Exploring Cibodas Botanical Garden
Cibodas Botanical Gardens is a 84.99 hectares (210.0 acres) botanical garden on the slopes of Mount Gede, located in the Cibodas, West Java, Indonesia. It is operated by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI).
The gardens were built at a high altitude, allowing the growth of subtropical plants. The garden is approximately 1,300–1,425 metres (4,265–4,675 ft) above sea level, with an average temperature across the year of 20.06 °C.
Aerial Footage - Family Time at Cibodas Park, Cianjur Indonesia
AHP a.k.a Adnan Hutomo Production presents
Hutapeas family documentation
Recorded using DJI Phantom 3 Advanced
Edit on Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Piloted by Adnan Hutomo
Directed by Adnan Hutomo
Edited by Adnan Hutomo
Music by FLUME
Facebook : facebook.com/adnan.hutomo.putra
Twitter : twitter.com/adnan_hutomo
Instagram : instagram.com/adnan_hutomo/
Cibodas botanical garden
Jalan jalan ke cibodas
Cibodas Botanic Gardens
Driving to Kebun Raya Cibodas, Indonesia, with garden nurseries right up to the edge of the road. Gunung Gede (large mountain in the distant left) and Gunung Pangrango (to the right) are the two mountains behind the Gardens.
Cibodas Botanical Gardens
es kebun raya cibodas
cibodas botanical gardens
cibodas botanical garden map
cibodas botanical garden jakarta
cibodas botanical garden indonesia
cibodas botanical garden and national park
PIKNIK ke Kebun Raya Cibodas (picnic at cibodas botanical garden)
A Garden to Visit - CIbodas Botanical Moss Garden
Cibodas Botanical Moss Garden: Jl. Kebun Raya Cibodas, Cipanas, Sindanglaya, Kec. Cianjur, Jawa Barat 43253, Indonesia
This park was built in 2004 and opened to the public officially on April 11, 2006. Until now, the moss collection of this park has reached around 216 species. This place is also the biggest excitu moss and ferns in Indonesia. So what are you waiting for? This botanical garden could be one of the uniquest park in Indonesia, or even in Asia. Enjoy :)
camping keluarga di Mandalawangi Cibodas Cianjur
trim telah nonton video ini...rekomendasi yg cocok buat camping keluarga
Hallo semuaaaa !
Pada kesempatan video kali ini, saya mengupload video vlog traveling ke TAMAN WISATA KEBUN RAYA CIBODAS, curug ciismun. seperti apa sih video nya, pokonya kalian tonton aja sampe selesai, oh iya sebagai bentuk suport dari kalian, atau kalian suka dengan video yg saya buat ini, kalian bisa klik tombol LIKE, KOMEN, SHARE AND SUBCRIBE agar kalian engga ketinggalan video saya berikut nya, dukung truss channel ini ya gaiss agar saya semangat trus untuk membuat konten konten menarik lainnya, terimakasih udah nonton video ini, SAMPAI JUMPA DI VIDEO SELANJUT NYA ????
Kebun Raya Cibodas berada di kawasan Puncak Bogor - Cianjur, bisa menjadi tujuan wisata keluarga di puncak Cianjur, masuk dalam kawasan taman nasional gede pangrango, menjanjikan kesejukan khas iklim pegunungan yang sejuk dan menyegarkan, dengan jarak yang tidak terlalu jauh dari kota Jakarta membuat kebun raya Cibodas bisa menjadi alternatif wisata di puncak bogor - cianjur.
Terdapat spot-spot yang menarik, seperti AIR TERJUN CIISMUN, TAMAN SAKURA, RUMAH KACA.
kawasan cagar alam ini menjadi pusat konservasi tanaman dan flora dari berbagai penjuru dunia. menjadi penyumbang oksigen bagi daerah daerah disekitarnya dan menjadi penyeimbang ekosistem kawasan.
ini bisa menjadi wisata edukasi bagi anak anak untuk mengenalkan pada generasi yang akan datang tentang kekayaan hayati di negeri ini.
Semoga bisa menambah referensi tujuan wisata anda saat sedang memilih tujuan liburan.
Taman Bermain Kebun Raya Cibodas Cianjur Jabar - Cibodas Botanic Garden Cianjur West Java
Cibodas Botanic Garden - Kebun Raya Cibodas (Danish Raziq Ubaidillsh & Fairel Gibran Kanz Fadhaillah)
LIPI Botanical Garden Cibodas, West Java, Indonesia
Kebun Raya - Kebun Raya Cibodas- Indonesia
Kebun Raya Cibodas (KRC or the Cibodas Botanical Gardens) is a 125-hectares botanical garden located approximately
Kebun Raya
Kebun Raya Cibodas
Amazing place in Indonesia
More info please visit Link :
Bermain Bola jadi Wisata Murah Bersama Keluarga di Cibodas, Puncak.
006 Cibodas Botanical Garden Bogor West Java Indonesia, Mopon EN
Weekend Vlog: Picnic at Cibodas Botanical Garden
Thank you for watching and participation to like and subscribe my youtube channel
Location at Cibodas Botanical Garder, Cianjur
Entrance ticket Rp. 16.500
Open at 08.00 a.m - 17.00 p.m
email: cleirra@gmail.com
instagram: ra__clair
Kebun Raya Cibodas - Jawa Barat | Tempat Wisata di Indonesia
Kebun Raya Cibodas (Cibodas Botanical Garden), terletak di Kompleks Hutan Gunung Gede Pangrango, Desa Cimacan, Pacet, Cianjur. Topografi lapangannya bergelombang dan berbukit-bukit dengan ketinggian 1.275 m dpl, bersuhu udara 17 - 27 derajat Celcius.
Kebun ini didirikan pada tahun 1852 oleh Johannes Elias Teijsmann sebagai cabang dari Kebun Raya Bogor pada lokasi di kaki Gunung Gede. Dengan curah hujan 2.380 mm per tahun dan suhu rata-rata 18 derajat Celsius, kebun botani ini dikhususkan bagi koleksi tumbuhan dataran tinggi basah tropika, seperti berbagai tumbuhan runjung dan paku-pakuan.
Cibodas Garden, Kebun Raya, Indonesia
The most unique garden in Indonesia and even in this world, that worth to be visited is moss garden. The location of this garden is in Cibodas Botanical Garden on the slope of Gede Pangrango Mountain at Cimacan village, Pacet, Cianjur, West Java. The elevation of the garden is 1275 meters above sea level and the temperature is 17 27 Celsius.
Moss for many people is considered as a useless plant and has to be removed. Actually, this kind of plant is not useless, it can be useful as well. Some people in Indonesia, traditionally uses it to be medicine for diarrhea, hepatitis, skin and eye problem. The other useful role of moss or bryophyte is keeping the soils humidity, produce oxygen and absorb air pollutants.
Being part of the Cibodas Botanical Garden, this moss garden is the only outdoor bryophyte garden in the world and it has the most collection of moss species. The moss garden is built for the purpose of education, conservation and tourism. For now on it has more than 216 species of moss such as Polythrichum, spagnum, Usnea, Marchantia, etc. The mosses are collected from the Indonesian forests such as from Cibodas itself, Sumatra and Kalimantan.
The garden is designed specially to be the place for moss or bryophyte can be grown. Some areas are wet, shaded or exposed and some mosses are attached to the trees or wood. The landscape is also built artistically just like the miniature of Gede Pangrango mountain, the map of the Botanical garden, valley, river, waterfall and the miniature of tropical rain forest. The moss also covered the trees and it branches so we might imagine that we are in the very old jungle. The field is built to give a very interesting view that a lot of us are rarely seeing such view. As the garden is built in the botanical garden which has many collection of trees such as pine, pinophyta or coniferae, etc., has fressh air and cold temperature it made the feeling that we travel to the deep of a jungle
The moss garden in Cibodas Botanical Garden is not the only place that can be visited. It has other interesting places such as waterfall, flower garden, Bandung Asri Mulya golf field and camping ground and we can do forest tour,. The camping ground can occupy for 200 tents and facilitated with public toilets.