Russia: Putin meets Parolin, welcomes 'constructive dialogue' between Holy See and Russia
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin in Sochi, Wednesday.
The Russian leader welcomed Cardinal Parolin and expressed his appreciation for the trustworthy and constructive dialogue that has developed between the Holy See and Russia.
Putin also mentioned the importance of direct dialogue between the Holy See and the Russian Orthodox Church.
Video ID: 20170823 042
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Russia, Moscow, St. Basil's Cathedral. (Россия, Москва,Храм Василия блаженного.)
#Россия #Москва #Travels #ХрамВасилияБлаженного #DJONDO
Собор был построен в 1555—1561 годах по приказу Ивана Грозного в память о взятии Казани и победе над Казанским ханством, которые случились именно в день Покрова Пресвятой Богородицы — в начале октября 1552 года. Существует несколько версий о создателях собора. По одной из версий, архитектором был известный псковский мастер Постник Яковлев по прозвищу Барма. По другой, широко известной версии Барма и Постник — два разных архитектора, оба участвовавших в строительстве; эта версия ныне устарела]. По третьей версии, собор был построен неизвестным западноевропейским мастером (предположительно итальянцем, как и ранее — значительная часть сооружений Московского Кремля), отсюда и столь неповторимый стиль, сочетающий в себе традиции как русского зодчества, так и европейского зодчества эпохи Возрождения, но эта версия пока так и не нашла никакого чёткого документального подтверждения.
Согласно легенде, зодчие собора (Барма и Постник) были ослеплены по приказу Ивана Грозного, чтобы они не смогли больше построить подобного храма. Однако если автором собора является Постник, то он не мог быть ослеплён, поскольку в течение нескольких лет после строительства собора участвовал в создании Казанского кремля.
Сам храм символизирует собой Небесный Иерусалим, однако значение цветовой раскраски куполов и по сей день остается неразгаданной загадкой. Ещё в прошлом столетии писатель Чаев предположил, что цвет куполов храма можно объяснить сном блаженного Андрея Юродивого (Константинопольского) — святого подвижника, с которым, по церковному Преданию, и связан праздник Покрова Божией Матери. Ему привиделся Небесный Иерусалим, и там «были сады многие, в них древа высокие, колеблющиеся своими вершинками… Одни из деревьев цвели, другие златовидною листвою были украшены, иные имели плоды различные несказанной красоты»
The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного), commonly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (Russian: Собор Покрова пресвятой Богородицы, что на Рву) or Pokrovsky Cathedral (Russian: Покровский собор). It was built from 1555–61 on orders from Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. A world famous landmark, it was the city's tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.
The original building, known as Trinity Church and later Trinity Cathedral, contained eight side churches arranged around the ninth, central church of Intercession; the tenth church was erected in 1588 over the grave of venerated local saint Vasily (Basil). In the 16th and 17th centuries, the church, perceived as the earthly symbol of the Heavenly City,as happens to all churches in Byzantine Christianity, was popularly known as the Jerusalem and served as an allegory of the Jerusalem Temple in the annual Palm Sunday parade attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and the tsar.
History of Russia (PARTS 1-5) - Rurik to Revolution
From Prince Rurik to the Russian Revolution, this is a compilation of the first 5 episodes of Epic History TV's History of Russia.
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Recommended general histories of Russia (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):
Martin Sixsmith, Russia: A 1000 Year Chronicle of the Wild East
Orlando Figes, Natasha's Dance: A Cultural History of Russia
Robert Service, The Penguin History of Modern Russia: From Tsarism to the Twenty-first Century
#EpicHistoryTV #HistoryofRussia
Johnny de'Ath
Audio Blocks
Premium Beat
Kevin MacLeod
'The Pyre'; 'Intrepid'; 'String Impromptu Number 1'; 'Brandenburg No.4'; 'All This'; 'Satiate Percussion'; 'The Descent';
Licensed under Creative Commons by Attribution CC BY-SA 3.0
A note on 'Ivan the Terrible' - in Russia, Ivan IV has the epithet 'Гро́зный' meaning 'Great' or 'Formidable'. So why is he known as Ivan 'the Terrible' in English? Because he was evil or useless or because of anti-Russian bias? No, because 'Terrible' in English also means awesome or formidable - this was well understood when 'Гро́зный' was first translated into English centuries ago, but now fewer people understand this. (see definitions 3 & 4 here: The name stuck, and Ivan IV has been known as Ivan the Terrible ever since.
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
State Tretyakov Gallery
Russian State Historical Museum
National Art Museum of Ukraine
Herodotus: Marie-Lan Nguyen, CC BY 2.5
St.Volodymr: Dar Veter, CC BY-SA 3.0
Polish-Lithuanian Flag: Olek Remesz, CC BY 2.5
New York Public Library
Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection, Brown University Library
Stenka Razin with kind permission of Sergei Kirrilov
Winter Palace: Alex Florstein Fedorov CC BY-SA 4.0
Imperial Academy of Fine Arts: Alex Florstein Fedorov CC BY-SA 4.0
Ipatievsky Monastery: Michael Clarke CC BY-SA 4.0
Trans-Alaska Pipeline: Frank Kovalchek CC BY 2.0
Gallows: Adam Clarke CC BY-SA 2.0
Church of the Saviour exterior: NoPlayerUfa CC BY-SA 3.0
Church of the Saviour interior: Mannat Kaur CC BY-SA 3.0
Audio Mix and SFX:
Chris Whiteside
Rene Bridgman
Thanks to Mahdi for Persian captions.
12th July 1561: The consecration of Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow
Ivan the Terrible had originally constructed a series of small wooden memorial chapels as a way to commemorate his numerous military successes against the Tatars. These were built next to the original Trinity Church in the centre of the marketplace near the Moscow Kremlin. Ivan ordered the construction of the new stone church in 1555 to commemorate his capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.
What later became Saint Basil’s Cathedral is therefore a more lavish replacement of an earlier building. Little is known of its construction, with even the identity of the architect a mystery. Tradition dictates that two architects, Barma and Postnik, built the church although later writers have suggested that these are simply different names for the same person.
The building itself consists of eight outer churches arranged around a ninth central one, and is constructed on top of a white stone foundation that matches the nearby Kremlin. A series of later developments led to the nine separate structures becoming joined into a single building, and the bright colours that decorate the walls of the cathedral were added from the late 17th until the middle of the 19th century. These are said to reflect the colours of Heaven described in the Book of Revelation. Before they were repainted, the domes were uniformly decorated with gilded tin.
The Cathedral was confiscated from the Russian Orthodox Church as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution and introduction of state atheism. It continues to function as a public museum.
St Basil's Cathedral
The Cathedral of the Protection of Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat (Russian: Собор Покрова пресвятой Богородицы, что на Рву) or Pokrovsky Cathedral (Russian: Покровский собор) - both are official names used by the Russian Orthodox Church - also known as the Cathedral of St. Vasily the Blessed (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного), is a Russian Orthodox church erected on Red Square in Moscow in 1555--61 on orders from Ivan the Terrible. It commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. St. Basil's marks the geometric center of Moscow. It has been the hub of the city's growth since the 14th century and was the city's tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600. Taken on a Panasonic SD720 camcorder and edited with iMovie.
«Архиград» - неизвестные факты об известных местах города-героя Волгограда. 25.10.2017.
Никитский храм Волгограда.
Выпуск программы «Архиград», посвященный истории Никитского храма, вышел в эфир на телеканале «Волгоград-24». О самой старой, сохранившей свой первозданный облик, городской церкви рассказали пресс-секретарь Волгоградской епархии краевед Сергей Иванов и ведущий передачи Дмитрий Герасимов.
В конце XVIII века храм в честь святого покровителя в своем имении Отрада строит астраханский губернатор Никита Афанасьевич Бекетов — фаворит императрицы Елизаветы Петровны. На северной стене церкви сохранилась надпись: «Во славу Святыя Единосущныя Животворящия и неразделимыя Троицы, Отца и Сына и Святаго Духа, в лето от рождества по плоти Господа Бога и Спаса Нашего Иисуса Христа 1795 при преосвященном Платоне (Любарском) Архиепископе Астраханском и Моздокском. Тщанием и усердием генерала-поручика и кавалера Никиты Афанасьевича Бекетова сооружён сей храм во имя Преподобного отца нашего и исповедника Никиты, игумена Мидикийского».
При храме действовали школа грамотности и церковно-приходская школа. В советское время перед войной он был закрыт, а здание передано под культурно-просветительское учреждение. Во время Сталинградской битвы в нем располагался командный пункт 157-й стрелковой дивизии, ее командир генерал-майор А.В. Кирсанов вспоминал, как по ночам в бывшей церкви проводились красноармейские собрания и даже концерты художественной самодеятельности.
В июне 1943 года исполком Сталинградского горсовета удовлетворил просьбу верующих села Старая Отрада и поселка имени Ермана открыть Свято-Никитскую церковь. На Пасху 1946 года в храме собралось около 6 тысяч человек, среди них было много детей и молодёжи.
Идея телепередачи - рассказать неизвестные факты об известных местах города-героя, поведать об архитектуре и культурном наследии.
Уже почти год в эфире региональный телеканал федерального значения «Волгоград 24». Каждый час наши коллеги рассказывают о главных новостях. В контенте также тематические программы, фильмы, сериалы, документальное кино.
Для Дмитрия Герасимова, автора программы «Архиград» на «Волгоград 24», история родного города, да и все, что связано с интересными и уникальными фактами, целая жизнь. Слушать его истории можно бесконечно, открывая для себя все больше нового в, казалось бы, привычных вещах.
В пределах небольшого двора Волгограда раньше, по рассказам Дмитрия Герасимова, как оказалось, был и Дом книги, и редакция газет «Сталинградская правда» и «Молодой ленинец», и прежний Главпочтамт. По словам журналиста, картина Царицына и Сталинграда, выстраивается в голове постепенно. Этому предшествует множество прочитанных книг, изученных старых газет, карт.
По словам Дмитрия, архитектурно-историческое расследование – именно так он называет свою программу – уже сейчас служит учебным пособием в некоторых школах Волгограда. Из выпусков «Архиграда» школьники узнают о занимательных фактах истории родного края. Журналист признается: после каждой программы зрители пишут письма благодарности, а иногда и дают свои замечания. Для автора программы это стимул рассказывать еще больше и интереснее.
Источник: Волгоград 24
Братья и сестры! Просим Ваших святых молитв!
Да снизойдет на Вас Божия благодать!
Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
Братья и сестры! Просвещайтесь, распространяйте, подписывайтесь -
Kremlin 3 - The Cathedrals and Churches of the Kremlin (Cont'd)
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Prayer in Kazan Cathedral
I really like this echo sound without speakers when people pray in group... I enjoy it in all religious place. This was recorded in Kazan Cathedral near Kremlin, Moscow (Red Square)
Assemble St. Basil's Cathedral 3D Puzzle Step By Step
Saint Basil's Cathedral (also called Pokrovsky Cathedral) is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia. It is one of the most famous artistic work of architecture and recognizable symbols of the country.
St. Basil's Cathedral was constructed from 1555 to 1561 on orders from Tsar Ivan IV (the Terrible). The cathedral was built to commemorate Ivan the Terrible's military victories over Kazan and Astrakhan.
The cathedral was designed by Barma and Postnik Yakovlev. It is made up of nine chapels, each topped with a unique onion dome. The building is a delightful array of swirling colors and shaped like the flame of a bonfire rising into the sky.
In this video, I show you how to assemble St. Basil's Cathedral 3D puzzle step by step.
Buildream 3D Puzzle St. Basil's Cathedral 39pcs (got this from Daiso).
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#StBasilsCathedral #SaintBasilsCathedral #SaintBasils #Cathedral #Church #BasilCathedral #SaintBasilTheBlessed #PokrovskyCathedral #PokrovskySobor #3DPuzzle #Puzzle3D #Puzzle #Buildream #Craft #DIY
Russia | Wikipedia audio article
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on the east.Following the Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic became the largest and leading constituent of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II, and emerged as a recognized superpower and rival to the United States during the Cold War. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the world's first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the world's second largest economy, largest standing military in the world and the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Baltic states regained independence: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the continuing legal personality and a successor of the Soviet Union. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic.
Russia's economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons ...
Timeline of Russian innovation | Wikipedia audio article
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Timeline of Russian innovation
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Timeline of Russian Innovation encompasses key events in the history of technology in Russia, starting from the Early East Slavs and up to the Russian Federation.
The entries in this timeline fall into the following categories:
Indigenous inventions, like airliners, AC transformers, radio receivers, television, artificial satellites, ICBMs
Products and objects that are uniquely Russian, like Saint Basil's Cathedral, Matryoshka dolls, Russian vodka
Products and objects with superlative characteristics, like the Tsar Bomba, the AK-47, and Typhoon class submarine
Scientific and medical discoveries, like the periodic law, vitamins and stem cellsThis timeline examines scientific and medical discoveries, products and technologies introduced by various peoples of Russia and its predecessor states, regardless of ethnicity, and also lists inventions by naturalized immigrant citizens. Certain innovations achieved by a national operation may also may be included in this timeline, in cases where the Russian side played a major role in such projects.
Тролле́бус trolleybus rides Epiphany Cathedral. At the residencethe German lyrics.
The then German life seq. Associated with Peter, stayed in the street names and numerous alleys - Apothecary (on first private pharmacy in Moscow, opened for settlement in 1701 of King James Gregory gu), Brigadirskii, Starokirochny, Messengers, Lefort. It was in the German lyrics. Peter commanded to build respect. Of the Government of the Senate, where he was later transferred to St. Petersburg. By royal order, by the way, jewelers German lyrics. made the first Order of St. Andrew. And of course, that when the times of Peter the Great began to settle here and visiting Russian approached the king, the situation has changed to the opposite - in the alien settlement needed a large Orthodox church. Peter favored the construction of the Cathedral of the Epiphany. Moreover, after the reforms of Peter the brink of German settlement and the rest of Moscow gradually erased, and more and more people settled in the borough. Over time, with the gradual disappearance of the alien cl closed, they became more and more, and the close of the Epiphany Church is no longer accommodate all the worshipers. In 1792-93 years. it built a vast refectory, where they had brought the old chapel of the Annunciation, and consecrated a new one - in the name of Saint. Nicholas. the residence of the king of the German lyrics. The then German life seq. Associated with Peter, stayed in the street names and numerous alleys - Apothecary (on first private pharmacy in Moscow, opened for settlement in 1701 of King James Gregory gu), Brigadirskii, Starokirochny, Messengers, Lefort. It was in the German lyrics. Peter commanded to build respect. Of the Government of the Senate, where he was later transferred to St. the way, jewelers German lyrics. made the first Order of St. Andrew. And of course, that when the times of Peter the Great began to settle here and visiting Russian approached the king, the situation has changed to the opposite - in the alien settlement needed a large Orthodox church. Peter favored the construction of the Cathedral of the Epiphany. Moreover, after the reforms of Peter the brink of German settlement and the rest of Moscow gradually erased, and more and more Russian Orthodox people settled in the borough. Over time, with the gradual disappearance of the alien cl closed, they became more and more, and the close of the Epiphany Church is no longer accommodate all the worshipers. In 1792-93 years. it built a vast refectory, where they had brought the old chapel of the Annunciation, and consecrated a new one - Verbunden mit Peter, blieb in den Straßennamen und zahlreichen. Durch königlichen Befehl, durch die Art und Weise, Juweliere deutschen Texten. machte den ersten Order of St. Andrew. Und natürlich, dass, wenn die Zeiten von Peter dem Großen, hier und besuchen russischen niederzulassen begannen näherte sich dem König, hat sich die Situation auf der gegenüberliegenden verändert - in der fremden Siedlung brauchte eine große orthodoxe Kirche. Peter favorisiert den Bau der Kathedrale der Erscheinung des Herrn. Darüber hinaus wurde nach den Reformen Peters des Rande der deutschen Siedlung und der Rest von Moskau nach gelöscht, und mehr und mehr russisch-orthodoxen Menschen in der Gemeinde angesiedelt. Im Laufe der Zeit, mit dem allmählichen Verschwinden des Fremden cl geschlossen, wurden sie mehr und mehr, und das Ende des Epiphany Kirche ist nicht mehr Platz für alle, die Anbeter. Im Jahre 1792 bis 93. es baute eine große Refektorium, wo sie die alte Kapelle der Verkündigung gebracht hatte, und weihte eine neue - im Namen des Heiligen. Nicholas. die Residenz des Königs der deutschen Texten. Der damalige deutsche Leben seq. Verbunden mit Peter, blieb in den Str-nnamen und zahlreichen Gassen - Apotheker (auf erste private Apotheke in Moskau eröffnete für die Abrechnung in 1701 von König James Gregory gu), Brigadirskii, Starokirochny, Messengers, Lefort. Peter befohlen Respekt aufzubauen. Der Regierung des Senats, wo er später nach St. Petersburg übertragen. Durch königlichen Befehl, durch die Art und Weise, Juweliere deutschen Texten. machte den ersten Order of St. Andrew. Und natürlich, dass, wenn die Zeiten von Peter dem Großen, hier und besuchen russischen niederzulassen begannen näherte sich dem König, hat sich die Situation auf der gegenüberliegenden verändert - in der fremden Siedlung brauchte eine große orthodoxe Kirche. Peter favorisiert den Bau der Kathedrale der Erscheinung des Herrn. Darüber hinaus wurde nach den Reformen Peters des Rande der deutschen Siedlung und der Rest von Moskau nach gelöscht, und mehr und mehr russisch-orthodoxen Menschen in der Gemeinde angesiedelt. To było w niemieckich tekstach. Peter kazał zbudować szacunek. . Alman sözleri kralın ikamet At. Daha sonra Alman hayat seq. (Moskova'da ilk özel eczane, Kral James Gregory gu 1701 yılında yerleşime açılması).
Kremlin Cathedrals
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Russia | Wikipedia audio article
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Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on the east.Following the Russian Revolution, the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic became the largest and leading constituent of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the world's first constitutionally socialist state. The Soviet Union played a decisive role in the Allied victory in World War II, and emerged as a recognized superpower and rival to the United States during the Cold War. The Soviet era saw some of the most significant technological achievements of the 20th century, including the world's first human-made satellite and the launching of the first humans in space. By the end of 1990, the Soviet Union had the world's second largest economy, largest standing military in the world and the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, twelve independent republics emerged from the USSR: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and the Baltic states regained independence: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; the Russian SFSR reconstituted itself as the Russian Federation and is recognized as the continuing legal personality and a successor of the Soviet Union. It is governed as a federal semi-presidential republic.
Russia's economy ranks as the twelfth largest by nominal GDP and sixth largest by purchasing power parity in 2015. Russia's extensive mineral and energy resources are the largest such reserves in the world, making it one of the leading producers of oil and natural gas globally. The country is one of the five recognized nuclear weapons states and possesses the largest stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Russia is a great power as well as a regional power and has b ...
Orthodox Moscow
Translated from Ancient Greek Orthodoxy means genuine teaching, and
on this 2 and a half tour you will receive genuine teachings about Russian Orthodoxy, as you visit some of the most famous and ancient Orthodox churches of the Kitay Gorod area.
We will see:
Kazan cathedral - home church of the Romanov dynasty
St. Basil cathedral -- the instantly recognisable cathedral which is so commonly associated with Moscow
Bogoyavlensky cathedral - one of the oldest in Moscow
St. Barbara church -- an example of a church build to honor a Christian martyr
St. George church - on Pskov mountain.
The majestic Christ the Saviour Cathedral.
Russia was christened into Orthodoxy in 988. Our ancestors chose it because they were struck by the majesty of Orthodox church interiors and the services of ancient Byzantine churches.
During this tour you too will have a chance to have the same experience as ancient Russians, seeing an elaborate Orthodox church for the first time.
Have you ever wondered about why Russian churches are adorned with domes and a unique style of cross?
Do you know how Russians continued to practice their religion, during the Soviet Period when the practice of worship was outlawed by the state?
Do you know that it was not always certain that Russia would become a Christian country?
All of this and much more will be discussed on this tour!
For more information:
Russian Empire
The Russian Empire (Pre-reform Russian orthography: Россійская Имперія, Modern Russian: Российская империя, translit: Rossiyskaya Imperiya) was a state that existed from 1721 until overthrown by the short-lived liberal February Revolution in 1917. One of the largest empires in world history, stretching over three continents, the Russian Empire was surpassed in landmass only by the British and Mongol empires. It played a major role in 1812–14 in defeating Napoleon's ambitions to control Europe, and expanded to the west and south. It was often in conflict with the Ottoman Empire (which in turn was usually protected by the British).
At the beginning of the 19th century, it extended from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea on the south, from the Baltic Sea on the west to the Pacific Ocean, and (until 1867) into Alaska in North America on the east. With 125.6 million subjects registered by the 1897 census, it had the third largest population in the world at the time, after Qing China and the British Empire. Like all empires, it included a large disparity in terms of economics, ethnicity, and religion. There were numerous dissident elements, who launched numerous rebellions and assassination attempts; they were closely watched by the secret police, with thousands exiled to Siberia. Economically it was heavily rural with low productivity on large estates worked by serfs, until they were freed in 1861. The economy slowly industrialized with the help of foreign investments in railways and factories. The land was ruled by a nobility called Boyars from the 10th through the 17th centuries, and then was ruled by an emperor called the Tsar. Tsar Ivan III (1462 – 1505) laid the groundwork for the empire that later emerged. He tripled the territory of his state, ended the dominance of the Golden Horde, renovated the Moscow Kremlin, and laid the foundations of the Russian state. Tsar Peter the Great (1682 - 1725) fought numerous wars and built a huge empire that became a major European power. He moved the capital from Moscow to the new model city of St. Petersburg, and led a cultural revolution that replaced some of the traditionalist and medieval social and political system with a modern, scientific, Europe-oriented, and rationalist system. Catherine the Great (1761 - 1796) presided over a golden age. She expanded the nation rapidly by conquest, colonization and diplomacy. She continued Peter the Great's policy of modernisation along West European lines. Tsar Alexander II (1855 - 1881) promoted numerous reforms, most dramatically the emancipation of all 23 million serfs in 1861. His policy in Eastern Europe was to protect the Orthodox Christians under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. That involvement by 1914 led to Russia's entry into the First World War on the side of Serbia and the Allies, and against the German, Austrian and Ottoman empires. Russia was an absolute monarchy until the Revolution of 1905 and then became a constitutional monarchy. The empire collapsed during the February Revolution of 1917, the result of massive failures in its participation in the First World War.
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Российская Империя: Николай I, часть 2. [10/16] [Eng Sub]
Российская Империя. Николай I. Часть вторая.
* Создание жандармерии — Третьего отделения Его Императорского Величества Канцелярии.
* Триада «православие, самодержавие, народность».
* Новый российский гимн «Боже, царя храни».
* Спор «западников» и «славянофилов». Кавказская война.
* Александр Герцен и его Колокол.
* Подавление Венгерской революции.
* Официальная культура — скульптор Клодт, баснописец Крылов, архитектор Тон, художник Айвазовский.
* Крымская война.
History of Russia | Wikipedia audio article
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History of Russia
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The History of Russia begins with that of the East Slavs and the Finno-Ugric peoples. The traditional beginning of Russian history is the establishment of Kievan Rus', the first united Eastern Slavic state, in 882. The state adopted Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Orthodox Slavic culture for the next millennium. Kievan Rus' ultimately disintegrated as a state due to the Mongol invasions in 1237–1240 along with the resulting deaths of about half the population of Rus'.
After the 13th century, Moscow became a cultural center, and by the 18th century, the Tsardom of Russia had grown to become the Russian Empire, stretching from eastern Poland to the Pacific Ocean. Peasant revolts were common, and all were fiercely suppressed. Russian serfdom was abolished in 1861, but the peasants fared poorly and often turned to revolutionary pressures. In the following decades, reform efforts such as the Stolypin reforms, the constitution of 1906, and the State Duma attempted to open and liberalize the economy and political system, but the tsars refused to relinquish autocratic rule or share their power.
The Russian Revolution in 1917 was triggered by a combination of economic breakdown, war-weariness, and discontent with the autocratic system of government. It initially brought to power a coalition of liberals and moderate socialists, but their failed policies led to seizure of power by the communist Bolsheviks on 25 October. Between 1922 and 1991, the history of Russia is essentially the history of the Soviet Union, effectively an ideologically based state which was roughly conterminous with the Russian Empire before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. The approach to the building of socialism, however, varied over different periods in Soviet history, from the mixed economy and diverse society and culture of the 1920s to the command economy and repressions of the Joseph Stalin era to the era of stagnation in the 1980s. From its first years, government in the Soviet Union was based on the one-party rule of the Communists, as the Bolsheviks called themselves, beginning in March 1918.
By the mid-1980s, with the weaknesses of its economic and political structures becoming acute, Mikhail Gorbachev embarked on major reforms, which led to the overthrow of the communist party and the breakup of the USSR, leaving Russia again on its own and marking the start of the history of post-Soviet Russia. The Russian Federation began in January 1992 as the legal successor to the USSR. Russia retained its nuclear arsenal but lost its superpower status. Scrapping the socialist central planning and state ownership of property of the socialist era, new leaders, led by President Vladimir Putin, took political and economic power after 2000 and engaged in an energetic foreign policy. Russia's recent annexation of the Crimean peninsula has led to severe economic sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union.
Russia | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:06:32 1 Etymology
00:08:41 2 History
00:08:51 2.1 Early history
00:10:56 2.2 Kievan Rus'
00:14:52 2.3 Grand Duchy of Moscow
00:17:32 2.4 Tsardom of Russia
00:22:40 2.5 Imperial Russia
00:29:11 2.6 February Revolution and Russian Republic
00:31:01 2.7 Soviet Russia and civil war
00:32:50 2.8 Soviet Union
00:37:29 2.8.1 World War II
00:41:28 2.8.2 Cold War
00:46:28 2.9 Russian Federation
00:52:03 3 Politics
00:52:13 3.1 Governance
00:54:43 3.2 Foreign relations
01:00:35 3.3 Military
01:04:04 3.4 Political divisions
01:07:27 4 Geography
01:08:51 4.1 Topography
01:13:30 4.2 Climate
01:16:04 4.3 Biodiversity
01:17:30 5 Economy
01:26:22 5.1 Corruption
01:29:29 5.2 Agriculture
01:32:05 5.3 Energy
01:35:09 5.4 Transport
01:40:52 5.5 Science and technology
01:48:14 5.6 Space exploration
01:50:29 5.7 Water supply and sanitation
01:51:21 6 Demographics
01:57:01 6.1 Largest cities
01:57:11 6.2 Ethnic groups
01:57:41 6.3 Language
01:59:20 6.4 Religion
02:11:26 6.5 Health
02:13:42 6.6 Education
02:15:56 7 Culture
02:16:06 7.1 Folk culture and cuisine
02:20:06 7.2 Architecture
02:24:14 7.3 Visual arts
02:27:49 7.4 Music and dance
02:31:04 7.5 Literature and philosophy
02:35:14 7.6 Cinema, animation and media
02:39:41 7.7 Sports
02:47:57 7.8 National holidays and symbols
02:52:37 7.9 Tourism
02:56:04 8 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Russia (Russian: Росси́я, tr. Rossiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijə]), officially the Russian Federation (Russian: Росси́йская Федера́ция, tr. Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, IPA: [rɐˈsʲijskəjə fʲɪdʲɪˈratsɨjə]), is a country in Eurasia. At 17,125,200 square kilometres (6,612,100 sq mi), Russia is the largest country in the world by area, covering more than one-eighth of the Earth's inhabited land area, and the ninth most populous, with about 144.5 million people as of 2018, excluding Crimea. About 77% of the population live in the western, European part of the country. Russia's capital, Moscow, is the largest metropolitan area in Europe proper and one of the largest cities in the world; other major cities include Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Extending across the entirety of Northern Asia and much of Eastern Europe, Russia spans eleven time zones and incorporates a wide range of environments and landforms. From northwest to southeast, Russia shares land borders with Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (both with Kaliningrad Oblast), Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and North Korea. It shares maritime borders with Japan by the Sea of Okhotsk and the U.S. state of Alaska across the Bering Strait. However, Russia recognises two more countries that border it, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, both of which are internationally recognized as parts of Georgia.
The East Slavs emerged as a recognizable group in Europe between the 3rd and 8th centuries AD. Founded and ruled by a Varangian warrior elite and their descendants, the medieval state of Rus arose in the 9th century. In 988 it adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire, beginning the synthesis of Byzantine and Slavic cultures that defined Russian culture for the next millennium. Rus' ultimately disintegrated into a number of smaller states; most of the Rus' lands were overrun by the Mongol invasion and became tributaries of the nomadic Golden Horde in the 13th century. The Grand Duchy of Moscow gradually reunified the surrounding Russian principalities, achieved independence from the Golden Horde. By the 18th century, the nation had greatly expanded through conquest, annexation, and exploration to become the Russian Empire, which was the third largest empire in history, stretching from Poland on the west to Alaska on th ...
St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia
St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow, Russia
The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, commonly known as Saint Basil's Cathedral, is a church in Red Square in Moscow, Russia and is one of the most popular symbols of the country. The building, now a museum, is officially known as the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat or Pokrovsky Cathedral. It was built from 1555–1561 on orders from Ivan the Terrible and commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan. It was the city's tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600. The Saint Basil's Cathedral is not to be confused with the Moscow Kremlin.
The original building, known as Trinity Church and later Trinity Cathedral, contained eight churches arranged around a ninth, central church of Intercession; a tenth church was erected in 1588 over the grave of venerated local saint Vasily (Basil). In the 16th and 17th centuries, the church, perceived (as with all churches in Byzantine Christianity) as the earthly symbol of the Heavenly City, was popularly known as the Jerusalem and served as an allegory of the Jerusalem Temple in the annual Palm Sunday parade attended by the Patriarch of Moscow and the tsar.
The building is shaped like the flame of a bonfire rising into the sky, a design that has no parallel in Russian architecture. Dmitry Shvidkovsky, in his book Russian Architecture and the West, states that it is like no other Russian building. Nothing similar can be found in the entire millennium of Byzantine tradition from the fifth to the fifteenth century ... a strangeness that astonishes by its unexpectedness, complexity and dazzling interleaving of the manifold details of its design. The cathedral foreshadowed the climax of Russian national architecture in the 17th century.
As part of the program of state atheism, the church was confiscated from the Russian Orthodox community as part of the Soviet Union's anti-theist campaigns and has operated as a division of the State Historical Museum since 1928. It was completely secularized in 1929 and remains a federal property of the Russian Federation. The church has been part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990. It is not actually within the Kremlin, but often served as a visual metonym for Russia in western media throughout the Cold War and to the modern day.
12 Facts About Saint Basil’s Cathedral
Originally constructed in the mid-16th century, Saint Basil’s Cathedral looms majestically near the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, and has stood watch over countless historical and political events in the country’s history.
The first Tsar of Russia, Ivan Vasilyevich—also known as Ivan Grozny (a nickname meaning “sparking terror or fear,” or stern), Ivan IV, and the Grand Prince of Moscow—ordered the construction of the cathedral in 1554. Ivan, grandson of Ivan the Great, saw the cathedral’s completion in 1561, but upon his death was interred at the nearby Archangel Cathedral.
Ivan’s goal of military dominance over a central Russian state led to numerous conflicts during his reign. In the 1550s, his armies defeated the independent Tatar khanates of Kazan and Astrakahn, and the church was built in honor of those victories.
Stories and myths abound of Ivan’s raging temper, one of which involves him purposefully blinding the cathedral’s (unnamed) Italian architect so that its design could never be replicated. Other legends state that the architects were a pair of Russians named Barma and Posnik, or that they may have been one person.
Dedicated to the protection of the Virgin Mary, the church is officially known as the Church of the Intercession, or the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Virgin on the Moat. It has also been called Pokrovsky Cathedral, Pokrovsky Sobor, and Svyatoy Vasily Blazhenny.
Born in 1468, Basil (also called the Blessed, the Beatific, and the Wonderworker of Moscow) was the son of commoners and was trained to be a cobbler. He became known for his prophetic powers and for being a “fool for Christ,” and following his death in 1557 was buried in the cathedral that would take its name after him.
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