Sneaky Ways Movie Theaters Get You To Spend More Money
Between ticket prices and concessions, movie theaters are expensive. But movie theater chains like AMC and Regal only keep around 50% of the revenue from ticket sales each year. But theaters are able to keep over 80% of concessions revenue as profit. So most theaters are designed to get you to spend money on food. And it works, AMC reports that more than 71% of attendees spend money on concessions.
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Sneaky Ways Movie Theaters Get You To Spend More Money
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10 Facts Movie Theaters Don't Want You to Know
We all love movie theaters for the special feeling they give with fantastic special effects, complete sound immersion and the taste of popcorn. Would you still love them just as much if you found out their secrets movie theater owners don’t want you to know? We’re going to unveil 10 movie theater secrets.
In cinemas, many people can’t always keep their feelings to themselves and that’s normal. For example, a movie about cannibals called Raw appeared to be too hard to watch for a couple of visitors at The Toronto International Film Festival in 2016. The people fainted and one of them hit his head badly during the fall.
Digital devices can do everything on their own, and there are more automatic processes at a cinema than there were during the previous century.
Keep it in mind that in case there are some problems with a projector (the image is blurred, not centered, etc.), you’ll have to stand up and go notify a staff member in the lobby.
20% of the population, including Johnny Depp himself, simply can’t perceive those three dimensions. Harvard Medical School neurobiology professor Dr. Margaret S. Livingstone explains it could be due to stereo-blindness when eyes can’t see in 3D because of the way they are aligned.
If you love cleanliness that much, try to visit the cinema in the morning and avoid going there on Friday and Saturday nights when a lot of other people go out to the movies.
The biggest part of the profit isn’t earned by ticket sales. 0:49
There’s a lot of piracy. 2:45
A younger audience can watch adult-rated movies. 3:35
Viewers cry, weep, and run out of the hallways. 4:11
Creative ways to sneak in food 5:19
Many people avoid 3D films. 5:57
If there’s something wrong with the picture, the projection booth worker won’t help. 6:58
Cinema halls are full of garbage on weekend nights. 7:38
People often fight at the movies. 8:32
You are being watched! 9:00
-Theaters have to pay a lot to film studios in the first two months of distribution so they have to make their money out of concession.
-The cinema staff members who manage to prevent movie theft get a $500 prize.
-The younger generations buy a ticket when two movies start simultaneously, and one of them is not R-rated.
-A movie about cannibals called Raw appeared to be too hard to watch for a couple of visitors at The Toronto International Film Festival in 2016. The people fainted and one of them hit his head badly during the fall.
-One couple stuffed a truckload of food into an infant’s car seat and went to watch a movie. A girl from put some pasta into zip-lock bags and brought them into the cinema with her.
-3D glasses give you an illusion of being inside a movie and it drives your visual analyzer crazy.
-Even though a movie projector has to be programmed during the day, there’s nobody sitting in the booth when you watch a movie.
-A short break between two movies is not enough time for a cinema staff to thoroughly clean up a theater.
-Someone who loves to fight will always find a reason to do so. It could be that someone took someone else’s parking place, they talked on the phone during the movie, or someone is chomping too loudly.
-Thanks to security cameras, movie theater staff can spot and kick out couples that go too far on their “loveseats”.
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Σκηνοθεσία: Νίκος Νικολαΐδης
Σενάριο: Νίκος Νικολαΐδης – με αποσπάσματα από έργα των Daphne Du Maurier, Phillip K. Dick, Raymond Chandler, Herman Raucher
Παραγωγή: Νίκος Νικολαΐδης, ΕΚΚ
Εκτέλεση Παραγωγής: Μαρί-Λουίζ Βαρθολομαίου
Ηθοποιοί: Michele Valley, Τάκης Σπυριδάκης
Πάνος Θανασούλης, Τάκης Λουκάτος, Ράνια Τριβέλα, Χάρης Μαύρος, Νίκος Χατζής, Β. Καβούρη, Λιάνα Χατζή
Μουσική: Γιώργος Χατζηνάσιος
Διεύθυνση Φωτογραφίας: Ντίνος Κατσουρίδης
Μοντάζ: Ανδρέας Ανδρεαδάκης
Ήχος: Ηλίας Ιονέσκο, Σίβυλλα Κατσουρίδη
Δ/ντής Παραγωγής: Αιμίλιος Κονιτσιώτης
Σκηνικά-Κοστούμια: Μαρί-Λουίζ Βαρθολομαίου
Μακιγιάζ: Βάλια Περικλάκη
Βοηθοί Σκηνοθέτη: Γιώργος Μαρουδής, Γεωργία Τιμογιαννάκη
Βοηθοί Δ/ντή Φωτογραφίας: Κωστής Γκίκας, Θανάσης Μπερμπεράκης
Σπέσιαλ Εφφέ: Γιώργος Κοσμάς
Επιλογή Χώρων: Οδυσσέας Λάππας, Τάκης Σπυριδάκης, Γιώργος Μαρουδής, Νίκος Νικολαΐδης
Μιξάζ-Ντουμπλάζ: Θανάσης Αρβανίτης, Ντίνος Κίττου
Εργαστήρια Εικόνας: Cinemagic
Εργαστήρια Ήχου: Tone Studio
Εγγραφή Μουσικής: Al Sound Studios
Διάρκεια: 108΄
Γλώσσα: Ελληνικά
35mm, Mono, Έγχρωμη
Αθήνα, Κηφισιά, 1987
Directed by: Nikos Nikolaidis
Written by: Nikos Nikolaidis (with excerpts by)
Daphne Du Maurier, Phillip K. Dick, Raymond Chandler, Herman Raucher
Produced by: Nikos Nikolaidis, GFC
Executive Producer: Marie-Louise Bartholomew
Cast: Michele Valley, Takis Spiridakis
Panos Thanassoulis, Takis Loukatos, Rania Trivela, H. Mavros, Nikos Hatzis, V. Kabouri, Liana Hatzi
Original Music: Giorgos Hatzinasios
Cinematography: Dinos Katsouridis
Editing: Andreas Andreadakis
Sound: Ilias Ionesko, Syvilla Katsouridi
Production design: Marie-Louise Bartholomew
Production manager: Emilios Konitsiotis
Sets-Costumes: Marie-Louise Bartholomew
Makeup: Vallia Periklaki
Assistant director: Georges Maroudis, Georgia Timogiannakis
Camera assistants: Kostas Gikas, Thanasis Berberakis
Special effects: Giorgos Kosmas
Location Scouts: Odysseas Lappas, M. Anastasiadis
Sound mixing: Thanassis Arvanitis
Image Lab: Cinemagic Studios
Sound Labs: Tone Studios, All Sound studios
Sound technician: Nikos Espialidis
Runtime: 108 min
Language: Greek (with subtitles)
Color: Color
Printed film format: 35mm
Athens, Greece, 1987