How to get from Schiphol Airport to Wageningen | WURtube
Sean shows you how to get from Schiphol Airport to the Campus of Wageningen University & Research in this step by step tutorial!
Please note; prices as mentioned in the video are an indication and might change over time.
Subtitles available in English.
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Open air market in the Dutch city of Wageningen
Traditional Dutch Market
Wonen in studentenhuisvesting Rijnveste
Rijnveste is het nieuwste studentencomplex van Idealis in Wageningen. Rijnveste biedt huisvesting aan 345 studenten en PhD-ers. De eerste bewoners wonen er sinds 2 april 2013.
Get to know Wageningen University & Research
Wageningen University & Research is one of the leading international universities in the field of healthy food and living environment. You will find this university in the Netherlands, also called Holland, located in Europe. Watch the video and visit to learn more about it.
City of Apeldoorn, Arthur Troop Pipes & Drums Wageningen 05-05-2013
5th of May - Liberation Day in Wageningen | WUR
Liberation Day is the largest celebration that the city of Wageningen has to offer. The social media team of Wageningen University & Research, Spread the WURd, went backstage to cover the events taking place on this day.
AIDaily 2017 Day 5 | WUR
The fifth day of the AID 2017. Check it out!
The AID of Wageningen University is held prior to the start of the programme. During the introduction programme you can acquaint yourself with Wageningen, your fellow students and the university. For more information about the AID visit
Welcome to IxESN Wageningen
It is an introduction movie of IxESN Wageningen. We organize a lot of activities, excursions, parties and international kitchens to make your stay in Wageningen unforgettable.
Check our website for more information:
Follow us on Facebook:
You can always drop by at our office: Stadsbrink 373 Wageningen
Ruerd Ruben, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Plenary Session 4: Nourishing Cities to Speed Progress
Ruerd Ruben, Professor, Impact Assessment for Food Systems, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Asia and Africa are rapidly urbanizing, and their growing cities face multiple malnutrition burdens. We cannot end hunger and malnutrition without addressing the needs of the urban poor. This multidisciplinary panel will discuss how urban food environments can support improved nutrition, identifying differences in urban nutrition problems and environments across regions and gender, and discussing how novel, multistakeholder partnerships and urban
governance strategies can reduce hunger and malnutrition.
Student Council Wageningen University 2011-2012 Goodbye Drink
The 2nd last time to get together. Time to say Yeah, that's an end! ^_^
Liberationday memorial flypast at Wageningen 05-05-2014
05-05-2014, Liberationday memorial flypast at Wageningen
Flypast over Wageningen op bevrijdingsdag tijdens het bevrijdingsfestival.en defile
- 1x C-130 (Hercules)
- 1x Spitfire
- 2x Harvard
- 2x Piper Cub
- 1x Beaver
- 1x Fokker S11
- 1X PBY (Catalina)
Dutch 75th Liberation Day Wageningen
Very interesting day!
Holland Youth Connections - Summer Work Program 2013
This summer, local Holland youth were able to take advantage of a Summer Work Program called Holland Youth Connections. Thanks to the collaboration of Escape Ministries, the City of Holland and a generous anonymous donor the program was a great success. Take a look back at the positive effects the program had on local youth and mentors alike.
Creative Commons Music Mt. Fox Shop by Boxcat Games -
Fietsparkeren in de binnenstad Wageningen
BeschrijvingOp initiatief van de Wageningse ondernemers zijn in de binnenstad meer en betere plekken gecreëerd om fietsen te parkeren. Deels zijn er fietsparkeerplekken verplaatst van locaties waar ze nauwelijks gebruikt werden, deels zijn er nieuwe voorzieningen aangelegd. Dit komt ten goede aan een betere fietsbereikbaarheid van de stad.
In dit filmpje de toelichting op betere voorzieningen voor fietsparkeren in de binnenstad Wageningen.
VeSte news housing.wmv
VeSte news about student housing.
Colchester And District Pipes & Drums With RBL The Netherlands Marching to the Town hall
Welcome at Wageningen University.mp4
Wageningen University offers you a choice of studies in the areas of society and economy, health, life sciences and technology, nature, environment, animals and plants. Wageningen University is a unique organisation because it combines academic, strategic and applied research at BSc, MSc and PhD levels. All study programmes contain a large freedom of choice so that you can determine yourself which direction you wish to specialise in. You have the opportunity to combine exact sciences with social studies.Wageningen University has many partners in both education and research in more than 70 countries. This vast network allows you to obtain double degrees, follow short courses, and participate in student exchange programmes and internships.
For more information about international students, please visit
Inge Doornsbosch and Rocco Rizzo get married
Our marriage on 6 September 2019 at the City Hall in Wageningen, Gelderland, Netherlands.
Thanks Phil and Sylvia.
And Bob.
Wageningen gaat Oranje deel 3
Joop Keuken een Oranje fan in hart en nieren.
Camera montage Jan Elsenaar.
Gebyar Indonesia is the annual event held by the Indonesian Student Association in Wageningen (PPI Wageningen) which aims to introduce the Indonesian culture and heritage to the International Community in the Netherlands, especially in Wageningen. The theme of this year’s event is “Embracing Diversity in Indonesian-Dutch Cultural Collaboration.”
Song: Indonesia Pusaka - GMS Live
Opening act was inspired by: Nafirision Church
Full version of Gebyar Indonesia 2019:
Video Editor:
-Fizri (Instagram: @fizri_afriand
- Fizri