11.03.2018 Timofey Vladimirov, 21st century Wunderkinds, City Theater, Novorossiysk
11.03.2018 Timofey Vladimirov, 21st century Wunderkinds, City Theater, Novorossiysk
- F. Chopin Etude №10 from “Etudes”, op.25
- F. Schubert “Wohin?” from vocal cycle “Die schöne Müllerin”, D.795 arranged for piano solo by L. Godowsky
- G. Catoire Tempest Etude, op.35
Four Preludes, op.17
- G. Rossini Figaro's Cavatina from the opera”The Barber of Seville” from Gr. Ginzburg “Piano Transcriptions”
Performer: Timofey Vladimirov
11.03.2018 Тимофей Владимиров, Вундеркинды XXI века, Городской театр, г. Новороссийск
- Ф. Шопен Этюд №10 из «Этюды», соч.25
- Ф. Шуберт «Куда?» из вокального цикла «Прекрасная мельничиха» , D.795 в обработке для фортепиано Л. Годовского
- Г. Катуар Буря (Этюд), соч.35
Четыре прелюдии, соч.17
- Дж. Россини Каватина Фигаро из оперы «Севильский цирюльник» из Г. Гинзбург «Фортепианные транскрипции»
Исполняет: Тимофей Владимиров
ATS Flash Mob World Wide 2019 (Novorossiysk, Russia)
music: Dil Gaya (Radio Version) by Omnia
One song. One dance. One world united.
event's official page:
Локация: Новороссийск, Россия
Одна песня. Один танец. Один единый мир!
официальная страница флешмоба на facebook:
Personal Instagram: krutova.i
Group Instagram: iristribe_nvrsk
E-mail: iristribe@mail.ru
Pinterest: ikrutova
03.04.18 Vladimirov: Nominants' Concert of V-th Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg
03.04.2018 T. Vladimirov: Gala-concert of nominants of V-th Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg, Grand Concert Hall of Ural State Conservatory n.a. M.P. Mussorgsky, Yekaterinburg
- D. Shostakovich The Concerto №1 in c minor for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, op.35
Performs the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Ural Philharmonic, conductor - maestro Enhe
Soloist: Timofey Vladimirov
03.04.2018 Гала-концерт победителей V-го Международного конкурса пианистов Русский сезон в Екатеринбурге, III-я возрастная категория, Большой концертный зал Уральской государственной консерватории им М.П. Мусоргского, Екатеринбург
- Д. Шостакович Концерт № 1 для фортепиано и трубы со струнным оркестром до минор, соч.35
Исполняет Молодежный симфонический оркестр Уральской филармонии, дирижер - маэстро Энхе
Солист: Тимофей Владимиров
Аlexandra Dovgan (7) - An Exceptional Pianist (2015)
Russian Alexandra Dovgan (Александра Довгань) performs Bach Two Part Invention in B minor, C. Cherni Sketch No. 5 op. 299, and S. Prokofiev A month walks over the meadows, Tarantella.
SOURCE video:
Новороссийский городской духовой оркестр, 10 лет
Юбилейный концерт Новороссийского муниципального духового оркестра посвященный десятилетию коллектива.
Руководитель: Седов Сергей Стефанович;
Ведущая концерта: Белоусова Татьяна Александровна.
Новороссийский городской театр, 16.12.2017 г.
1. Давид Тухманов - Фанфары - марш;
2. Дмитрий Бортнянский - Херувимская песнь;
3. Попурри на темы русских вальсов в аранжировке Воронкова;
4. Владимир Дашкевич - Увертюра к к/ф Приключения Шерлока Холмса и Доктора Ватсона;
5. Иоганн Штраус - Полька Пиццикато;
6. Астор Пьятццолло - Libertango
7. Попурри на русские народные песни в аранжировке Пучкова;
8. Мелодия для дудука - Вернись;
9. Полька для трёх тромбонов;
10. Эдди Кэлверт - Ностальгия;
11. Николай Римский-Корсаков - Попурри на тему Полёт шмеля;
12 . Поль Мориа - Попурри;
13. Попурри на темы песен квартета ABBA;
14. Ирвинг Берлин - Alexander's Ragtime Band;
15. Владимир Шаинский - Голубой вагон;
Основная запись:
10.03.2018 Timofey Vladimirov, 21st century Wunderkiinds, Town Theater, Anapa, Krasnodar Region
10.03.2018 Timofey Vladimirov, 21st century Wunderkinds, Town Theater, Anapa, Krasnodar Region
- F. Chopin Etude №10 from “Etudes”, op.25
- F. Schubert “Wohin?” from vocal cycle “Die schöne Müllerin”, D.795 arranged for piano solo by L. Godowsky
- G. Catoire Tempest Etude, op.35
Four Preludes, op.17
- S. Rachmaninoff Etude-tableaux №1 from “Etudes-tableaux”, op.39
- G. Rossini Figaro's Cavatina from the opera ”The Barber of Seville” from Gr. Ginzburg “Piano Transcriptions”
Performer: Timofey Vladimirov
10.03.2018 Тимофей Владимиров, Вундеркинды XXI века, Городской театр, г. Анапа, Краснодарский край
- Ф. Шопен Этюд №10 из «Этюды», соч.25
- Ф. Шуберт «Куда?» из вокального цикла «Прекрасная мельничиха» , D.795 в обработке для фортепиано Л. Годовского
- Г. Катуар Буря (Этюд), соч.35
Четыре прелюдии, соч.17
- С. Рахманинов Этюд-картина №1 из «Этюд-картины», соч.39
- Дж. Россини Каватина Фигаро из оперы «Севильский цирюльник» из Г. Гинзбург «Фортепианные транскрипции» Исполняет: Тимофей Владимиров
09.04.2018 Timofey Vladimirov: International Project Children - To Children. Sakhalin, I-st part
09.04.2018 Timofey Vladimirov: International Project Children - To Children. Sakhalin, Concert Hall of Sakhalin International Theater Center after A.P. Chekhov, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk
- G. Catoire Pieces №№1-3 Preludes and Capriccioso from cycle 5 Pieces, op.10
- G. Catoire Piece №1 En rêvant from cycle Chants du crépuscule, op.24
- M. Mussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition
Performer: Timofey Vladimirov
09.04.2018 Тимофей Владимиров: Международный Проект Дети - Детям. Сахалин, Концертный зал Сахалинского международного театрального центра имени А. П. Чехова, Южно-Сахалинск
- Г. Катуар Пьесы №№1-3 Прелюдии и Каприччиозо из цикла Пять пьес для фортепиано, соч.10
- Г. Катуар Пьеса №1 В сновидении из цикла В сумерках, соч.24
- М. Мусоргский `Картинки с выставки`, цикл пьес для фортепиано
Исполняет: Тимофей Владимиров
ATSFMWW2019, Tromsø. Norway.
3T (Treasure Tribe, Tromsø) dancing for the ATS Flash Mob World Wide 2019 in the Music Pavilion in Tromsø, Norway.
Music: Dil Gaya (Radio Version) by Omnia.
Camera: Eivor Meisler.
Ufa Bashkortostan solo trip Russia #1
Hello PeOple i'm traveling all around the Russia. Ufa is my first stop! If you wonder my next videos subscribe the channel and stay tuned :)
Enjoy ))
28.03.2018 T. Vladimirov: I-st Round of V-th Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg
28.03.2018 I-st Round of V-th International Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg, III-rd age category, Grand Concert Hall, Sverdlovsk Music College n.a. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Yekaterinburg
- G. Catoire Tempest Etude, op.35
- G. Catoire Four Preludes, op.17
- S. Rachmaninoff Etude-tableaux №3 in f-sharp minor from Etudes-tableaux, op.39
Participant: Timofey Vladimirov
28.03.2018 I-ый тур V-го Международного конкурса пианистов Русский сезон в Екатеринбурге, III-я возрастная категория, Большой концертный зал Свердловского музыкального училища им. П.И.Чайковского, Екатеринбург
- Г. Катуар Этюд соль диез минор Буря, соч.35 (из посмертных сочинений)
- Г. Катуар Четыре Прелюдии для фортепиано, соч.17
- С. Рахманинов Этюд-картина №3 до минор из Этюд-картины, соч.39
Участник: Тимофей Владимиров
28.03.2018 T. Vladimirov: I-st Round of V-th Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg
28.03.2018 I-st Round of V-th International Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg, III-rd age category, Grand Concert Hall, Sverdlovsk Music College n.a. P.I. Tchaikovsky, Yekaterinburg
- G. Catoire Tempest Etude, op.35
- G. Catoire Four Preludes, op.17
- S. Rachmaninoff Etude-tableaux №3 in f-sharp minor from Etudes-tableaux, op.39
Participant: Timofey Vladimirov
28.03.2018 I-ый тур V-го Международного конкурса пианистов Русский сезон в Екатеринбурге, III-я возрастная категория, Большой концертный зал Свердловского музыкального училища им. П.И.Чайковского, Екатеринбург
- Г. Катуар Этюд соль диез минор Буря, соч.35 (из посмертных сочинений)
- Г. Катуар Четыре Прелюдии для фортепиано, соч.17
- С. Рахманинов Этюд-картина №3 до минор из Этюд-картины, соч.39
Участник: Тимофей Владимиров
Krasnodar is the southern capital of Russia/Краснодар южная столица России
The city of Krasnodar is administrative center of Krasnodar Krai, a major economic and cultural center of the North Caucasus and southern Federal districts, the center of the historical and geographic area Kuban. Krasnodar is often informally referred to as the capital of Kuban and the Southern capital of Russia. The name of the city of Ekaterinodar received as a gift of the Kuban land from Empress Catherine II to the Black Sea Cossack army, who served here. The City was founded in 1793 as a military settlement of the Black Sea Cossacks, and later the fortress. “Ekaterinodar” means “gift of Catherine” in English.
According to the latest archeological studies (West Caucasian archeological expedition) the Meotian settlement surrounded by the wall of IV-III century B.C. was discovered near the current Park municipal garden in the central part of Krasnodar.
The bank of the Kuban river in the vicinity of Krasnodar ( the territory of the village of Elizavetinskaya) was the location of the ancient city of the Bosporan Kingdom with the fortified walls. Gradually the city's role is no longer confined exclusively to the military settlement. In 1860 the settlement obtained the title of administrative centre of the newly formed Kuban Region, and the city status was conferred to Ekaterinodar in 1867. In the 70-80-ies of the XIX century, with the opening of the railway in the North Caucasus (Tikhoretsk — Ekaterinodar — Novorossiysk), the city became a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center of the North Caucasus region.
During World War 2, August 9, 1942, Krasnodar was occupied by German fascist invaders, who destroyed thousands of residents of Krasnodar in the movable gas chambers. 870 homes in the city were destroyed and burned. 4 higher educational institutions, equipment of laboratories and libraries, theaters of drama and musical Comedy, the Palace of pioneers, almost all the schools, clubs, cinemas were burned. The most valuable tree species in city parks was cut down and damaged. February 12, 1943 the city was liberated by the Red Army.
In south-eastern part of the Krasnodar located reservoir, built in 1973 for the implementation of production and reclamation activities.
Krasnodar is one of the largest economic centers in the world, included in the list of City-600 and The Best Russian city for business by the magazine Forbes. The main areas are engineering and Metalworking, production of building materials, garments and knitwear, furniture, tobacco products, food and agricultural products. Krasnodar Krai is the main granary of Russia. The construction industry of Krasnodar is growing rapidly. Krasnodar is a major transport hub in southern Russia, a major educational and exhibition centre. The largest exhibition center in the South of Russia Krasnodar Expo is constantly conducting various forums. Krasnodar Krai is one of the leaders of of the national ranking of the tourist attraction.
ATS® Flash Mob World Wide 2019 @ Sevastopol Crimea, Simferopol, Novorossiysk, Volgograd
ATS® Flash Mob World Wide 2019 @ Sevastopol Crimea, Simferopol, Novorossiysk, Volgograd
Станцевали вместе в рамках трайбл-фестиваля в Севастополе #tribalspectrum
Fellows from Novorossiysk / Ребята из Новороссийска
Short documentary film about a young couple who adopted a child with disability. (with English subtitles)
Диплом I степени II Санкт-Петербургского кинофорума «Молодое кино».
«Лучший социальный документальный фильм» на фестивале «Zilant 2018» в Казани.
Финалист международного фестиваля «Moscow Shorts 2018».
American woman and Kids In Russia!! (Theater Day)
Russian Theater. Today we are taking the kids to see Cinderella. We are excited! Hope you guys enjoy our expirence!!
02.04.2018 T. Vladimirov: III-rd Round of V-th Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg
02.04.2018 III-rd Round (with orchestra) of V-th International Piano Competition Russian Season in Yekaterinburg, III-rd age category, Grand Concert Hall of Ural State Conservatory n.a. M.P. Mussorgsky, Yekaterinburg
- D. Shostakovich The Concerto №1 in c minor for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, op.35
Performs the Youth Symphony Orchestra of the Ural Philharmonic, conductor - maestro Enhe
Participant: Timofey Vladimirov
02.04.2018 III-й тур (с оркестром) V-го Международного конкурса пианистов Русский сезон в Екатеринбурге, III-я возрастная категория, Большой концертный зал Уральской государственной консерватории им М.П. Мусоргского, Екатеринбург
- Д. Шостакович Концерт № 1 для фортепиано и трубы со струнным оркестром до минор, соч.35
Исполняет Молодежный симфонический оркестр Уральской филармонии, дирижер - маэстро Энхе
Участник: Тимофей Владимиров
106th Guards Airborne Division (The city of Tula) Russian
July 26, 1930 during the gathering of the Moscow Military District Air Force at the Voronezh airport was made Minowa demonstration parachute jump, followed by their first jumps performed several pilots. After hearing a report on the charges, the commander of Air Force Peter Rams offered to show a group of armed paratroopers dropping for sabotage in the enemy . August 2nd landing was thrown out in the two groups of 6 people and one led Minow, the other - his assistant Jacob Moszkowski. [4]August 2, 1930 on the teachings of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh was first thrown by parachute commando units in the amount of 12 people to carry out tactical mission. This experiment allowed the military theorists see the future benefits of airborne units, their huge opportunities associated with the rapid coverage of the enemy in the air. [5]August 2, 1930 was the birthday of the airborne troops. The first airborne unit formed in 1931 in the Leningrad Military District, aviamotodesantny detachment consisted of 164 people. Detachment commander was appointed ED Lukin.NKO Order number 0202 On the constitution of the Office of the airborne troops of the Red Army, June 12, 1941.In order to improve the management of combat training and service airborne forces to form the Office of the airborne troops of the Red Army, according to the approved state my number 1/104.The People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Marshal TimoshenkoChief of the General Staff of the Red Army, Army General Zhukov.- State Military Archive. F. 4. Op. 11. D. 65. L. 2. The original. Publ. Web.: Russian archive ... V. 13 (2-1). S. 279 (document number 117).Navy until 1946 were part of the Red Army Air Force of the Armed Forces of the USSR.Since 1946 - as part of the Army (NE) Supreme Soviet, but reports directly to the Minister of Defence.In 1991, the Navy CIS Armed Forces in Russia became an independent branch of service.Main article: Margelov, Vasily FilipovichThe decisive role in the development of the theory of operational use and the development of weapons of airborne troops belongs to the Soviet military commander Vasily Margelov Philippovich, Commander of the Navy from 1954 to 1979. The name is associated positioning Margelov Airborne compounds as highly mobile, hidden armor and with sufficient firepower efficiency units to participate in today's strategic operations in various theaters of war. [6] On his initiative was launched modernization of the Navy: the businesses of defense production was maximized series production of means of landing, created modification of small arms for the paratroopers, modernized and developed new weaponry (including the first tracked combat vehicle BMD-1) were taken into service in the army and received new military transport aircraft, and finally established its own symbolism Airborne - vest and blue berets. His personal contribution to the formation of the Navy in their present form formulated Fedoseevich General Pavel Pavlenko: [7]In the history of the Airborne Troops, and the Armed Forces of Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, his name will remain forever. He personified a whole era in the development and establishment of Navy, his name is associated with their credibility and popularity not only in our country but also abroad ...B. ... VF Margelov realized that in modern operations successfully operate deep behind enemy can only highly mobile, capable of wide maneuver landings. He categorically rejected the setting to hold the captured landing area to approach from the front of the advancing troops by tough defense as harmful, because in this case the landing will be quickly destroyed.
06.06.18 T. Vladimirov in Vladimir Spivakov invites... concert, Perm' Philarmonic
06.06.2018 Timofey Vladimirov in concert at IX-th All-Russian Festival Vladimir Spivakov invites..., Grand Hall of Perm' Philarmonic, Perm (II-nd part)
- D. Shostakovich The Concerto №1 in c minor for Piano, Trumpet, and String Orchestra, op.35
Orchestra: National Philharmonic Orchestra of Russia conducted by Vladimir Spivakov
Conductor - Maestro Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov
Soloist: Timofey Vladimirov (piano)
Soloist: Alexander Bakharev (trumpet)
06.06.2018 Тимофей Владимиров в концерте в рамках IX-го Всероссийского фестиваля «Владимир Спиваков приглашает…», Большой зал Пермской филармонии, Пермь (II-е отделение)
- Д. Шостакович Концерт № 1 для фортепиано и трубы со струнным оркестром до минор, соч.35
Оркестр: Национальный филармонический оркестр России (НФОР) под управлением Владимира Спивакова
Дирижёр: Маэстро Владимир Спиваков
Солист - Тимофей Владимиров (фортепиано)
Солист - Александр Бахарев (труба)
25.02.2018 Mira Marchenko's master-classes. Shwetha Ramachandran. Schmitt Music, Kansas City, USA.
25.02.2018 Mira Marchenko's master-classes. Schmitt Music, Kansas City, USA.
- F. Schubert Impromptu №3 in G♭ major from 4 Impromptus, op.90 D.899
Interpreting and assistance: Tatiana Ioudenitch - The Young Artists Music Academy, Director
Apprentice: Shwetha Ramachandran
Night Zone Novorossiysk, 9.02.19
4-ая игра 17 сезона в Новороссйске