Ciclovia: Car-free biking in Bogota - Traveling Colombia
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Welcome to Colombia
The Ciclovia in Bogota works from 7:00am to 2:00pm every Sunday and public Colombian holidays of the year through the main streets of Bogota (Map of the Ciclovía routes: in a circuit of 120 kilometers and cover all neighborhoods of the city. This space, given by the IDRD (Instituto Distrital de Recreación y Deportes: and the Alcaldía de Bogotá ( was born in 1974. An average of 1’500.000 users safely go out every Sunday to practice different types of physical activity and to enjoy with their friends and family. You can go running, go on roller skates or on a bike. You can enjoy also Colombian food and desserts as oblea, salpicon, corncobs, and a great cup of Colombian coffee. If you are looking where to rent a bike in Bogota, you can do it in Bogota Bike Tour ( a bike store located in La Candelaria, Bogota and the one who is sponsoring this video.
The perfect place to enjoy Sunday morning in Bogota is Simon Bolivar Park ( There you can find a lot of lakes, trees and places to relax. It is huge and the most popular park in Bogota. Next to Park Simon Bolivar is Library Virgilio Barco ( It was constructed in 2001 and its architecture is a piece of art.
Hey there! My name is Colombiafrank, and I’d like to welcome you to the beautiful country of Colombia. As you probably guessed, I’m a bit of an expert on Colombia travel, and I’ve got lots of great advice on Colombia tourism that will allow you to make the most of your experience as you travel Colombia.
I began traveling Colombia back in 2015 after finishing up my first semester here in Bogota working towards my MBA. I immediately fell in love with the country and the wide variety of adventures and opportunities that traveling Colombia has to offer. As a country rich in both natural and cultural diversity, your Colombian travel experience will not disappoint.
Before you can begin your Colombia travels, we must get you here first. As a foreigner myself, I understand how difficult it can be navigating your way through a foreign country. But fear not because Colombiafrank is here to help you with your travels to Colombia so that you can avoid the common mistakes and get right to the good stuff. Just think of me as your go to Colombia travel guide!
So, come see for yourself what tourism Colombia has to offer!
Bogota Bike Tour
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Pelecanus is a travel agency located here in the historic city-center of Bogota, in the heart of the Candelaria. We specialize in creating custom travels and luxury tours throughout Colombia. From Medellin and Cartagena to the Amazon and the Andes, we’ve got you covered. With excellent bilingual guides in a wide variety of languages, we have everything you need to create a truly unique and memorable Colombian holiday.
#colombiatravelvlog #travelcolombia #travelingcolombia
La Ciclovia de Bogota
Learn about the Ciclovia in Bogota, Colombia, where many main streets are closed off to allow for pedestrians, bicycles, and other physical activities. Good for beginning and intermediate students of Spanish.
Bogotá, Colombia - Riding Ciclovía
I just arrived in Bogotá, Colombia and have put my trike, Myrtle the Turtle, back together. In this video I introduce my home stay family - Maritza and Antonio Luis before riding Ciclovía and exploring Bogotá by tricycle. Ciclovía is every Sunday and holidays where many miles of roads are closed to car traffic. I found a bike shop and got my flag pole repaired. On the way back to the Ciclovía route I stopped in Plaza de las Mariposas which turns out to be one of the most dangerous places in Bogotá. Someone stole my K1 video camera out of my closed side seat bag but I ran him down and got it back. Someone else tried to steal my other camera. This was very exciting.
I didn't pay attention to the time and had to find my way back to the apartment where I am staying after Ciclovia ended. This turned out to be surprisingly easy as I found bike paths the whole way.
I never expected a city of 8 million people to be so bike friendly.
Music: Tolú, Lucho Bermúdez
Follow the Continuing Adventures of Myrtle the Turtle and
Travels By Trike on these other social media sites:
Twitter: @travelsbytrike
Instagram: @travelsbytrike
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[4K] Biking Bogotá, Colombia. Ciclovía Carrera Séptima.
63' minutos en bicicleta desde la Carrera 7ª con Calle 7ª desde el Contramonumento Fragmentos en La Candelaria, hasta la Calle 116, en Usaquén.
Lugares de Interés:
Fragmentos, Teatro Colón, Cancillería, Plaza de Bolivar, Casa de Nariño, Palacio de Justicia, Catedral Primada de Colombia, Alcaldía de Bogotá, Casa del Florero, Carrera Séptima, Torre Colpatria, Teatro Jorge Eliecer Gaitán, Calle 26, Centro Internacional, Parque Nacional, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad Distrital, CESA, Calle 53, Chapinero Alto, Rosales, Club El Nogal, Bolsa de Valores de Colombia, Calle 72, Avenida Chile, Calle 77, Parque El Virrey, Calle 100, Calle 116, Usaquén, Teleport Business Park.
Mapa de ciclorutas:
Sobre nosotros:
Hacemos videos [4K] caminando y montando en bicicleta por las calles de las ciudades de Colombia. Resaltando la arquitectura, historia, nuevas edificaciones y arte a cielo abierto. Sonidos Ambiente.
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Demonio BikeNers Se toma la ciclovía de Bogotá
El mejor estilo y calidad para todas las edades.
Bicycling in Bogotá Colombia - Ciclovía
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Sundays and public holidays from 7:00 am until 2:00 pm, many streets of Bogotá are blocked off to cars for runners, skaters, and bicyclists. Bogotá’s Clicovia see about a million people participate on over 75 miles (120 km) of car-free city streets.
In 2006, Colombian congressman José Fernando Castro Caycedo proposed a law banning Ciclovia, charging that it caused traffic jams. Ciclovia users and many other politicians protested the change and the proposal was defeated.
Bogotá’s closing these major streets is akin to Chicago closing Lake Shore Drive and Michigan Avenue or San Francisco blocking off Market and Van Ness, but it’s happened every Sunday since 1974. If you find yourself in Bogotá on a weekend, grab a bike and go!
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Bogotá - Ciclovía Avenida Boyacá
Puesto 5 - Ciclovía en Bogotá
Aunque cuando nació la ciclovía en Colombia, ya existía en países europeos, el país fue pionero en el cierre permanente de vías. Nació en 1974 con la idea de un grupo de ambientalistas llamado Procicla y hoy es la actividad por excelencia dominical en la capital.
GoPro Colombia, un día en la ciclovía de Bogotá - Parque Nacional
Soundtrack: Stray From The Path - Future of Sound (Feat. Cody B Ware)
Mi equipo para hacer videos/tomar fotos:
LENTE 50mm F1.8:
Hoy salí a la ciclovía. Terminé haciendo un recorrido de 30 kilómetros...
Instagram fotografía:
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Música por:
Streetfilms-Ciclovia (Bogotá, Colombia)
Every Sunday and holiday, every week, the City of Bogotá, Colombia closes down over 70 miles of roadways to cars and let people bike, walk, talk, exercise, picnic, sunbathe, I could go on and on. Just watch the video, it's amazing. This video comes to you via Streetfilms ( from the Open Planning Project in NYC. Check out our website for much more on films about transportation, bicycles, pedestrian issues and open space. Contact: to request a DVD.
GoPro Colombia, un día en la ciclovía de Bogotá
Espacios populares y deportivos en Bogotá.
Soundtrack: All my life - Foo Fighters
Ciclovía en Bogotá - Colombia - Diversión por montón.
Este es un vídeo divertido en el que podrás apreciar los miles de personas que salen a hacer ejercicio los domingos o días festivos en Bogotá, gracias a que se dispone de algunas vías o caminos específicos para hacerlo.
Disfruta mucho el vídeo y no olvides suscribirte si aún no lo has hecho.
¡¡¡Hasta pronto!!! :D
Mis redes sociales:
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Instagram - danielysuslocuras
La Grafiti de la Ciclovia de Bogota Colombia
made with ezvid, free download at Grafiti graffiti de Bogota Colombia
CICLOVÍA en Bogotá, Colombia
Ciclovía en Bogotá por Carrera 7. Muchas avenidas y calles de Bogotá se hacen disponibles para la gente que quiere ejercitarse, en bicicleta, corriendo, en patines, saliendo a caminar, solo en familia, con amigos. A disfrutar la ciclovía!
Sunday fun In Bogotá. Some Main avenues are closed until 2pm for Ciclovía. People come out to ride bicycles, skate, jogging, or just for a walk, etc. People come out alone or with family and friends. Ciclovía is fun for everybody, enjoy!
Premio Internacional a la Ciclovía de Bogotá
En el marco de sus 40 años, la Ciclovía de Bogotá ganó Premio Internacional por Cultura Sostenible en la Cumbre Internacional Río +20, concedido por el Foro Global de Asentamientos Urbanos.
Ciclovía nocturna en Bogotá: conozca los cierres y desvíos | Noticias Caracol
Como ya es tradicional, este jueves en la noche se realizará este evento para disfrutar las luces de Navidad. Así serán los cierres viales y de espacio público.
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Ciclovia Bogotá Colombia - Mi adicción
Todos los domingos de 6 am a 2 pm se habilitan ciertas vias en la ciudad de Bogotá para que los ciudadanos puedan recrearse, hacer deporte y compartir en familia.
Espero les guste este video.
Daily Beetle by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
La Comida Callejera y la Ciclovia en Bogotá, Colombia - Coreana & Colombia by Rocha Sunhee kim
Hola tod@s!
Soy Rocha, coreana viviendo en Colombia & Corea
Les voy a compartir mi vida en esta tierra maravillosa, COLOMBIA y mi mas lindo, Corea!
Si quieres saber mi historia :
IG: @rochasunhee_lacoreana/
Twitter: @RochaSunhee
Electro Cabello by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license
All Rights Reserved ⓒ 2019, Rocha Sunhee Kim
Ciclovia em Bogotá, Colômbia
Streets transformed into bicycle routes on Sunday in Bogota, Colombia (por lachmani )