Dhaka Christian Cemetery, Wari, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Christian Graveyard Dhaka Bangladesh
Christian cemetery, Dhaka
The Christian Cemetery is situated at Wari, a district of Old Town in Dhaka. It started to go into a declining state within a few years after it was built, and it still is in ruins and wilderness.
It was developed mainly for the European traders and their families, thus most members of the East India Company lie buried there.The oldest grave there belongs to Reverend Joseph Paget, minister of Calcutta, who died there in 1774 at the age of 26.
The cemetery had been in a declining state since the early 1800s as noticed by both Reginald Heber, and F.B. Bradley burt, although the decay had a more emotional romantic appeal to him.The original road layout of the cemetery has faded away with time, but it can be understood that a couple of straight roads intersected to make a path system within the network. The tombs were jumbled into a group to form one or two clusters, while making it hardly visible to visitors.
The cemetery has six type of tombs in the complex-
Type A- These graves are either really old, and no structure or inscriptions remains; or completely new, such that even the originality of the position of the grave and the inscription can be questioned as the frequent interaction taking place in the monument can be noted to any visitors.
Type B- The Moorish type gateway, which has been severely altered over the years, leads to nowhere. It was placed irrespective of the most imposing monuments of the complex, instead it only provides a plane of entrance towards the empty field in the center. Its position also reveals that no formal layout was maintained.
Type C, D & E- The obelisk and urn resemble the contemporary best known English cemeteries in calcutta; the baroque character of the older and provincial cemeteries. The Indian version of the pyramid stands on a podium where the inscriptions are laid, has a less broad base, which is smoothly uplifted to an acute angled apex.
Type F- The most interesting and striking features of the cemetery complex. The plan varied from round to square to octagonal ones with doric and ionic columns. Among these pavilions the most eye catching and perhaps frequently quoted is Colombo Saheb's tomb. The mausoleum also changed over the years. It contains three graves, surprisingly off-centeredly placed, without any inscription. The panels or the inscriptions were added later, due to the collapse of the original structures due to weathering or other reasons. The lower part of the mausoleum resembles an average mughal mosque, square in plan with four doorways on each side. The front view facade is decorated with three planes comprising a large central face and a lesser one on each side ended up with an octagonal tower at the angles. The central plane is rectangular in shape, the greater part of its surface occupied by a pointed arch and domed recess in the center. Guldastas on wreathed shaft marks the side of the plane. Above the lower mosque-like structure, the builder placed a high octagonal structure with arches on each side and over a baroque style dome together with projected guldastas to replace the traditional chattris.
Christian cemetery, Wari, Dhaka
The Christian Cemetery is situated at Wari, a district of Old Town in Dhaka. It started to go into a declining state within a few years after it was built, and it still is in ruins and wilderness.
It was developed mainly for the European traders and their families, thus most members of the East India Company lie buried there.The oldest grave there belongs to Reverend Joseph Paget, minister of Calcutta, who died there in 1774 at the age of 26.
The first Christian cemetery at Narinda in Old Dhaka
The Christian Cemetery is situated at Wari, a district of Old Town in Dhaka. It started to go into a declining state within a few years after it was built, and it still is in ruins and wilderness.
It was developed mainly for the European traders and their families, thus most members of the East India Company lie buried there.The oldest grave there belongs to Reverend Joseph Paget, minister of Calcutta, who died there in 1774 at the age of 26.
The cemetery had been in a declining state since the early 1800s as noticed by both Reginald Heber, and F.B. Bradley burt, although the decay had a more emotional romantic appeal to him.The original road layout of the cemetery has faded away with time, but it can be understood that a couple of straight roads intersected to make a path system within the network. The tombs were jumbled into a group to form one or two clusters, while making it hardly visible to visitors.
The cemetery has six type of tombs in the complex-
Type A- These graves are either really old, and no structure or inscriptions remains; or completely new, such that even the originality of the position of the grave and the inscription can be questioned as the frequent interaction taking place in the monument can be noted to any visitors.
চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করে সঙ্গে থাকুন।
Beautiful 1st Christian Cemetery of Dhaka
Beautiful 1st Christian Cemetery of Old Dhaka.
চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করে সঙ্গে থাকুন।
Oldest Church In Dhaka
Established by the Portuguese in 1677, the Rani Jopmala church, also known as the Mother of Churches, is the oldest intact church in Dhaka.
Located in the capital’s Tejgaon, this illustrious church bears witness to many historical events. The grand cemetery, built during that time, still harbours as a resting place for the deceased.
This is the largest cemetery in Dhaka city Corporation.. ঢাকা কবরস্তান
This is the largest cemetery in Dhaka city Corporation.. I came in here only Friday. Because only Friday this big grave place open for all for visiting here.. This is part one video.. I will be share second part of the big cemetery with you another Friday...
Day :
Total post :
Total video :
All rounder challenge.
kristin grave in Dhaka
Dhaka kristin grave in the Bangladesh
আজিমপুর পুরাতন কবরস্থান | Azimpur Old Graveyard | Azimpur Old Koborsthan
আজিমপুর পুরাতন কবরস্থান | Azimpur Old Graveyard | Azimpur Old Koborsthan. This is the proper and right view for the Bangladeshi eyes in from the Azimpur, Dhaka.
This video was captured in the Afternoon of 29th August 2017.
আজিমপুর নতুন কবরস্থান | Azimpur New Graveyard | Azimpur New Koborsthan.
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান বাংলাদেশের ঢাকা শহরে আজিমপুরে অবস্থিত একটি মুসলমান সমাধিস্থল। একে আজিমপুর কবরস্থান হিসেবেও প্রায়শ উল্লেখ করা হয়। সপ্তদশ শতাব্দীতে ঢাকা শহরের পত্তনের সমসময়ে এই গোরস্থানের সূচনা হয়েছিল বলে অনুমান করা হয়।
২৭ একর জমির ওপর গড়ে উঠেছে আজিমপুর গোরস্থান। এই গোরস্থানের দুটি অংশ রয়েছে যথা নতুন গোরস্থান ও আরেকটি পুরাতন গোরস্থান। পুরাতন গোরস্থানটি নতুন গোরস্থানের তুলনায় বেশ ছোট।
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান লাশ দাফন করা ছাড়াও লাশ ধোয়ানো এবং জানাজা পড়ার ব্যবস্থা আছে।
লাশের সংখ্যা
এখানে কতটি লাশ দাফর করা হয়েছে তার কোনো হিসাব নেই। ২০১৩ খ্রিস্টাব্দে এই গণনায় দেখা যায় যে যায়, এখানে প্রতিদিন গড়ে ৩০-৩৫টি লাশ দাফন করা হয়। সপ্তাহে প্রায় ২০০-২৫০টি লাশ দাফন করা হচ্ছে। এখানে ব্রিটিশ আমল ও পাকিস্তান আমলের বেশ কিছু কবর সংরক্ষিত আছে।
ঢাকা সিটি কর্পেরেশান এই গোরস্থানের ব্যবস্থানার দায়িত্বে নিয়োজিত।
Lines of pukka graves at Azimpur Graveyard, Dhaka,
Azimpur graveyard, graveyard, Dhaka Graveyards for Muslims,
Dhaka's largest graveyard, Azimpur Koborsthan, Dhaka's largest graveyard opens in Rayerbazar, Rayerbazar Koborsthan,
Rayerbazar graveyard, আজিমপুর গোরস্থান - উইকিপিডিয়া,
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানের অবর্ণনীয় দুরবস্থা, শেষ ঠিকানা রায়েরবাজার, শেষ ঠিকানা আজিমপুর কবরস্থান,
azimpur graveyard, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে একটি কবর দেয়া, শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত সম্পুূর্ণ, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানের কবর, আজিমপুর কবরস্থান, কিভাবে কবর দিতে হয়, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে কবর, রাজধানীতে কবরের জায়গা সংকট, Azimpur Graveyard - Dhaka City, Azimpur Koborstan, 10 Biggest Graveyards around the World, world's biggest graveyard, biggest graveyard in india, biggest cemetery in europe, wadi al-salam cemetery, asia biggest kabristan, Dhaka's biggest graveyard, Dhaka's largest graveyard opens in Rayerbazar, Christian cemetery, Burial ground booking/reservation, Graveyard in Bangladesh, Dhaka Graveyards for Muslims, Banani Graveyard, graveyard in Bangladesh,
বিভিন্ন আজব ও বিস্ময়কর সব খবর জানতে আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুনঃ
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বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় সার্কাস খেলা দেখুনঃ
বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় স্থান গুলো দেখুনঃ
বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে আকর্ষণীয় রিসোর্ট দেখুনঃ
বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে ভ্রমণ সুন্দর জায়গা দেখুনঃ
বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে সুন্দর ক্যাম্পাস দেখুনঃ
বাংলাদেশের কোটিপতি গরুর খামার দেখুনঃ
১৯ লাখ টাকার গরুর বহর দেখুনঃ
ঢাকার ফুটপাত মার্কেট গুলো কোথায় কোথায় জেনে নিনঃ
আরও কিছু ভিডিও দেখুনঃ
তৌসিফের গায়ে হলুদে তারকাদের উল্লাস দেখুনঃ
অভিনেতা তৌসিফের স্ত্রীর কিছু এক্সক্লুসিভ ছবি দেখুনঃ
তাসকিনের বিয়েতে ছিলেন তারাও দেখুনঃ
First Bangladeshi Smartphone Walton Primo E8I দেখুনঃ
কোন রাশির সাথে প্রেম করা অশুভ! দেখুনঃ
শাওনের বাড়িতে পুলিশ কেন? দেখুনঃ
মাথা নষ্ট করা পাচ মিনিটের এই নাচটি দেখুনঃ
বিয়ের পরেও চাকরি করতেন মিসেস আম্বানি, বেতন পেতেন কত? দেখুনঃ
প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যের দেশ ভুটান | দশ হাজার টাকায় ঘুরে আসুন, দেখুনঃ
Holy Rosary Church Dhaka !! হলি রোজারি চার্চ (OLD)
Holy Rosary Church considered as one of the oldest Christian installations of Dhaka, was established by Portuguese missionaries before the advent of British colonial rulers in India. Tavares came to Bengal in 1579 after getting farman a royal decree from Mugal Emperor akbar (1556-1605) for trading, preaching of Christian religion and building of churches there freely. By 1580, a Portuguese settlement including trading houses and places of worship was developed in Dhaka City. The Portuguese catholic Augustinians constructed two churches named Holy Rosary at Hijli in the 16th century. The Portuguese followers of St. Augustine also built up Churches one day in Chittagong in 1601, Baleshwar and Rangamati in 1640, Bakergonj (Barisal) in 1764, Hasnabad in 1777 and Tejgaon (Dhaka). It is assumed that the Portuguese Augustinians constructed Holy Rasary Church in 1677 at Tejkunipara of Tejgaon on the eastern side of present holy cross girls’ high school and College. The Church is locally known as 'the Church of Japamala rani'.
Bangladesh building collapse: unidentified bodies buried in Dhaka
Bangladesh building collapse: unidentified bodies buried in Dhaka
Subscribe to the Guardian HERE:
A truck carrying unidentified victims of Bangladesh's clothing factory collapse arrives at a burial site in Dhaka. A woman cries after claiming one of the 18 bodies as the person she has been looking for. The other victims will be buried in unmarked graves as they have not been claimed by family or friends. The death toll from April's accident has passed 400, with many more people feared still underneath the rubble.
Vandals Smash Tombstones In Jerusalem Christian Cemetery
Four men, two of whom were settlers from the occupied West Bank, were caught throwing concrete blocks at tombstones a Christian cemetery near Jerusalem's walled Old City on Sunday (September 29).
Several of the headstones, some of which dated back to the early 1900s, had had stone crosses broken off.
The men were apprehended by policemen who were nearby, police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said.
Rosenfeld said that two of the detained men are known Hilltop Youth activists, referring to a fringe group of Jewish settlers who are suspected by Israeli authorities of vandalising several mosques and monasteries in the past few years.
We are still looking to the background of that incident, it seems to be a criminal incident with nationalistic motives, Rosenfeld said.
The suspects are aged between 17 and 26.
Catholics in Bangladesh have celebrated 500 years of Christian faith in their country
Bishops, priests, religious brothers and nuns were among the 7,000 Catholics who celebrated the arrival of Christianity in East Bengal (now Bangladesh).
Celebratory events were held in Diang, Chittagong in the country’s southeast on Feb. 7-8.
আজিমপুর কবর স্থানের ভয়াবহতা
অসংখ্য কবর যেখানে সে জায়গার নাম আজিমপুর কবরস্থান।
Christian,( Jesus m Joseph)bangladesh
Banani Army Graveyards, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abbu & Dadi'r Kobor
Old Dhaka, The First Cemeteries Of The Christians Throw Waste From the local People
In 1600 AD In Narinda, Wari Thana Of Old Dhaka, The Local Cemeteries Of The Christians Throw Waste From The Local People.
The Christian Cemetery is situated at Wari, a district of Old Town in Dhaka. It started to go into a declining state within a few years after it was built, and it still is in ruins and wilderness.
It was developed mainly for the European traders and their families, thus most members of the East India Company lie buried there.The oldest grave there belongs to Reverend Joseph Paget, minister of Calcutta, who died there in 1774 at the age of 26.
The cemetery had been in a declining state since the early 1800s as noticed by both Reginald Heber, and F.B. Bradley burt, although the decay had a more emotional romantic appeal to him.The original road layout of the cemetery has faded away with time, but it can be understood that a couple of straight roads intersected to make a path system within the network. The tombs were jumbled into a group to form one or two clusters, while making it hardly visible to visitors.
The cemetery has six type of tombs in the complex-
Type A- These graves are either really old, and no structure or inscriptions remains; or completely new, such that even the originality of the position of the grave and the inscription can be questioned as the frequent interaction taking place in the monument can be noted to any visitors.
চ্যানেলটি SUBSCRIBE করে সঙ্গে থাকুন।
Chittagong Commonwealth war cemetery
The Chittagong Commonwealth War Cemetery is a Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery in Chittagong, Bangladesh.
This cemetery was established to show the honor for the soldiers and others who died in World War II. The cemetery was created by the British Army, and there were originally about 400 burials. Graves have since been transferred to this cemetery from the Lushai Hills (Assam) and other isolated sites, and from Chittagong Civil Cemetery; Chandragona Baptist Mission Cemetery; Chiringa Military Cemetery; Cox's Bazar New Military and Civil (Muhammadan) Cemeteries; Chittagong (Panchalaish) Burial Ground; Dacca Military Cemetery; Demagiri Cemetery; Dhuapolong Muslim Burial Ground; Dhuapolong Christian Military Cemetery; Dohazari Military and R.A.F. Cemeteries; Jessore Protestant Cemetery; Khulna Cemetery; Khurushkul Island Christian and Muhammadan Cemeteries; Lungleh Cemetery (Assam); Nawapara Cemetery (Assam); Patiya Military Cemetery, Rangamati Cemetery; Tejgaon Roman Catholic Cemetery; Tumru Ghat Military Cemetery and Tumru M.D.S. Hospital Cemetery.
There are now 731 Commonwealth burials of the 1939-45 war here, 17 of which are unidentified.
There are a further 20 foreign national burials, 1 being a seaman of the Dutch Navy and 19 Japanese soldiers, 1 of which is unidentified. There are also 4 non-war U.K. military burials.
Commonwealth War Cemetery Chittagong is in Dampara locality, No 19 Badsha Mia Road, 22 kilometers north of the airport and 8 kilometers from the port on a site which was formerly paddy fields, but which has now been developed.
It is near the arts college and close by Finlay's Guest Houses near Chatteshanry Road; a well known road leading to the Hindu Kali Bari Temple. There is no C.W.G.C. road direction sign.
The burial area is situated at the bottom of a slope directly behind Finlay's Guest Houses and is surrounded by a large area planted with a mixture of jungle trees, fruit trees and flowering trees.
A tarmac lane leads from the entrance gate to the burial area which is entered through a metal gate flanked by two small brick chapels.
আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে একটি কবর দেয়া, শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত সম্পুূর্ণ | কবরস্থান | Azimpur Graveyard
আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে একটি কবর দেয়া, শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত সম্পুূর্ণ | আজিমপুর কবরস্থান | Azimpur Graveyard | This is the unique video that while given a grave in the azimpur graveyard in Dhaka.
আজিমপুর নতুন কবরস্থান | Azimpur New Graveyard | Azimpur New Koborsthan.
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান বাংলাদেশের ঢাকা শহরে আজিমপুরে অবস্থিত একটি মুসলমান সমাধিস্থল। একে আজিমপুর কবরস্থান হিসেবেও প্রায়শ উল্লেখ করা হয়। সপ্তদশ শতাব্দীতে ঢাকা শহরের পত্তনের সমসময়ে এই গোরস্থানের সূচনা হয়েছিল বলে অনুমান করা হয়।
২৭ একর জমির ওপর গড়ে উঠেছে আজিমপুর গোরস্থান। এই গোরস্থানের দুটি অংশ রয়েছে যথা নতুন গোরস্থান ও আরেকটি পুরাতন গোরস্থান। পুরাতন গোরস্থানটি নতুন গোরস্থানের তুলনায় বেশ ছোট।
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান লাশ দাফন করা ছাড়াও লাশ ধোয়ানো এবং জানাজা পড়ার ব্যবস্থা আছে।
লাশের সংখ্যা
এখানে কতটি লাশ দাফর করা হয়েছে তার কোনো হিসাব নেই। ২০১৩ খ্রিস্টাব্দে এই গণনায় দেখা যায় যে যায়, এখানে প্রতিদিন গড়ে ৩০-৩৫টি লাশ দাফন করা হয়। সপ্তাহে প্রায় ২০০-২৫০টি লাশ দাফন করা হচ্ছে। এখানে ব্রিটিশ আমল ও পাকিস্তান আমলের বেশ কিছু কবর সংরক্ষিত আছে।
ঢাকা সিটি কর্পেরেশান এই গোরস্থানের ব্যবস্থানার দায়িত্বে নিয়োজিত।
Lines of pukka graves at Azimpur Graveyard, Dhaka,
Azimpur graveyard, graveyard, Dhaka Graveyards for Muslims,
Dhaka's largest graveyard, Azimpur Koborsthan, Dhaka's largest graveyard opens in Rayerbazar, Rayerbazar Koborsthan,
Rayerbazar graveyard, আজিমপুর গোরস্থান - উইকিপিডিয়া,
আজিমপুর গোরস্থান, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানের অবর্ণনীয় দুরবস্থা, শেষ ঠিকানা রায়েরবাজার, শেষ ঠিকানা আজিমপুর কবরস্থান,
azimpur graveyard, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে একটি কবর দেয়া, শুরু থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত সম্পুূর্ণ, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানের কবর, আজিমপুর কবরস্থান, কিভাবে কবর দিতে হয়, আজিমপুর কবরস্থানে কবর, রাজধানীতে কবরের জায়গা সংকট, Azimpur Graveyard - Dhaka City, Azimpur Koborstan, 10 Biggest Graveyards around the World, world's biggest graveyard, biggest graveyard in india, biggest cemetery in europe, wadi al-salam cemetery, asia biggest kabristan, Dhaka's biggest graveyard, Dhaka's largest graveyard opens in Rayerbazar, Christian cemetery, Burial ground booking/reservation, Graveyard in Bangladesh, Dhaka Graveyards for Muslims, Banani Graveyard, graveyard in Bangladesh,
বিভিন্ন আজব ও বিস্ময়কর সব খবর জানতে আমাদের চ্যানেলটি সাবস্ক্রাইব করুনঃ
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