Моление Святому Иоанну Богослову / Entreaty to John the Theologian
Моление Святому Иоанну Богослову
Музыка Георгий Свиридов
Камерный хор Кредо
Дир. Богдан Польский
Церковь Богоявления Господня
Каргопольский район, Архангельская область
Entreaty to the Apostle St. John the Theologian
Music by Georgy Sviridov
Sung here by the Credo Chamber Choir
Conducted by Bogdan Plish
Photographs of the Church of the Epiphany
Kargopol District, Arkhangelsk Oblast
Рождество Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии. Урюпинская епархия.
Храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы в ст. Котовской Урюпинской епархии отметил свой престольный праздник.
Рождество Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии празднуется Церковью, как день всемирной радости. В этот светлый день, на рубеже Ветхого и Нового заветов, родилась Преблагословенная Дева Мария, предуставленная от века Божественным Промыслом послужить тайне воплощения Бога Слова - явиться Матерью Спасителя мира, Господа нашего Иисуса Христа.
21 сентября 2018 года, в день празднования Рождества Пресвятой Владычицы нашей Богородицы и Приснодевы Марии, в храме Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы ст. Котовской, Урюпинского района была совершена праздничная Божественная литургия.
По благословению Преосвященного Елисея, епископа Урюпинского и Новоаннинского, праздничное богослужение возглавил благочинный Урюпинского церковного округа протоиерей Алексий Маслов в сослужении иерея Виктора Литвинова и иерея Алексия Голоколенова.
В этот праздничный день за богослужением молились не только жители станицы, но и приехавшие этот день прихожане храмов города Урюпинска и близ лежащих хуторов.
На сугубой ектеньи возносились особые прошения о единстве Святого Православия
По сугубой ектеньи была вознесена молитва о прекращении междоусобной брани и кровопролития в Земле Украинской.
По заамвонной молитве при пении праздничного тропаря и кондака духовенство вместе с прихожанами совершили Крестный ход вокруг храма.
В завершении благочинный Урюпинского округа протоиерей Алексий Маслов поздравил всех прихожан храма с престольным праздником.
Историческая справка:
Источник: Нижне-Волжский Исторический сборник Царицынского генеалогического общества, выпуск 3, стр. 66.
Первую деревянную церковь в станице Котовской начали строить в 1731 году. В 1821 году тщанием прихожан вместо нее начали строить каменную. Освящена церковь в 1825 году. Зданием каменная с такой же колокольней и деревянной оградой. Престолов в ней два – в настоящей во имя Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы, в приделе - во имя святителя и Чудотворца Николая Мирликийского. Утварью достаточна. Земли при церкви отмежеванной нет, а пользуются священноцерковнослужители с прихожанами. Причт положен издавна один, а в 1839 году открыт другой. На лицо в 1867 году - священников два, дьякон один, дьячков два и пономарей два.
Дома у священнослужителей собственные, деревянные, на общественной земле. Содержание священноцерковнослужителей средственное. Здание, принадлежащее церкви –караулка. Расстояние от церкви до консистории в 485 верстах, а от благочинного - в 7. Ближайшие церкви – Покровская в Урюпинской станице в 6 верстах, и Архангельская в Добринской станице в 7 верстах. Капиталов при сей церкви –сторублевые свидетельства Государственной ренты, пожертвованные - 300 рублей казаком Алексеем Усачевым в 1873 году, 100 рублей казачкой Марфой Гущиной в 1888 году, 100 рублей казаком Гавриилом Гущиным в 1889 году, 100 рублей казачкой Ксенией Карповой, 200 рублей коллежским регистратором Иваном Моргуновым, 100 рублей женой священника Ольгой Соколовой в 1890 году, 100 рублей казаком Николаем Федоровым в 1891 году, 100 рублей коллежским регистратором Андреем Селуяновым в 1892 году.
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Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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Vladimir, Russia
Images of Vladimir, Russia, located in Russia's historic Golden Ring
Made with photographs by Jane Keeler
World News. Vladimir Putin begs for sins in the Christmas
World News. Vladimir Putin begs for sins in the Christmas
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A selection of photos of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. He visited the church of Anna and Simeon on the occasion of Christmas.
Putin came to pray for sins on a Christmas night in one of the righteous and holy churches in St. Petersburg. In this church, Vladimir Putin's father was baptized.
After the procession was over, Putin presented the temple with an icon that dates back to the mid-19th century. The icon depicts The Nativity of the Virgin, the Archangel Michael, Anna the Prophetess, The Resurrection of Christ, Kosma and many others.
This temple was built in 1734.
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Каргополь - Хрустальные звоны 12.
Kargopol is one of the oldest towns in the Northwest of Russia. It is situated in the southwest of Arkhangelsk region. According to the chronicles the first fortress was built on this territory by Belozersky prince Vyacheslav in 1146. In the 15th century Kargopol became a very armed town and struggled against Moscow state on the side of Novgorod.
During the reign of Ivan the Terrible Kargopol was among the most important trade centers in Russia. The town was nicely located on the commercial ways and was well protected by the fortress. Kargopol received an official status of a town only in 1613. For many yeras the fortress of Kargopol had served as a prison for political prisoners and enemies of Moscow State.
In the 18th century when Russia received new territories on the shores of the Baltic Sea, Kargopol started to lose its commercial and strategic significance. By the end of the 19th century it became a small and quiet provincial town with the population of 3 thousand people.
Today Kargopol is a small Russian town which is famous for its beautiful old churches. The most famous is the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (1552-1562). Not far from Kargopol (7 km) there is a village of Krasnaya Laga where there is the oldest wooden church in Kargopol region (17th century). Near the town one can also observe an old wooden architectural ensemble in the village of Lyadiny. There is also an interesting place which is called Saunino, where there is an old church with a hip-roof and a bell-tower (17th century).
Finale Concert 2014 -- Russian dance (yt3d)
! ! ! Watch this in 3D or 2D: (hit the play button).
Russian folk dance performed by Arlekin group, theatrical school U Druzey (Friends' Place).
Choreographer - Natalia Komarova.
Crimean War
The Crimean War (pronounced /kraɪˈmiːən/ or /krɨˈmiːən/) (October 1853 -- February 1856) was a conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia.
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Crimean War
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
The Crimean War (French: Guerre de Crimée; Russian: Кры́мская война́, translit. Krymskaya voina or Russian: Восто́чная война́, translit. Vostochnaya voina, lit. 'Eastern War'; Turkish: Kırım Savaşı; Italian: Guerra di Crimea) was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856 in which the Russian Empire lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain and Sardinia. The immediate cause involved the rights of Christian minorities in the Holy Land, which was a part of the Ottoman Empire. The French promoted the rights of Roman Catholics, while Russia promoted those of the Eastern Orthodox Church. The longer-term causes involved the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the unwillingness of Britain and France to allow Russia to gain territory and power at Ottoman expense. It has widely been noted that the causes, in one case involving an argument over a key, have never revealed a greater confusion of purpose, yet led to a war noted for its notoriously incompetent international butchery.While the churches worked out their differences and came to an agreement, Nicholas I of Russia and the French Emperor Napoleon III refused to back down. Nicholas issued an ultimatum that the Orthodox subjects of the Empire be placed under his protection. Britain attempted to mediate and arranged a compromise that Nicholas agreed to. When the Ottomans demanded changes, Nicholas refused and prepared for war. Having obtained promises of support from France and Britain, the Ottomans declared war on Russia in October 1853.
The war started in the Balkans in July 1853, when Russian troops occupied the Danubian Principalities (part of modern Romania), which were under Ottoman suzerainty, then began to cross the Danube. Led by Omar Pasha, the Ottomans fought a strong defensive campaign and stopped the advance at Silistra. A separate action on the fort town of Kars in eastern Anatolia led to a siege, and a Turkish attempt to reinforce the garrison was destroyed by a Russian fleet at Sinop. Fearing an Ottoman collapse, France and Britain rushed forces to Gallipoli. They then moved north to Varna in June 1854, arriving just in time for the Russians to abandon Silistra. Aside from a minor skirmish at Köstence (today Constanța), there was little for the allies to do. Karl Marx quipped, there they are, the French doing nothing and the British helping them as fast as possible.Frustrated by the wasted effort, and with demands for action from their citizens, the allied force decided to attack Russia's main naval base in the Black Sea at Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula. After extended preparations, the forces landed on the peninsula in September 1854 and marched their way to a point south of Sevastopol after the successful Battle of the Alma. The Russians counterattacked on 25 October in what became the Battle of Balaclava and were repulsed, but at the cost of seriously depleting the British Army forces. A second counterattack, at Inkerman, ended in stalemate. The front settled into a siege and led to brutal conditions for troops on both sides. Smaller actions were carried out in the Baltic, the Caucasus, the White Sea, and in the North Pacific.
Sevastopol fell after eleven months, and neutral countries began to join the Allied cause. Isolated and facing a bleak prospect of invasion from the west if the war continued, Russia sued for peace in March 1856. This was welcomed by France and Britain, as their subjects were beginning to turn against their governments as the war dragged on. The war was ended by the Treaty of Paris, signed on 30 March 1856. Russia was forbidden to host warships in the Black Sea. The Ottoman vassal states of Wallachia and Moldavia became largely independent. Christians there were granted a degree of official equality, and the Orthodox Church regained control of the Christian churches in dispute.The Crimean War was one ...
Crimean War
The Crimean War :7 was a conflict in which Russia lost to an alliance of France, Britain, the Ottoman Empire, and Sardinia. While neutral, the Austrian Empire also played a role in defeating the Russians.
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