The beautiful city of Sint Niklaas in Belgium
Sint-Niklaas is the capital and major city of the Waasland region straddling the East Flanders and Antwerp provinces. The city is known for having the largest market square in Belgium. At one point this square also boasted the largest Christmas tree, and the largest easter egg in Europe.
The main Church of Saint Nicholas was founded in the 13th century and gave its name to the city. After heavy damage in the 16th century, the interior was redone in the Baroque style.
St. Joseph Minor Seminary, catholic school.
The Church of Our Lady, built in the 19th century, famous for its Byzantine revival interior, and 6m tall statue of our lady on top, covered in fine gold.
Town Hall, in gothical revival style was builkt after the old hall burned down.
The largest market square in Belgium, founded by Margaret II, Countess of Flanders.
The Gerardus Mercator Museum traces the history of cartography back to its origins. The museum also houses two original globes that belonged to the famous cartographer.
Other churches and museums include: Saint Joseph, Christ the King, Saloons of Fine Arts and Zwijgershoek.
Would you like to visit Sint Niklaas? Visit for cheap holidays and tickets
Sint Michiels Gent Belgium
Saint Michael's Church (Dutch: Sint-Michielskerk) is a Roman Catholic church in Ghent, Belgium built in a late Gothic style.
It has rich interior decoration.
Over 250,000 Catholics marched through Brussels to protest against a Government Bill for school reform, which threatens to cut the subsidy to Catholic Schools.
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Belgium church card payment
In a church in Antwerp people can make donations with card. New technologies appear in a church in Antwerp where people can make donations to the church with bank card or online. The Cathedral of Notre Dame d’Anvers likes new technologies. Here in this wedding chapel the visitors can find a numerical box beside a traditional urn for the offerings. The visitors can use their bankink cards to make offerings. The visitors can also use their smartphone to make offerings. The church have also its facebook account and its website. The church community wants to attract young peoples.
Soundbite 1: Benoît MEERT, member of the chapel (in french) “ So you take your banking card and put this inside the box like in shops, you choose the amount: we can give 5 euros for example. You put on “OK” and the transaction is made.”
Soundbite 2: Guillaume Engeks, initiator of the project (in french) “ My father belongs to the community of the Chapel and wanted to modernize it. I’m working with social medias and electronical payment. For us it’s the normal life.”
Soundbite 3: a woman inside the church (in french) “ Specially for foreign people who don’t have the same money, it could be very useful.”
Soundbite 4: a Japanese visitor (in english) The reporter: “ Do you have seen this kind of system in your life?” The Japanese woman: “yes” The reporter: “Where?” The Japanese woman: “ In Japan”
Soundbite 5: a girl (in english) “ I think it’s can be the future because the world changes (…)”
Soundbite 6: a woman (in french) “ It’s disturbing for me, I like the sound of the money inside the urn, it’s emotional.”
Soundbite 7: a woman (in english) “ it’s cool for the young people (…) but I prefer to give cash money.”
Opening Day Parade
The procession of the K.U. Leuven professors to the St. Peter's church for the opening mass. (September 25th, 2006)
Belgians attend tribute mass for the Brussels attacks victims
A special mass is held in memory of the victims of the attacks that hit Brussels, in the Cathedral of St Michael and Gudule in the Belgian capital.
Saint Nicholas visit
S:t Nicholas visit the kids at the Catholic church S:t Lars in Uppsala Sweden on the 6 of December 2014.
Sint-Niklaas is a Belgian city and municipality located in the Flemish province of East Flanders. The municipality comprises the city of Sint-Niklaas proper and the towns of Belsele, Nieuwkerken-Waas, and Sinaai.
Sint-Niklaas is the capital and major city of the Waasland region straddling the East Flanders and Antwerp provinces. The city is known for having the largest market square in Belgium. At one point this square also boasted the largest Christmas tree, and the largest easter egg in Europe.
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Aanslaan Gentse Triomfante (in de volksmond Klokke Roeland)
De klok die hier aangeslagen wordt, is de Grote Triomfante van de stad Gent, gegoten in 1660 door Pieter Hemony. Ze moest dienen als luidklok en als uitbreiding van de beiaard die hij het jaar ervoor gegoten had en waarvoor de historische 14de eeuwse stormklok Roeland omgesmolten werd. In de 19de eeuw, met de romantiek kreeg deze Triomfante de rol van opvolger van Roeland toebedeeld, en werd in de volksmond eveneens Klokke Roeland genoemd, soms wel Roeland 2 om verwarring te vermijden. Het belang van deze klok voor de Gentenaars is zo groot, dat het Gentse volkslied, het Boven Gent rijst deze klok bezingt.
De klok barstte echter in 1914 en was sedertdien stom. In 1948 werd ze maar op het nippertje van de smeltkroes gered, nadat een sponsor gevonden werd om een volledig nieuwe stormklok (die deze keer van meet af aan de naam Roeland kreeg, om verwarring te vermijden Roeland 3 genoemd) te laten gieten, zonder het brons van haar voorganger te moeten gebruiken. Nadat de Triomfante meer dan 50 jaar op een sokkel op het Braunplein gestaan had, werd ze in 2003 gelast. Pas dit jaar kreeg ze weer een plaatsje in Gent. Het aanslaan van de klok is niet ideaal, maar de ontroering is groot voor de Gentenaars die deze klok, die zoveel symboliek voor de stad inhoudt, na bijna 100 jaar stilzwijgen, voor het eerst weer kunnen horen.
De klok is voorlopig geplaatst boven een liftkoker naast de sacristie van de Sint-Niklaaskerk, zodat de Gentenaars haar klank weer kunnen horen. Op termijn moet ze echter terug in het belfort gehangen worden, waar ze haar taak als beiaardklok opnieuw zal kunnen vervullen. Er zijn echter geen plannen (helaas) om deze klok haar allereerste historische functie als luidklok opnieuw te geven.
Het aanslaan van de klok gebeurde ter gelegenheid van de officiële opening van de nieuwe Stadshal op het Emile Braunplein, op 1 september 2012 om 20h30 door Joris Rasemont.
Dank aan Joris Rasemont voor de bemiddeling om de klank- en video-opname te mogen maken.
This bell is the historic successor of the 14th-century storm bell Roeland, and was cast in 1660. The importance of this bell is so large for Ghent that it is the subject of the anthem of the city. The bell cracked in 1914, and it just escaped being melted to cast its successor in 1948. In 2003 it was repaired and in 2012 it was hung on the Emile Braun Square in the city centre. The fixed suspension is far from ideal, but for the inhabitants of Ghent it is very emotional to hear again this bell, that means so much for the city, after having been silent for almost 100 years. Later, this bell should go back to the belfry to take back one of its historic tasks as carillon bell.
Cette cloche est le successeur de la cloche de Gand du 14ème siècle, Roeland, et a été coulée en 1660. Pour la ville de Gand cette cloche est si importante qu'elle est le sujet de l'hymne de la ville. La cloche s'est felée en 1914, et n'a que tout juste été sauvée de la fonte en 1948 pour produire son successeur. En 2003 elle a été soudée et en 2012 elle a été suspendue sur le Square Emile Braun au centre ville. La suspension fixe est loin d'être idéale, mais l'émotion est grande pour les Gantois, qui peuvent maintenant de nouveau entendre cette cloche qui représente tant pour la ville, et qui est restée muette pendant près de 100 ans. Plus tard elle devrait reprendre sa place dans le beffroi et reprendre une de ces tâches originales comme cloche du carillon.
2016-06-19 At the end of mass in Amsterdam
See how a burning church collapses! Satan's work?
Saturday Book Market at the Saint Nicholas' Church in Ghent, Belgium
Every second Saturday from 9.30 to 17.30 there's a book market in Ghent's Saint Nicholas' Church. Lots of books about the history of the city, and much more!
Orgelklanken te Lissewege : aria van Pachelbel
Aria uit Hexachordum Apollinis van Johann Pachelbel (1653-1706) op het historische orgel in de kerk te Lissewege.
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Kerkbrand Anzegem - Church fire
Apocalyptische luchtbeelden van kerkbrand in Anzegem gefilmd met een drone .Op de beelden is te zien hoe de kerk van Anzegem helemaal verteerd wordt door de vlammen. De kerk is verloren want de schade is gigantisch.
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Apocalyptic aerial images of church fire in Anzegem filmed with a drone .The images show how the Church of Anzegem is completely consumed by the flames. The church is lost because the damage is huge.uchtbeelden van kerkbrand in Anzegem gefilmd met een drone .Op de beelden is te zien hoe de kerk van Anzegem helemaal verteerd wordt door de vlammen. De kerk is verloren want de schade is gigantisch.
Historic Catholic beguinage (begijnhof) located in Turnhout, Belgium. The unique and well preserved Belgian beguinage was build in the early 13 th century and is located right in the middle of the city centre. Untill recently the houses and other buildings were used by traditional beguines, who inhabited the age old beguinage for centuries. Furthermore the historical complex constists of a gatehouse, entrance building, a church, a chapel, a Lourdes grotto, many old trees, a wonderful kitchen garden and a large number of religious sculptures and statues. In 1998 the Flemish beguinage was officially recognized by Unesco as a cultural world heritage site.
Het begijnhof van Turnhout is een van de Vlaamse begijnhoven die in 1998 opgenomen werden op de werelderfgoedlijst. Turnhout is gelegen in het noorden de van oorsprong Katholieke Vlaamse provincie Antwerpen. Van het begijnhof van Turnhout is geen precieze stichtingsdatum bekend, maar waarschijnlijk werd ze in de 13e eeuw opgericht. Het vroeg classicistische poortgebouw en het langwerpig plein typeren dit begijnhof. Er is een goed bewaarde barok kerk, infirmerie en huizen uit de 16e en 17e eeuw. De laatste begijn, groot juffrouw Anna De Boer, overleed in 2002. Er is ook een museum waar men meer over de begijnencultuur te weten kan komen.
Belgium 2014 Vol. 11 - Gravensteen, St Nicholas' Church 140901
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Brussels – Notre Dame du Sablon
(where you can find all information, vídeos, pics, ...)
19/01/2019 – 21/01/2019 – Bruxelas/Brussels (Bélgica/Belgium)
21/01/2019 - Brussels – Notre Dame du Sablon
PT// A Igreja da Nossa Senhora do Sablon (Église Notre-Dame du Sablon ou Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Zavel) é uma igreja católica romana do século XV localizada no distrito de Sablon / Zavel, no centro histórico de Bruxelas. Caracteriza-se pelo seu exterior Gótico Brabantine e rica decoração interior, incluindo duas capelas Barrocas. Tempo ainda para um pequeno passeio pelo Parque Petit Sablon.
EN// The Church of Our Blessed Lady of the Sablon (Église Notre-Dame du Sablon or Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Zavel) is a Roman Catholic church from the 15th century located in the Sablon/Zavel district in the historic centre of Brussels. It is characterised by its late Brabantine Gothic exterior and rich interior decoration including two Baroque chapels. Still time for a short walk through the park Petit Sablon.
萨布隆圣母教堂(ÉgliseNotre-Dame du Sablon或Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Zavel)是一座15世纪的罗马天主教堂,位于布鲁塞尔历史中心的Sablon / Zavel区。 它的特点是其晚期的布拉班特哥特式外观和丰富的室内装饰,包括两个巴洛克式教堂。 还有时间步行穿过Petit Sablon公园。
Sà bù lóng shèngmǔ jiàotáng (ÉgliseNotre-Dame du Sablon huò Onze-Lieve-Vrouw ter Zavel) shì yīzuò 15 shìjì de luómǎ tiānzhǔ jiàotáng, wèiyú bùlǔsài'ěr lìshǐ zhōngxīn de Sablon/ Zavel qū. Tā de tèdiǎn shì qí wǎnqí de bù lā bān tè gē tè shì wàiguān hé fēngfù de shìnèi zhuāngshì, bāokuò liǎng gè bāluòkè shì jiàotáng. Hái yǒu shíjiān bùxíng chuānguò Petit Sablon gōngyuán.
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Basilica of Saint Nicholas, Amsterdam ????????
The Basilica of St. Nicholas was built over 125 years ago and owes most of its beauty to Adrianus Bleijs. Known as Sint-Nicolaasbasiliek in Dutch, the church sits in the Old Centre in Amsterdam. Acting as the city’s main Catholic church. ????????
#blessed #Europe2017
Lier : the Mechanical Carillon
bells St-Jacobs Ghent.AVI
Klokken op Hemelvaartsdag van de St-Jacobskerk in Gent -Cloches de l'église St-Jacques à Gand (B) - Glocken der St- Jacobikirche in Gent (B) -Bells of the St-James' Church in Ghent (B) - Campañas de la iglesia de Santiago a Gante (B)- Campane della chiesa di San Giacomo a Gand (B)