Subotica - City Hall- Gradska kuca
Gradska kuća u Subotici je najveća subotička građevina. Po mnogima je i najljepša građevina u Subotici.
Današnja Gradska kuća je treća subotička gradska kuća, poslije one iz 1751. i one iz 1828. godine.[1]
Natječaj za ovu Gradsku kuću raspisao je gradonačelnik Karoly Biro 1907. godine, da staru oronulu gradsku vijećnicu, koju su već okružavale nove reprezentativne zgrade, nadomjeste novom ljepoticom od zgrade koja će biti zaštitni znak Subotice.[2] [3] Gradnja je počela 1908., a bila je skoro gotova 1910.. Interijeri su se dovršavali još dvije godine, a na njihovom ukrašavanju su radili vrhunski majstori onog vremena. Radovi su bili gotovi 12. rujna 1912. godine.[4] Izgradnja je financirana novcem od prodanog zemljišta u Tavankutu i na Čikeriji. [5]
Podignuta je po projektu Marcella Komora (1868.—1944.) i Dezse Jakaba (1864.—1932.), budimpeštanskih arhitekata, u tada vrlo modernom stilu — mađarskoj secesiji. Ukrašena je sa brojnim šarama stiliziranog tulipana.
Proglašena je kulturnim spomenikom 1967.. Krajem 1960-ih je u prostorije Gradske kuće preselio Gradski muzej iz Reichleove palače.[6]
Gradska kuća je skladni spoj umjetnosti i obrta. Visoka je 76 metara. Terasa vidikovca je na 45,5 metara. Duga je 106,08 i široka je 55,56 metara.[4] Površine je 5.838 metara četvornih.
Gradska kuća, Subotica
City Hall of Subotica, Serbia
Subotica 2 Dec 2013 Serbia Web cam 's in the city
Subotica 2 Dec 2013 Serbia Web cam 's in the city
If you like pls check out my other videos on this channel, enjoy -Share if you are happy.
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Sav video materijal je zasticen pravom ovog kanala Divedeepinside, osim audio fajlova koji su korsiceni s drugih kanala pod licenzom SLOBODNOG koriscenja i deljenja! Zabranjeno je kopiranje -ponovo uplodovanje video sadrzaja s ovog kanala bez pismenog odobrenja od Jozef Kujundzic DIVEDEEPINSIDE na you Tubu ili bilo kojoj veb stranici ili drugim medijima!
All material in the video is copyrighted to THIS channel DIVEDEEPINSIDE , except the audio files which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. It is prohibited to copy or use any part of the video without written permission from Jozef Kujundzic-Divedeepinside and re uploading on YouTube or any other web site or any other media!
Subotica noću (Gradska Kuća)
Visit Subotica
Visit Subotica
Посетите Суботицу
Látogassa meg Szabadkát
Posjetite Suboticu
27 Ovo je Subotica - Gradska kuća enterijer 07.05.2015.
Pizeria Denis Subotica
Nice place to be, big verighty of food and drinks, nice environment, friendly quick servis, excellent vegetarian and other pizzas ! With one word MUST to visit if you are in Subotica. Few hundred meters from the world famous Town Hall in the center place of the town. You may order food from by phone 024551155
In this video , the visit is in the open part = garden of the pizzeria. In winter they have the atrium part shown in the web site the menu u can see here in Serbo Croatian language . Bon apetit ( in this movie we enjoyed some chicken basket with frites and mayo plus ketchup an seasonal salad. The prices are for drinks high for our standard here- 1 liter of mineral water =200 din which makes approx 2,2 Euros!!! Which is much .
But generally all is nice! u r welcome!
25 Ovo je Subotica - Gradska kuća spolja 23.04.2015.
SUBOTICA - Vojvodina - My home town
Subotica# Vojvodina# Serbia# Anandaart# I made this video about some of the most beautifull buildings in my home town. The big Theater is in proces of building ,at the moment not soo nice so u cant see it here. 30 of june 2008 (the time of this comment). Many caffes, pizzerias, fast food and restaurants ,lot of Ice cream shops, banks and shops in this small town of aprox 140.000 population together with the sorraunding vilages .
If you like pls check out my other videos on this channel, enjoy -Share if you are happy.
Subotica Serbia 360 Degree View 2 Live Cam's Spot
Subotica Serbia 360 Degree View 2 Live Cam's Spot
SUBOTICA Vojvodina (Serbia) - by CEHULIĆ family
★★★★★ ★★★★★
Subotica (Szabadka, Суботица) is a city and municipality in northern Serbia, in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, about 10 km from the border with Hungary.
Once, the largest city of Vojvodina region, contemporary Subotica is now the second largest city in the province, following Novi Sad. It is multiethnic city, with Hungarian , Serb or Croat majority changing during history.
Under the Dual-Monarchy city become an important railway link, which encouraged many traders, artisans and financiers to settle there.
The City Hall, built in 1908-1910, is of outstanding beauty and shows the economic strength of city in this period.
Subotica's beautiful town house is surrounded with a number of pedestrian-only streets where people gather and meet.
The building was constructed in art nouveau style and it was decorated with the motives of the Hungarian folklore depict.
The historic National Theater, which was built in 1854 as the first monumental public building in Subotica, is now under reconstruction.
Subotica now adorned itself with its remarkable Central European, fin de siècle architecture.
The Ferenc Raichle House, built in 1904, is located close to the railway station and it's one of the best examples of Art Nouveau architecture.
The Franciscan church (Franjevačka crkva) in Subotica, built in year 1901, is representing the neo-romanticism style.
The most remarkable church building is the late Baroque Catholic Cathedral of St. Theresa of Avila from 1797.
In 1902 a Jewish synagogue was built in the Art Nouveau style.
Subotica has some of the most famous food producer industries, with brands such as Pionir and Fidelinka.
The town house itself is lit up at night with spotlights that highlight the beauty of the building.
The Palić lake recreational zone is full of unusual buildings from the start of the 20th century.
From the mid 1880s to the beginning of WW 1, Palić was a popular spa destination.
It was believed that the lake water and mud at Palić Lake had healing powers.
An urban park, called veliki park, in the centre of Palić city, opened in 1840, has today a total area of 19 hectares.
The Palić Zoo is the most beautiful one in this part of Europe and is home to about 65 species of animals.
DIVEDEEPINSIDE -aka - Jozef Kujundzic
Protest protiv Diktature Subotica 8 april 2017
Svaki dan grupa gradana u Subotici izlazi na trg u centru grada da izrazi svoje nezadovoljstvo sa situacijom, rezultatima
izbora predsednika u Srbiji i uopste zivotom ljudi u drzavi. Svaki dan omladina i starije generacije se skupe
dogovore i naprave zajednicku setnju po gradu da obaveste narod da postoji i drugi nacin od samo uvlacenja glave
medu usima i cutanja!!Nazalost ogroman deo populacije ljudi je vec mnogo godina od Milosevica pa
nadalje usla u neku vrstu hibernacije gde je MUCENJE jedini nacin zivota , da se NISTA ne moze promeniti ,
da je sve dzaba i tim ljudima kao i botovima i sendvicarima prodanim dusama NIJE jasno zasto se ljudi
okupljaju na ulicama. Svaki dan neke nove promene , kreativno izrazavanje , muzikom , plesom , nekom pesmom
stihovima, ili na drugi nacin dode do nekog izrazavanja al PORUKA je ISTA ! Nismo SVI MI OVCE sendvicari kome ako se naredi
mekecu , klecu , i urade bez mozga to sto im se naredi. U drugim gradovima Srbije je isto doslo do massovnih okupljanja
danas u Beogradu je bilo najvece sa sindikatima Vojske Srbije i Unutrasnjih Poslova. Subotica se nemoze
takmiciti s brojem izlaska ljudi ali moze pokazati upornost i otvorenost te grupe ljudi koji se okupljaju svaki dan
da su dovoljno probudeni da kazu otvoreno to sto misle i da ne samo kazu vec i ucine nesto u smeru promene na bolje.
U danasnjem videu mladic je izveo skec koji mozete poslusati. Drugi momek je odigrao nekoliko melodija na trubi
i naravno pratio ritam bubnjara u setnji. Svi ostali su podrsku svoju izrazili sa pistaljkama i glasom aplauzom a neki
tisinom i fizickim prisustvom .Za vreme ovih setnji imate priliku pomalo da vidite i upoznate grad Subotice
iako je veci deo setnje u noci. Ima prelepih zgrada i interesantnih mesta za izlazak. Dobro ste dosli uvek.
Forth day of opposition in Serbia. People coming together in cities in Serbia protesting against the dictatorship
of one person who thinks that he is a God and he can do with everyone whatever he wants. Unfortunately a big part of
the population is brain dead, in a ZOMBIE state of mind and body and the aggressor vucic self proclaimed president
of Serbia can do with them whatever he thinks. Thank s God there IS a group of beings who are not in that state.
In our small city Subotica
young and older are gathering to show our voice and presence , that we are no sheep , and He will not be able to
do with us whatever he thought to do . Young people show creative inputs on these gathering like a stand up comedy
and also musical expressions songs , dance, plays. Pls enjoy and do not be bothered that you don't understand all what they say
the message is the same : He needs to step down, we are humans and we wish to live like ones. We are not blind
and not animals like. While you are watching the walks of the protesters , You may enjoy some scenery's in the city
of Subotica, top noch architecture and buildings , nice places with tasty food and drinks. You are welcome to visit
this north Vojvodina small town at any time.
Videos made by Wondershare FILMORA software: I enjoy it extremely !
Molim procitati!
Sav video materijal je zasticen pravom ovog kanala Divedeepinside, osim audio fajlova koji su korsiceni s drugih kanala pod licenzom SLOBODNOG koriscenja i deljenja! Zabranjeno je kopiranje -ponovo uplodovanje video sadrzaja s ovog kanala bez pismenog odobrenja od Jozef Kujundzic DIVEDEEPINSIDE na you Tubu ili bilo kojoj veb stranici ili drugim medijima!
All material in the video is copyrighted to THIS channel DIVEDEEPINSIDE , except the audio files which are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license. It is prohibited to copy or use any part of the video without written permission from Jozef Kujundzic-Divedeepinside and re uploading on YouTube or any other web site or any other media!
Subotica (Суботица) i zespoły folklorystyczne, Serbia (Wojwodina)
Subotica to miasto w północnej Serbii, w prowincji autonomicznej Wojwodina, ok. 15 km od granicy z Węgrami. Miasto stanowi prawdziwą mozaikę narodowościową - najliczniejsza jest narodowość węgierska a w kolejności serbska, chorwacka, czarnogórska, romska i inne.
Może dlatego folklor różnych nacji chętnie jest tu goszczony i tu odbywają się różne festiwale i okazjonalne występy zespołów folklorystycznych, które najczęściej występują na estradzie przy Placu Wolności. Dominującą budowlą jest tu okazały ratusz miejski wybudowany w 1912 roku. Przed budynkiem ratusza znajdują się dwie fontanny wybudowane z ceramicznych płytek. W ratuszuszowej sali obrad mieliśmy okazję wysłuchać pięknego koncertu, ale zdecydowanie większe zainteresowanie wzbudziły występy zespołów folklorystycznych na Placu Wolności, które częściowo pokazuję na prezentowanym filmie.
Muzyka: biblioteka audioYou Tube
Subotica Town Hall in the night
With many many newly mounted lamps on each window and leg of the building full of light -this was the nice part ,and many people without job and with horse s..t sallery just to kinda survive is the another side of the reality!
Subotica Gradska Kuća
Stevan Bošnjak intervju o Paulowniji Bellissimi
Prica o gradskoj kuci - Subotica
insert iz emisije Varosarije TV NS televizija Novi sad
Gradska kuća u Subotici
Gradska kuća je simbol Subotice. Najveći je i najlepši objekat građen u stilu mađarske secesije. Ukrasni elementi na fasadi i u unutrašnjosti zgrade doprineli su da se ovaj objekat označava kao jedan od najlepših u ovom delu Evrope.
Opširnije na :
Zgrada Gradske kuće je podignuta po projektu poznatih budimpeštanskih arhitekata, Marcela Komora i Dežea Jakaba i to u mađarskoj varijanti secesije. Građena je u vremenu od 1908. do 1910. godine,a zatim je još 2 godine trajalo ukrašavanje unutrašnjosti. Žolnai keramika je karakterističan dekorativni materijal za objekte mađarske secesije i u Subotici je ima više nego u Pečuju u kojem se proizvodi.
Zgrada ima 4 ulaza. Glavni ulaz je najsvečaniji, otvara se kada zaseda Gradska skupština, ali i u drugim prilikama. Tu se održavaju i različite druge manifestacije, kao što je otvaranje kongresa na primer, organizuju se venčanja, dolaze turisti...
Gradska kuća Subotica - pogled sa Nove opštine
City Hall Subotica - Art Nouveau
The original function of the building
The City Hall, in terms of its original function, was meant to be a commercial and administrative centre as the principal building of the city’s public affairs, which it has maintained so far with smaller and bigger alterations. The mayor’s office, the county prefect’s office, the city’s public administration and police, the public utility management division, the land register and municipal prison all used to be accommodated in it. In the ground floor space, various shops used to operate. Soon after its construction, the municipal police, land register and prison moved out of the City Hall. Since 1950, the Historic Archives, since 1980, the Institute for Monument Protection has worked in the building. In 1967, the City Hall became a Cultural Centre, and gradually the administration moved to the new municipal building. Between 1967 and 2008, here worked the City Museum, the Cultural Studio of the Subotica Radio, various art associations and artists’ studios. Since 1990, the public administration has slowly been moving back to the building, which has led to some reconstructions, for example, the building in of the attic.
This building is the city’s landmark and symbol, the much-preferred venue of all important events, including cultural, tourist, educational, political and other programmes. The building is part of the ‘Art Nouveau European Route’.
Description and qualities of the building
The City Hall belongs to the last phase of the decorative Art Nouveau because at the time of its construction, the European architecture wanted to break away from the excessive ornamentation, as a contrast, the practicality required by the period was placed to the fore. Today, it is the symbol and a landmark of the city, and at the same time, it is one of the last manifestations of the Hungarian national style. It is such an urban and architectural work that determined the later formation of the downtown. Owing to its impressive dimensions, four atriums and four entrances, two towers, the playful attic wall, the effect of the two-coloured Zsolnay ceramic tiles, the impressive mansard roofs, the massive ground floor bordered with a stone strip, the sculptures and relieves, it shows an unparalleled spectacle. Rising high as an exclamation mark in the panorama, its 76-metre high tower prevails the cityscape.The architects dreamt a very original and well-organized town hall in the view of its operation as well, which was constructed with modern utilities meeting the ideal internal lighting requirements, too. The passing time has justified the innovative spirit. At the time of its construction, this building was a modern office and commercial establishment, so that is why it is able to satisfy similar needs still nowadays. This all-embracing artistic masterpiece represents a remarkable unity of architecture, applied arts and craftsmanship. The exterior and interior as well as the furbishing of the building are in outstanding harmony, reflecting the characteristic stylistic marks of the two architects in all details. Though the decorations are more lavishly present in the central rooms, the service rooms are also demanding. The customer service area, the representative staircase, the great assembly hall and two meeting rooms beside have splendid interior. The array of ornaments is remarkable and the variety of materials is impressive. The relieves carved into stone, the wrought iron garlands, the eosin and pyrogranite ornaments of the Pécs Zsolnay Factory, parts made from copper, floral patterns highlighted with painted elements, crafted wooden carvings all merge into a unified symphony. All motifs originate from the Hungarian folk culture where the tulip, as the much loved flower of the Hungarians, takes a special place among the other motifs. Additionally, the ornaments of the assembly hall are the works of art of the famous Budapest-born, stained glass maker Miksa Róth, who immortalized the prominent personalities of the Hungarian history in colourful stained glasses of peculiar beauty. Besides the artistic values, technological solutions also deserve attention. No new structural innovations were used, nevertheless, the building is a true engineering achievement. The dimensions, the soil composition, where they built the base, set special requirements for the constructors, and the deadline was also very tight. Although it is a classical brick building, iron structures were also incorporated in some places. The cupola above the assembly room, which captivates all viewers with its beauty, is like a genuine sculptural masterpiece: it is an only 8-cm thick, fireproof and self-supporting vaulted shell structure. The ventilation, air-conditioning and heating system also satisfied the contemporary needs.
Gradska kuća-Subotica, Városháza-Szabadka 1912-2012, Subotica 2012.