Saint Spyridon Church (Corfu, Greece)
The Saint Spyridon Church is a Greek Orthodox place of worship located in Corfu, Greece. The Church is situated in the heart of Corfu town just behind the Liston. It is the most famous church in Corfu. The exterior of the church is typical of the Venetian architecture. Its distinctive red-dome bell tower is the highest point in the town. The bell tower built in 1620 is plain and squarely profiled in an Italian style.
The ceiling of the church is divided into 17 parts by golden frames painted by the artist, Panagiotis Doxaras, in 1727. However due to humidity these initial painting was destroyed and was restored in 1852 by the artist Nikolaos Aspiotis.
Saint Spyridon, who is considered the keeper of Corfu and his relics can be found in the church behind the Altar, housed in a silver shrine made in Vienna in 1867. Devout Corfiots and pilgrims visit to kiss the reliquary and pray to the saint.
His relics are carried around the town of Corfu four times a year to celebrate his miracles: Palm Sunday (plague), Good Friday (Holy Saturday ?, starvation), August 11th (siege of the Turks in 1716), first Sunday of November (plague). The litanies are accompanied by the local bands and they remain a strong tradition on Corfu. On 12 December, the memory of the saint is celebrated.
Saint Spyridon was born in 270 A.D. in Assia, a village in Cyprus and was a shepherd who married and had a daughter. After his wife’s death, his daughter entered a convent and he vowed to lead a monastic life. He studied and gained wisdom and grace in the religious virtues and participated in the First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea (325). He reportedly converted a pagan philosopher to Christianity by using a potsherd to illustrate how one single entity (a piece of pottery) could be composed of three unique entities (fire, water and clay); a metaphor for the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. He served as a Bishop of Trimythous, a district of Larnaca Cyprus, until he died in 348 A.D. When the Arabs conquered Cyprus, his body was disinterred and taken to Constantinople but his remains were found intact with a sprig of Basil. After the fall of Constantinople in 1453, his relics were moved to Corfu.
Biserica Sfântului Spiridon (Corfu, Grecia)
Biserica a fost construita in anul 1596. Biserica este o basilica cu o singura nava centrala, avand un turn clopotnita foarte inalt.
Tavanul bisericii, deosebit de valoros, fusese initial alcatuit din placi de lemn, aurite si sculptate de catre artistul P. Doxaras, care a lucrat la ele pana in anul 1727. Lipsa de grija si de conditii favorabile au dus la avarierea tavanului, reparatiile si inlocuirea acestuia fiind opera lui Nicolae Aspiotis.
Sfântul Ierarh Spiridon al Trimitundei, este ocrotitorul spiritual al insulei Corfu, iar sfintele sale moaşte se păstrează în această biserică. Evlavia credincioşilor pentru Sfântul Spiridon face ca această biserică să fie cel mai important monument religios al insulei. Pentru cele patru rânduri când sfântul a salvat insula de otomani sau de diferite plăgi, se face procesiune cu moaştele sfântului pe străzile oraşului. În fiecare an, la 12 decembrie, în ziua prăznuirii sale, papucii sfântului sunt schimbaţi din racla cu sfintele moaşte. O părticică din aceste sfinte relicve se află depusă spre închinare credincioşilor la Catedrala mitropolitană Sfântul Spiridon Nou, Paraclis Patriarhal din Bucureşti.
Nascut in insula Cipru, in anul 270, Sfantul Spiridon a fost fiul unei familii sarace si simple. Crescand in dreapta credinta si ducand o viata de nevointa, Sfantul Spiridon a fost hirotonit episcop de Trimitunda. Sfantul Spiridon a luat parte la Sinodul I Ecumenic de la Niceea, unde a aparat dogma Sfintei Treimi prin prefacerea unei carmizi in pamant, apa si foc.
Sfantul a trait si a murit in Cipru, de-a lungul vietii sale el savarsind nenumarate minuni. El a fost prins si omorat in vremea persecutiei lui Maximin, in anul 350. Dupa adormirea in Domnul a sfantului, cand saracinii au atacat insula Cipru, localnicii i-au deschis mormantul ducand trupul sau in Constantinopol pentru a nu fi profanat. Trupul sau era neputrezit si frumos mirositor.
Dupa cucerirea Constantinopolului in anul 1453, Moastele Sfantului Spiridon au fost aduse in Corfu, fiind asezate in actuala locatie in anul 1590.
Sfantul Spiridon face mari minuni si astazi, cea mai vadita dintre ele fiind aceea ca papucii din picioarele sfintelor sale Moaste, in racla, se tocesc in timp, nimeni umbland la ei.
Life & Miracles of St. Spyridon Rev. Dr. Peter J. Spiro-Corfu Greece.
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The Church of Saint Spyridon | Land and sea | Corfu
Built on 1588 by Voulgaris’ local family, the church of Saint Spyridon, the patron of Corfu, stands in the center of Corfu’s Old Town. It is one of the largest pilgrimages in Greece due to the miraculous Saint, whose holy relics attracts thousands pilgrims and visitors from around the world. The church was build in the single – nave basilica with strict and austere exterior decoration which contradicts with the interior hall. As entering the temple, an impressive Parian marble built on 1864 catches your attention. The famous Corfiot painter Spyros Prosalentis is the creator of temples’ icons. Also, the well -known local painter Panagiotis Doxaras, has painted in 1727 the famous “sky”- the roof of the temple- with the seventeen divided parts adorned with gold frames. Into the churches’ distinctive characteristics, the imposing red dome belfry is integrated. It is the highest bell tower in the Ionian Islands (visible from Corfus’ old town side to side) and is similar in design to its contemporary Greek Orthodox Church of San Giorgio dei Greci, located in Venice.
Saint Spiridon
A history of St Spiridon Orthodox Cathedral, in Seattle, WA. This DRAFT edit was produced to commemorate St Spiridon's 110th anniversary.
Metropolitan Church of Corfu (Corfu Town, Greece)
Holy Metropolitan Church of Iperagia Theotokos Spileotissis
The Metropolitan Church of Kerkyra (Corfu), known as Panagia (Virgin Mary) Spileotissa, is situated near to the New Fortress and the port, where the old church of Saint Vlasios stood. The church built in 1577 is a three-aisled Basilica with influences of the Renaissance Period. It is dedicated to three saints, Panagia Spileotissa (since after the destruction of the church the icon of Panagia Spileotissa was brought here), to St. Vlasios and to St. Theodora, the Empress of Byzantium. In the interior there are great hagiographies, a Byzantine templon and a silver shrink whith the Holy Relics of Saint Theodora. The most important icons are: Panagia of Dimosiana (made in the town of Ioannina in the 14th century), The Crucifixion (15th century), Agios Georgios (16th century), Agios Govdelas (17th century) and the Last Supper (18th century). The Holy relic of Saint Theodora was transferred here from the Constantinople together with the holy body of Saint Spyridon (his relic is in the Saint Spyridon Church). The procession of the Holy relic of Saint Theodora takes place on the first Sunday of the Lent of the Orthodox religion, every year. Saint Theodora was empress and wife of the emperor of the Byzantium, Theofilos. She lived during the difficult years of iconoclasm (iconoclasty = rejection icons). Her husband, Theofilos, was one of the iconoclasts and opposed to Saint Theodora’s faith regarding the icons of the Orthodox Church. After her husband's death, Saint Theodora governed the country wisely for 15 years, since their son, Michael, was still a minor. Holy Empress Theodora convened in 843 a synod, the Iconoclasts were anathematized and the worship of icons was recognized by the Church.
Capitala Corfu păstrează 37 de lăcaşuri de cult. Catedrala mitropolitană a oraşului este Panaghia Spiliotissa – „a Maicii Domnului din Peşteră”. Biserica a fost construită în anul 1577 în stil baroc pe ruinele unei biserici mai vechi cu hramul Sfântul Vlasie. A devenit catedrală mitropolitană din anul 1841 şi se află la câteva străzi de cea a Sfântului Ierarh Spiridon. Aici se păstrează moaştele Sfintei Împărătese Teodora, pomenită de Biserică în fiecare an la 11 februarie. În Duminica Ortodoxiei, are loc o procesiune cu moaştele Sfintei Împărătese Teodora, soţia împăratului iconoclast Teofil, care a convocat în 843 un sinod la Constantinopol care a întărit hotărârile Sinodului VII Ecumenic (Niceea, 787) privitoare la venerarea icoanelor.
Sfânta Împărăteasă Teodora era de origine din Paflagonia (Nordul Anatoliei, Turcia europeană de azi), fiind fata unui anume Marinus, comandantul regimentului militar. A fost sotia Împăratului Teofil Iconoclastul (829-842), însă nu a aderat la erezia iconoclastă împreună cu acesta (iconoclastii distrugeau icoanele considerându-le chip cioplit). După moartea sotului ei, Sfânta Teodora a guvernat tara cu întelepciune vreme de 15 ani, deoarece fiul lor, Mihail, era încă minor.
Sfânta Împărăteasă Teodora a convocat in anul 843 un sinod, la care iconoclastii au fost anatematizați, iar cinstirea icoanelor recunoscută în cultul Bisericii. Sfânta Teodora a stabilit celebrararea anuală a acestui eveniment, „Biruinta Ortodoxiei”, în prima Dumnică din Postul Mare. La noii i se spune „Duminica Orodoxiei”. În anul 857 Sfânta Teodora s-a retras de la guvernare, lăsând locul fiului său, si a petrecut 8 ani în mănăstirea Sfânta Eufrosina, unde si-a închinat viata nevointelor ascetice.
Moastele sale au săvârsit nenumărate minuni. Racla ferecată în argint cu moastele Împărătesei Teodora este asezată în partea dreaptă a sfântului locas.
Saint Spyridon Church in Corfu Town
Church of Saint Spyridon,protector Saint of Corfu Island Greece.
Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker (please enable English Subtitles)
The movie is about the life of Saint Spyridon, one of the greatest Saints in the history. He was born in 3rd century and his body is still intact, has the softness and temperature of the live human. And the miracles that He does are endless. His relics were in the Church of the Agia Sofia in Constantinople (Istanbul) until its fall to Ottoman Empire in 1453. It was then moved to Greece, Kerkyra Island.
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Corfu Greece Video - Saint Spyridon View
View from Saint Spyridon Church and the Corfu Old City. Find more photos and videos from corfu at
Saint Spyridon’s memory celebrations
Official Video of Saint Spyridon Corfu
Saint Spyridon’s memory celebrations 11-13 Dec 2017
St Spyridon church, Corfu
St Spyridon is the patron saint of Corfu and his church sits in the center of old town Corfu city.
Kerkira: St. Spyridon church
Constructed in 1589 with the contribution of the Corfiot community , this church houses the holy reliques of Agios Spyridon, Corfu's patron saint . The most valuable treasure of the church is the golden shrine made in Venice in which Saint Spyridon remains are kept. The wonderful icons on the dome have golden frames and they are divided into 17 pieces, they represent among other things, the life of Saint Spyridon. The Shrine in which St. Spyridon relic was placed was made in Vienna in 1867.
Agios Spiridon Beach , Corfu - Greece
Beautiful Agios Spiridon beach - Corfu , Greece
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Corfu. st. Spiridon` s cathedral
Corfu. st. Spiridon` s cathedral 2, 17.09.2017
Saint Spyridon Celebration - Corfu
Corfu's patron saint is St Spyridon and his mummified body lies in the church dedicated to him in Corfu Town. He was The Bishop of Cyprus and was famous for performing miracles. He took part in the first Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 325AD and died a martyr's death shortly afterwards. His remains were taken to Constantinople and interred in the Church of the Holy Apostles until 1453 when the city fell to the Turks and he was brought to Corfu, along with the remains of Saint Theodocia. It is said that when the Turks attacked the island on August 11, 1716, Saint Spiridon appeared with a lighted torch and scared the invaders away. That day is also one of the days which commemorate Saint Spiridon (the others are Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday when Corfiots celebrate him saving the island from the plague and an epidemic). Many boys on the island are named Spiridon (Spiros) in his honour and celebrate their name day on December 12th.
Hotel Mare Blue Beach, St Spyridon, Corfu, Greece by CK ANCORA
St Spyridon Church Bells, Corfu
The not-at-all-annoying church bells of St Spyridon Church, Corfu.
Views of St Spyridon Church and Corfu Old and New Town, the Cricket ground & Spianada
From the Top of Corfu's Old Fortress. one of the most touristic and popular Greek islands
Kerkira: St. Spyridon church entrance
The church of Saint Spyridon is dedicated to the patron saint of the island of Corfu.
The architecture of the church is typical of the Venetian architecture that dominates all over the Old Town of Corfu.
Litany of Saint Spyridon on Corfu
Litany of Saint Spyridon Corfu
Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous also sometimes written Saint Spiridon (Greek: Ἅγιος Σπυρίδων; c. 270 – 348) is a saint honoured in both the Eastern and Western Christian traditions.
Recognizing St. Spyridon's role in the defence of the island, Venice legislated the annual Litany of St. Spyridon on August 11 as a commemoration of the event. His feast day is celebrated in the East on the Saturday before Great Lent (known as Cheesefare Saturday) and December 12. For those Eastern Churches which follow the traditional Julian Calendar, December 12 falls on December 25 of the modern Gregorian Calendar. In the West he is commemorated on December 14.