Хочу поделиться своим первым опытом посещения фильмов в формате 4DX от Cinema Park, сегодня это фильм Tomb Raider, который вышел в прокат 15 марта 2018 года ...
P.S. Советую к просмотру !
Как Живут в Калининграде
Опросили жителей Калининграда, как изменился их город в преддверии Чемпионата Мира по Футболу 2018, было очень интересно первый раз побывать в этом городе и услышать мнения жителей!Смотреть до конца!
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UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Russia
World Heritage Sites of Russia multimedia project was initiated to draw public attention towards the beauty of the unique architecture of Russian UNESCO World Heritage buildings. The installation was presented for the first time in Moscow during International Museum Festival INTERMUSEUM that is considered the main cultural event in Russia.
With the support of 12 interactive MultiTaction Codice markers, the visitors were able to open the colorful visual content. Each of the markers was dedicated to a specific architectural sight. Once the marker was placed to the table, the text box with the information and photos was shown on the table while a short introductory movie was playing on the wall.
With the help of innovative technology, each participant was able to take a fascinating virtual journey through the beautiful World Heritage sites in Russia.
Application: Ascreen Corporate Group
Products: MT550W7 MultiTaction Cell 55″ Full HD LCD Embedded Windows 7
Number of displays: 1
Set-up: table
Location: St. Petersburg, Russia
Coming Soon in ep.83. Real Russia
In next episode of Real Russia we'll go to Tavtimanovo, the village located in 60km far from Ufa, the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan of Russia.
Summer house, storage, garden house, street toilet, bath house (banya), ice bucket, tea from natural grasses. Watch in ep.83
Flash mob in Moscow, Russia 26.02.12
Флэшмоб в Москве, Россия, на Воробьевый горах 26.02.12
Песня: Taco - Puttin' on the Ritz (original by Irving Berlin)
Why Russians are mad about Raj Kapoor, Hindi Films and Bollywood? (BBC Hindi)
हिंदी फ़िल्मों का रूस से हमेशा से ही गहरा रिश्ता रहा है और बॉलीवुड फ़िल्मों का शौक अब भी कम नहीं हुआ है, लेकिन पहले जैसी बात अब नहीं रही. एक ज़माने में यहां राजकपूर की फ़िल्में और गाने हर किसी की ज़ुबान पर रहते थे...आज भी लोग 'अवारा हूं' जैसे गाने गुनगुनाते हैं. रूस से नितिन श्रीवास्तव की रिपोर्ट.
Кафедральный собор на острове Канта, Калининград, 4k
Кафедральный собор на острове Канта, Калининград. Снято на DJI Phantom 4 Pro и Mavic 2 Pro
Купить Mavic 2 на сайте DJI
Купить Phantom 4 на сайте DJI
Soviet Paradise: restorers re-discover the magnificence of Stalin-era architecture
Watch more films about Russian architecture:
VDNKh or the National Agricultural Exhibition Centre in Moscow was built in the late 1930s on the order of Stalin. It was meant to inspire Soviet people who lived a hard life of poverty and astonish the whole world. Its many pavilions were created in a multitude of architectural styles and elaborately decorated by the best artists and sculptors of the USSR. Many of its sights became iconic symbols of Moscow: Vera Mukhina's sculpture Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, the golden fountain, the space rocket. But the Soviet people had to pay a great price for this splendour. Several thousand convicts from the Gulag were used to construct VDNKh and its initial architect, Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky, was arrested for political reasons and sent into exile for 5 years. After Stalin's death, the controversial feeling conveyed by the place led to its slow decay. During Khrushchev's rule, the opulence of many pavilions was hidden under aluminum panels while many parts of the park fell into disuse. Slowly but surely, the place meant to commemorate the country's strength turned into the exact opposite. But as time passes, the association of VDNKh as a reminder of an oppressive regime wanes. What remains is the admiration of its beauty and the sense of duty to preserve and restore this unique architectural complex. As a reward for its renovation, VDNKh continues to present its restorers with a wealth of hidden treasures.
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Bolshoi and Met team up for first time
Fans of opera will be delighted to learn Moscow's Bolshoi theatre and New York's Metropolitan Opera are teaming up for the first time to stage three shows to be shown in both cities.
The first one is 'Aida' by Verdi. And I would like to mention straight away that premiere of this performance will first take place at the Metropolitan Opera stage and then at the Bolshoi, said Vladimir Urin, Bolshoi Director. Premieres of two other performances will first take place at the Bolshoi and then at…
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GSSD Abhörstation Bergmoor / Диздорф ПП 89591 - имя горка
Spaziergang in den Ruinen der früheren Abhörstation des 383. Funk Bataillons der GSSD - Rufname GORKA - nahe der Ortschaft Bergmoor . Der charakteristische Turm mit dem Radom wurde 1998 aus umwelttechnischen und ästhetischen Gründen gesprengt.
Wegen der Fragen.... die Tschapka mit CCCP Emblem gibt es hier:
Ich bitte die Nachvertonung vieler Abschnitte zu entschuldigen aber nahezu 2/3 der Aufnahmen waren wegen der Windgeräusche nahezu unverständlich. Es geht eben doch nichts über einen Camcorder mit Wind-Fell über dem Mikrofon :-)
Foto: Canon OS 700D DSLR + EF-S 10-18mm / f4.5-5.6 STM
Cam: Xiaomi Yi 4K (1080/50p)
Gimbal: Hohem ISteady Pro 3
Licht: Yongnuo YN 300 Air Pro LED (25 Watt)
Schnitt: Sony Vegas 15 Pro Edit + Boris (BCC) FX Plugin
Ton: Rode NT-1 A Studio Mic, Sony ICD_PX 470 Diktiergerät
Светлогорск - светлый город на Балтийском взморье | Svetlogorsk - Rauschen
6-7 мая 2018 года мы совершили очередное небольшое путешествие выходного дня – в город Калининград!
Мы были в этих краях почти 20 лет назад и, конечно же, у нас не осталось ни фото, ни видео, да и в памяти мало что сохранилось, не считая Кафедрального Собора, острова Канта, соснового бора Светлогорска, холодного моря и приключений на берегу его под названием «Найди янтарь»! :-)
Как всегда, мы наметили себе большой План, составили маршрут из тех городов и достопримечательностей в них, что нам интересны! Очень надеемся, что Ваши вкусы, наши дорогие зрители, совпадают с нашими...
Смотрите трейлер фильма (наш маршрут):
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Первый день мы посвятили городу Калининград.
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А вечером 6 мая мы приехали в г. Светлогорск (до 1947 года — Раушен, нем. Rauschen) — город-курорт в Калининградской области Российской Федерации.
Город является туристическим и культурно-деловым центром на Балтийском взморье.
Численность населения города — более 13 тыс. человек.
Город расположен на возвышенности (на древних дюнах высотой 50-60 м). В низменности находится только небольшая часть Светлогорска — в окрестностях озера Тихого и протекающей через город небольшой реки Светлогорки (которая впадает в озеро Тихое, потом вытекает из него и, в конце концов, впадает в Балтийское море).
Морской берег Светлогорска крут и обрывист, высотой до 60 м над морем. С высокого холма на пляж ведут среди зелени шесть спусков: три узких металлических спуска (стальные лестницы), а также три более широких и комфортабельных каменных (бетон, асфальт, плитка) спуска, из которых один — широкая лестница со скамейками для отдыха на площадках и с цветниками, спускающаяся к солнечным часам. Ступени этой лестницы служили скамьями во время фестиваля «Балтийские сезоны».
Светлогорск расположен в лесопарке. Каждое здание города вкраплено в лес, то есть отделено от соседних строений участками леса. Светлогорск строился так, среди леса, всегда, с 1820 года. С начала 2000-х годов стало появляться всё больше участков сплошной застройки, где нет деревьев между домами. Этот лес с небольшими добавками декоративных деревьев, кустарников и травянистых растений — и составляет зелёный наряд Светлогорска. Преобладают сосна, ель, лиственница, пихта, берёза, липа, дуб, бук, ясень, тополь, клён, вяз. Из декоративных растений здесь можно встретить североамериканскую гортензию, магнолию, дуб пирамидальный, дуб красный и другие виды этого рода, бук краснолистный, тополь Вильсона, японскую форзицию, множество рододендронов разных видов, виноград Вича (этой японской лианой увита башня водолечебницы).
С 2004 года в городе проводится ежегодный кинофестиваль «Балтийские дебюты», на котором демонстрируются киноленты, созданные молодыми режиссёрами стран Балтии и Северной Европы, а также Российской Федерации.
В Светлогорске родилась идея телепередачи «Что? Где? Когда?» В память об этом, в 2007 и 2008 годах город был дважды избран местом проведения чемпионата мира по спортивной версии этой популярной игры.
В 2015 году в связи с политической обстановкой из Юрмалы в Светлогорск переехал фестиваль «Голосящий КиВиН», которым 17-19 июля открылся первый сезон нового Театра эстрады «Янтарь-холл». Площадь Театра эстрады составляет 30 тысяч квадратных метров, расположен в парке «Времена года».
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Moscow on the move - metropolitans
Choosing the right speed for exploring Moscow is vital because according to architects, the city is...
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Choosing the right speed for exploring Moscow is vital because according to architects, the city is best seen on the move.
The underground is the fastest way to get around but take your time because tube stations here are often like palaces, or art museums. Sometimes people even call them time machines.
Konstantin Cherkassky, the director of the Moscow Metro Museum, said: Let's take the Mayakovskaya station for example; here we see portrayals of the days of Soviet people who will soar into the sky in the future, because life will be wonderful. At Revolution Square station you see the 20 first years of Soviet history. First, you see the heroes of the revolution; and then the heroes of the Civil War.
At Revolution Square people also pat a dog's nose for luck. Konstantin Cherkassky explained: At first, people thought that patting the dog's nose before an exam would help you pass. And this belief just expanded. So today people believe if you pat this nose it will bring you money and other things.
Aleksis thinks that a scooter is lucky. The founder of the Arts and Culture Project enjoys exploring the new pedestrian zones which have recently been constructed in the city centre. Aleksis has his own philosophy for exploring Moscow, and he divides travellers into two groups: the birds who just fly around; and the mandarins who do not get out of the bus.
Cultural historian Aleksis Chernorechenski said: They see the iconic buildings but not the details. I try to reach another level when I talk to tourists about the city and its history, paying special attention to the science of signs. These signs can be found everywhere in this city, and this is the level of an insect, an insect that can go everywhere.''
To see the hidden treasures of Moscow's avant-garde architecture, Aleksis and his group have chosen another means of transport, the bicycle. But you have to be in good shape for this excursion, because it's a 30 kilometre bike ride.
Now, everyone can use a bicycle to get around Moscow. The long-awaited public rent-a-bike service has opened. For now there are several dozen stations, but more will be built soon, because demand is so high.
Another novelty is the double-decker sightseeing buses that have finally appeared on Moscow streets. They are not only popular with tourists but also with native Muscovites who enjoy seeing their city from a new perspective.
Sergei Lavrentyev, a City Sightseeing Representative, said: Three and a half metres might not seem far off the ground but from this vantage point you can see the facades of the so-called Old Moscow. These facades are unique and even magical.
And then there are the trams which give a flavour of Old Moscow, a city full of charm which inspired writers to describe the trams in their books. Moscow ethnographer Natalia Leonova created a tour on a real tram route that has existed since she was a child: The tram is the oldest form of transport in Moscow. Just imagine, it's 114 years old. That is why it allows us to go back in time and travel around the distant parts of Moscow, uniting districts which used to be the far-flung outskirts of Moscow.
But some people say that the best way to see Moscow is from a boat. The Moscow River, like all rivers in capital cities, played a very large role in the past. That is why the major historical buildings were constructed on its banks.
Architect Veniamin Misoznikov said: The river is a uniting element; it unites not only the city itself, but also the perception of a man who is looking at the city from the river. At the same time, the perception from the very low angles is always more advantageous and more interesting. This is why I would put the boat on first place in the list of the means of transport for tourists.
Architects also suggest combining all the different angles to create a unique picture of Moscow that you will remember like a good film.
Moscow Factfile
In one hour a passenger on the Moscow underground can travel more than 40 kilometres. The total track length is around 313 km
Park Pobedy is the deepest underground station. At 73.6 metres under Moscow, it is the third deepest station in the world
At 270 metres in length, Vorobyovy Gory station has the longest platform on the Moscow underground
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Sunset in Russia. (V.M.).avi
Sunsets and music.
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Dub techno
скачать аудио версию можно по ссылке
Time Lapse - В Музее янтаря, компания Observer установила лифт для инвалидов. Калининград 2015
Observer - o-mp.ru
НесуСвет production -
Кёниг, твою мать! - открытие кинотеатра Синема парк (grad39.ru)
Все выпуски -
На прошедших выходных в Калининграде открылся мультиплекс Синема парк, состоящий из девяти залов, включая залы IMAX и 4DX. Команда программы Кёниг, твою мать! побывала на открытии нового кинотеатра.
Музыка - ВИА Сокол - 'Фильм! Фильм! Фильм! и Марк Бернес - Песня о кино
Vladivostok city
promenade called TSESAREVICHA
Life in Russia
Hello my English-speaking friends. My name is Helen Tennant, I'm from Russia and I would like to tell you about our country and about my life in Russia. I immediately apologize for the bad pronunciation, as recently studied the language. This is a test video and I would like you to leave your suggestions in the comments that you would like to see in my videos. This may be a culture, language, customs, my own life.
Thank you all, it will be a good experience for me.
Dali exhibition opens in Moscow
(5 Sep 2011) SHOTLIST
AP Entertainment
Moscow, Russia 2 September 2011
1. Wide of Pushkin Museum entrance
2. Zoom in of exhibit room on Savador Dali picture on the wall
3. Wide of public watching at paintings
4. Mid of woman watching at Emilio Terry Portrait, Salvador Dali, 1934
5. Close up of the same
6. Mid of public and paintings
7. Zoom out of Interatomic balance of a swan''s feather, Salvador Dali, 1947
8. Close up of Dali''s signature
10. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Manuel Sevillano Campalans, Director of Fundacio Gala - Salvador Dali :
This exhibit is for us a celebration for many reasons, but first of all because the (Gala-Salvador Dali) Foundation is got very close with the Russian public.
11. Close up of the Hallucinogenic Toreador, Salvador Dali, 1968 - 1970
12. SOUNDBITE (Spanish) Juan Manuel Sevillano Campalans, Director of Fundacio Gala - Salvador Dali :
The (Russian) public is great and very compatible with holidays in Spain - which are not only beach and parties because our cultural heritage is extraordinary. And this (Russian) public is one of the best prepared for enjoying this heritage.
13. Wide of public in front of Dali''s drawings
14. Various close up of Dali''s illustrations to Miguel Servantes Don Quixote, 1945
15. Wide of Dali''s lips sofa
Twenty five canvases and more than a hundred of Dali''s drawing went on display in Moscow''s museum of Fine Art on Friday (2 Sept. 2011).
The exhibition, which runs until 13 November, is the largest Dali exhibition ever staged in Russia.
This exhibit is for us a celebration for many reasons, but first of all because the (Gala-Salvador Dali) Foundation is got very close with the Russian public, said Juan Manuel Sevillano Campalans, Director of Fundacio Gala - Salvador Dali.
Mr Camplalans says tourism has exposed Russians to Spanish culture.
The pictures are displayed in Moscow, courtesy of the Dali Museum of Figueres, Spain.
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Pucaramanta in Bishkek, Vefa center