Cluj Arena - FC Universitatea Cluj
Cluj Arena is a multi-use stadium in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. It was ready as of October 2011 and is ranked as an UEFA Elite Stadium (Category 4). The stadium is the new home ground of Universitatea Cluj.
#ClujArena #Universitatea #Cluj
Cluj Arena Stadium - Video presentation
The first stand of the '' City Stadium'' was built of wood and had a capacity of 1500 seats.Under the stand were arranged locker rooms , but also small rooms where football players could live.Official Opening of the Stadium was in 1911 when one of the local teams won against Istambul Galatasaray with a score of 8-1.After almost 60 years the wooden stand was moved to Campia Turzii where we can find it today.
In 1961 the new horseshoe shaped Stadium was opened in the honour of the local team'' U'' which played on the Arena.The Local Stadium had a capacity of 28000 seats, being situated on the third position of Romanian Stadiums.For the next 40 years nothing spectacular happened on Ion Moina Stadium,as it was renamed after the 90's, except the opening of the tartan running track.
In february 2008 the County Council of Cluj chosed UTCN --Techincal University of Cluj Napoca winner in international Auction for the new stadium project. The project realized by the design office, Dico si Tiganas, had at that time 30000 seats,underground parking on two levels and athletic field.
Initially two projects were suggested.The first, a classic recatangular shaped stadium, after the english model, was sugested by the Technicall University, and the second one, elipsoidal, was projected by OHL Spain.Both projects included an office building nearby the Stadium.Winners of the auction were UTCN because they had lower prices.
Cluj Arena este stadionul reprezentativ al oraşului Cluj-Napoca, construit în 2011 pe locul vechiului stadion Ion Moina. Proprietarul stadionului este Consiliul Judeţean Cluj, fiind administrat în prezent de societatea Cluj Arena SA. Pe stadion se desfăşoară meciuri de fotbal, competiţii de atletism, concerte, festivităţi de absolvire şi întruniri cultural religioase. Compus din două tribune şi două peluze, stadionul are o capacitate de 30.020 locuri, majoritatea acoperite. Fiind construită la cele mai înalte standarde, noua arenă este cotată ca fiind un stadion din categoria UEFA Elite. În anul 2011 numele noului stadion a devenit marcă înregistată, prin înscrierea sa în registrul Oficiului de Stat pentru Invenţii şi Mărci.
Cluj Arena is the symbol stadium of Cluj Napoca, built in 2011 in the same place like the old ION MOINA Stadium.The owner is Cluj Clounty Council and the management is ensured by S.C CLUJ ARENA S.A. society.The Stadium hosts football matches, athletic competitions, concerts, graduation ceremonies,other cultural events,including religious gatherings.The stadium has two stands and two lawns with a capacity of 30.020 seats, most of them being covered. Being built at highest standards, the new Arena is rated as an UEFA ELITE Stadium.In 2011 the name of the new Stadium became trade mark, when it was registrated at State Office for Marks and Invention(OSIM)
Client: Cluj Arena - Consiliul Judetean Cluj
Team: Horatiu Curutiu - Director and camera operator
Horea Gruita - Camera operator/Logo Animation
Patriciu Emilian - Camera Asistant
Depeche Mode live at Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Global Spirit Tour)
Depeche Mode live at Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania during the Global Spirit Tour, 2017-07-23.
Audience Recording, one camera, full recording.
0:00 01. Going Backwards
8:42 02. So Much Love
13:20 03. Barrel Of A Gun
18:53 04. A Pain That I'm Used To
23:19 05. Corrupt
28:18 06. In Your Room
34:58 07. World In My Eyes
40:22 08. Cover Me
45:44 09. A Question Of Lust
50:19 10. Home
57:49 Happy Bday Martin
58:58 11. Poison Heart
1:02:19 12. Where's The Revolution
1:07:50 13. Wrong
1:11:57 14. Everything Counts
1:19:14 15. Stripped
1:24:20 16. Enjoy The Silence
1:32:03 17. Never Let Me Down Again
1:39:28 18. Somebody
1:44:51 19. Walking In My Shoes
1:51:40 20. Heroes (David Bowie Cover)
1:58:29 21. I Feel You
2:04:53 22. Personal Jesus (fade out)
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depechemode are: andrew fletcher, dave gahan and martin gore
Cluj Arena with Cluj Cricket Club!
A lovely afternoon spent in Cluj Central Park with a great variety of food, live music and awesome people at the street food festival event!!!!
Got to spent few minutes inside the Cluj Arena where CCC played their first match!!!
Have a look if you missed it. If not, try to find yourself in the video!!!
Please like Cluj Cricket club Facebook page-:
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UMF Iuliu Hațieganu, Cluj-Napoca - Graduation Festivities 2018 (Cluj Arena, Romania, July 7, 2018)
Rezumat al festivității de absolvire a Universității de Medicină și Farmacie ”Iuliu Hațieganu” Cluj-Napoca, promoția 2018. Cluj Arena, 7 iulie 2018
Summary of the graduation ceremony of the Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the 2018 promotion. Cluj Arena, July 7, 2018
Cluj Arena, dupa Untold: ca dupa razboi
Pagubele vor fi suportate de organizatorii festivalului.
Vagabundos at Sala Polivalenta, Cluj, Romania March 2018
Vagabundos at Sala Polivalenta in Cluj-Napoca, Romania on March 3rd 2018, organised by The Mission. The Line up was composed by Luciano, Michel Cleis, Cesar Merveille, Ernesto Ferreyra, Brina Knauss and Victor Stancov.
Cluj Napoca, Romania Travel Video
My short dental stay in the fourth populous city in Romania Cluj Napoca. I came in this place to visit dentist which are three times cheaper then in UK with the same quality.
I walk around Old Town and Botanical garden.
BT Arena - Sala Polivalenta Cluj Napoca
Un film de prezentare realizat de Laviniu Lazar
Andrea Bocelli @ Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 25.06.2017
Cleni de Cluj Arena - Street Fishing Cluj Napoca
Ce poti face in pauza de pranz in Cluj Napoca? iti iei un bat, doua naluci si iesi la o plimbare pe malul Somesului. Nu o sa prinzi captura vietii insa o sa poti trata febra pescuitului...pana in weekend.
Albin Kaczka @ The Rooftopper - Cluj Arena / Cluj-Napoca, Romania ➣ Facebook ➣ Instagram
➣ SoundCloud
De pe Cluj Arena, pe stadionul CFR
Partida România-Muntenegru se va juca la Cluj, însă, cel mai probabil, pe alt stadion. Este vorba de arena celor de la CFR Cluj, care nu are decât 17.000 de locuri disponibile, în condiţiile în care, până acum, s-au vândut 20.000 de bilete. Deocamdată, vânzarea biletelor a fost sistată.
Depeche Mode fans(first row) @ Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 23.07.2017
Depeche Mode - Stripped @ Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 23.07.2017
Marwan | Daydreaming Experience at UNTOLD 2019 - Cluj-Napoca (Romania) | on DanceTelevision
Marwan's full closing show from the 3rd day of Daydreaming Experience at UNTOLD Festival 2019 ✌
Listen on Soundcloud:
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Andra - TRADITIONAL (Concert Integral @ Cluj-Napoca)
Andra LIVE - “Tradițional” la Cluj-Napoca!
(Marea Unire Muzicală are loc chiar acum!)
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Andrea Bocelli @ Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 25.06.2017
C. C. Catch Live in Cluj-Napoca (Romania)
Depeche Mode - So much love @ Cluj Arena, Cluj-Napoca, Romania 23.07.2017