RUSSIANS IN KOMI / Cultures of Russia
Hey! I am Pierre-Christian Brochet. I am French and for 25 years I have been crossing that huge country called Russia. What thrills me the most is the richness and variety of the cultures which are spread across the territory. That’s what I’m going to tell you about in very short films that portray one of the many faces of Russia’s cultures.
There are 140 million of Russian citizens living on the vast territory of Russia. And 110 million of them are actually Russians. Russia differ from region to region. In the north of the Komi Republic near the polar circle in the west of Ural live the Russian old-believers Pomors.
It’s very important for them to preserve their culture and to remember the destiny of their ancestors. Also they preserved a lot from the old Russian culture as well as the regulations and the sacrament of old church.
In the summer they celebrate a wonderful holiday Gorka, where you can see something that has disappeared from the life of Russian in other regions.
We express our special gratitude to the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Archival Affairs of the Komi Republic and personally to Sergey Emelyanov
We thank the residents of the Ust-Tsilma district and all participants of the Ust-Tsilma Gorka holiday.
Suomensukuisten kansojen jäljillä: elämysmatka Venäjälle. Saransk-Moskova
Suomensukuisten kansojen jälljillä. Saranskista Arzamas ohittaen Moskovaan. Videon loppupuolella saa käsityksen Moskovan liikenneruuhkista. Jonoutumista alkoi näkyä jo noin 150 kilometriä ennen Moskovaa, ruuhkat alkoivat noin 70-80 kilometriä ennen kaupunkia. Liikenne Moskovasta ulospäin vaikutti sisääntulevaa liikennettä ruukaisemmalta (ihmiset ajoivat pois töistä kotiin).
Tracing the Roots of Finno-Ugric Nations: Adventure tour to Russia. From Saransk passing Arzamas to Moscow. There is a closed city near Arzamas somewhere in middle of a forest - the closed city has productions plants for nuclear weapons.
Пресвятая Богородица спаси нас. 50. Валаамский хор.
За свою более чем 1000-летнюю историю Валаамский монастырь пережил множество как духовных, так и материальных взлётов и падений.
Наиболее значимые из них, произошедшие в XX-XXI вв., это:
— полная эвакуация обители с Валаамского архипелага в глубь Финляндии во время советско-финской войны 1939-1940 гг.;
— наступившее за этим разорение и забвение монастыря на многие десятилетия;
— возвращение монастыря Русской Православной Церкви и начало его духовного возрождения и реставрации в декабре 1989 г.;
— окончательное восстановление и освящение Святейшим Патриархом Алексием II главной Валаамской святыни – Спасо-Преображенского собора в августе 2005 г. В связи с этим событием по благословению игумена Валаамской обители, епископа Троицкого Панкратия был организован профессиональный мужской хор монастыря.
В состав хора вошли профессиональные музыканты из Санкт-Петербурга, выпускники Хорового училища при Государственной академической капелле им. М. И. Глинки и Санкт-Петербургской Государственной консерватории им. Н. А. Римского-Корсакова, дипломированные дирижёры и вокалисты, ведущие певцы вокальных, хоровых коллективов и музыкальных театров Санкт-Петербурга. Среди них заслуженные артисты Республики Карелии Михаил Круглов (род. в 1972, бас-профундо) и Дмитрий Попов (род. в 1967, контр-тенор), лауреаты международных конкурсов Александр Бордак (род. в 1973, тенор) и Борис Петров (род. в 1984, баритон). Постоянные творческие партнёры хора — заслуженный артист России Владимир Миллер (род. 1964), солист Государственного Мариинского театра Санкт-Петербурга Владимир Целебровский, солист Государственного академического Большого театра России Станислав Мостовой, солист Государственного Санкт-Петербургского музыкального театра «Зазеркалье» Антон Росицкий. Средний возраст участников хора 35 лет.
Хор Валаамского монастыря – уникальный творческий коллектив, деятельность которого связана с непосредственными благословениями игумена Валаамского монастыря, епископа Троицкого Панкратия. Хор одновременно является богослужебно-певческим и концертным творческим коллективом. Он участвует в праздничных богослужениях на Валаамском подворье в С.-Петербурге. Храм подворья – единственное место в городе, где аутентичные древнерусские песнопения исполняются по старинному обычаю «антифонно» (попеременно) на два «лика» и одним общим хором вместе. Коллектив сопровождает Патриаршие богослужения на Валааме, торжественные приёмы на острове Президента и членов Правительства РФ, других высокопоставленных гостей монастыря. В период летнего паломнического сезона певцы хора помогают в пении хору братии Валаамского монастыря и дают благотворительные концерты, знакомя многочисленных гостей обители с традициями валаамского церковного пения.
Концертная деятельность хора началась в 2007 г. с выступления на торжественном собрании Торгово-промышленной палаты России, возглавляемой Е. М. Примаковым. В мае 2008 г. хор дал сольный концерт в базилике Святителя Николая города Бари в рамках Фестиваля российского искусства в Италии, организованного по личной инициативе В. В. Путина и С. Берлускони. Сольные выступления хора состоялись на самых престижных академических концертных площадках России – в Большом зале Филармонии С.-Петербурга, в Концертном зале им. П. И. Чайковского Филармонии, в Большом зале Консерватории, в Международном Доме Музыки Москвы. Гастроли хора прошли в Нижнем Новгороде, Красноярске, Саратове, Тамбове, Рязани, во всех крупных городах СЗФО (Архангельске, Петрозаводске, Мурманске, Вологде, Пскове, Вел. Новгороде, Сыктывкаре), в Минске, в Алматы. С 2013 г. хор ежегодно в начале января организует и исполняет Рождественский концерт в Исаакиевском соборе С.-Петербурга, первый из которых собрал около 6000 слушателей. Хор первым из российских исполнителей создал специальную программу, посвященную 100-летию начала Первой мировой войны — «ЗАБЫТАЯ ВОЙНА», и представил ее в январе 2014 г. на сцене БКЗ «Октябрьский»в Санкт-Петербурге. В январе 2015 г. по приглашению народного артиста СССР Владимира Спивакова и митрополита Волоколамского Илариона (Алфеева) хор принял участие в V Московском Рождественском фестивале духовной музыки на сцене ММДМ, представив программу «Свет Христов просвещает всех!».
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Приход храма Святого праведного Иоанна Кронштадтского Чудотворца. Волгоград. Россия.
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Merry Christmas from BEST Vinnytsia )) 27.12.2014
The local BEST group #BESTVinnytsia wishes you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
We wish 2015 to bring us all new achievements and victories, smiles and incredible adventures, peace and love in our hot hearts!
Wait for new adventures and powerful engineering in 2015 in #VNTU with #BEST!
Hugs, your #LBGVinnytsia )))
Orthodox Christians plunge into freezing ice baths for Epiphany
Epiphany celebrations in Russia, Ethiopia and Ukraine (Picture: TASS/Getty; Alamy Live) Orthodox Christian worshippers in Russia and Eastern Europe have been jumping into freezing ice baths to celebrate Epiphany. Extremely cold-looking photographs illustrate the celebrations, which mark Jesus being baptised in the River Jordan. This moment was seem as the time Jesus was revealed to the world as the son of God. Dipping themselves into the water is seen as a ritual bringing people good health and cleansing them of their sins. People believe that all water becomes holy on the day of Epiphany, while some attribute healing powers to ice water itself. Many people followed the tradition of retrieving wooden crosses from the rivers and lakes. An Orthodox believer does push-ups out of the icy waters at the river Kara-Balta near the village of Sosnovka some 90 km from Bishkek on January 19 (Picture: Getty) A man takes a dip in the icy waters of the Irtysh River in Novaya Stanitsa, Omsk (Picture: TASS) Spaso-Kamenny Monastery on Kamenny Island on Kubenskoye Lake (Picture: TASS) An orthodox believer dives into the cold water of Dnipro river, during the Epiphany celebration in Kiev (Picture: PA) Orthodox believers race out of the icy waters at the river Kara-Balta near the village of Sosnovka some 90 km from Bishkek (Picture: Getty) Russian Orthodox believers pose for a photograph after taking a dip in icy water in Minsk, Belarus (Picture: TASS) An Ethiopian Orthodox Christian worshipper jumps into the pool of Fasilides Bath during the celebration of Timkat, the Ethiopian Epiphany, in the city of Gondar, Ethiopia, on January 20 (Picture: Getty) Russian Orthodox priests and believers take part in a procession on the feast day of Epiphany in Syktyvkar, Komi Republic, Russia (Picture: TASS) Men at Spaso-Kamenny Monastery on Kamenny Island on Kubenskoye Lake, Russia (Picture: TASS) Men after taking a dip in a pond near St George’s Church in Alchevsk, Lugansk Region, Ukraine (Picture: TASS) In the Orthodox tradition using the Julian calendar, Epiphany is celebrated later, while Western Christians using the Gregorian calendar mark it on January 6. Advertisement Advertisement For Western Christians, Epiphany marks the day the three wise men were said to come and worship Jesus. In this case, it falls the day after Twelth Night, when it is traditional to take down Christmas decorations. Got a story for Get in touch with our news team by emailing us at For more stories like this, check our news page. Advertisement Advertisement
Sweet Chariot: Act 1 - Judge Lynch
An evening to celebrate two journeys: the extraordinary life of Thomas Rutling, who was born a slave in Tennessee and died in Harrogate a hundred years ago; and the journey from the music he sang – negro spirituals with the Fisk Jubilee Singers in the 1870s – to the electrifying sounds of gospel music today.
Featuring the celebrated tenor Ronald Samm, extracts from Rutling’s autobiography and some of Yorkshire’s finest gospel voices, this an evening for anyone who loves music and history and the link between the two.
Also featuring Joe Williams, Jhardine Farrell, Leroy Johnson and the Celebration Choir.
In 1915, Thomas Rutling, an international classical tenor, died in Harrogate, North Yorkshire. It marked the end of an extraordinary life that had begun in 1854 in Wilson County, Tennessee. Rutling was the son of a slave.
Following his emancipation in 1863, Rutling moved to Nashville and eventually entered Fisk School (now Fisk University), established for the sons and daughters of freed slaves. He joined the Fisk Jubilee Singers who toured Europe between 1872 and 1877, bringing Spiritual music to these shores for the first time.
Thomas chose not to return to America, but stayed in Europe to pursue a career as a teacher and singer. He settled in Harrogate where he died 100 years ago.
Rare tornado strikes Russia
The whirlwind blew through the eastern Russian city of Blagoveshensk on Sunday.
TTW 2010 Reutlingen Germany 4121 Thrill Time 1
23.10.2010, 13 Uhr, Haus der Jugend Reutlingen
Thrill The World is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of Michael Jackson's Thriller for world records and charity.
A police shooting has sparked outrage in New York and brought cries of racism.
HEADLINE: Community protests outside NYC shooting burial (police-shooting)
CAPTION: A police shooting has sparked outrage in New York and brought cries of racism. (Dec. 2)
FONT: New York
A community angry over the police shooting death of a groom on his wedding day held a funeral for the 23-year old man on a rainy Friday night.
[off the pigs who kill our kids]
FONT: Ted Shaffrey, The Associated Press
By the hundreds people came to this small church in Queens to say goodbye to Sean Bell, who was supposed to be married here the day he was shot dead by police.
Bell was driving a car shot at 50 times by undercover police, killing him and seriously wounding two of his friends as they left a strip club that was under police surveillance.
Police continue to search for a 4th man some say was in the car and may have been armed, but so far have not recovered any weapons.
Friends of Bell say that whatever police find, nothing will justify the death of the death of Bell, who had two children with the woman he was about to marry.
SOT: Charles Merriweather, Friend of Victim: We want answers, yeah, anytime anybody gets shot 50 times, there's no justification.
The Reverend Al Sharpton came to the funeral with family members and friends of the deceased man.
The Queens district attorney is leading the investigation into the shooting.
In New York, Ted Shaffrey, The Associated Press
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Cold but sunny site in Moscow, Khimki / Russia - FPV-flight
Project: Russian HQ of German international company near Moscow
Equipment: Quad Eyefly Goliath, Gopro H2, Graupner MX20
Music: Schepot palimovich listev na teplom vetru by I. Krutoy
Celebrating 100 Years of Finnish Independence: The History & Future of the Finnish Language
In celebration of 100 years of Finnish independence, the Library co-sponsored with the Embassy of Finland a symposium on the history and future of the Finnish language.
Speaker Biography: Hilary Virtanen is assistant professor of Finnish and Nordic studies at Finlandia University. Speaker Biography: Daniel Karvonen is senior lecturer in Finnish and linguistics at the University of Minnesota. Speaker Biography: Aili Flint is senior lecturer in Finnish emerita at Columbia University. Speaker Biography: Kirsti Kauppi is the Ambassador of Finland to the United States.
For transcript and more information, visit
First Person with Sam Ponczak, May 17, 2018
Through the First Person program, Holocaust survivors have the opportunity to share their remarkable personal stories of hope, tragedy, and survival with thousands of visitors at the Museum. This program was recorded on May 17, 2018. It features Sam Ponczak, who was born in Warsaw, Poland, on December 14, 1937. In November 1940, Sam and his parents escaped the Warsaw ghetto and fled to Soviet occupied Poland. They survived in the Soviet Union in a labor camp and returned to Poland after the War. They later left Poland for France and then Argentina before settling in the United States in 1964.
Caleb Maupin in Moscow, Monument to Karl Marx
Driving to church in traffic
Video from my trip to Perm' Russia over CHRISTmas break 2009-2010
First Person with Sam Ponczak, April 11, 2019
Through the First Person program, Holocaust survivors have the opportunity to share their remarkable personal stories of hope, tragedy, and survival with thousands of visitors at the Museum. This program was recorded on April 11, 2019. It features Sam Ponczak, who was born in Warsaw, Poland, on December 14, 1937. In November 1940, Sam and his parents escaped the Warsaw ghetto and fled to Soviet occupied Poland. They survived in the Soviet Union in a labor camp and returned to Poland after the War. They later left Poland for France and then Argentina before settling in the United States in 1964.
Napraforgok - Gala Concert of the Sarasota Folk dance and music camp
News conference of Vladimir Putin 2012 (English Subtitles)
December 20, 2012,
News conference of Vladimir Putin
Пресс-конференция Владимира Путина
Steal Away Sung by Pacific Boychoir training choir (JVs)
The training choir (JVs) of the Pacific Boychoir Academy perform James McKelvy's arrangement of Steal Away, here without use of the soli trio in canon. This traditional African-American spiritual hold triple meaning of escape from slavery, return home, and salvation in heaven after death.
Steal away, steal away, steal away to Jesus.
Steal away home.
I ain’t got long to stay here.
My oh, my oh, my Lord,
He calls me by the thunder,
The trumpet sounds within a my soul.
I ain’t got long to stay here.
Pacific Boychoir Academy is Oakland, California's Grammy-winning day choir school for boys in grades 4-8, with after-school choirs for boys in grades Pre K-12. Learn, watch, and hear more at and