A Baroque Masterpiece. The Royal Church of San Lorenzo, Turin, Italy
Un capolavoro di stile barocco in Italia. La Chiesa Reale di San Lorenzo, Torino
The Royal Church of Saint Lawrence (Italian: Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo) is a Baroque-style church in Turin, it is close to the Royal Palace of Turin. The church that stands today was designed and built by Guarino Guarini during 1668-1687.
The Duke Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy was one of the leaders of the Hapsburg armies of his cousin Philip II of Spain; they decisively defeated the French armies in the Battle of Saint-Quentin in Northern France on 10 August 1557, the Feast of St. Lawrence (San Lorenzo), which affected the outcome of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis; in which, the Savoy, including Turin, was returned to the rule of the mercenary duke. That the Battle occurred on the Saint's feast instigated Phillip's denomination and design of the palace of El Escorial. Emmanuel Philibert, on his return to Turin in 1562, renovated the old ducal chapel of Santa Maria ad Presepae, which is still present near the entrance, and erected this church dedicated to St. Lawrence. Construction of the contemporary church began in 1634.
The architect Guarino Guarini was a great innovator in Baroque principles first developed by the great Roman Baroque architect Francesco Borromini, in particular the play with optical effects and organic deconstruction of the classical orders and principles of column and entablature. However, in San Lorenzo Guarini took these further. The ground plan is a kind of square which becomes an octagon at the level of the entablatures above the columns only to change again to become a Greek cross at the level of the pendentives of the vaults. Again, the base of the dome is circular in plan yet the lantern above it octagonal. The dome itself is supported by eight ribs forming a lattice similar to those found in mosques and Romanesque churches in Spain. To this superposition of - by the standards of convention - contradictory central plans is added an elliptical choir. The high altar, separated from the nave by a convex and concave archway receives natural light from a hidden dome, devices drawn from the other key Roman Baroque architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
Turin, Italy Italy - San Lorenzo Church of Turin
Take a tour of Turin's San Lorenzo in Turin, Italy -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats.
Step inside San Lorenzo church in Turin, Italy for classically beautiful decor.
Built in the seventeenth century, the true greatness of the church lies in its interior.
The architect was a mathematician whose pioneering efforts in the church's dome create a stunning visual and architectural effect.
The Baroque architecture of this exquisite church makes it stand out against the charming backdrop of Turin
The church once housed the Shroud of Turin, an important landmark in Turin's confident history.
San Lorenzo Church in Turin is a delicate and superb specimen of Italian splendor, and a truly rewarding experience.
TORINO ( Italy ) - LA REAL CHIESA DI SAN LORENZO - The Real Church of San Lorenzo -
La Chiesa di San Lorenzo, chiamata anche Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo in quanto chiesa del Palazzo Reale voluta dai Savoia, fu intitolata al Santo dopo la vittoria ottenuta sui francesi da parte del duca Emanuele Filiberto e di suo cugino Filippo II di Spagna il 10 Agosto 1557, giorno appunto di San Lorenzo.
Per visitarla è sufficiente recarsi in Piazza Castello, la splendida piazza del Palazzo Reale alla cui destra sorge appunto questo edificio sacro. Di stile barocco, senza facciata, con pianta ottagonale e forte slancio verticale, la chiesa fu progettata dal monaco e architetto Guarino Guarini e consacrata nel 1680 dopo 13 anni di lavori.
Un po’ nascosta e non visibile immediatamente, la Chiesa di San Lorenzo custodisce al suo interno la copia della Sacra Sindone, il telo che ha avvolto il corpo di Gesù dopo la crocefissione.
La storia della Chiesa di San Lorenzo è strettamente connessa a quello della Sacra Sindone. Nel 1578 lo stesso Emanuele Filiberto dopo il trasferimento della capitale del ducato Savoia a Torino vi porta il sacro telo per permetterne la venerazione all’arcivescovo di Milano San Carlo Borromeo, recatosi fin là a piedi come ringraziamento per la fine della peste. In quell’occasione, durante la celebrazione della messa, la Sacra Sindone fu esposta sull’altare della Chiesa. Oggi la Sacra Sindone è invece custodita nel Duomo di Torino, mentre una copia su tela fotografica è conservata in una delle sale della Chiesa.
Oltre alla copia della sindone e alla sua storia, potrete ammirare nella Chiesa di San Lorenzo la splendida cupola, ripresa dall’architettura islamica con la stella ad otto punte e l’altare maggiore, costruito nel 1680.
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San Lorenzo Church in Torino, Italy
We also visited the Shroud of Turin. I posted a photo of it in an album I posted a couple days ago
Chiesa di San Lorenzo Turin Italy
Come to Turin! The Royal Church of San Lorenzo
The (many many many) churches in Turin are rich and splendid. San Lorenzo was reserved for the Royal family.
Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo
Places to see in ( Turin - Italy ) Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo
The Royal Church of San Lorenzo is a Baroque-style church in Turin, adjacent to the Royal Palace of Turin. The present church was designed and built by Guarino Guarini during 1668-1687. The Duke Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy was one of the leaders of the Hapsburg armies of his cousin Philip II of Spain; they decisively defeated the French armies in the Battle of Saint-Quentin in Northern France on 10 August 1557, the Feast of St. Lawrence (San Lorenzo), which affected the outcome of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis; in which, the Savoy, including Turin, was returned to the rule of the mercenary duke.
That the Battle occurred on the Saint's feast instigated Phillip’s denomination and design of the palace of El Escorial. Emmanuel Philibert, on his return to Turin in 1562, renovated the old ducal chapel of Santa Maria ad Presepae, which is still present near the entrance, and erected this church dedicated to St. Lawrence. Construction of the contemporary church began in 1634.
The architect Guarino Guarini was a great innovator in Baroque principles first developed by the great Roman Baroque architect Francesco Borromini, in particular the play with optical effects and organic deconstruction of the classical orders and principles of column and entablature. However, in San Lorenzo Guarini took these further.
The ground plan is a kind of square which becomes an octagon at the level of the entablatures above the columns only to change again to become a Greek cross at the level of the pendentives of the vaults. Again, the base of the dome is circular in plan yet the lantern above it octagonal. The dome itself is supported by eight ribs forming a lattice similar to those found in mosques and Romanesque churches in Spain. To this superposition of - by the standards of convention - contradictory central plans is added an elliptical choir. The high altar, separated from the nave by a convex and concave archway receives natural light from a hidden dome, devices drawn from the other key Roman Baroque architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini.
( Turin - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Turin . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Turin - Italy
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Spots of Turin: Church San Lorenzo
Spots, pills of travel!
The Royal Church of San Lorenzo is a Baroque-style church in Turin, adjacent to the Royal Palace of Turin. The present church was designed and built by Guarino Guarini during 1668-1687.
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Italy, Florence Basilica San Lorenzo (Basilica of Saint Lawrence)
Photographer:Samuel Magal (samuel@sites-and-photos.com)
The Basilica di San Lorenzo (Basilica of St Lawrence) is one of the largest churches of Florence.
San Lorenzo was also the parish church of the Medici family. In 1419, Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici offered to finance a new church to replace the 11th-century Romanesque rebuilding. Filippo Brunelleschi, the leading Renaissance architect of the first half of the 15th century, was commissioned to design it, but the building, with alterations, was not completed until after his death.
Basilica di San Lorenzo (Basilica of St Lawrence) is one of the largest churches of Florence, Italy
The Basilica di San Lorenzo (Basilica of St Lawrence) is one of the largest churches of Florence, Italy, situated at the centre of the city’s main market district, and the burial place of all the principal members of the Medici family from Cosimo il Vecchio to Cosimo III. It is one of several churches that claim to be the oldest in Florence; when it was consecrated in 393 it stood outside the city walls. For three hundred years it was the city's cathedral before the official seat of the bishop was transferred to Santa Reparata. San Lorenzo was also the parish church of the Medici family. In 1419, Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici offered to finance a new church to replace the 11th-century Romanesque rebuilding. Filippo Brunelleschi, the leading Renaissance architect of the first half of the 15th century, was commissioned to design it, but the building, with alterations, was not completed until after his death. The church is part of a larger monastic complex that contains other important architectural and artistic works: the Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi, with interior decoration and sculpture by Donatello; the Laurentian Library by Michelangelo; the New Sacristy based on Michelangelo's designs; and the Medici Chapels by Matteo Nigetti. Though considered a milestone in the development of Renaissance architecture, S. Lorenzo has a complicated building history. Even though it was built – at least partially - under the direction of Filippo Brunelleschi, it is not purely of his design. The project was begun around 1419, but lack of funding slowed down the construction and forced changes to the original design. By the early 1440s, only the sacristy (now called the Old Sacristy) had been worked on as that and the church was being paid for by the Medici. In 1442, the Medici stepped in to take over financial responsibility of the church as well. Brunelleschi died, however, in 1446 and the job was handed over either to Antonio Manetti or to Michelozzo; scholars are not certain. Though the building was “completed” in 1459 in time for a visit to Florence by Pius II, the chapels along the right-hand aisles were still being built in the 1480s and 1490s. By the time the building was done, many aspects of its layout, not to mention detailing, no longer corresponded to the original plan. The principal difference is that Brunelleschi had envisioned the chapels along the side aisles to be deeper, and to be much like the chapels in the transept, the only part of the building that is known to have been designed by Brunelleschi.
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TORINO - Chiesa di San Lorenzo
La chiesa di San Lorenzo, nota anche come Real chiesa di San Lorenzo, perché voluta dai Savoia, è ubicata sul lato nord-ovest della centralissima piazza Castello, tra Via Palazzo di Città ed il Palazzo Chiablese, a pochissimi passi dalla Piazzetta del Palazzo Reale. L'attuale struttura barocca fu opera di Guarino Guarini, eseguita tra il 1668 e il 1687.(Wikipedia)
Turin Cathedral and Royal Church of Saint Lawrence - in 4K, Italy
Katedra turyńska powstała w latach 1491-1498. W 1578 r. książę Sabaudii Emanuel Filibert przeniósł Święty Całun z Chambéry do Turynu. Kaplica Świętego Całunu została do katedry dobudowana w latach 1668-1694. Budowla jest w formie rotundy zwieńczonej ogromną kopułą górującą nad Katedrą i Pałacem Królewskim. Kaplica ma połączenie z niektórymi komnatami Pałacu Królewskiego i apsydą Katedry. W 1997 r. w wyniku pożaru Kaplica Świętego Całunu została poważnie zniszczona, ale Całun będący w ognioodpornej skrzyni został uratowany. Termin zakończenia odbudowy był wielokrotnie przesuwany i prace najwyraźniej nadal tam trwają, choć (jak widać na filmie) rusztowania z kopuły już zostały usunięte. Skrzynia mająca przeszklony bok, przez który widać Święty Całun, była ostatnio wystawiona w katedrze przed ołtarzem w 2015 r. Aby wejść do Katedry w czasie wystawienia Całunu, należało wcześniej się zarejestrować i już na początku zarejestrowało się ponad milion osób (Całun był poprzednio pokazywany w 1933, 1978, 1998, 2000 i 2010 r. ). Aktualnie skrzynia z osłoniętym Świętym Całunem znajduje się w bocznej kaplicy katedralnej pod królewskim balkonikiem rodziny Savoy. Nad głównym ołtarzem katedralnym jest pokazana plansza z widokiem miejsca w Kaplicy Świętego Całunu, gdzie była umieszczona skrzynia przed pożarem w 1997 r.
Pokazane na filmie barokowe wnętrza przynależą do kościoła San Lorenzo (kościół św. Wawrzyńca, Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo), który stoi przy Piazza Castello. Kościół ten niegdyś pełnił rolę kaplicy królewskiej. Świątynia wybudowana została w XVII wieku i jest dziełem Guarino Guariniego.
Muzyka: You Tube Audio Library (Kevin MacLeod, Bach)
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San Lorenzo Church
Turin Epicurean Capital 2017
Chiesa san Lorenzo a Torino -
Chiesa di San Lorenzo ( Torino ) - un gioiello al centro di Torino
La Real Chiesa di S. Lorenzo, restaurata in occasione delle due
Ostensioni della Sindone (avvenute nel 1998 e nel 2000), offre al
visitatore, sia assiduo, sia occasionale, la visione coinvolgente di
questo gioiello di Guarino Guarini.
Cappella ducale dedicata al santo titolare del giorno in cui venne
vinta la battaglia di San Quintino (10 agosto 1557), fu progettata da
Guarino Guarini che, tra il 1670-1679, vi innalzò una stupefacente
cupola ad archi intrecciati. L’interno è preziosamente decorato con
marmi policromi.
Costruzione: 1670 - 1679
Inaugurazione: 1680
1. Il progetto e la cupola
Sorta per commemorare la vittoria del duca Emanuele Filiberto nella
fondamentale battaglia di San Quintino in Piccardia, il giorno di San
Lorenzo del 1557, la chiesa fu costruita su progetto del padre Guarino
Guarini (1624-1683) per il proprio ordine, i Teatini, a cui era stata
assegnata nel 1634. A Torino dalla fine del 1666, Guarini si trovò a
riprogettare un edificio a pianta centrale in parte esistente, per il
quale era già intervenuto nel 1664 l’architetto conte Amedeo di
Castellamonte (1613-1683), il cui disegno era stato realizzato in
minima parte. L’impresa di Guarini consistette nell’innalzare su un
sito costretto all’angolo di piazza Castello un’ampia cupola – pari
quasi alle proporzioni dell’invaso della chiesa – costituita da otto
costoloni, che, slanciandosi a due a due tra i finestroni alla base del
tamburo, s’intersecano nel mezzo disegnando un motivo stellare. Quasi a
dimostrare la natura non strutturale delle volte gettate tra le
costolature, una serie di oculi ne bucano la superficie facendo
filtrare la luce, e ancor più sorprendentemente proprio alla base della
lanterna. L’ardita struttura, compiuta tra il 1670-1679, nel
reinventare il disegno della cupola tradizionale, ne contraddiceva pure
la statica: gli archi e pennacchi su cui si regge la trabeazione,
anziché fondarsi su robusti piloni si appoggiano, infatti, sul vuoto di
cappelle angolari, cosicché la cupola parrebbe reggersi soltanto sugli
esili sostegni di otto colonne. In realtà, la vera struttura portante è
costituita da quattro arconi in muratura, mascherati tra l’anello
d’imposta e l’involucro murario esterno. Priva di una vera facciata, la
chiesa è preceduta dall’Oratorio dell’Addolorata, ricavato nello spazio
originario a portico costruito per assecondare il disegno uniforme
della piazza.
2. La decorazione dell’interno
Completata la copertura, alla fine degli anni Settanta iniziò la
decorazione dell’interno. Gran parte del ricco paramento in marmi
policromi che riveste tutto il livello inferiore della chiesa fu messo
in opera sotto la direzione di Guarini, che si discostò non poco dai
modelli collaudati della tradizione torinese: bandito quasi del tutto
il nero, è, infatti, il bianco delle pietre locali a prevalere,
accostando alle già note varietà importate dalle maestranze luganesi
una nuova selezione di marmi colorati di gran pregio provenienti dalle
Alpi Apuane, dal Veneto, dal Trentino e dalla Liguria. L’apprezzamento
per la qualità del materiale lapideo è esibita nell’invenzione formale
del disegno per le lesene dell’aula, dove Guarini andò a simulare
l’aspetto dei castoni di gemme e pietre preziose, espressione di un
gusto per l’opulenza ostentata e profusa senza risparmio, in cui si
riconobbero i patroni delle cappelle, fedelissimi cortigiani
dell’entourage della Madama Reale, Maria Giovanna Battista di Savoia
Nemours (1644-1724), e della principessa Ludovica di Savoia (1629-
1692). Anche l’altare maggiore, progettato da Guarini e finanziato da
Madama Reale a partire dal 1680, rappresentò un’assoluta novità per la
scena torinese nella soluzione, “alla romana”, di isolare la mensa e
addossare alla parete del coro l’architettura destinata ad incorniciare
la pala.
Basilica San Lorenzo | Brunelleschi
???? Video subtitles available in ENG and ROM
“The Basilica di San Lorenzo (Basilica of St Lawrence) is one of the largest churches of Florence, Italy, situated at the center of the city’s main market district, and the burial place of all the principal members of the Medici family from Cosimo il Vecchio to Cosimo III. It is one of several churches that claim to be the oldest in Florence; when it was consecrated in 393 it stood outside the city walls. For three hundred years it was the city's cathedral before the official seat of the bishop was transferred to Santa Reparata. San Lorenzo was also the parish church of the Medici family. In 1419, Giovanni di Bicci de' Medici offered to finance a new church to replace the 11th-century Romanesque rebuilding. Filippo Brunelleschi, the leading Renaissance architect of the first half of the 15th century, was commissioned to design it, but the building, with alterations, was not completed until after his death. The church is part of a larger monastic complex that contains other important architectural and artistic works: the Old Sacristy by Brunelleschi, with interior decoration and sculpture by Donatello; the Laurentian Library by Michelangelo; the New Sacristy based on Michelangelo's designs; and the Medici Chapels by Matteo Nigetti.”
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???? Music: She's Gone by The 126ers from YouTube Audio Library
Chiesa di San Lorenzo a Torino
A classic example of cold baroque from Torino: the San Lorenzo church
Dalla Real Chiesa di San Lorenzo a Torino
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