Kalundborg | Denmark, western Zealand inside Kalundborg Fjord, Røsnæs, Asnæs
Kalundborg is situated on western Zealand inside Kalundborg Fjord between the two peninsulas Røsnæs and Asnæs. The town has around 17,000 inhabitants.
You might come here for the medieval city remains, for the spectacular nature of Røsnæs or because Kalundborg could be on your way from Copenhagen via Samsø to Aarhus.
The High Town[edit]
The High Town (Højbyen) was the fortified medieval town, which bounderies can still be recognised even though the wall is not there anymore. Some buildings dating back from the 16th century are still there. Most of the town's historical cites can be found here.
Church of Our Lady (Vor Frue Kirke), Adelgade 19, ☎ +45 5951 0401, [1]. Service every Su; classical concerts now and then. Fn. From 1854, part of the building was used as town hall and the basement as prison. In 1971, the building was renovated and used for town coucil meetings. Not open to the public. edit
Former Minister's Home (Præstebolig), 23 Præstegade (Next to the Church of Our Lady). Build in the beginning of the 16th century and one the oldest remaining recidential buildings in northern Europe. Was converted to a hospital in 1854. Not open to the public. edit
Røsnæs is a 15km long peninsula stretching west from Kalundborg. It was shaped by the movement of glaciers during the Ice Age some 15-20,000 years ago.
Dolmens (Stendysser), (Throughout Røsnæs, eg. one in Kongstrup and one more accessible south of Røsnæsvej just after 231 Røsnæsvej). There are a number of dolmens on Røsnæs. Dolmens are stone age graves comprising of a number of stone blocks. edit
Ulstrup Mill (Ulstrup Mølle), 365 Røsnæsvej, Ulstrup (Just southwest of Røsnæs Church in Ulstrup Village), ☎ +45 5950 9096 (dakj@post10.tele.dk). 10AM-4PM. Dutch gallery mill. The cap of the mill could be turned manually to make the sails face the wind. The mill was built in 1894 as the former mill on the place had recently burned down. The mill was in use until 1956 and has recently been renovated. Free. edit
Røsnæs Church (Røsnæs Kirke), 4 Søbakken, Ulstrup, ☎ +45 5950 9019. Built in the 13th century. edit
Røsnæs Harbour (Røsnæs Havn), 100 Nybyvej, Ulstrup (Follow the signs from Ulstrup (2km)). Small and very quiet isolated harbour. edit
Røsnæs Entrenchment (Røsnæs Skanse). edit
Røsnæs Lighthouse (Røsnæs Fyrtårn), 478 Røsnæsvej (At the tip of Røsnæs Peninsula), [3]. Built in 1844 and rebuilt in 1859. The lighthouse is adjoined with the lighthouse keepers house. The lighthouse is 15m high with a rotating lens. Notice the small lighthouse in the water northwest of the tip of Røsnæs. Free to watch from outside, but the lighthouse is presently not open to the public. edit
Gallery Bispegården, 6 Adelgade. edit
Balle, Grete. edit
Keramikstuen, 53 Sandlodsvej, ☎ +45 5950 8719 (ia@keramikstuen.dk), [4]. Tu-Fr 1PM-5PM; Sa 10AM-2PM. Beautifully located gallery and shop with art and craftwork, including ceramics, lamps and clothes. edit
Lundbye, J. Th. - tegninger. edit
Lundsdal, Jack. edit
Madsen, Hans Werner. edit
Kalundborg Choir Performance
Performance for cruise ship guests in Kalundborg church.
Velsignelse - Blessing
Intuitiv og kanaliseret sang, Vor Frue Kirke i Kalundborg
Maia er operasanger. Hun kalder sig selv for lyssanger og har opstartet LyssangerAkademiet, som tilbyder koncerter, healing, sessions, velsignelser, ceremonier mv.
Intuitive and channeled song. Our Lady´s Church, Kalundborg, Denmark
Maia Trayhorn is an operasinger.
She calls herself a Singer of Light and has founded Singers Academy of Light
klokkespil fra Vor Frue Kirke
H.M. Dronningen overværer klokkespil fra Vor Frue Kirke.
Klokkespillet på den femtårnede kirke er fra 2013 og er skænket af Finn Assens.
Vor Frue Kirke - Cathedral of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ringsted Museum - Myteknuser
Se mere om hvad man kan opleve i Ringsted Museum, og hør om deres aktiviteter.
Ringsted Museum er en af attraktionerne under Kulturregion Midt- og Vestsjælland, som Da Danmark blev til samarbejder med.
Læs mere på historienshus.ringsted.dk og dadanmarkblevtil.dk
Ringsted Museum
Se mere om hvad man kan opleve i Ringsted Museum, og hør om deres aktiviteter.
Ringsted Museum er en af attraktionerne under Kulturregion Midt- og Vestsjælland, som Da Danmark blev til samarbejder med.
Læs mere på historienshus.ringsted.dk og dadanmarkblevtil.dk
Dinamarca - Iglesia de Nuestra Señora (Vor Frue Krirke af Kalundborg) - Arquitectura Asombrosa
Para mas informacion visite nuestro nuevo canal de YouTube -
mali pla ung nsabi ko jan..dpat pla underway to Kalundburg, DENMARK from Mongstad, NORWAY..hehehe..
In the Summer of Eternity
A short piece, built upon a Danish hymn tune. The pictures are mostly from the Danish island Bornholm.
Music recorded in the church of Sakskobing, Denmark by the composer.
More about me: giflerne.dk
Romansk middelalder i Danmark
En del af en serie om Danmarkshistoriens arkitektoniske stilperioder lavet af Bygningskultur Danmark. Filmen viser et udvalg af kirker fra den tidlige middelalder i Danmark. Optagelserne stammer fra Sankt Bendts Kirke, Ringsted, Sorø Klosterkirke, Vor Frue Kirke i Kalundborg og Tveje Merløse Kirke.
DENMARK - Sculpture Sanctuary The Thorvaldsen Museum, Copenhagen
A museum dedicated to the works of this extraordinary sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen. He studied in Rome for many years and then went back to his country giving this great contribution to arts and culture.
Un museo dedicado a los trabajos de el extraordinario escultor Bertel Thorvaldsen. El estudiò en Roma por muchos años y luego volviò a su paìs dando una grande contribuciòn a las artes y la cultura.
Un museo dedicato ai lavori dello straordinario scultore Bertel Thorvaldsen. Lui aveva studiato per tanti anni a Roma e poi ritornò al suo paese portando un grande contributo alle arti ed alla cultura.
Copenhagen (DK): Church bell Vor Frue Kirke
Copenhagen (Danmark): Church bell of the Vor Frue Kirke, the Church of Our Lady, on the occasion of a funeral
9 August 2018 at 14:25h.
16. marts 2016 København - Amagertorv, Købmagergade, Rundetårn & Kultorvet
16. marts 2016 København - Amagertorv, Købmagergade, Rundetårn & Kultorvet
Optagelser af/fra:
▪ Amagertorv
▪ Christiansborg Slot
▪ Højbro Plads
▪ Kultorvet
▪ København
▪ Købmagergade
▪ Nikolaj Plads
▪ Rundetaarn
▪ Sankt Nikolaj Kirke
▪ Store Kannikestræde
▪ Storkespringvandet
▪ Trinitatis Kirke
▪ Vor Frue Kirke (Københavns Domkirke)
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#Amagertorv #Christiansborg_Slot #Højbro_Plads #Kultorvet #København #Købmagergade #Nikolaj_Plads #Rundetaarn #Sankt_Nikolaj_Kirke #Store_Kannikestræde #Storkespringvandet #Trinitatis_Kirke #Vor_Frue_Kirke_Københavns_Domkirke
SIK besøger Vor Frue Kirke i Kalundborg
Ny animationsfilm om Vor Frue Kirketårns historie
En ny, enkel og humoristisk animationsfilm fortæller på ca. 6 minutter Domkirkens dramatiske historie med udgangspunkt i tårnet.
Kom ind og se filmen i sin helhed i Domkirkens museums åbningstid: søndag til fredag kl. 12 - 16.
Bag filmen står Susanne Torgard, Mark Film og Lars Kaaber, Uffe Danielsen m.fl. (2012)
rådhus klokker
rådhus klokker
Andreas Bigom - R. Strauss: Breit über mein Haupt
From solo recital in the Church of our Lady in Kalundborg, Denmark, on the 27th of July 2017.
Tenor: Andreas Bigom
Piano: Mattias Branner
Tårnet på Vor Frue Kirke
Film om Vor Frue Kirkes tårns dramatiske historie. Kirken blev grundlagt i 1180'erne, men den nuværende bygning blev indviet i 1829. I mellemtiden har adskillige ulykker og brande hærget bygningen - og specielt tårn og spir har været udsatte.