Nativity Cathedral & Cathedral Park in Chișinău, Moldova [4K]
The Cathedral of Christ's Nativity (Catedrala Mitropolitană Nașterea Domnului) is the main cathedral of the Moldovan Orthodox Church in Central Chișinău, Moldova. It was commissioned by the governor of New Russia, Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov, and Metropolitan Gavril Bănulescu-Bodoni in 1830.
The cathedral was built in the 1830s to a Neoclassical design by Abram Melnikov (who had designed a similar church in Bolhrad). The cathedral was bombed during World War II, and its bell tower was destroyed by the local Communists in 1962. The new bell tower was constructed in 1997. During the Soviet period, worship was prohibited and the cathedral was transformed into an exhibition center.
Melnikov's design is Neoclassical. The façade is very simple and clear with six Doric column for the entrance. Because of the numerous destructions which the cathedral suffered throughout time, the building has received several restorations and shifts in its shape. For instance, the current zinc dome and its cross at the top are both an addition from 1997 built over the previous structure. The inside was completely blank during the Soviet period but nowadays it has painted walls in pure orthodox style.
Церковь Святого Дмитрия / Church of St. Dmitry Moldova Chisinau
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Biserica de piatra din Densuş - St. Nicholas Church from Densuş ✔
➤ Biserica din Densuş este cea mai veche biserica in care se mai tin slujbe si azi si una dintre cele mai controversate edificii. Nu este foarte clar cine sau cand a construit-o. La constructie s-au folosit blocuri de origine dacica, pietre de la Ulpia Traiana Sarmisegetusa ( aflata la doar 8 km distanta), piatra de rau cimentata, caramida, coloane romane si pietre de mormant. Ar putea fi templu pagan, templu inchinat lui Zamolxe, templu inchinat zeului roman Marte, ulterior crestinizat sau, pe rand, toate acestea.
Biserica Sfantul Nicolae din Densus propusa pentru a intra in patrimoniul UNESCO, inca din anul 1991, in prezent aceasta aflandu-se in plin proces de restaurar
➤ St. Nicholas Church is the oldest church that still hold services even today and one of the most controversial edifices. Is not very clear who or when he built it. Were used in building, blocks of Dacian origin, stones from Ulpia Traiana Sarmisegetusa (located just 8 km away), cemented river stone, brick, Roman columns and tombstones. Could be pagan temple, temple dedicated Zamolxe, temple dedicated the Roman god Mars, later Christianized and, at time, all that..
St. Nicholas Church Densus , proposed to enter in UNESCO patrimony since 1991, currently it being in the process of restoration.
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Assenovgrad (Bulgaria) 09.04.2014
Video semiserio, fatto a ruota libera, senza alcun testo preparatorio. Autore Marco Bazzato, alla ripresa, mia moglie, nella città di Assenovgrad, durante la breve vacanza dal 08 al 10 aprile 2014!
Alleluia by Rapsodia Moldova Children Choir
Хор Рапсодия в церкви Св. Николая в Брестской Крепости
Rapsodia Moldova Children Choir in St. Nicholas Church in Brest Fortress
Слово в. Михаила на Межправославной вечерне.
Слово владыки Михаила митрополита Сербского Вены на межправославной вечерне Торжества Православия в венском кафедральном соборе святителя Николая. В богослужении принимали участие настоятели православных храмов Вены и их прихожане. 13 марта 2011 года.
Служба междуправославной вечерни загружена отдельно. Смотрите загрузки.
Wort des Herrn Michael Metropolit Serbian in Wien auf Inter-Triumph der Orthodoxie Vesper in der Wiener Kathedrale St. Nikolaus. Im Gottesdienst wurde den Pfarreren von Orthodoxen Kirchen in Wien und ihre Gemeindemitglieder teil. 13. März 2011.
Service zwischen der orthodoxen Vesper separat geladen werden. Siehe Uploads.
Word of the Lord Michael Metropoliten Serbian in Vienna on Inter-Triumph of Orthodoxy Vespers at the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Vienna. On the service has been paкtisipated the pastors of Orthodox churches in Vienna and their community members. 13. March 2011.
Service between the Orthodox Vespers uploaded separately. See Uploads.
One of the grandest Cathedrals in Europe | Cologne | Germany
Cologne Cathedral is a magnificent building with many interesting stories and features. Check out what you can see for free in this building.
Date taken: September, 2019
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Capital Church - Montenegro - Introduction
Hi, my name is Mark Bojovic. I was born and raised in the United States but my family is from Montenegro.My faith in Jesus began and grew exponentially during my college years.
After graduating university and getting married, God called my wife I to be missionaries to Southern Africa for 10 years. We learned how to care for orphans, start youth groups, lead a discipleship school of ministry, and plant churches.
Now, God has called us and our two children to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Montenegro, my heritage.
It's called Capital Church!
We are a Christ-Centered, Bible based, international Christian church.
We are all about Worshipping God, magnifying the Name of Jesus, and being filled and lead by Holy Spirit.
We love to see people know Christ more, grow in their faith, and be transformed through discipleship.
We love to see people grow relationally with one another, loving, forgiving, and helping one another.
We value strong marriages and families and desire them grow closer to God and to one another in true intimacy.
It's our joy to see people grow functionally in this world though skills training, communication improvement, and leadership development based on Biblical principles.
We cherish shared experiences together, such as family fun days, sporting events, and work projects.
Growing together as a family of believers over coffee dates, meals, Bible studies, and worship experiences is a part of our culture.
This church is God's church, and we live, and move, and breathe in His church, for His glory, for His fame, not ours.
We are Capital Church, and we invite you to join us. You are welcome here.
Please visit Pastor Mark Bojovic's channel:
Saint-Charles Church, Monaco 2018, Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday in Saint Charles Church, Monaco, 25. March 2018.
Palm Sunday is a Christian moveable feast that falls on the Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, an event mentioned in each of the four canonical Gospels.[3] It initiates Holy Week, the last week of Lent.
Cvjetnica je uvod u Veliki tjedan. Crkva se spominje Isusovog svečanog ulaska u Jeruzalem u dane prije Pashe, opisanog u sva četiri Evanđelja (Marko 11:1-11, Matej 21:1-11, Luka 19:28-44, i Ivan 12:12-19), ali i njegove muke koja je uslijedila nakon toga. Kad je Isus ulazio u Jeruzalem, narod ga je dočekao mašući palminim i maslinovim grančicama i rasprostirući svoje haljine, putem kojim je išao jašući na magarcu. U spomen na taj događaj koji je predstavljao uvod u dramatične događaje Velikog tjedna, na Cvjetnicu se prije jedne mise obavlja procesija s blagoslovljenim palminim i maslinovim grančicama (ili, u krajevima gdje niti jedno nije dostupno, nekim drugim grančicama). Sama misa je posvećena Isusovoj muci na kojoj se čita ili pjeva cijeli izvještaj o muci iz Evanđelja.
#trip2013 Annunciation Cathedral in Kharkiv
Cea mai veche biserica 19 AUGUST 2011
Si astazi Daniel este pregatit sa ne surprinda cu locuri si lucruri. E timpul sa aflam despre cea mai veche biserica din Romania in care se mai tin slujbe
TIPOVA Monastery/Mănăstirea ȚIPOVA/ Монастырь в скалах Ципова(WHAT TO VISIT IN MOLDOVA #1)
The monastery is comprised of three monastic complexes. The first complex consists of a church named for the feast of the Holy Cross and some cells. It is far from the other two and hardly accessible. The foundation of the complex dates from XI – XV centuries. In the second monastic complex is the church of St. Nicholas. It was carved in rock the in XIV – XV centuries. The third complex dates from the XVI – XVIII centuries and encompasses 18 separate rooms joined via an interior passage.
In 1776, the hermitage and its cells were renovated by the monk Vortolomeu, the founder of Saharna Monastery. In 1842, the hermitage was destroyed. The monastery land was given to the Capriana Monastery and the hermitage to the Saharna Monastery, which managed it from 1842 till 1919. In 1912 the church situated on the hill was restored by the monk Inokentie. In 1919, under the leadership of Archimandrite Mitrophor Sofronie Neaga, of Saharna Monastery, the Tipova hermitage obtained independence.
But in 1949, the complex was closed and dispossessed of its lands. The monks took refuge at other monasteries. The complex on the hill was taken over by local agricultural concerns. The church became a tobacco warehouse. The hermitage was cleared out and demolished.
In 1990, a group of archeologists from Saint Petersburg found a skeleton in the monastery basement, dating from the end of the XV century.
In 1994, Tipova Monastery was renovated. Only the exterior side of the Holy Virgin Assumption temple was restored. The church is medium size, with a rectangular shape and a belfry located above entrance. There is a fresco on the walls with floral decorations.
According to an old legend, the great lord Stefan cel Mare married one of his wives in the Tipova monastery. She is also buried there. Another legand says that the Greek mythological poet Orpheus died at Tipova Monastery. He was buried in the cascade valley. It is easy to recognize his grave, as there are six aperture slabs on it.
Besides the cave monastery, the area also has beautiful nature. The hills around the monastery are covered with forests where you find many narrow paths. It is also near the Nistru River and a small tributary, Tipova, which forms some waterfalls.
Mănăstirea Țipova este o mănăstire rupestră de călugări din Republica Moldova. Este situată pe malul drept al râului Nistru în apropiere de satul Țipova din raionul Rezina. Biserica datează din secolele XVI-XVII. Mănăstirea este de rit ortodox și adăpostea 9 viețuitori în anul 2012. Ea se găsește la o distanță de aproximativ 40,50 km de capitala țării, Chișinău, și este amplasată pe un mal abrupt la o înălțime de 100 de metri față de nivelul apei râului Nistru.
Complexul mănăstiresc se întinde pe trei nivele numărând mai multe încăperi și trei biserici (Sfânta Cruce - secolele XI-XII; Sfântul Nicolae - secolul XIV și Adormirea Maicii Domnului - secolele XVI-XVIII). Clopotnița, chiliile și celelalte încăperi sunt mai noi datând din secolul al XIX-lea. Cele peste 20 de încăperi comunică între ele prin tuneluri, galerii și scări, încăperea cea mai mare fiind biserica Adormirii Maicii Domnului.
Complexul mănăstiresc este săpat în calcar şi nimic altceva.
My Visit to Europe (Video Reporting), 2015-2019
EveryDay Holiday Moldovan fans to visit:
00:00 - Golden Sands, Varna, Bulgaria (2018)
Republic of Moldova:
00:25 - the Church of St. John of Jacob from Neamţ Hozevitul, Chisinau (2019) 00:27 - Nicoreni Monastery (2015)
00:28 - the Wooden Church of St. John the New from Suceava, Chisinau (2019)
00:31 - the Church of St. Hierarch Nicholas, Durlesti, Chisinau (2019)
01:03 - Trolleybuses of Chisinau
01:09 - the Church of St. Hierarch Nicholas, Durlesti, Chisinau (2019)
01:17 - Durleşti Theoretical Lyceum and Kindergarten no. 201 Mărţişor, Durlesti (2019)
01:21 - Kindergarten with language profile EDlingua, Durlesti (2019)
01:28 - Rompetrol LLC (2019)
01:34 - Trolleybuses of Chisinau
01:40 - Linella LLC (2019)
01:47 - Zolushca LLC, Meat House LLC, Azart Outlet LLC, Mobiasbanca LLC, Family Pharmacy LLC (2019)
01:51 - Trolleybuses of Chisinau
01:53 - A road in Romania (2018)
01:57 - Iasi city (2017)
Republic of Moldova
01:59 - Cricova cellars (2019)
Romania 02:03 - Suceava Fortress (2017) Careful: 02:05 - EveryDay Holiday Moldovian Fans
EveryDay Holiday, translation into Romanian: - Sărbători în fiecare zi.
Vizionare Plăcută.
Sacramento Hamerenoh Kidanemeheret celebration 2017
Ethiopian orthodox mezmur
Honduras Mission 2014 - Saint Nicholas of Myra Catholic Church (Full Version)
The Breakdown:
A group from Saint Nicholas of Myra traveled for a mission trip to Guaimaca, Honduras. This video contains highlighted parts of the trip. Special thanks to Nancy Brown for capturing each event.
Note: This is the longer version. Please visit our shorter version for a more timely presentation.
Cimislia-Comrat, part of the road M3 Chisinau-Giurgiulesti (Moldova)
18.10.2013 Speed 3x. HD.
Участок дороги Чимишлия - Комрат, часть трассы M3 Кишинёв-Джурджулешты примерно с 60 по 92 км (из центра Чимишлии до центра Комрата). Дорога реконструирована в 2007-09 годах. Видеозапиь от 8 октября 2013 года.
В пути - 32 километра за 26 минут 17 секунд без нарушений ПДД.
Biserica Sf. Nicolae Domnesc - Istorie pe Scurt, Iasi, Romania
Biserica Sf Nicolae Domnesc - Istorie pe Scurt, Iasi, Romania
Biserica „Sfântul Nicolae Domnesc” din Iași este o biserică ortodoxă din municipiul Iași, construită de Ștefan cel Mare în perioada 1491-1492 și refăcută în anii 1884-1904 de arhitectul francez André Lecomte du Noüy, prin demolare și reconstruire pe aceeași fundație și aproximativ în forma sa inițială, înlăturându-se adaosurile ulterioare. Este situată în centrul orașului, pe Str. Anastasie Panu nr. 65, în preajma vechii Curți Domnești, între Palatul Culturii și Casa cu arcade (Casa Dosoftei).
Fiind situată în imediata vecinătate a vechii Curți domnești și pentru faptul ca aici au fost unși aproape toți domnii Moldovei, de la Despot Vodă până la Grigore Alexandru Ghica, bisericii i s-a spus „Sfântul Nicolae-Domnesc”, spre a o deosebi de alte construcții cu același hram.În a doua jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea, pentru o perioadă de câțiva ani (1677-1682), Biserica „Sf. Nicolae Domnesc” a îndeplinit rolul de catedrală mitropolitană.
Vă invităm sa vizitați linkurile de mai jos pentru a vedea videoclipuri similare:
Biserica Bãrboi, Iași:
Mânăstirea Vlădiceni, Iasi:
Mănăstirea Hadâmbu, Iasi:
Mănăstirea Cetățuia, Iași:
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Christmas Eve with the Gubas 1/6/2011
Gubas from Saint Michaels Greek Russian Orthodox Church in Saint Clair, PA visit the St. Clair Community & Historical Society during their rounds on Orthodox Christmas Eve 2011.
Climbing the Cave Monasteries in Tipova, Moldova
The Moldova Mission Video for Church
Church planting, church construction and student campus ministry.