Estonian MARITIME MUSEUM in Fat Margaret Tower | Towering Tales of the Sea | Tallinn
The journey through the exhibition of the Estonian Maritime Museum in the Museum and Visitor Centre of Fat Margaret is a visit to Estonia as a maritime country. The story of Estonian seafaring from the medieval maritime trade, which has never been exhibited before, to the modern cruise shipping will be unrolled before your eyes. The story is told with the help of almost 700 historical items, the rich collection of ship models of the Maritime Museum with 17 models which were specifically ordered for the new exhibition, as well as nearly 50 digital and ‘hands-on’ solutions.
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The star exhibit of the museum is the almost 20-metre long wreck of a cog which is a good source of information about the era it is from. A cog is a medieval cargo vessel with one mast and high broadsides which was mainly used on the North and Baltic Seas. Finding of the cog underground in Tallinn in 2015 was rare in the entire Europe, as the hull of the vessel is almost completely preserved, as well as thanks to the nearly 700 items found around the wreck which tell us why, how, and where the vessel and its crew were headed to.
[RUS] Путешествие по экспозиции Морского музея Эстонии в музее и туристическом центре Толстая Маргарита — это визит в Эстонию как в морскую страну. Вашему взору предстанет история мореплавания Эстонии, начиная от не выставлявшейся раньше тематики морской торговли средневековья, и заканчивая современными пассажирскими кораблями. Около 700 исторических предметов, богатая коллекция моделей кораблей Морского музея со специально заказанными для новой выставки 17 моделями и около 50 цифровых и интерактивных решений расскажут вам увлекательную историю мореплавания.
Свидетелем своего времени, звездным экспонатом музея является остов погибшего кога длиной около 20 метров. Под типом корабля ког обычно подразумевают одномачтовый средневековый грузовой корабль с высокими бортами, который использовался в основном на Северном и Балтийском море. Остов средневекового судна был обнаружен летом 2015 года в недрах Таллинна. Остов является единственным в своем роде во всей Европе благодаря отлично сохранившемуся внешнему виду и найденным на нем 700 предметам, которые расскажут о том, как и куда плавали корабль и его экипаж.
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[EST] Rännak Eesti Meremuuseumi ekspositsioonis Paksu Margareeta muuseum-külastuskeskuses on visiit Eestisse kui mereriiki. Teie ees rullub lahti Eesti meresõidu lugu alates seni eksponeerimata keskaja merekaubandusest kuni tänapäeva reisilaevanduseni välja. Lugu aitavad jutustada ligi 700 ajaloolist eset, Meremuuseumi rikkalik laevamudelite kogu koos spetsiaalset uue näituse jaoks tellitud 17 mudeliga ja ligi 50 digi- ja käed-külge lahendust.
Oma aja tunnistajaks, muuseumi tähteksponaadiks on ligi 20 meetrit pikk koge vrakk. Koge laevatüübina mõistetakse üldiselt ühemastilist kõrgete parrastega keskaegset kaubalaeva, mida kasutati peamiselt Põhja- ja Läänemerel. Muuseumis eksponeeritud koge leidmine 2015. aastal Tallinna maapõuest on Euroopas haruldane tänu peaaegu terviklikult säilinud laevakerele ja ligi 700 leiule vraki juurest, mis räägivad miks, kuidas ja kuhu laev ja tema meeskond sõitsid.
Nostalgia by Johny Grimes
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#Meremuuseum #FatMargaret #Морскоймузей
Детский музей игрушек MiiaMilla (Эстония). / Children's museum MiiaMilla in Estonia.
Bee Milissa и ее брат проведут вам небольшую экскурсию по детскому музею игрушек MiiaMilla, который находится в славном городе Таллинн. Приятного просмотра!
#kids #museum #fun
Seaplane Museum | Tallinn, Estonia | Travel Video
Visiting the Seaplane Museum in Tallinn, Estonia!
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Baltic Station MARKET | Shopping Tour | Tallinn
Baltic Station Market is a unique market in Estonia, which includes nearly 300 traders on three floors. This newly-restored market complex is the most modern of its kind in Estonia, bringing an extraordinary range of items together under one roof, with everything from children’s clothes to tasty street food. There’s also a Selver supermarket, sports club, hair salon, fresh fruit and vegetable stalls, the widest range of meat and fish in the country, and a variety of cafés.
The new market is something of a community centre, too, drawing in locals for their everyday shopping, but its unique atmosphere, its fascinating selection of antiques and its brewery also make it a great place for tourists to explore. The mission of the Baltic Station Market is to promote a healthy and balanced diet, value clean and authentic raw materials, and respect the exquisite art of cooking. The exciting and colourful history of Baltic Station Market started with the construction of Verner’s limestone warehouses in late 19th century and includes the establishment of the legendary market in 1993.
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[RUS] Рынок на Балтийском вокзале – это уникальный универсальный рынок в Эстонии, на трех этажах которого расположено более 300 различных магазинов. На подземном этаже находятся супермаркет, спортивный клуб и различные услуги, на первом этаже расположены большой рыбный и мясной залы, овощная улица и зона разнообразной уличной еды с примерно 20 различными местами питания. Второй этаж в основном посвящен эстонскому дизайну и изделиям ручной работы, одежде, бытовым товарам, антиквариату и старинным вещам.
Миссия рынка на Балтийском вокзале – поощрять здоровое и сбалансированное питание, ценить чистые органические продукты и чтить тонкое искусство приготовления еды.
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Rock Angel and Say Good Night by Joakim Karud
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#BaltiJaamaTurg #Kopli #БалтийскийВокзал
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Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
HARJU County Local Museum | Keila | Estonia
Harju County Museum was founded in 1988, and it collects, researches, preserves, and mediates the heritage of Harju County in cooperation with other museums, organizations, and the community. The museum gives counsel to small museums in Harju County, produces exhibitions, publishes prints and arranges educational events for both children and grown-ups.
Harju County Museum is in the main building of Keila Manor and is situated in the historical manor park on the Keila River Island. In the close quarters of the museum you will find the darkly legendary Slave Stone, the ruins of a small medieval stronghold, and the scenic Keila River with its historical swimming spots. Hence, it is a good idea to reserve some time for the museum visit, because the entire river island is worth exploring.
In addition to the permanent exhibition ‘Harju Life’, the museum offers temporary exhibitions exploring a wider variety of themes. The museum has a separate playroom for children, which also offers nostalgic activities for adults. If you interested in regional studies, go have a look in the museum library and archive.
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[RUS] Предыстория музея Харьюмаа берет свое начало осенью 1985 года, когда по инициативе собравшейся в Кейла группы любителей краеведения и защиты памятников старины было создано Общество охраны памятников старины Кейла.
Музей Харьюмаа был официально учрежден 30 августа 1988 года, а к работе приступил в начале 1989 года. В те дни музей располагался в 7 комнатах бывшей мызы Кейла, где был выполнен самый необходимый санремонт. В настоящее время музей Харьюмаа действует в относящемся к 19 веку главном здании мызы Кейла, которое находится в историческом усадебном парке на речном острове. Рядом с музеем находится овеянный мрачной легендой древний Рабский камень, развалины средневекового укрепления и живописно извилистая река Кейла с купальными местами. Для посещения музея следует запастить временем, поскольку ознакомиться стоит со всем речным островом.
Музей Харьюмаа занимается сбором, изучением и сохранением исторического наследия Харьюмаа в сотрудничестве с другими музеями и организациями, а также общественностью. Музей консультирует действующие в Харьюмаа малые музеи, составляет экспозиции, выпускает печатные издания и проводит образовательные программы для детей и взрослых. Благодаря доверительному сотрудничеству с общественностью, многие экспозиционные проекты осуществились именно при помощи частных коллекций.
В дополнение к постоянной экспозиции «Жизнь Харью», музей также предлагает посетителям ознакомиться с временными выставками, детально освещающими различные темы. Для детей есть игровая комната, где занятия по душе, приглашающие вернуться в детство, найдутся и для взрослых. В распоряжении краеведов – музейный архив и богатая библиотека.
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#Keila #Harjumaa #Кейла
Fernweh - Token (Feat. Cloe Sutherland) by La Musice
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Music Box museum in Tallinn
There is a museum in Tallinn, which is not very popular, but enormously interesting , especially for families with children. It is called Estonian Theater and Music Museum.
ТАЛЛИНН. Детский музей Miiamilla в Кадриорге. Children's Museum Miiamilla.
Детский музей Мииямилла – это тематический музей для всей семьи. Музейная экспозиция рассчитана, прежде всего, на детей от 3 до 11 лет, а также их родителей. Детям очень нравится. Все можно трогать, всем играть, наряжаться в экспонаты.
Адрес: Л.Койдула 21С, Таллинн, 10127.
✔ ТАЛЛИНН. Где недорого поесть в Таллинне? Чем заняться в Таллинне. Старый Таллинн. -
✔ Индийский ресторан. Дети выбирают игрушки в магазине. -
✔ Прогулка по ТАЛЛИННУ. Tallinn Estonia. -
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✔ VLOG: Ночь музеев. Водопад. Детский музей. -
10 Things NOT to Do in Estonia
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From its historical museums to the medieval castles in the capital of Tallinn, you will find a lot of reasons why you should plan a visit, but here are 10 things to keep in mind when traveling to this Northern Europe country.
1. Don’t Get Easily Offended
Estonians have a great sense of humor, but they tend to be more dry and sar-castic when it comes to cracking a joke. If you find yourself the target of an off-hand pun, take it as a compliment and learn to laugh at yourself.
2. Don’t Talk About History
In the 1940s, Estonian Jews were massacred by German police units and Es-tonian auxiliaries by the thousands. These events may have occurred decades ago, but the memories of the death and destruction are still fresh in their minds.
3. Don’t Forget to Wear Reflectors
If you plan on renting a bike and going for a ride after dark, small reflectors are required during the winter months. If you’re caught riding around without them, you’ll be subjected to a fine ranging from $50 to $500 USD.
4. Don’t Ignore Drink Prices
When ordering a drink in a bar, play close attention to the drink prices. Many people have noticed that some bartenders mark up the price of liquor for for-eign tourists.
5. Don’t Keep Your Shoes On
If you happen to meet a kind Estonian who invites you to their home, respect is required at all times. They also expect you to take off your shoes when you step inside, so make sure you’re wearing some presentable socks!
6. Don’t Expect Friendliness Right Away
Many people define Estonians as cold and standoffish. You’ll probably feel a bit of tension, but it won’t last long. When they become more comfortable with you, their demeanor and communication will lighten up drastically.
7. Don’t Travel Without Insect Repellent
Tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme-disease is widespread, especially in the parks in Tallinn. Bites from ticks and other insects are more common in forest-ed areas, so be sure to protect yourself before venturing out into nature.
8. Don’t Expect Help When Traveling With Kids
Estonia is definitely a children-friendly destination, but public transportation isn’t equipped to provide assistance for those with strollers, and a lot of the streets in Old Town are cobbled roads, making it difficult to push strollers with ease.
9. Don’t Use Your Cell Phone While Driving
Talking on your cell phone while driving is prohibited, but you can use a hands-free system, of course. Seat belts are always required, and your head-lights must be turned on at all times – whether it’s daytime or nighttime.
10. Don’t Ask Them to Speak Russian
Many people assume Estonians speak Russian since the neighboring country is close by. But they have their own language, Estonian, which they’re really proud of. However, many Estonians prefer to speak English.
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Tallinn MARITIME DAYS 2019 | Biggest Sea-themed Event in Estonia
Tallinn Maritime Days is Estonia’s largest marine and family festival, attracting more than 100,000 visitors to Tallinn’s ports. The diverse program offers seaside concerts, activities for children and plenty of opportunities to go to the sea. Tallinn Maritime Days 2019 will take place from July 12th to 14th. Tallinn Maritime Days will take place in the cooperation of Tallinn Culture Board, Estonian Maritime Museum, Noblessner Harbour and Haven Kakumäe.
This year, the organizers want to give the opportunity to go to the sea to as many people as possible. Several shipping lines are open that operate regularly during the Maritime Days. There are also cruises on the bay and sea taxis running on a tight schedule.
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[RUS] Таллиннские Дни моря – крупнейший морской и семейный фестиваль в Эстонии, который привлекает в порты Таллинна более сотни тысяч участников. Разнообразная программа включает в себя концерты на берегу моря, занятия для детей и большое количество возможностей выйти в море. Таллиннские Дни моря 2019 пройдут с 12 по 14 июля 2019 года. Организацией Таллиннских Дней моря занимается Таллиннский департамент культуры в сотрудничестве с Морским музеем Эстонии, Портовым городком Ноблесснера и портом Haven Kakumäe.
В нынешнем году организаторы хотят дать возможность выйти в море как можно большему количеству желающих. В рамках Дней моря будут регулярно проводиться рейсы по нескольким морским маршрутам. Также по плотному графику будут проходить поездки по заливу и работать морское такси.
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Feather by Waywell
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#Merepäevad #Tallinn #MaritimeDays
Common Info about Estonia:
Viron tasavalta eli Viro on tasavalta Itämeren itärannalla Pohjois-Euroopassa Suomenlahden eteläpuolella. Virolla on maaraja Venäjän federaation ja Latvian kanssa. Maan asukasluku on 1 320 000, joista noin kolmannes asuu pääkaupungissa Tallinnassa. Tallinnan jälkeen suurimpia kaupunkeja ovat yliopistokaupunki Tartto, teollisuuskaupungit Narva ja Kohtla-Järve sekä niin sanottu Viron kesäpääkaupunki Pärnu.
एस्टोनिया, आधिकारिक तौर पर एस्टोनिया गणतंत्र उत्तरी यूरोप के बाल्टिक क्षेत्र में स्थित एक देश है। इसकी सीमाएं उत्तर में फिनलैंड खाड़ी, पश्चिम में बाल्टिक सागर, दक्षिण में लातविया और पूर्व में रूस से मिलती है। एस्टोनिया मौसमी समशीतोष्ण जलवायु से प्रभावित है।
إستونيا (بالإستونية)، رسميًا جمهورية إستونيا (بالإستونية)؛ هي دولة تقع في منطقة بحر البلطيق بشمال أوروبا. يحدها من الشمال خليج فنلندا، ومن الغرب بحر البلطيق، ومن الجنوب لاتفيا ، وإلى الشرق من بحيرة بيبوس والاتحاد الروسي. تغطي أراضي إستونيا ما مساحته 45227 كيلومتر مربع ميل مربع، ويعدّ مناخها الموسمي معتدلًا. الإستونية هي اللغة الرسمية الوحيدة في الدولة.
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800년 전 여름 이 바다를 건넌 덴마크인들은 발트의 북쪽 끝에 도착했다. 그들은 곧 바다 가까이에 성벽을 쌓으며 '덴마크인의 성', 탈린을 만들어 갔고, 짙푸른 발트해와 단단한 성벽이 포근하게 품은 한 편의 동화는 숱한 전쟁에도 그 빛을 잃지 않았다. 페이지를 넘길 때마다 파스텔빛이 쏟아지는 행복한 옛 이야기. 그 속으로 들어가 보기로 했다. 현대적인 건 물들을 뒤로 하고 이 돌길을 조금만 걸으면 수백 년 전 써진 동화의 첫 페이지, 비루 문이 나온다. 파란 기차가 노란 집들 사이를 천천히 지나가면 오페라글라스를 쓴 할아버지가 내려다보고 낮고 둥근 문을 지나 시청 광장으로 향하면 중세 유럽 한자 동맹의 일원으로 부유한 무역 도시가 되었던 탈린의 찬란한 과거와 마주한다. 아이들이 그린 듯한 세모난 지붕에 아무 눈치도 보지 않고 좋아하는 색을 골라 마음껏 칠한 듯한 탈린의 거리, 그 속을 걸으면 누구나 따뜻한 색에 스며든다. “평화로운 분위기에 여러 색의 건물들, 돌로 된 바닥까지 모두 멋져요. 먹고 마실 수 있는 곳들도 많아서 정말 좋아요” “뮌헨이나 아테네에서는 찾아볼 수 없는 풍경이죠. 여기를 걷는 내내 우리 표정이 이랬어요. 이게 바로 탈린이죠”
[English: Google Translator]
Danish people arrived at the northern end of Baltic Sea across the sea in the summer of 800 years ago. They soon built walls near the sea, creating the 'Danish castle', Tallinn, and the fairy-tale fairy tale of the dark blue Baltic Sea and solid walls did not lose their light in many wars. A happy old story where pastel light pours every time you turn the pages. I decided to go inside. Behind the modern buildings and a short walk on this road, the first page of the fairy tale, written about centuries ago, comes out. As the blue train slowly passes through the yellow houses, the grandfather with the opera glass looks down and faces the brilliant past of Tallinn, which became a wealthy trade city as a member of the medieval European Chinese Confederacy, through the low and round gates to the City Hall Square. The streets of Tallinn seem to have painted their favorite color without seeing any notice on the three angular roofs that children paint. Peaceful atmosphere, colorful buildings and stone floors are all wonderful. There are many places to eat and drink and I like it very much. This is a scenery not found in Munich or Athens. Our expressions throughout the walk here. This is Tallinn.
[Estonia: Google Translator]
Taani inimesed jõudsid 800 aastat tagasi suve jooksul Läänemere põhjaossa. Nad kiiresti ssateumyeo seina mere lähedal Taanlaste, mis on valmistatud läks Tallinn, hõlmab Läänemere ja lopsakas massiivsein- tihedalt mugavustega assimilatsioon ei kaota, et valgus lugematuid sõjad. Õnnelik vana lugu, kus pastell valgustab iga kord, kui lehti keerates. Otsustasin sisse minna. Kaasaegne Gun veed tagasi esimesele lehele muinasjutt, mis on kirjutatud sadu aastaid tagasi, kui sa kõndida veidi seda dolgil, tuleb Viru värav. Sinine rong möödub majade vahel kollaste ja aeglaselt langetada minu vanaisa kirjutas ooperi klaasist vaatega hyanghamyeon läbi ringi ukse Raekoja platsil, ja nägu kuulsusrikas ajalugu Tallinn on olnud kauplemise linna rikas keskaegses Euroopas liikmena Hansa. Green kolm last ilma ette teatamata nurksuunalisse katuse tunduda isegi nägema vali värv täielikult värvitud nagu Tallinna tänavad, et kõndida, et igaüks imendub soojades toonides. Rahumeelne õhkkond, värvilised ehitised ja kivipõrandad on kõik suurepärased. Ka palju kohti, kus saab süüa ja juua väga hea. See on maastik, mis ei ole võimalik leida Münchenis ja Ateena. Meie väljendus siin kogu jalutuskäigu kaugusel. See on Tallinn.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아03-01 비루 문을 지나 만나는 탈린
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김가람 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2018년 6월June
성/궁전,palace,공원/광장,park, square,건물,architecture,유럽Europe에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti김가람20186월하르유 주Harju CountyHarju MaakondHarjuAugust걸어서 세계속으로
【K】Estonia Travel-Tallinn[에스토니아 여행-탈린]시청 광장의 크리스마스 마켓/Christmas Market/Square/Craft/Wine/Town Hall
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
몇 걸음 못가 또 다른 중세사람과 마주쳤다. “날씨도 추운데 따뜻한 슈냅스 한잔 드세요” “뭔가요?” “드셔보세요 부드러운 와인이에요. 오늘은 저희 음식점 새 단장을 마쳤습니다” 구시가지의 중심에는 광장이 있다. 곧 다가올 크리스마스를 준비하는 작은 상점들이 자리 잡고 있었다. 광장 앞에는 600년이 넘은 고딕양식의 구 시청사 건물이 우뚝서있다. “그냥 오래된 곳인 줄만 알았는데 기대 했던 것보다 훨씬 더 예뻐요. 아주 오래된 것들과 현대적인 것들이 공존하고 있어요.” 탈린의 크리스마스 마켓은 유럽에서 아름답기로 손꼽힐만큼 그 명성이 자자하다. 마켓은 다소 한가했다. 이곳에선 크리스마스 용품들과 정성가득한 수공예품들을 판다. 사람들이 모이는 곳엔 먹거리도 빠질 수 없다. 이제 남은 일은 크리스마스가 오는 거다.
[English: Google Translator]
I can not take a few steps, I met another medieval man, The weather is cold, and I want you to have a cup of warm Schnapps. What? Have a nice soft wine today. In front of the plaza there is a 600 year old Gothic Old Town Hall building standing in the foreground, I thought it was just an old place, much more beautiful than I expected. Tallinn's Christmas market is renowned as one of the most beautiful in Europe, the market is a bit idle, and it sells Christmas goods and sophisticated handicrafts. No, the rest is Christmas.
[Estonia: Google Translator]
Ma ei saa sammu astuda, kohtasin ma teise keskaegse mehega: Ilm on külm ja ma tahan, et sul oleks tass sooja Schnappsi. Mis? Täna on kena pehme vein. Plaase ees on esiplaanil 600-aastane gooti vanalinna hoone hoone, Ma arvasin, et see on lihtsalt vana koht, palju ilusam kui ma ootasin. Tallinna jõuluturg on tuntud kui üks kaunimaid Euroopas, turg on natuke tühi ja müüb jõulukinke ja kogenud käsitööd. Ei, ülejäänud on jõulud.
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아02-08 시청 광장의 크리스마스 마켓
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 장민석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 11월November
관공서,government building,공원/광장,park, square,시장/상점,market,육식,meat,유럽Europe유럽에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti장민석201611월하르유 주Harju CountyHarju MaakondHarjuNovember걸어서 세계속으로
Science centre AHHAA in Estonia
This is the biggest and most modern science centre in the Baltics!
Visiting Heart Museum - Next level exhibition
The Herning (it's in Denmark) based museum's retrogaming exhibition is a disappointment, i've visited it with a friend and a camera but i'm probably not gonna go again, but see for yourself :-)
Seaplane Harbour Lennusadam | Maritime Museum Tallinn Estonia | Wow!
Seaplane Harbour Lennusadam what a fascinating place we spent all afternoon here. We enjoyed the VRs and interacting with the planes, boats going inside the submarine. The museum is fun and educational ticks all our boxes!
Hi, we are Rohan, Benj & Toby (Wild & Wanderlust) child vloggers documenting our home education journey travelling around the globe. We want to inspire other children and parents to explore, take risks and go on your own adventure!! Hopefully we can give you some ideas and show you some great places to visit!!
This is not a paid add.
AtgRuioFallA - Vocal Impro #5 - Kumu museum / Tallinn / Estonia - 3.7.15 - Euro-PA
AtgRuioFallA performs improvisations at Kumu museum, in Tallinn, Estonia, for Euro-PA.
AtgRuioFallA is Laura Remmel, Ivi Rausi and Roomet Jakapi
Using sea heat to power a museum (Estonia)
The Seaplane Harbour is a maritime museum that recently opened in Tallinn. It's not just the hundreds of exhibits displayed throughout the unique seaplane hangars that make the museum worth visiting. The large museum building sources its energy from a method based on sea-heating, which not only keeps the visitors warm, but also the energy bills down.
'A world you like. With a climate you like.' is the European Commission's new communication campaign on climate action. This campaign aims to show solutions and best practices applied by citizens, businesses and authorities across the European Union. It covers five areas: travel and transport; producing and innovating; building and living; shopping and eating; and re-use and recycling. From these diverse topics, you'll find a range of practical solutions to help build a sustainable, low-carbon future!
More success stories can be found on our exclusive channel at
Check out our campaign website for handy low-carbon tips for and interesting and sustainable solutions from every EU Member State at
Get involved and help spread the word for a low-carbon lifestyle!
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Mid-Summer celebration @ Tallinn
Mid-Summer celebration @ Tallinn, Estonia. I think the location is the open air museum, close to Tallinn.
Tallinn, Estonia - October 2014 - Part 1
We took the kids to Tallinn, Estonia for 4 days in October 2014 and had fun exploring the Old Town, Harbour Museum, Open Air Museum, Royal Palace and Childrens Museum. This is Slideshow Part 1 of that trip.
Music -
【K】Estonia Travel-Tallinn[에스토니아 여행-탈린]카드리오그 궁전/Tram/Kadriorg Palace/Russia/Peter/Greek mythology
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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[한국어 정보]
다시 탈린으로 돌아왔다. 오늘은 트램을 타고 시 외곽 나가보려고 한다. 사람들은 우리나라처럼 카드를 찍으며 트램에 올라탔다. 카드가 없는 나는 2유로를 지불해야 했다. 모두들 녹색카드를 가지고 있었는데 뭔지 물어봤다. “탈린 시민들에게는 (대중교통이) 무료입니다” 알고 보니 탈린 시민들에겐 대중교통이 전부 무료라고 한다. 목적지까지 가는 동안 돈을 지불한 승객은 나 하나였다. 구시가지에서 트램을 타고 10분정도가면 카드리오그 궁전이 나온다. 상트 페테르부르크를 건설한 러시아의 표트르 대제는 1718년 부인 예카테리나를 위해 아름다운 바로크식 여름 별장을 지었다. 이 사람이 바로 표트르 대제다. 안으로 들어가자 관람을 하고 있는 아이들이 있었다. 어딜 가나 아이들은 순수하고 귀엽다. 표트르 대제와 예카테리나가 사용했던 화려한 방이다. 한쪽 벽면에는 예카테리나를 상징하는 글자와 다른 쪽에는 표트르 대제를 상징하는 글자가 마주보고 있다. 제정 러시아를 상징하는 머리가 셋 달린 독수리를 가운데 두고 이 화려한 방의 양쪽 면은 거울처럼 똑같은 모양이다. 아이들 수준에 맞춰 설명하는 선생님 이야기가 재미있다. 아이들은 본격적으로 천장의 그림을 보기위해 바닥에 눕기 시작했다. 나도 이참에 슬쩍 끼어보기로 했다. 천장에는 그리스 신화가 그려져 있는데 사슴으로 변한 사냥꾼은 스웨덴의 국왕 카를 12세를 상징하고, 목욕을 하는 다아나는 그와 전쟁을 했던 표트르 대제 자신을 상징한다. “아이들이랑 함께 하는 일을 좋아합니다. 공원을 산책할 수도 있고 동시에 박물관을 구경할 수도 있는 곳입니다”
[English: Google Translator]
I came back to Tallinn. Today I am going to take a tram and go outside the city. People rode on the tram, taking cards like ours. Without the card I had to pay 2 euros. Everyone had a green card and asked what it was. To the citizens of Tallinn (public transport) is free As far as I know, public transportation is all free to the citizens of Tallinn. I was one of the passengers who paid for the money while I was on my way to the destination. A 10 minute tram ride from the old town leads to the Cardio Palace. Russia's Peter the Great, who built St. Petersburg, built a beautiful baroque summer house for his wife, Catherine, in 1718. This person is Peter the Great. As I walked in, there were children watching. Wherever children go, they are pure and cute. It is a gorgeous room used by Peter the Great and Ekaterina. On one wall there is a letter symbolizing Catherine, and on the other side is a letter symbolizing Pyotr. Both sides of this gorgeous room have the same shape as a mirror, centered on an eagle with three heads, symbolizing Russia. The story of the teacher explaining to the level of the child is interesting. The children began to lie on the floor to see the ceiling painting in earnest. I decided to jump in on this. On the ceiling, a Greek myth is depicted, a hunter who turns into a deer symbolizes the Swedish King Carl II, and Daana, who takes a bath, symbolizes himself to Peter the Great, who had fought with him. I like working with kids. You can take a walk around the park and see the museum at the same time.
[Estonia: Google Translator]
Tulin tagasi Tallinnasse. Täna lähen maha trammi ja mine linnast väljas. Inimesed sõidud trammis, võttes kaarte nagu meie. Ilma kaardita pidi ma maksma 2 eurot. Igaühel oli roheline kaart ja küsiti, mis see oli. Tallinna kodanikele (ühistransport) on tasuta Minu arvates on ühistransport Tallinna kodanikele tasuta. Ma olin üks reisijaid, kes maksid selle raha eest, kui olin teel sihtkohta. 10-minutilise trammisõidu kaugusel vanalinnast viib Cardio Palace. Venemaa Peter Peetrus, kes ehitas Peterburi, ehitas 1718. aastal oma naisele Catherine'ile ilusa barokksti suvila. See inimene on Peetrus. Nagu ma sisse astusin, nägi lapsi. Kui lapsed lähevad, on nad puhtad ja armas. See on suurepärane tuba, mida kasutavad Peeter Suur ja Ekaterina. Üks seina teisele poole, märgid ja sümboliseerib Catherine seisab kirjas sümboliseerib Peeter. Mõlemad küljed sellel gorgeous toal on sama kujuga kui peegel, mis keskendub kolme peaga kotle, mis sümboliseerib Venemaad. Õpetaja lugu, milles selgitatakse lapse taset, on huvitav. Lapsed hakkasid lamama põrandal, et näha laia värvimist tõsiselt. Otsustasin selle peale hüpata. Kreeka mütoloogias on lagi värvitud jahimehed muutunud hirve sümboliseerib Rootsi kuningas Karl 12 aastat, ja ma Daah vanni sümboliseerib Peeter ise oli temaga sõdinud. Mulle meeldib lastega töötamine. Võite jalutada läbi pargi ja samal ajal koht, mis võib Museokierroksellasi
■클립명: 유럽109-에스토니아02-14 트램을 타고 가본 카드리오그 궁전
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 장민석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 11월November
성/궁전,palace,터미널,terminal,박물관/전시관,museum,기차,탈것,,train,건물,architecture,유럽Europe유럽에스토니아EstoniaEesti VabariikEesti장민석201611월하르유 주Harju CountyHarju MaakondHarjuNovember걸어서 세계속으로