20 vjet Kantina Ҫobo
Ideja dhe realizimi: Muharrem Ҫobo
Kamera dhe montazhi: Dori Makja
Nje falenderim i veçante per Joni Shanaj
Client - Kantina Cobo
Agency- Akz Creative Studio
Directing - Joan Ikonomi (Elf) & Andi Deliana
DoP - Spiro Nino
Editing - Joan Ikonomi (Elf)
Berat & Cobo Winery -Unesco City
Albania’s City of a Thousand Windows.Berat is home to one of two UNESCO-listed historic centres in Albania (the other being in Gjirokaster), making it a must-see for history and culture lovers.
Culture Trip and Wine Tasting in Berat Albania
Join Active Albania on Berat’s culture trip and wine tasting retreat! There’s no better place than in the historical city of Berat and the beautiful Cobo winery. This is a playful fun retreat, great as a girl’s getaway, a romantic and spontaneous couples vacation, or a rejuvenating personal holiday. The retreat will consist of hiking, lounging on retreat grounds and of course, wine and gliko. We will feature a different experience of local wine and food from one of Berat’s favorite vineyards (Cobo), a workshop on the local favorite dessert Gliko, visits to the city of Berat (castle, Mangalemi and museums) and a organized lunchin the nearby village of Drobonik.
A Short Visit to Cobo Winery
In the historic region of Berat you will find Cobo Winery. The Cobo family has a long tradition of producing wine, dating back to the early 20th century. The renowned winery is nested in vineyards next to the family home, and one can enjoy exclusive wine tastings together with Muharrem Cobo himself.
Cobo Winery
Kruja, Winzerei Cobo, Berat - ALBANIEN
KRUJA liegt am westlichen Steilhang des Mali i Krujës (1176m ü.A ), einem Gipfel der Skanderbeg-Berge, auf einer Meereshöhe zwischen 400 und 640 Meter hoch über der Küstenebene, welche durch den Ishëm hin zur Adria entwässert wird.
Cobo Winery - The Çobo family has a long tradition of producing wine, dating back to the early 1900's .
BERAT, die Stadt der tausend Fenster, die 1961 offiziell zur Museumsstadt ernannt und 2008 UNESCO-Welterbe wurde, steht unter besonderem Schutz: In drei Stadtteilen mit den typischen historischen weißen Häusern sind Neubauten verboten. Insbesondere dank dieser drei kompakten Altstadt-Quartiere Mangalem, Gorica und Kalaja (deutsch: Burg) und den vielen Moscheen und Kirchen gilt Berat als eine der wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten des Landes
Shendevere Sparkling Wine
Shendevere Sparkling Wine by ÇOBO Winery, Berat, Albania
Harvest Feast ÇOBO - Festa e Veres - 2012 Berat, Albania
Festa e pervitshme ne respekt dhe nderim te Veres.
Kantina Çobo
Ura vajgurore - Berat - Shqiperi
Elton Baxhaku
Eriona Çami
Verëra Shqiptare 18 gusht 2019 - Kantina Çobo
Festa e vjeljes 2013 ÇOBO WINERY Harvest fest 2013
Festa e vjeljes 2013 ÇOBO WINERY Harvest fest 2013
Kultura e Verës - Kantina Arbëri, Mirditë
Sirius Wine në bashkëpunim më Klan Kosova kanë filluar serin e emisioneve Kultura e Verës. Ne emisionin e parë jemi ndal tek KANTINA ARBËRI në Mirditë të Shqipërisë. Mysafir në studio : Qemajl Minxhozi, ambasador i Shqipërisë në Kosovë.
Montazha : Dren Spahiu
Kamera : Admir Korenica
Realizimi ne studio : Klan Kosova
Dron : Fidaim Rashiti
Fermerët: Gjelat e importit po na dëmtojnë
Pas tre vitesh mungesë, është rikthyer “Panairi i gjelave të detit”, organizuar në qytetin e Peqinit.
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Metohia monastery wines - Метохијски виногради - Metohija
Metohia region in the province of Kosovo-Metohia has some of the best and oldest vineyards in Serbia. Many used to be owned and tilled by monasteries for centuries. Communists nationalized a great deal of Church's land in 1945. Then came NATO occupation of 1999 and the rule of Albanian drug-human organs-sex-weapons-trafficking mafia headed by Hashim Thaci. Monks in monasteries that survived campaigns of destroying evidence of Christian culture in Kosovo-Metohia and the few remaining Serbs in Metohia soon realized that going out to work in vineyards that were more than a kilometer away from monastery or homestead made them easy and unprotected shooting targets. While most vineyards got therefore abandoned, in some cases Christians still risk their lives in order to make wine for liturgy or produce a few liters to sell and buy sorely needed staples that cannot be grow in the yard.
Wine-making in Metohia means willingness to put one's life on the line for a few bottles of the blood of Christ. Still, there are some willing to do it.
Berat, lagjia Mangalem e rrezikuar nga rreshqitjet
Berat, lagjia Mangalem e rrezikuar nga rreshqitjet
Pas termetit, rreshqitjet shkembore te shpeshta
Banoret kerkojne nderhyrje per evitimin e rrezikut
Rreshqitjet jane shpeshuar pas termetit
Gazetare, Eneida Petova
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