The Church of Saint Mary (Organ playing), Helsingborg, Sweden
Helsingborg, Sweden: april 2012 - church rock
pray to virgin Mary in orthodox Cherch-Sweden-Arabic
صلاة السهرانة عربي في الكنيسة السريانية استوكهولم -
bedjande till jungfru Maria- i ortodoxa kyrkan
pray to virgin Mary in orthodox Cherch-Sweden
Engelska kyrkan Göteborg 2016
Engelska kyrkan, eller Saint Andrew's Church, vid Hvitfeldtsplatsen i Göteborg. Video från 2016-07-25.
Helsingborg. Kärnan. Miasto portowe w Szwecji. Helsingborg, Sweden travel. Ep. 9
Helsingborg to zabytkowe miasto portowe w Szwecji, położone przy najwęższym przesmyku cieśniny Sund (Öresund), około 65 km w kierunku północnym od Malmö. Niewielkie brukowane uliczki, zielone parki, piaszczyste plaże, kościoły, zabytki i sztuka nowoczesna wszystko to jest na wyciągniecie ręki, nawet plac zabaw odznacza się kameralnym klimatem.
Zaledwie 4 km dzieli szwedzki Helsingborg i duński Helsingør, zamek Hamleta.
Główne atrakcje:
1. Kärnan (The Kernel)
2. Ratusz (Rådhuset)
3. Dunkers Culture Centre (Dunkers Kulturhus)
4. Kościół Mariacki (Mariakyrkan)- we wczesniejszym filmiku ;D
5. Pomniki i sztuka nowoczesna.
Helsingborg is a historic port city in Sweden, located at the narrowest isthmus of the Øresund Strait, about 65 km north of Malmö. What can you find there: small cobbled streets, green parks, sandy beaches, churches, monuments and modern art, even the playground has an intimate atmosphere.
Only 4 km separates Swedish Helsingborg and Danish Helsingør, known as the Hamlet castle.
Main attractions:
1. Kärnan (The Kernel)
2. Town Hall (Rådhuset)
3. Dunkers Culture Center (Dunkers Kulturhus)
4. St. Mary's Church (Mariakyrkan) - in an earlier video :D
5. Monuments and modern art.
20141109 Church in Helsingborg, Sweden
Petersen and Bengtsson perform Ave Maria by Durante in S:ta Anna Helsingborg in 2010
Duo Cantaton, i. e. Holger Petersen (violin) and Glenn Bengtsson (barytenor), perform Ave Maria/Vergin tutt'amor (Virgin made of Love) by Francesco Durante, arranged for song and violin by Bengtsson, at an afternoon get together for the elderly in the Church of Saint Anna of Helsingborg, Sweden, on September 30th 2010, with pianist Christina Jansson. This piece was given as a Second Encore.
Best Western Hotel Duxiana, Helsingborg, Sweden
Best Western Hotel Duxiana - Buche das Hotel gleich! Spare bis zu 20% -
Das Hotel liegt an einer der wichtigsten Einkaufsstraßen Helsingborgs, der Bruksgatan. Es bietet luxuriöse Betten und kostenfreien WLAN-Internetzugang. Der Hauptbahnhof von Helsingborg ist 3 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt.
Das Best Western Hotel Duxiana kooperiert mit der Bettenfirma DUX. Alle Zimmer verfügen über DUX Betten, Sitzbereiche, Schreibtisch und Kabel-TV. Die meisten Zimmer wurden eigens von einem DUX-Chefdesigner entworfen, einige haben Klimaanlage.
Das Hotel Duxiana bietet seinen Gästen kostenfreien Zugang zu einem 200 Meter entfernten Fitness-Studio.
Innerhalb von 10 Gehminuten erreichen Sie die Sehenswürdigkeiten wie Kärnan, einen mittelalterlichen Festungsturm und das Rathaus. Ein Terminal der Helsingør Fähren ist 250 Meter entfernt.
Olof Tholander plays Jul by Morén in Helsingborg 2009
Organist Olof Tholander plays Jul (Christmas) by John Morén, at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2009.
Outside Toompea Castle in Tallinn, Estonia
According to a myth, the whole hill of Toompea was made by the Linda, who built it boulder-by-boulder with her own hands. For reasons associated with this legend, Tallinn is sometimes traditionally referred to as Lyndanisse (The nipple of Linda) in Estonian. The more prosaic truth is that settlers during the time of ancient Estonia made use of the natural hill as an easily defended stronghold. Over time, the place also developed into a commercial hub. It was probably one of the first inhabited areas of what later became Tallinn.[2]
In 1219, the castle was taken over by Danish crusaders - led by Valdemar II.[1] According to a popular Danish legend, the very first flag of Denmark (Dannebrog) fell from the sky during a critical stage of the battle (known as the Battle of Lyndanisse). This first proper castle was referred to as the Castle of the Danes, in latin Castrum Danorum and in Estonian Taanilinnus. From the latter, the modern name of the city of Tallinn is possibly derived (see Modern name of Tallinn).
In 1227, the castle was taken over by the Order of the Brethren of the Sword, who initiated rebuilding schemes. The castle they started building is to a large extent the castle that is visible today. The castle again befell the Danes just ten years later, but was sold to the Teutonic Order in 1346, and would remain in their hands for the remainder of the Middle Ages.[1]
18th century, Baroque additions to the castle
As the crusading Teutonic Order was a religious order, the castle came to resemble a monastery in several ways. It included a chapel, a chapter house and a dormitory for the knights. The order was also responsible for erecting the still visible towers of the church, including Pilsticker (translated as arrow-sharpener), Stür den Kerl (ward off the enemy), Landskrone (crown of the land) and the probably most famous, Pikk Hermann, Tall Hermann.[1]
Tall Hermann is 95 metres (312 ft) tall and dominates the castle skyline. The flag of Estonia is hoisted at the top of the tower every day at sunrise, to the sound of the national anthem, and lowered at sunset.[1]
With the upheavals of the Livonian War during the 16th century, the crusader orders formerly dominating the present-day Baltic states were dissolved and the region became contested by Sweden, Poland and Russia. By 1561, northern Estonia had become a Swedish dominion. The Swedes transformed the castle from a crusaders' fortress into a ceremonial and administrative centre of political power in Estonia, a purpose the castle has served ever since.[1]
St. Mary's Catholic Church in Helsingør, Denmark (2)
St. Mary's Catholic Church in Helsingør, Denmark
CSU Study Abroad trip to Denmark
SESTRE/SYSTRARNA BUDJA - Marija, mati moja
Slovenian/Swedish group Sestre/Systrarna Budja:The sisters Budja Sweden, land of the polar night. The song Marija, mati moja; arr. Sisters B. recorded in the studio MMV-Marek M. Vogel.
Projekt AVE-Pesem nas druzi - Sestre Budja s Svedske, dezele polarnih noci--je po vrsti ze sesti glasbeni projekt. Posneto 2002 v MMV-Marek M. Vogel Studio, Helsingborg Svedska, Marija, mati moja; Slovenska ljudska/ vokalna prir. Sestre Budja.
Stellan Dahlin sings Den heliga staden by Adams in Helsingborg 2008
Stellan Dahlin, bass, sings Den Heliga Staden (The Holy City) by Stephen Adams (a. k. a. Michael Maybrick), at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2008, with pianist Olof Tholander.
Per Thunarf i Clara
Per Thunarf spelar s3v3l klockspel som orgel i S:ta Clara kyrka
Stellan Dahlin sing I Juletid by Nordqvist in Helsingborg 2009
Stellan Dahlin, bass, sings I Juletid (Christmastime) by Gustaf Nordqvist, at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2009, with pianist Olof Tholander.
Mats Calvén and Glenn Bengtsson sing Ave Maria by Schubert in Helsingborg 2008
Mats Calvén, tenor, and Glenn Bengtsson, barytenor, duo from Tre KyrkoSångare (Three Church Singers), sing Ave Maria by Franz Schubert, here arranged for male duo in Italian opera style by Bengtsson, at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2008, with pianist Olof Tholander.
Glenn Bengtsson sings Fader vår by Malotte in Helsingborg 2008
Glenn Bengtsson, barytenor, sings the beloved Fader vår (The Lord's Prayer) by Albert Hay Malotte at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2008, with pianist Olof Tholander.
Mats Calvén sings Ave Maria by Gounod in Helsingborg 2008
Mats Calvén, tenor, sings Ave Maria by Charles Gounod based on Preludium i C major from Das Wohltemperierte Klavier by J. S. Bach, at an annual Christmas Concert in the Church of Saint Mary in Helsingborg, Sweden, on Annandag Jul (Boxing Day) i. e. December 26th 2008, with pianist Olof Tholander.