#180sec à Montréal - « Étranger »
(English below, Deutsch unten)
Olivier Barrette joue T. Libéré pour quelques heures de son établissement surveillé, T. délire le monde et la société; non sans énoncer quelques vérités à leur sujet. Il est cet inquiétant étranger parmi nous.
Dans la cinquième saison, les cinéastes traient le thème de « l’étranger » : la patrie doit-elle nécessairement être localisée sur une carte? Quand se sent-on étranger dans sa propre ville ? Quand un étranger se sent il en sécurité ?
De Berlin à Bogotá en passant par Tokyo, Calcutta et Montréal ! 16 villes, 64 vidéos et quatre thèmes à propos de la vie dans les grandes villes du monde. Chaque « 180 secondes » présente une image de la ville qui révèle ce qui nous unit et nous différencie les uns des autres. Un projet du Goethe-Institut.
En savoir plus:
Olivier Barrette plays T. For society, T., who suffers from schizophrenia, is a stranger. Released for a few hours from hospital, he fantasizes the world and the society– and still expressing a few truths about them.
Must a homeland necessarily be located on a map? When does someone feel like a stranger in his own city? When does a stranger feel safe? In the fifth season, filmmakers pursue the phenomenon of feeling like a stranger.
From Berlin to Bogota – and back via Tokyo and Kolkata! 16 cities, 64 short films and four themes taken from life in the big cities of the world: in 180 seconds emerges a picture of a city, showing what unites us and what makes us different from one another. A project by the Goethe-Institut.
More info:
Olivier Barrette spielt T. Für die Gesellschaft ist T., der unter Schizophrenie leidet, ein Fremder. Als er für einige Stunden aus der Klinik entlassen wird, fantasiert er die Welt und die Gesellschaft– und hält dabei über sie einige Wahrheiten fest.
Muss Heimat unbedingt auf einer Landkarte lokalisierbar sein? Wann fühlt sich einer in der eigenen Stadt fremd? Wann fühlt sich ein Fremder geborgen? In der fünften Staffel gehen die Filmemacher dem Fremdsein nach.
Von Berlin nach Bogotá – und zurück über Tokyo und Kolkata! 16 Städte, 64 Kurzfilme und vier Themen aus dem Leben in den großen Metropolen der Welt: In je 180 Sekunden entsteht ein Bild der Stadt, das zeigt, was uns eint und was uns voneinander unterscheidet. Ein Projekt des Goethe-Instituts.
Mehr hier:
Moraine Lake/ Canada Test 4K-Videoclip Click HD 1080p
Test in Super-High-Resolution 4K. Camera Sony AX 100 4K.
Copyright by HG.Pfaff/ Germany4k
Vlog 10 | First Hockey Game Ever! Calgary Flame Vs Montreal!
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If You Don't Do This, Are You Even Spiritual?...
What its like to be spiritual and try to get from Point A to Point B... aka takes triple the amount of time to do anything.
Super quick spiritual parody film shot on a Samsung Galaxy during a 2 week road trip in upstate New York and Montreal.
1-2 takes on every shot. Edited on YouCut free video editor app.
Super bad that it's almost really heckin good?... I guess that's the exact definition of a parody video ????
Enjoy!! ????????
Actors: Leah Trottier and Monica Mars
Filming: Leah Trottier and Monica Mars
Editing: Leah Trottier
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just a small part... still makes me drool
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Art unique sur ciment
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Rendez-vous le 16 octobre au cinéma.
Un film réalisé par Thurop Van Orman.
Avec Jason Sudeikis, Josh Gad, Leslie Jones & Bill Hader.
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Promotion pour le lancement de Créations Lucie de Lucie Gaudreau de Magog a Sherbrooke Québec CIMENT ciment CIMENT Sculptures en ciment exclusives - Unique - art - artiste / Contactez Lucie Gaudreau --- lgaudreau62@hotmail.ca
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2017 Blue Angels NAF El Centro Air Show
NAF El Centro Air Show
Friday & Saturday March 11th & 12th, 2017
Your 2017 United States Navy Flight Demonstration squadron, the Blue Angels take it to the skies over the Sothern California Desert in El Centro for their 1st Air Show of the season!
Blue Angel #1 - CDR Ryan Bernacchi
Blue Angel #2 - LT Damon Kroes
Blue Angel #3 - LT Nate Scott
Blue Angel #4 - LT Lance Benson
Blue Angel #5 - CDR Frank Weisser
Blue Angel #6 - LT Tyler Davies
If you like what you see, PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!
100% of the content seen on this channel was created by Spencer Hughes. I OWN ALL THE RIGHTS to the videos on this channel unless otherwise noted.
Cashier Training
Seasider Snack Bar Training Video
Il était une fois dans le trouble | Bande d'annonce – Trailer
Plongez dans l'univers éclaté de quatre adolescents au sein de leur petite entreprise de résolution de problèmes. La nature des contrats étant illimitée, les entrepreneurs sont contraints de faire semblant de s'y connaître dans n'importe quel domaine et d'employer tous les moyens nécessaires pour satisfaire leurs clients!
Plunge into the funky universe of four teenagers at the heart of a problem resolution business. Given the nature of their short term contracts, these young entrepreneurs must pretend to know about everything and, use any means necessary to satisfy their clients!
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Uniquement disponible en français / Only available in French
Produit par/produced by : Jacques Payette Réal./Director: Hélène Girard
Encore+ invites you to discover – or rediscover – memorable Canadian films and TV shows, wherever you are in the world. Brought to you by the Canada Media Fund and its partners.
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Encore+ vous invite à voir ou revoir des émissions et des films canadiens mémorables, où que vous soyez dans le monde. Une initiative du Fonds des médias du Canada et de ses partenaires.
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Télé-Québec - Alix et les Merveilleux Promo #4 (2019)
Mine Cristal, mining quartz crystals
minecristal.ca Stay informed about our new videos: subscribe to our YouTube channel Mine Cristal. This mine is located in Bonsecours, Quebec, Canada. Photos and video clips shown here date from 1989 - 2012. The open-pit mine produces splendid quartz crystals with exceptional clarity. The largest single crystals measure 60 cm (24 inches) in length. Since mining began in 1989, 32 types, or morphologies of quartz crystals have been catalogued. Geological research into the origins of these crystals has revealed that they formed at this location some 300 million years ago under extreme conditions of heat and pressure. We harvest crystals in the mine only as needed, to supply our store with a sufficient quantity of quartz crystals.
Exceptionally (for a mine), we harvest all the crystals by hand and without the use of dynamite. It is a privilege for us to participate in the discovery and extraction of these true gems of nature. The extraction process is done in a manner which respects both the environment and the crystals: we endeavor to keep the crystals whole and in a pristine state. In the museum and the store, our crystals are presented in an untouched, natural state. Amazingly, each crystal is an intricate work of art made by Nature; no two are alike and this makes them even more fascinating! Mine Cristal is considered by experts to be a “geological gem,” one of Canada’s great natural sites, due to it’s unique and abundant mineralogical deposits.
effects MTL 2015 : entrevue Pierre Luc Labbée (Framestore Montréal) #effectsMTL
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