Εκκλησία Αγίου Ιωάννου του Βαπτιστού, Παντικάπαιον, Κερτς - Church of Saint John the Baptist, Kerch
The Church of St John the Baptist (also known as Church of St John the Precursor) is a Christian church located in the city center of Kerch, Crimea. Built in the Byzantine architectural style, it is noted for the candy-striping in its façade. Dating to 717 AD, it is said to be one of the oldest churches in Eastern Europe.
The church is located at the foot of the Mitridatskaya steps (there are 432 steps), which rises to the Mitridat Hill where there are a series of ancient sites. St John's Baptist Church is one of the oldest Christian churches built in the Byzantine architecture style; it was built during the Khazar era in the 8th century. An inscription in the older part of the church reads: Here lies the servant of God Kyriakos, a son of George, a grandson of Vindira. He died on the month of June 3, induction 10th, in the year 6265 from Adam. This has been interpreted as the year 757 AD. During the period of the Soviet Union, the church was used as a gem museum. Following the restoration works carried out in the 1980s, church services have been resumed since 1990. In 1982, Tatjana Ivanovna Makarova published an article, Archaeological dating of the John the Precursor church in Kerch.
In the oldest area of the church, there is a four-pillar cross-dome with the facade formed by semicircular recesses built over cross-shaped columns. The base of these columns are founded over marble columns which are provided with Corinthian capitals. It is inferred that this type of architectural feature existed on the basilicas built in the 6th century. Next to the western side of the church, there is a basilica which is dated between the 11th and 13th centuries. A new chapel was added to the church in the 19th century, which was followed by enlarging the basilica with stone works, and with a belfry. The narthex, which existed in the old church, has been demolished. The building material used in the old part of the church is light Kerch limestone. The walls of the church have been built with bricks in successive layers, laid in alternate stages of four layers of masonry followed by four layers of red clay bricks which act against earthquake effects. However, in the new extensions made to the church this seismic proofed type of wall construction is not evident. The old part of the church has withstood the vagaries of weather conditions. The interior of the church contains murals from the 13th–14th centuries.
Авторский документальный фильм Валерия Ясенова об истории византийского храма Иоанна Предтечи в г. Керчь.
Крымъ 4К: Древнѣйшій дѣйствующій храмъ Россіи — соборъ Іоанна Предтечи въ Керчи
Соборъ въ память Усѣкновенія главы святого пророка Іоанна Предтечи является древнѣйшимъ христіанскимъ храмомъ ранневизантійскаго зодчества, сохранившимся на территоріи Восточной Европы, дату его постройки относятъ къ началу X вѣка.
По мнѣнію изслѣдователей, колонны и капители храма были взяты изъ древней базилики постройки VI вѣка, на мѣстѣ которой въ концѣ IX — началѣ X вѣковъ была воздвигнута новая церковь въ крестово-купольномъ стилѣ.
По свидѣтельству арабскаго путешественника Ибнъ-Батута, въ 1334 году храмъ использовался въ качествѣ мечети. Позже церковь возвращается христіанской общинѣ и, вѣроятно, становится греко-католической. Въ XIV вѣкѣ храмъ подвергся серьёзной реконструкціи: исчезли первоначальныя гранённыя апсиды подъ массивной обкладкой изъ необработанныхъ камней, внутри храмъ былъ расписанъ фресками, которыя, предположительно, относились къ работамъ мастеровъ школы Ѳеофана Грека, — онѣ были утрачены въ послѣдующіе вѣка.
Съ конца XV вѣка Керчь принадлежала туркамъ и храмъ былъ снова обращёнъ въ мечеть. Однако въ серединѣ XVII вѣка это была уже греческая церковь святого великомученика Георгія Побѣдоносца. Послѣ присоединенія Керчи къ Россійской Имперіи въ 1774 году храмъ именуется въ память усѣкновенія главы святого пророка Іоанна Предтечи. Въ 1801 году церковь удлиняется пристройкой съ западной стороны и сооружается звонница, реконструированная въ 1836 году.
Спустя 9 лѣтъ, въ 1845 году, по проекту архитектора А. Дигби на мѣстѣ звонницы былъ сооружёнъ притворъ и двухъярусная колокольня, выдержанная въ общемъ стилѣ храма. Также въ 1835 году открывается сѣверный притворъ. Въ 1893 году въ нёмъ былъ освящёнъ престолъ во имя святой Екатерины и святителя Николая.
Въ 1896 году притворъ полностью перестраивается и расширяется по чертежамъ архитектора А. Карапетова.
Алтарь храма былъ украшенъ изящнымъ дубовымъ иконостасомъ въ 5 ярусовъ, замѣнившимъ старый, XVIII вѣка, изъ орѣховаго дерева. Въ церкви хранились греческія пергаментныя рукописи Евангелія XI вѣка и Апостола XII вѣка, древнія иконы Спасителя и Божьей Матери, чудотворная икона святого Іоанна Предтечи, икона святой великомученицы Варвары (1703 года). У входа въ церковь лежалъ плоскій камень со слѣдами стопы апостола Андрея Первозваннаго. Наливаемая въ углубленіе освящённая вода использовалась вѣрующими для врачеванія недуговъ. Къ сожалѣнію, всѣ древнія святыни были утеряны въ послереволюціонный періодъ.
При храмѣ имѣлись греческая и русская церковно-приходскія школы.
Въ 1933 году были сняты 6 колоколовъ вѣсомъ около 1,5 тонны и предпринята попытка закрыть храмъ. Этого сдѣлать не удалось, и онъ дѣйствовалъ еще 4 года, послѣ чего былъ закрытъ и превращёнъ въ антирелигіозный музей. Съ 1947 года храмъ принадлежалъ историко-археологическому музею, въ послѣдующемъ здѣсь проводились внѣшнія и внутреннія раскопки, зданіе использовалось для храненія и показа коллекціи лапидарныхъ памятниковъ. Къ осени 1989 года были завершены ремонтно-реставраціонныя работы по проекту архитектора Е. И. Лопушинской, продолжавшіяся полтора десятка лѣтъ. Древней части собора придали первоначальный византійскій обликъ.
21 іюня 1990 года рѣшеніемъ Керченскаго городского исполнительнаго комитета храмъ былъ возвращёнъ Православной Церкви, а 17 іюля 1996 года на колокольню были подняты первые изъ одиннадцати колоколовъ.
Ходаковскіе К. Н. и В. Н., Санжаровецъ В. Ф. Керчь Православная на рубежѣ XIX–XX вв. 2-е изд., доп. [Наборъ открытокъ]. Керчь, 2008.
Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) — “Ascending the Vale”
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Tours-TV.com: St. John the Baptist Church
Ukraine : Crimea : Kerch. See on map .
Крым: Керчь / Crimea: Kerch
Аджимушкайский подземный мемориал (каменоломни), гора Митридат, храм Иоанна Предтечи, Царский курган, закат на Чёрном море
Ajimushkay stone quarries memorial, Mount Mithridat, St John the Baptist church, ancient Royal burial hill, sunset on the Black sea
Крепость Ени-Кале/Yeni-Kale fortress:
Osvjaščenije vody - tropary po Boh Hospoď, Ladomirová, 7.9.2019
Tropáre malého posvätenia vody pri príležitosti osláv sviatku Usiknovenija cestnoj hlavy proroka, Predteči i Krestiteľa Joana v Ladomirovej na východnom Slovensku na mieste, kde stál monastier sv. Jova Počajevského. Slúžia duchovní prešovskej eparchie Pravoslávnej cirkvi v českých krajinách a na Slovensku.
Eastern orthodox small blessing of waters in Ladomirova, Slovakia.
John's Brothers - Leonardo da Vinci, Bayezid, Bernadotte og «plankeadelen» fra Halden (Thor Energy)
The Da Vinci Code - John's Brothers (Joannaeorum fratrum); Moravian Brethren (Unitas Fratrum); Thorium Brotherhood (Haldenreaktoren) -- Stang er to norske slekter, den ene fra Halden etter Fabian Stang (1622-1701) som kom fra Tyskland, ble festningsbygger og etablerte det som skulle bli Stangeskovene. Denne slekten kalles gjerne «plankeadelen» fra Halden, og blant etterkommerne finner man statsminister Frederik Stang, skipsreder Jørgen Breder Stang og ordfører i Oslo, Fabian Stang. Den andre Stang-slekten er etter Jens Schrøder Stang (1755-1817) som bodde på Stangebråten i Aremark,
Tove Stang Dahl (født 9. november 1938, død 11. februar 1993 i Oslo) var styremedlem i Fritt Ord, medlem av Rådet for humanistisk forskning i NAVF, og aktiv i oppbyggingen av kvinnesekretariatet i NAVF. Hun var datter av Nic. Stang og Ragna Thiis Stang, og gift med Hans Fredrik Dahl.
Hans Fredrik Dahl (født 16. oktober 1939 i Oslo) var gift med den nå avdøde kvinnerettspionéeren Tove Stang Dahl og er fetter av Francis Sejersted. Hans Fredrik Dahl har hatt eierinteresser i både Pax forlag og Dagbladet. I 2001 kjøpte Dahl 40% av aksjene i Historisk Forlag av Stiftelsen Norsk Okkupasjonshistorie.[7]
Etter en kritisk sykdom i 2006 ble Dahl kristen. Etter i årevis å ha vært en radikal marxist bestemte han seg for å bli katolikk. Han har utgitt en bok om sin bror, Jacob Dahl, som i 1955 konverterte til katolisismen. To år senere sluttet broren seg til karteuserordenen, en av verdens strengeste klosterordener, og har siden levd i klostre i Frankrike og USA og fulgt ordenens bud om livslang, selvpålagt taushet, under munknavnet Dom Filip.
Fabian Stang er sønn av Thomas Stang og skuespiller Wenche Foss. Gjennom farmoren Emma Heiberg er han etterkommer av Axel Heiberg, Thorvald Meyer, Jacob Peter Meyer, Andreas Tofte og Jacob Munch, og på farfarens side er han etterkommer av Johan Michael Keyser.
John's Brothers
In the Charter of Cologne, it is said that before the year 1440 the society of Freemasons was known by no other name than that of John's Brothers (Joannaeorum fratrum);
Leonardo Da Vinci & John the Baptist
St. John the Baptist (Leonardo)
Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (født 15. april 1452 i fjellandsbyen Vinci i nærheten av Firenze, død 2. mai 1519 i Amboise i Indre-et-Loire i Frankrike) var en av de største og mest mangesidige begavelser europeisk kultur har fostret.
Leonardo Da Vinci-broen er en gangbro, og ligger i Nygårdskrysset i Ås kommune over Europavei E18. Broen er 108 meter lang.
Vebjørn Sand så tegningene av broen første gang i 1985. Senere i 1995 så han en modell av broen utstilt i Stockholm, og fikk ideen om å bygge broen i full størrelse. Broen ble åpnet i oktober 2001 av dronning Sonja.
Leonardo Da Vinci la fram en miniatyrmodell av broen i 1502 som opprinnelig var tegnet til den tyrkiske sultanen Bayezid_II og ment til å krysse Det gylne horn ved Bosporos-stredet. Broen skulle opprinnelig være 240 meter lang.
Da Vinci-broen til Vebjørn Sand er for liten
Da Vinci-broen utenfor Ski, som Vebjørn Sand tegnet, må trolig fjernes. Gangbroen er for smal for ny E18.
Trebroen kan ikke forlenges der den står, men den kan flyttes.
Da Vincis utkast til en bro over Bosporos inspirerte Sand til å skape en fotgjengerbro etter de samme ideer. Denne ble bygget over E18 i Ski i 1996.
Vebjørn August Sand (født 11. mars 1966 i Bærum) var som barn elev ved Steinerskolen og har i mediene stått fram som forsvarer av europeisk kulturtradisjon.
Sand er utdannet ved Statens Kunstakademi i Oslo, Kunstakademiet i Praha og The Art Students League of New York.
I Norge er Sand også kjent for sine utendørsprosjekter:
Antarktisekspedisjonene i 1993-1994 resulterte i utstillingen «Trollslottet».
1996: Leonardo-prosjektet, der han etter tegninger av Leonardo da Vinci bygde en bro i nedskalert versjon i Ås.
1999: Sands store installasjon kalt Keplerstjernen (Herrnhuter Sterne) ved Oslo Lufthavn, Gardermoen.
Vebjørn er sønnen til billedkunstneren Øivind Sand og tvillingbroren til filmskaperen Aune Sand, som sammen driver Galleri Sand.
The Moravian Church (Latin: Unitas Fratrum, meaning Unity of the Brethren
Bayezid II was the son of Mehmed II (1432–81). His Paulician mother's identity is undetermined;
Girl And Violence
Francesco De Masi
Tours-TV.com: Grand Mithridates staircase
Ukraine : Crimea : Kerch. See on map .
Tours-TV.com: Kazantipsky gulf
Ukraine : Crimea : Kerch. See on map .
Tours-TV.com: St. Nicolas Cathedral
Ukraine : Crimea : Eupatoria. See on map .
1. PALANOK CASTLE,KARPATALJA 48°25'53.46N 22°41'14.08E
3. JUSTICE COURT,ZHITOMIR 50°15'14.97N 28°39'24.27E
5. PYATNITSKA CHURCH,CHERNIHIV 51°29'32.84N 31°18'3.02E
6. SAIL ROCK,CRIMEA 44°26'0.34N 34° 7'51.88E
7. KHMELNITSKIY MONUMENT,KIEV 50°27'12.94N 30°30'59.59E
49°45'13.50N 27°13'21.42E
9. CATHEDRALS,CHERNIHIV 51°29'20.99N 31°18'25.30E
10. DUKE DE RICHELIEU,ODESSA 46°29'17.30N 30°44'28.23E
11. CATHEDRALS&CHURCHES,KIEV 50°27'9.95N 30°30'53.44E
12. ANCIENT BUILDING,UZHHOROD 48°37'30.68N 22°17'40.52E
13. ST.NICHOLAS CHURCH,KIEV 50°27'52.71N 30°31'33.92E
14. CHURCH OF TRINITY,DNEPROPETROVSK 48°27'46.38N 35° 2'44.35E
15. YENI-KALE CASTLE,KERCH 45°20'57.92N 36°36'16.79
16. POLISH GATE,KHMEL'NYTS'KA 48°40'43.40N 26°34'13.90E
17. ST. ILIA TEMPLE,CRIMEA 45°11'33.83N 33°22'26.71E
18. HEART SHAPE HOUSE,ZHITOMIR 50°15'29.66N 28°39'33.57E
19. GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH,CRIMEA 44°29'27.71N 34° 9'22.73E
20. CHURCH OF MICHAEL&FEDOR,CHERNIHIV 51°29'52.94N 31°18'35.74E
21. SAILOR'S CLUB,SEVASTOPOL 44°36'0.72N 33°31'27.89E
22. CHOCIM CASTLE,KHOTYN 48°31'19.42N 26°29'54.61E
23. LENIN MONUMENT,KERCH 45°21'7.17N 36°28'30.60E
24. THEATER BITTER,DNIPROPETROVSK 48°28'14.45N 35° 1'59.72E
45°21'5.00N 36°28'33.53E
26. OSTROH CASTLE,RIVNE 50°19'34.30N 26°31'16.79E
Putin Opens Archives And Debunks Western Attempts To Rewrite WW2 History & Blame Russia For The War
Russian President Vladimir Putin told the participants about the archive materials on the pre-history of World War II and invited them to tour a specially organized exhibit.
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Tours-TV.com: Demetra`s Crypt
Ukraine : Crimea : Kerch. See on map .
Храм Иоанна Предтечи в Крыму.
Подробнее на сайте: vse-o-kryme.jimdo.com
Российская империя. Серия 1. Петр I. Часть 1
Российская империя. Проект Леонида Парфёнова
Петр I. Часть 1
Великое посольство в Англии и в Голландии.
Утро стрелецкой казни.
Демидовские заводы и создание войска.
Основание Санкт-Петербурга.
Mithraism | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:08 1 Name
00:02:46 1.1 Etymology of Mithras
00:05:02 2 Iconography
00:06:15 2.1 Bull-slaying scene
00:09:04 2.2 Banquet
00:10:03 2.3 Birth from a rock
00:11:48 2.4 Lion-headed figure
00:14:27 3 Rituals and worship
00:19:34 3.1 Mithraeum
00:22:02 3.2 Degrees of initiation
00:26:32 3.3 Ritual re-enactments
00:28:58 3.4 Membership
00:30:11 3.5 Ethics
00:30:59 4 History and development
00:31:09 4.1 Mithras before the Mysteries
00:32:18 4.2 Beginnings of Roman Mithraism
00:33:17 4.2.1 Earliest archaeology
00:36:03 4.2.2 Earliest cult locations
00:37:09 4.3 Classical literature about Mithras and the Mysteries
00:37:32 4.3.1 Statius
00:38:11 4.3.2 Plutarch
00:39:18 4.3.3 Dio Cassius
00:40:04 4.3.4 Porphyry
00:41:48 4.3.5 Mithras Liturgy
00:42:37 4.4 Modern debate about origins
00:42:47 4.4.1 Cumont's hypothesis: from Persian state religion
00:44:08 4.4.2 Criticisms and reassessments of Cumont
00:48:47 4.4.3 Modern theories
00:51:53 4.5 Later history
00:53:32 4.6 Persecution and Christianization
00:56:42 5 Interpretations of the bull-slaying scene
00:59:56 6 Mithras and other gods
01:00:39 6.1 Mithraism and Christianity
01:03:30 7 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Mithraism, also known as the Mithraic mysteries, was a mystery religion centered on the god Mithras that was practiced in the Roman Empire from about the 1st to the 4th century CE. The religion was inspired by Iranian worship of the god Mithra, though the Greek Mithras was linked to a new and distinctive imagery, and the level of continuity between Persian and Greco-Roman practice is debated. The mysteries were popular among the Roman military.Worshippers of Mithras had a complex system of seven grades of initiation and communal ritual meals. Initiates called themselves syndexioi, those united by the handshake. They met in underground temples, now called mithraea (singular mithraeum), which survive in large numbers. The cult appears to have had its centre in Rome, and was popular throughout the western half of the empire, as far south as Roman Africa and Numidia, as far north as Roman Britain, and to a lesser extent in Roman Syria in the east.Mithraism is viewed as a rival of early Christianity. In the 4th century, Mithraists faced persecution from Roman Christians and the religion was subsequently suppressed and eliminated in the empire by the end of the century.Numerous archaeological finds, including meeting places, monuments and artifacts, have contributed to modern knowledge about Mithraism throughout the Roman Empire. The iconic scenes of Mithras show him being born from a rock, slaughtering a bull, and sharing a banquet with the god Sol (the Sun). About 420 sites have yielded materials related to the cult. Among the items found are about 1000 inscriptions, 700 examples of the bull-killing scene (tauroctony), and about 400 other monuments. It has been estimated that there would have been at least 680 mithraea in Rome. No written narratives or theology from the religion survive; limited information can be derived from the inscriptions and brief or passing references in Greek and Latin literature. Interpretation of the physical evidence remains problematic and contested.