War Memorial Park | Bounded by Nicoll Highway, Stamford Road, Beach Road, And Bras Basah Road, Singapore 189562, Singapore
Civilian War Memorial Singapore - Part One
75th Anniversary of the Fall of Singapore - Outtakes
A long version of the Kranji memorial service video.
It's more raw, showing a fuller picture of the ceremony.
Crucially it shows the Japanese delegation paying respects to the dead. Their wreath of a hundred rainbow cranes is beautiful.
Lest we forget.
Civilian War Memorial, Singapore - Part Three
Civilian War Memorial, Singapore - Part Two
The man who dug up the remains of WWII victims in Singapore
In 1962, Goh Thiam Hoon uncovered a mass grave filled with the bones of the victims of Operation Sook Ching during World War II. He went on to help exhume at least 10 WWII mass graves across Singapore, to give the dead a proper resting place. Here's his story.
Singapore holds memorial for WWII victims
Singapore on Monday held a war memorial service in commemoration of the civilian victims of the Japanese occupation.
Singapore fell into the Japanese army on Feb. 15, 1942.
According to incomplete statistics, at least 50,000 Singaporeans were killed during the three-and-half-year Japanese occupation.
Civilian War Memorial of Singapore
伺ったのは『Civilian War Memorial』。中国語では『日本占領時期死難人民記念碑』、日本語では『血債の塔』と呼ばれています。
この塔、当時は華僑粛清事件(Sook Ching)の慰霊碑をつくるために建築が開始されましたが、最終的には統治時代に犠牲になった全シンガポールの慰霊碑として建築されました。
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会社を辞め、ギターを持って旅に出たGhibli Ojisan(ジブリおじさん)です。11ヶ月で27カ国訪れ、世界各地でジブリのインストや叩き系ギターを弾いてきました。
Civilian War Memorial, Singapore - Part Five
Civilian War Memorial (Beach Rd, Singapore 189768)
The resource to build these 4 pillars was the World War II.
The four pillars represent the four main ethnic groups in Singapore who were victims of the tragedy.
This tower was firstly unveiled by the Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew on 15th of February, 1967.
A monument was gazette in 2013 for this place.
Every year, the government holds a memorial service on 15th February as a remembrance for those who were victims.
There are ashes of dead civilians buried under the four pillars as more respect for them.
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Civilian War Memorial Singapore Part 4
24hrs: Mobile column at the Civilian War Memorial @ 7pm
SCCCI Civilian War Memorial
civilian War memorial and esplanade park Singapore
Kranji War Memorial. Singapore. September 2013. (part 3)
Kranji War Memorial. Singapore. September 2013. (part 3)
Civilian War Memorial 15 Sep 2013
The Civilian War Memorial in Singapore was unveiled in 1967 by the then Prime Minister of Singapore to honour the civilians who had died during the Japanese occupation in 1942. It was subsequently gazetted as a national monument with a statement released by the National Heritage Board on 15 August 2013 which coincides with the official date of the end of the Second World War in the Asia-Pacific.
Walk from Esplanade to the Civilian War Memorial
Singapore monuments and underpass
Civilian War Memorial (সিভিল ওয়ার ম্যামোরিয়াল)
যুদ্ধ নয় শান্তি- মানব সভ্যতা রক্ষার শ্লোগান নিয়ে সিংগাপুরের মেরিনা বে- এর কাছে দাঁড়িয়ে আছে ৬৭ মিটার লম্বা দুইজোড়া চপস্টিক। এই ওয়ার ম্যামোরিয়াল পার্ক দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় জাপানি সেনাদের হাতে নিহত প্রায় পাঁচ হাজার বেসামরিক নাগরিকের স্মৃতি বহন করে।
দ্বিতীয় বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময় ১৯৪২ সালের প্রথম ভাগে এই হত্যাকাণ্ড সংঘটিত হয়। পরবর্তীতে ১৫ ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৯৬৭ সালে সেই হত্যাযজ্ঞের ২৫ বছর পূর্তিতে সিংগাপুরের প্রথম প্রধানমন্ত্রী লি কুয়ান ইউ এই স্মৃতিসৌধ উম্মোচন করেন।
১.৪ হেক্টর জায়গায় ছোট্ট পরিসরে চারটি স্তম্ভ দিয়ে সিংগাপুরের চারটি মূল জাতিগোষ্ঠীকে বুঝানো হয়েছে। আসলে এই স্তম্ভের মাঝের অংশে মাটির নিচে নিহতদের দেহবশেষ আছে।
একবার ঘুরে আসুন। অন্তত যুদ্ধের ভয়াবহতা উপলব্ধি করতে পারবেন।
44th War Memorial Service
The annual memorial service is held in remembrance of the victims who perished during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore. Held at the Civilian War Memorial, the 61 metres high structure is dedicated to the civilians of all races who were victims of the Japanese Occupation of Singapore (1942-1945).
68 Years Of World War II - Sandakan Day Memorial
Each year August 15, families of the fallen heroes travel to Sandakan to take part and observe the memorial service to remember their love ones. More than 2000 Australian and British prisoners of war died in the infamous Sandakan-Ranau Death marches during the Second World War.
The Sandakan Day Memorial is held every year on August 15 to remember all those who gave their lives in Sandakan and particularly the Death Marches from Sandakan to Ranau.
After the fall of Singapore and Borneo to the Japanese, a Prisoner of War Camp was established just outside of Sandakan to house approximately 750 British and more than 1650 Australian prisoners who were sent to the camp during the period 1942-43. In 1945, when the Japanese started to realise that the war may have been lost, and the Allies were closing in, the emaciated prisoners were force marched, in three separate groups, to the village of Ranau in the jungle, 260 km away, under the shadows of Mount Kinabalu.
On 28 January, 1945, 470 prisoners set off, with only 313 arriving in Ranau. On the second march, 570 started from Sandakan, but only 118 reached Ranau.
The third march which comprised the last of the prisoners from the Sandakan camp totalizing 537 prisoners. Prisoners who were unable to walk were shot. The march route was through virgin jungle infested with crocodiles, snakes and wild pigs, and some of the prisoners had no boots. Rations were less than minimal. The march took nearly a year to complete.
Once the surviving prisoners arrived in Ranau, they were put to work carrying 20 kg sacks of flour over very hilly terrain to Paginatan, over 40 km away. By the end of July, 1945, there were no prisoners left in Ranau.
Only six Australians of the 2400 prisoners survived the death march
they survived because they were able to escape from the camp at Ranau, or escaped during the march from Sandakan. No British prisoners survived.
This part of the war is considered by many to be the worst atrocity ever suffered by Australian soldiers, and compares to the atrocities of the Burma Railway, where fewer Australian POW's lost their lives.
Those that survived the ordeal of the march, did so only because they escaped into the jungle where they were cared for by local natives.
An Australian Memorial honoring the survivors, POW's, local civilians who helped by clandestinely feeding the prisoners, and soldiers who perished at Sandakan and during the death marches into the jungle, has been erected at what was the Prisoner of War Camp in Taman Rimba close to the city of Sandakan.
The Sandakan Prisoner of War Camp has now been transformed into a very beautiful park with a pavilion on site which houses the history of this very tragic period.
My Other videoes :
66th Anniversary of WWII
65th anniversary of WWII
Video By Raymond Jim,
Music used in this video courtesy of PacDV