Куда пойти Минск. Афиша Минск. Цени то, что имеешь.
#афишаминск #кудапойти #развлечения
Вот лишь некоторые мероприятия из этого видео, куда можно сходить в Минске и в РБ:
Стендовая стрельба Sporting Club -
Аквапарк Лебяжий -
Загородный клуб Фестивальный (Экстемальная грязева трасса) -
Покерный клуб -
Клаустрофобия квесты -
Парк-отель Лесная Гавань -
Якутские горы (зимний и летний отдых) -
ШКОЛА фехтования Эгалите -
Бюро квестов ПИНКЕРТОН -
Антуражные квесты QuestPlay -
Авиаклуб NAVZLET -
Аэротруба -
Первый спортивный квест в Минске Вершина Форт Боярд -
Яхт клуб на Минском море -
Катание на хаски - Пикник-отель «Экспедиция» -
Квест «ЗВОНОК» -
айская Spa-деревня BAUNTY -
Аренда авто Форд Мустанг -
Джип-тур по бездорожью -
Полиграф (Детектор лжи) -
А также, еще много других крутых развлечений Минска вы можете найти из другого моего видео, за 2017 год -
Я не особо фанат нашей страны, но считаю, что нужно наслаждаться тем, что имеем, можно достигать успеха и у нас, и каждый из нас должен стремиться хотя бы немного вносить свой вклад в улучшение пространства, в котором находится. Ведь то, как мы живем - это общий результат нас в частности????.
Выражаю огромную благодарность подарочному сервису @emotions_by и порталу о квестах @extrareality.by. Ведь благодаря им (а точнее их директорам????) все началось. Поэтому откройтесь миру и заводите новые знакомства. Тогда и новые возможности будут ждать нас. (Напрмер,когда мы идём на тренировку или просто завязав разговор с незнакомым человеком в лифте. Да Паша и Ира?????) Важно лишь то, как мы действуем, когда получаем возможность.
Всё,что вы видите в этом видео сделано в Беларуси :) Даже эта бомбическая песня (надеюсь, @lyapis98 не будет против????)
Łatanu - Pandemija Śmierci (live)
12/05/2018, Minsk
ŁATANU (Belarus)
Annisokay Russia Tour 2019 Episode 3
The Fully Automatic Tour meets Russia, Belarus and Ukraine this time and of course we want to share this big adventure with all of you again! This is part 3!
Filmed and Edited by Peter Leukhardt
Additional Live Footage: Alex Lynch
Видеоролик - репортаж 360 градусов – «KWS»
Тематический репортажный видеоролик для одной из крупнейших в Европе компаний - «KWS».
Поставленная задача:
- используя технологию съёмки «360 градусов» (и другие средства) произвести многокамерную съёмку официального мероприятия – Презентации технологии «Конвизо Смарт» непосредственно на экспериментальных посевных площадях
- передать технологичность, мобильность, серьёзность подхода компании «KWS»
- выстроить логичный короткий видеоролик на основе выступлений ключевых фигу мероприятия;
- передать атмосферу заинтересованности специалистов и председателей хозяйств Беларуси в научных разработках «KWS»;
- обозначить результаты эксперимента.
Место проведения мероприятия и съёмки – Клецкий район, Беларусь.
Студия «Зинар» благодарит коллектив «KWS» за интересную задачу и максимальное содействие в съёмочном процессе.
Режиссёр, автор сценария – Антон Деревягин.
Оператор – Павел.
Монтаж, цветокоррекция – Павел.
Графика – Антон Деревягин, Татьяна.
Минск. Беларусь. Производство видеостудии ЗИНАР.
Ram-Zet (live at Metal Crowd Fest 2012, Rechitsa, 26.08.12)
отчет о фестивале -
2019 with Belarusian House in Warsaw
Шаноўныя сябры, валанцёры, госці, партнёры, аўтары, эксперты і супрацоўнікі Беларускага Дому, дзякуй усім Вам за насычаны і атмасферны супольны год разам! Дзякуючы нашай супольнай працы, матывацыі, заангажаванню і ўзаемадапамозе 2019 год быў яркім, пазітыўным і актыўным. Дзякуй Вам усім за гэта!
У Новы год з Беларускім Домам! Да сустрэчы ў 2020!
Szanowni przyjaciele, wolontariusze, goście, partnerzy, twórcy, eksperci i współpracownicy Białoruskiego Domu, dziękujemy wszystkim za wspólny rok pełen wydarzeń i niesamowicie pozytywnej atmosfery! Dzięki naszej wspólnej pracy, motywacji oraz wspólnemu zaangażowaniu i pomocy 2019 rok był pozytywnym i aktywnym. Dziękujemy Wam za to! W nowy rok z Białoruskim Domem! Do zobaczenia w 2020!
Super Girl & Romantic Boys /SGRB/ Live @ OFF FESTIVAL 2013 Katowice (Valley of Three Ponds, Poland)
Blast from the past. Three songs from the legendary reunion gig at Katowice OFF Festival 2013: Koma, Na pętli znów and Spokój.
Super Girl & Romantic Boys (commonly known as SGRB) date back to 1998. The Warsaw-based group started when techno music was pretty much ruling the world of sounds and hip-hop was still far from full-fledged in Poland. Nobody knew back then that in the years to come, very soon in fact, both music and style characteristic for the 1980s would take over runways, and stars born in the times of the People's Republic of Poland would reactivate in throngs, popping up everywhere. They were rooted in punk circles and inspired by the first retro-disco parties organized in squats in Łódź. And so, they transplanted this tradition to Warsaw squats, where they would make good use of their Unitra turntables, playing records by Kombi, Urszula, Kapitan Nemo and other stars of Polish new romantic/disco.
Soon after, the crazy group, masters of destroying basement floors with the use of a Casio synthesizer, a guitar and a drum machine, started to make their own music. Naming themselves Super Girl & Romantic Boys, they began to produce disco/trash hits. Their first concerts took place in 1999 and were indeed tornado-like. Vampiric make-up, glitter, ecstatic choreographies of their two dancers, and totally disoriented audiences, with people jumping on each other's heads right after having heard the very first beats... And all this in a bubble of lyrics that told stories of unrequited love, against the background of a truly claustrophobic, cold war atmosphere.
The next stage of the artistic activity of Super Girl & Romantic Boys presented a more conceptual face of the group, along the paths of austere post new romantic. As the 1980s became really in fashion, the group started to feel interest of the media. The best-known piece by Super Girl & Romantic Boys in that moment was ”Spokój”, included in a compilation titled ”Disco Chaos” released in 2002 by SP Records. In that time, Super Girl & Romantic Boys were touring very intensely, both in Poland and abroad (Germany, Holland, Great Britain, Russia, Belarus). They recorded music videos which are nowadays labelled truly cult pieces. They also recorded their first, legendary album, to be released by SP Records. Alas, having signed the ill-fated contract, the publisher refused to do their job, with no word of explanation whatsoever. Instead, they decided to hold the material captive and so those who felt like listening to Super Girl & Romantic Boys, could tune to Radiostacja, go to a live gig and download the record via the net. The group became a real legend. However, the whole situation and having their material blocked triggered serious frustration and so in 2006 they officially went on hiatus...
In 2008, Super Girl & Romantic Boys went on an extensive concert tour, celebrating the 10th anniversary of their artistic activity... just to disappear for another five years right afterwards. In the meantime, ”Spokój” became one of the greatest Polish hits of the first decade of the 21st century.
In the year 2013, after the expiration of the accurst contract with SP Records, Super Girl & Romantic Boys have finally gotten their material released by Antena Krzyku. The publication is titled ”Miłość z tamtych lat” and came in a duo pack (CD + DVD) providing a review of the group's oeuvre. After the concert at OFF Festival, it became clear that Super Girls & Romantic Boys are back for good. At present, they are working on their new material.
Super Girl & Romantic Boys (2013 Reunion line up)
Kostja Usenko – vocal, synthesizer
Ewa Malinowska – vocal
Michał Wróblewski – guitar
Filip Rakowski – drums, sequencer
Does Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) correct brain-injury? Part 1
Does hyperbaric oxygen therapy improve the survival and quality of life in patients with traumatic brain injury?
Traumatic brain injury is a major cause of death and disability. Not all damage to the brain occurs at the moment of injury; reduction of the blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain can occur afterwards and cause further secondary brain damage, which is itself an important cause of avoidable death and disability. In the early stages after injury it is therefore important that efforts are made to minimise secondary brain damage to provide the best chances of recovery.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been proposed as a treatment for minimising secondary brain damage by improving the oxygen supply to the brain. Patients undergoing HBOT are placed inside a specially designed chamber in which 100% oxygen is delivered at a greater than normal atmospheric pressure. It is sometimes used as a treatment to increase the supply of oxygen to the injured brain, in an attempt to reduce the area of brain that will die.
The effectiveness of HBOT on the recovery of brain-injured patients is uncertain. There is also concern regarding potential adverse effects of the therapy, including damage to the ears, sinuses and lungs from the effects of pressure, temporary worsening of short-sightedness, claustrophobia and oxygen poisoning.
Bulgaria, Sofia
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Australia, Canberra
Mesquite, Texas
Belarus, Minsk
City of Lithgow, Australia
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Broken Hill, Australia
Bhutan, Thimphu
Augusta, Georgia
KMW DROOGS - s01e01 - Samba Titulov (Eng/Rus subs)
“DROOGS” - DIY-show about our rock-n-roll dailies in the weird town of Minsk (not only).
In this episode: the New Year rabies, the unbearable burden of winter clothes, small gifts and odd parties. #KeepMinskWeird, droogs!
Music: Петля Пристрастия - Вечеринка
If you like what we do, you can support us:
Амерыкан бой / Amerykan Boy
English subtitles available via the CC button.
Режиссер Никита Лаврецкий / Directed by Nikita Lavretski.
In The Hands Of Destruction The Earth (Live in Vitebsk)
Живое выступление в Витебске 25.11.2017 клуб VZAP.
ТЫ НУЖНА МНЕ поёт Юрий Рыбак
Для самой дорогой.
Alexander Rybak Press Conference Moscow 7.11.12
New song Leave me alone out now! Links to buy here
Recorded by Snezhanna Poluboyarinova. English translation by Anita Lysak. English revision by Katie Anderson. Subs by Julia B. Spanish translation by Veronica Tovar.
Official facebook-page:
Homepage: .
New single What I Long For Release on 11 Oct. 2014
Get it on:
iTunes :
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Woman quit her life in poverty in Belarus for New York | ABS US DAILY NEWS
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A woman who quit her life of poverty in Belarus and survived on two $1 meals from McDonald's a day has built a successful career as a fashion designer. Anna Metselitsa arrived in North Carolina with just $300 in her pocket before moving to New York where she worked two jobs for seven years to save money to launch her own business.She taught her self to design and code a website - sleeping for just an hour or two a night on cardboard on the warehouse floor as she built her label.'Every single penny I made went back to the business, everything I had was put back into the business,' she told Femail. 'I didn’t spend any money on myself, I lived for a very long time on eating from a dollar menu in McDonalds twice a day, plus I got to use their WiFi. It was beautiful,' After a year of hard work, orders started pouring in and her clothes are now stocked by high end stores including Neiman Marcus, Saks off 5th, Nordstrom Rack and are sold internationally through shops such as Urban Outfitters. Growing up in Belarus, people struggled to pay bills and put food on the table, and Anna was determined to have a more successful life. 'After spending my school years being bullied, I was determined to make it one day,' she said. Share this article Share 'I took the abuse and was determined to make it out of there and be the most successful one out of all those people.' She moved first to North Carolina with $300 in her pocket and worked as a store clerk and housekeeper in a hotel. After a month, she then made her way to New York where she ended up living in a hostel and working two jobs waitressing and hostessing for seven years so she could save some money. 'I decided that I wanted to work for myself and do something that will bring some value to people and help me do good and help others. 'I looked at what I knew and could do and what I loved. I always loved clothes and loved glossy magazines.'I had a phase where I would rather buy a magazine in Barnes and Noble than a sandwich to eat and loved French Vogue, so I decided to open an online store.'I took an intro class to web design the rest learnt on YouTube and Google. I designed and coded the site pretty much by trial and error.'She started selling Haute Rogue clothes wholesale to small boutiques across the country before getting an order from Forever21. 'I still remember stenciling all of the boxes, packing everything myself. I had one employee back then and we worked 24/7.'I was running on one or two hours of sleep. slept on cardboard boxes on the concrete warehouse floor. 'Then a year after that we got in Neiman Marcus, Saks off 5th, Nordstrom rack, Urban outfitters and many others. 'From the outside it sounds like a dream and a great success story. But I had to face many challenges, part of the challenge of growing so fast and not having a credit with the bank or financial backing of investors was the amount of capital needed. 'Every single
Seep Into The Skin - Global Genocide
Track 1 off of our new full length album.
BRADI CEREBRI ECTOMIA - BLASPHEMIA (22.08.2009-METAL CROWD festival) Contact: Gomel (by) ICQ: 382-326-323 e-mail: [rust_levkovski@mail.ru]