能帶給使用者, 持續探索不同的生活意念
本次拍攝場地在台東知本溪峽谷, 拍攝過程因山區天候/雨量/颱風造訪等因素, 前後耗時五個月才完成拍攝