euronews reporter - Gold Rush In Romania
This mountain contains Europe's biggest gold deposits. With the economic crisis, the price of gold is rocketing and there are plans to open new gold mines in Spain, Portugal, Slovakia, Greece, Northern Ireland and Romania.
The Rosia Montana - Red Mountain - project is among the most controversial, due to the sheer size of the proposed site, the impact on environment, and the archaeological artefacts from Ancient Rome which are found all over this 2000 year-old site.
Team-leader Calin Pal checks the preservation works being carried out in the protected section of the site, criss-crossed by galleries dug by the Romans. He says: There are at least three generations of miners before me: My great grandfather, my grandfather, and my father. My hope is that the next ten generations will go on mining here too.
Most locals feel the same way. They want the Canadian investors to start blasting as soon as possible. But opponents fear that the Roman galleries will be destroyed. To ease tensions, the Gold Corporation is investing millions of euros to transform at least part of the Roman galleries into an underground museum.
Robert Horvath, an Archaeologist on the site said: The biggest information is the shape of the gallery: So, when it is geometrical, we know it is Roman. And we find ladders, ancient Roman type. And we find lamp niches and we know that medieval miners did not use the same shape.
Calin's men remove the backfill from centuries ago, so that the historic galleries can be mapped. Since 1998, mining in Romania has seen radical changes: 550 mines closed, 80,000 people laid off. The mines from Communist times did not conform with modern regulations, or with EU competition rules.
When the Canadian investors arrived, the miners here had high hopes, but opponents fear that few profits will stay in Romania.
But Catalin Hosu, Communications Manager for Rosia Montana Gold Corporation said: We do have the biggest gold deposit in the European Union: over 300 tons of gold. We do have here a proposed investment of over two billion dollars. We are talking about benefits for Romania: over 4 billion dollars, that means over 50% of the total estimated revenues. And we are talking about creating thousands of jobs.
To allay fears about pollution from the cyanide, the company has designed a dam. It will be strong enough to withstand an earthquake of 8 degrees on the Richter scale.
Sorin Jurca, Rosia Montana Cultural Foundation, said: All this area will be destroyed: The Corna valley over there, where 40 families still live, with two churches and with graveyards. The company wants to build a big dam and a lake covering 600 hectares. If they'll build the dam, all of this will disappear from the surface of this planet.
Most of the inhabitants have already agreed to be resettled 70kms away, near Alba Iulia. On the outskirts of the town, the company has spent almost 30 million euros building 125 new houses and a church. Back in the mining region, ex-miners are hoping for new jobs, and a new economic future.
But the Roma families fear they are being sidelined when it comes to hiring - out of the 480 people taken on so far, only 30 are Roma.
Dorinel Pantir, a former Roma miner from Daroaia, said: Gold Corporation should talk to us directly, not through the local mayor's people. We should set up a committee to sign a protocol with Gold Corporation so that at least one member of each Roma family will be hired.
The decline of mining here has led to unemployment rates of around 80% and young people are leaving. But life has always been hard here. In the 50s, during the Communist era gold prospectors had problems too.
Ioan Catalina, a gold prospector, explained: The Secret Service police shouted: To the wall, face the wall! And he started waving his pistol around, threatening us. I could shoot you on the spot! But you have one last chance! So my grandfather and his friend destroyed their gold milling equipment.
The red water from the old galleries is so polluted nothing can survive in it. The Gold Corporation has built a water treatment station, a high-tech lab, using nano-filter technology. The says it will clean up not only its own waste water, but also the mess from past centuries.
Catalin Hosu, Communications Manager, Rosia Montana Gold Corporation said: What you see here is historic pollution. Maybe for hundreds of years. It is very acidic water. But it can be cleaned up. We have a pilot station, proving this. And this is the result: clean and drinkable water.
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Prehistoric Dacia (Romania) p 2
Cucuteni Culture
UK returns 145 stolen Dacian gold coins minted two millennia ago
Romanian authorities have put on display 145 Dacian gold coins minted two millennia ago and returned by Britain after they were stolen from a archaeological site in Transylvania.
Authorities worked for three years to have the coins returned.
The director of the country's National History Museum Ernest Tarnoveanu-Oberman said on Friday that the coins were returned because they are being used in a criminal trial.
It is an important moment for us because it's the first time such a large quantity of our heritage that has been illegally exported out of Romania has returned home, he said.
Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean said the coins are more than just collectors items.
Maybe for people in other countries, the kosons (Dacian coins) have a numismatic value and maybe an economic value, he said.
For us, they are a testament of our identity, proof of us belonging to a two thousand year old civilisation, he added.
In the past decade, organised crime networks have plundered Dacian artifacts from an archaeological site in Transylvania and smuggled them abroad.
Dacians were the forefathers of modern-day Romanians and lived in a region in the heart of Transylvania.
Romania's Culture Minister Daniel Barbu said authorities need to cooperate to prevent further thefts.
The Ministry of Interior, the prosecutors, the police and the Ministry for Culture must work together for the conservation of our heritage - part of which is still beneath the ground - but also to prevent this heritage being looted by adventures and treasure hunters, he said.
Authorities have also recovered artifacts from the US, France, Switzerland, and Germany.
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Expo at Rome - Dacian antique gold - Romanian Old European Heritage from DACIA
Expo at Rome - Dacian antique gold - Romanian Old European Heritage from DACIA
Geto-Dacians artifacts
Geto-Dacians artifacts, as seen in European museums
Rewriting History. This is Dacian
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REGII DACILOR - Partea a doua
Regii geto-dacilor au rămas în istoria lumii prin faptele lor.
Dromihete, cel care l-a învins de două ori pe regele Traciei, Lisimah – fost general în aramata lui Alexandru Macedon – a rămas în istorie mai ales datorită unei lecții pline de înțelepciune dată dușmanilor; Burebista a fost considerat cel mai mare rege trac, conducând un regat de câteva ori mai mare decât România de astăzi; Decebal s-a făcut remarcat în cele mai terbile războaia purtate în acea vreme împotriva Imperiului Roman, imaginea acelor fapte rămânând înscrisă în piatra Columnei lui Traian...
Deși știm unele lucruri despre aceștia, cu siguranță nu știm destul iar munca unor istorici este providențială pentru lămurirea și conservarea informațiilor care ne definesc istoria antică.
Pe această linie se înscrie și cartea REGII DACILOR, scrisă de istoricul Dan Oltean. În cele 1.000 de pagini descoperim multe lucruri pe care nu le vom găsi în cărțile de istorie. Și tocmai de aceea, ele trebuie popularizate.
În consecință, l-am invitat pe Dan Oltean să realizăm două emisiuni despre Regii Geto-Dacilor, pentru ca informațiile inedite pe care le-a descoperit în cele 450 de lucrări pe care le-a consultat în timpul documentării la această carte, ca și ceea ce a descoperit în muzee sau cercetând la pas cetățile geto-dacice, să ajungă la cât mai mulți.
Vizionare cu folos!
Daniel Roxin
P.S. Singura carte disponibilă acum scrisă de Dan Oltean, RELIGIA DACILOR, o puiteți cumpăra de aici:
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Artifacts and ancient vestiges that speak about Dacians' culture. They are presented in chronological order
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The rock formation is an archaeological site, noted for its numerous prehistoric parietal works of rock art, first reported in 1910, that date to the early Neolithic era at the end of the last glacial period during which the Sahara was a habitable savanna rather than the current desert. Although sources vary considerably, the earliest pieces of art are assumed to be 12,000 years old. The vast majority date to the 9th and 10th millennia BP or younger, according to OSL dating of associated sediments. Among the 15,000 engravings so far identified depicted are large wild animals including antelopes and crocodiles, cattle herds and humans that engage in activities such as hunting and dancing. According to UNESCO, The exceptional density of paintings and engravings...have made Tassili world famous.
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Ich bin DUBIST - Amintiri din dubă (2012) - Documentar de Vlad Ioachimescu
Ich bin DUBIST (Amintiri din dubă) (2012) • Durata: 1h 50′ • Regia: Vlad Ioachimescu
Dedicăm acest documentar cetățenilor din stradă. Un film-tutorial ce ne poate ajuta să evoluăm împreună, cu zâmbetul pe buze.
În contextul mișcărilor stradale din România de dupa 2011, argoul protestatarilor s-a îmbogățit cu un nou verb: „a înduba” (a băga pe cineva in dubă). Indiferent de vârstă, sex sau statut social, mulți dintre activiști, mai noi sau mai experimentați, au făcut cunoștință cu duba Jandarmeriei. Duba nu discriminează, duba ia pe oricine, iar Jandarmeria și-a dovedit sârguincioasă calitatea de forță de opresiune. Însă, odată trecut pragul dubei, ceea ce poate părea o experiență traumatizantă, devine adesea o banalitate sau chiar un motiv de a face haz. Interviurile luate unora dintre cei mai „îndubați” protestatari sunt ilustrate cu imagini document, adunate în timpul protestelor, de multe ori chiar de la protagoniști. În lupta cu abuzurile Jandarmeriei, cele mai eficiente arme s-au dovedit a fi banala cameră digitală și telefonul mobil. Din jocul de-a șoarecele și pisica dintre protestatari și jandarmi s-au născut situații hilare, documentarea acestora oferind sarea și piperul filmului.
Traducerea si adaptarea in limba engleza:
Alexandru Cozar și Ileana Cozar
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