How we decorate for Christmas in Russia. Apartment Christmas tour. Новогодний декор моей квартиры.
Hi! My name is Kate. I live in Russia. In this video I show how I decorate my apartment for Christmas. Привет! это видео на русском и английском языках о том, как я украсила нашу квартиру к новому году.
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Kolomenskoye park in Moscow pas 1| Travel Russia ep 40
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Kolomenskoye (Russian: Коло́менское) is a former royal estate situated several kilometers to the southeast of the city center of Moscow, Russia, on the ancient road leading to the town of Kolomna (hence the name). The 390 hectare scenic area overlooks the steep banks of the Moskva River. It became a part of Moscow in the 1960s.
The White Column of Kolomenskoye
Kolomenskoye village was first mentioned in the testament of Ivan Kalita (1339). As time went by, the village was developed as a favourite country estate of grand princes of Muscovy. The earliest existing structure is the exceptional Ascension church (1532), built in white stone to commemorate the long-awaited birth of an heir to the throne, the future Ivan the Terrible. Being the first stone church of tent-like variety, the uncanonical White Column (as it is sometimes referred to) marked a stunning break from the Byzantine tradition.
The church reaches toward the sky from a low cross-shaped podklet (ground floor), followed by a prolonged chetverik (octagonal body, and then an octagonal tent, crowned by a tiny dome. The narrow pilasters on the sides of the chetverik, the arrow-shaped window frames, the three tiers of the kokoshniks and the quiet rhythm of stair arcades and open galleries underline the dynamic tendency of this masterpiece of the Russian architecture. The whole vertical composition is believed to have been borrowed from hipped roof-style wooden churches of the Russian North. Recognizing its outstanding value for humanity, UNESCO decided to inscribe the church on the World Heritage List in 1994.
The great palace and other structures
Tsar Alexis I had all the previous wooden structures in Kolomenskoye demolished and replaced them with a new great wooden palace, famed for its fanciful, fairytale roofs. Foreigners referred to this huge maze of intricate corridors and 250 rooms, as 'an Eighth Wonder of the World'. Although basically only a summer palace, it was the favorite residence of Tsar Alexis I. The future Empress Elizabeth Petrovna was born in the palace in 1709, and Tsar Peter the Great spent part of his youth here. Upon the departure of the court for St. Petersburg, the palace fell into disrepair, so that Catherine II refused to make it her Moscow residence. On her orders the wooden palace was demolished in 1768, and replaced with a much more modest stone-and-brick structure.
Fortunately, detailed plans of the Alexis I palace survived. The Moscow Government has completed a full-scale reconstruction in 2010. The rebuilt palace stands approximately 1 kilometer (0.62 mi) to the south of its original location near the White Column, in order to preserve the historic foundations. The palace erected by Catherine the Great in 1768 was demolished in 1872, and only a few gates and outside buildings remain.
Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve in Moscow. Wooden St. George Church.
Aerial view of Kolomenskoye
During the early Soviet period, under the initiative of architect and restorer Pyotr Baranovsky, old wooden buildings and various artifacts were transported to Kolomenskoye from different parts of the USSR for preservation, so currently Kolomenskoye Park hosts an impressive set of different constructions and historical objects.
Local buildings
Church of John the Baptist in Dyakovo, 16th century. The church stands on the Dyakovo hill, located southwest from the Kolomenskoye hill. The church has five tent-like structures, and was probably constructed around 1547, reputedly by architect Postnik Yakovlev, the author of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the Red Square.
Church of St. George, 16th century
Standalone belltower for the church of St. George, 16th century
Standalone refectory for the church of St. George, 16th century
Church of Our Lady of Kazan, 17th century
Watertower, 17th century
Front gates, 1671–73
Polkovhichyi chambers, 17th century
Prikaznye chambers, 17th century
Sytny yard, 17th century
Back gates, 17th century
Park pavilion, 1825
Park gates, 19th century
Constructions and artifacts brought from elsewhere
Barbican church of the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery)
Bratsk Stockade Tower
Boris stone from Belarus
Kurgan stele, from a Polovtsian burial mound
Chasovoy pole, 17th century
Tower from the Sumskoy Ostrog fortress, 17th century
Memorial pole from Shaydorovo village, 19th century
Mead making facility, 18th century
Peter the Great house (18th century) from the Northern Dvina River
Lion's Gates from the Moscow Kremlin (surviving fragments)
Water mill on Zhuzha River
Natural features
Oak-trees grove (one of the oldest oaks in Moscow)
Golosov Ravine with sacred stones and springs in it
Bydgoszcz - Poland - Christmas Time
Bydgoszcz walking tour in the Christmas Time! Bydgoszcz is a city in northern Poland, on the Brda and Vistula rivers.
My name is Kamil Kondel and I am a traveler and blogger. Subscribe to my channel and you will not miss new movies.
►0:17 - Old City.
► 2:23 - Dluga Street.
► 5:57 - Wełniany Rynek.
► 7:10 - Młyńska Island.
► 10:35 - Rother Mills.
► 12:12 - Brda River.
► 14:09 - Monument to the 18th Earth Meridian.
► 17:42 - Jezuicka Street.
► 18:15 - Farna Church.
► 19:28 - City Hall.
► 20:01 - Old Market Square.
► 21:13 - Monument to Struggle and Martyrdom of the Bydgoszcz Land.
► 23:39 - Christmas Time :)
► 24:17 - Crossing the River.
► 25:36 - Funny Talking Moose.
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Этот видеоролик о России ???????? о путешествии в Саввино-Сторожевский монастырь ☦ . Монастырь основан в 1398 г. под Звенигородом (50 км от Москвы) на высоком берегу р. Москвы на горе Стороже
Первоначально был построен небольшой деревянный храм Рождества Пресвятой Богородицы и келья при нем. Добрая слава о житии Звенигородского игумена разносилась далеко окрест, и иноки стекались в обитель, ища духовного руководства. Строились новые кельи. Монастырь был обнесен деревянной оградой с воротами с северной стороны.
Около 1405 г. был сооружен белокаменныйРождественский собор, у входа в который в 6915 году был погребен преподобный Савва, причисленный к лику святых на Макарьевском соборе 1547-го года.
В 1650–1656 гг. были построены основные здания и крепостные стены (длина 760 м, высота 8–9 м, толщина — около 3 м) с 7 башнями, из которых до наших дней сохранилось шесть. В монастырской ограде были сооружены храмы: надвратный во имя преподобного Сергия Радонежского (1651–1652 гг.), позже переосвященный в честь Живоначальной Троицы; Преображенский (вторая половина XVII в.), а такжезвонница и Трапезная палата (1650-е гг.), Царский дворец и Царицыны палаты (1650-е гг.), Братский и Келейный корпуса и другие сооружения.
Одно из важнейших событий царствования Алексея Михайловича — обретение честных мощей прп. Саввы Сторожевского, которое произошло 19 января (1 февраля — по новому стилю) 1652 г. В память этого события, свидетелем которого были сотни первых людей государства, а также многочисленная братия обители, по царскому указу на московском Пушечном дворе мастером И. Фальком был отлит Благовестный колокол (более 1344 пудов), судьба которого неизвестна. В память другого события — церковного собора, осудившего Патриарха Никона, — был отлит «государевым пушечным и колокольным мастером» Александром Григорьевым новый Благовестник (более 2125 пудов).
В настоящее время в Саввино-Сторожевском монастыре 30 монахов и послушников. Богослужения совершаются не только в самой обители, но и в 11 приписных к обители храмах, расположенных в Москве, Звенигороде, Кубинке (Одинцовский район), селах Саввинской слободе, Ершово, Молзино (Ногинский район Московской области).
Трудами монахов возрождаются монастырские храмы, ведется реставрация дворца царя Алексея Михайловича, звонницы, крепостных стен и башен.
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Kraków Christmas fair was named one of the best fairs this year by CNN. Hundreds of stalls invite tourists and locals with snacks, mulled wine and gifts. There are live music and artistic performances and we recommend you to take a look at this spectacular event!
Bringing you all the latest daily news and updates, POLAND IN is Poland's first English-language channel where you can find out more about Poland's economy and politics, explore Polish art and culture and find out what makes our country unique. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and experience the best of Poland!
Kolomenskoye Коло́менское - Moscow
This film shows the open air museum of Kolomenskoye, located now inside Moscow. The museum shows architecture from the past from Moscow region.
Kolomenskoye village was first mentioned in the testament of Ivan Kalita (1339). As the time went by, the village was developed as a favourite country estate of grand princes of Muscovy. The earliest extant structure is the exceptional Ascension church (1532), built in white stone to commemorate the long-awaited birth of an heir to the throne, the future Ivan the Terrible. Tsar Alexis I of Russia had all the previous wooden structures in Kolomenskoye demolished and replaced them with a new great wooden palace, famed for its fanciful, fairy-tale roofs. The foreigners referred to this huge maze of intricate corridors and 250 rooms, built without using saws, nails, or hooks, as 'an eighth wonder of the world'. The future Empress Elizabeth Petrovna was born in the palace in 1709. Upon departure of the court for St Petersburg, the palace got dilapidated, so that Catherine II refused to make it her Moscow residence. On her orders the palace was demolished in 1768. Fortunately a wooden model of the palace survives, and the Moscow Government has begun its full-scale reconstruction.
Remaining vestiges of the palace complex include the five-domed Kazanskaya church (1662), of rather conventional architecture, and the wooden and stone gates of the former palace.
During the Soviet years, old wooden buildings were transported to Kolomenskoye from the Far North (the barbican church of the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery), Siberia (the Bratsk Stockade Tower), and other areas (loghouses, windmills, a Dvina stone, etc). Some of these structures date back to the 17th century.
Коломенское — бывшая царская вотчина, подмосковное село; ныне — государственный художественный историко-архитектурный и природно-ландшафтный музей-заповедник. Расположен к югу от центра Москвы, занимает территорию 390 га; входит в Московский государственный объединённый музей-заповедник Коломенское-Лефортово-Люблино-Измайлово.
Kolómenskoe situada en la elevada orilla derecha del río Moscova, es la antigua residencia suburbana de los grandes duques y zares. Sus torres y torretas, iglesias y aposentos se ven desde lejos. Hoy día es un museo nacional, monumento de la arquitectura rusa de los siglos XVIXVII.
Kolomenskoe è un antico villaggio situato a sud-est di Mosca sulla strada per Kolomna, divenuto negli anni '60 un sobborgo della capitale. È celebre per le sue chiese ortodosse. Nei pressi di Kolomenskoe si trova il luogo dove, secondo la tradizione, San Giorgio, patrono di Mosca, uccise il drago; nel luogo sorge un omonimo monastero.
Kolomenskoje ist eine alte Zarenresidenz südöstlich der Moskauer Innenstadt, die in den früheren Jahrhunderten auf dem damals wichtigen Weg nach Kolomna lag. Die malerische Umgebung am Moskwa-Fluss wurde im den 1960ern in das Stadtgebiet aufgenommen.
Saint Petersburg Winter Snow |
#SaintPetersburg #Leningrad #Russia #RussianWinter
Christmas Celebrations in WARSAW, POLAND @Children Life in Poland Vlog 9.
Polish Christmas traditions and celebrations: December is full of holiday events in Poland,Poland is a predominately Catholic nation, and many traditions revolve around church services, fasting, and other religious customs. Town squares and most homes are decorated with Christmas trees, and special holiday.
Santa in Poland : Santa Claus does not appear on Christmas Eve. The appearance of Santa Claus (Mikołaj) happens instead on the night of December 5,
Christmas Markets in Poland : Some of the best Christmas gifts from Poland can be found during this time of year when seasonal products and handicrafts fill vendors' stalls, such as ceramics, amber jewelry, and typical wooden figurines.
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