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FLYING CARPETS - Fes - Morocco Travel vlog
Our Fes vlog of Morocco!
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استكشاف المأكولات الشارع في زقاق فاس عتيقة بعيون أمريكية/Food Fez Morocco
Fez (Arabic: فاس Fas, Berber: ⴼⴰⵙ Fas) is the second largest city of Morocco, with a population of 1.1 million (2014).
Fez was the capital city of modern Morocco until 1925 and is now the capital of the Fès-Meknès administrative region. The city has two old medina quarters, the larger of which is Fes el Bali. It is listed as a World Heritage Site and is believed to be one of the world's largest urban pedestrian zones (car-free areas).[3] University of Al Quaraouiyine, founded in 859, is the oldest continuously functioning university in the world. The city has been called the Mecca of the West and the Athens of Africa.[4]
History Edit
See also: Timeline of Fez
Etymology Edit
The Arabic word فأس Faʾs means pickaxe, which legends say Idris I of Morocco used when he created the lines of the city. One noticeable thing was that the pickaxe was made from silver and gold.[5]
During the rule of the Idrisid dynasty, Fez consisted of two cities: Fas Elbali, founded by Idris I[citation needed], and al-ʿĀliyá, founded by his son, Idris II. During Idrisid rule the capital city was known as al-ʿĀliyá, with the name Fas being reserved for the separate site on the other side of the river; no Idrisid coins have been found with the name Fez, only al-ʿĀliyá and al-ʿĀliyá Madinat Idris. It is not known whether the name al-ʿĀliyá ever referred to both urban areas. It wasn't until 1070 that the two agglomerations were united and the name Fas was used for the combined site.[6]
Foundation and the Idrisids Edit
Further information: Fes el Bali
The city was founded on a bank of the Jawhar river by Idris I in 789, founder of the Zaydi Shi'i Idrisid dynasty. His son, Idris II (808),[7] built a settlement on the opposing river bank. These settlements would soon develop into two walled and largely autonomous sites, often in conflict with one another: Madinat Fas and Al-'Aliya. In 808 Al-'Aliya replaced Walili as the capital of the Idrisids.
فاس (بالإنجليزية: Fez ) هي رابع أكبر مدن المملكة المغربية بعدد سكان يزيد عن 1.9 مليون نسمة وأكثر من المليونين مع حساب المناطق المجاورة (زواغة، بنسودة، عين الله (إحصائيات 2010 م). تأسست مدينة فاس 182 هجري/ 4 يناير 808 (العمر 1209 سنوات)، على يد إدريس الثاني الذي جعلها عاصمة الدولة الإدريسية بالمغرب، حيث احتفلت المدينة سنة 2008 بعيد ميلادها ال1200. وتنقسم فاس إلى 3 أقسام، فاس البالي وهي المدينة القديمة، وفاس الجديد وقد بنيت في القرن الثالث عشر الميلادي، والمدينة الجديدة التي بناها الفرنسيون إبان فترة الاستعمار الفرنسي.
التاريخ عدل
تشكل مدينة فاس جزءا أساسيا من التراث الوطني المغربي و يعود تاريخ مدينة فاس إلى القرن الثاني الهجري، عندما قام إدريس بن عبد الله مؤسس دولة الأدارسة عام 172 هـ الموافق لعام 789 م ببناء مدينة على الضفة اليمنى لنهر فاس. وفد إلى مدينة فاس عشرات العائلات العربية من القرويين ليقيموا أول الأحياء في المدينة والذي عرف باسم عدوة القرويين. كما وفد إليها الأندلسيون الذين أرغموا على الهجرة من الأندلس ليكونوا حي عدوة الأندلسيين. وكان هناك حي خاص لليهود وهو حي الملاح. بعد وفاة إدريس الأول بعشرين سنة أسس ابنه إدريس الثاني المدينة الثانية على الضفة اليسرى من النهر. وقد ظلت المدينة مقسمة هكذا إلى أن دخلها المرابطون فأمر يوسف بن تاشفين بتوحيدهما وجعلهما مدينة واحدة فصارت القاعدة الحربية الرئيسية في شمال المغرب للدول المتتالية التي حكمت المنطقة بالإضافة لكونها مركزا دينيا وعلميا في شمال أفريقيا وأسست فيها جامعة القرويين عام 859م التي كانت مقصد الطلاب من جميع أنحاء العالم الإسلامي وأوروبا.[7] جامعة القرويين هي أقدم جامعة في العالم.[1]
كانت مدينة فاس أحد ركائز الصراع بين الأمويين في الأندلس والفاطميين الذين حكموا (مصر وليبيا وتونس) وظلت المدينة تحت سيطرة الأمويين في الأندلس لمدة تزيد على الثلاثين عاما وتمتعت خلال تلك المدة بالازدهار الكبير. وعندما سقطت الخلافة الأموية بقرطبة وقعت مدينة فاس تحت سيطرة أمراء زناتة الحكام المحليين للمغرب في تلك الفترة، سيطر بعدها المرابطون على المدينة، وتلاهم الموحدون الذين حاصروا المدينة تسعة أشهر ودخلوها في عام 1143 م. قام بنو مرين بالسيطرة على المدينة بعد سقوط دولة الموحدين واتخذوها مركزا لهم بدلا من مراكش، وأنشؤوا مدينة ملكية وإدارية جديدة عرفت بالمدينة البيضاء. في عهد المرينيين عرفت مدينة فاس عصرها الذهبي إذ قام أبو يوسف يعقوب المنصور ببناء فاس الجديدة سنة 1276 م وحصنها بسور وخصها بمسجد كبير وبأحياء سكنية وقصور وحدائق.[8]
وأصبحت مركزا للدولة العلوية في المغرب في 1649 م، وبقيت مركزا تجاريا هاما في شمال أفريقيا. ظلت المدينة المصدر الوحيد للطربوش الفاسي حتى القرن التاسع عشر الميلادي، عندما بدأ يصنع في كل من تركيا وفرنسا.
في التاريخ الحديث أي مند عهد المولى الحسن الأول (1872-1894م) بدأت الوسائل الحديثة بالدخول إلى المدينة فزودت بالطرق الإسفلتية وبخطوط الكهرباء والهاتف و كانت فاس عاصمة للمملكة المغربية حتى عام 1912 م (فترة الاحتلال الفرنسي والتي استمرت حتى 1956 م) وتم فيها تحويل العاصمة إلى مدينة الرباط. هاجر العديد من سكان فاس إلى المدن الأخرى وخاصة يهود المدينة، إذ أفرغ حي الملاح تماما من ساكنيه، وكان لهجرة السكان من المدينة أثرا اقتصاديا سيئا.
Fes el Bali - Morocco
#morocco #fes #andy1803
Fes el-Bali is the oldest part of Fez, one of the imperial city of Morocco. It is the historical district founded between 789 and 808 a.c. by Idrisid dynasty. It includes the medina and its fortified walls all around. Fez el-Bali is surely the biggest car-free human settlement in the world, a dedalo of narrow roads and alleys in which is easy to loose the sense of orientation. It is also famous for its Al Karaouine University, the oldest in the world. In 1981 UNESCO inserted the site into the human’s heritage list.
A tour of Morocco should include a visit to Fes el-Bali at least once. It is a medieval town, almost preserved and still inhabited. Its typical architecture witnesses the imperial past of the city with several madrasas, mosques and noble buildings. Its merchant soul is still visible almost everywhere with shops, stalls and street markets. Traditional handmade manufacturers work today using the same middle age techniques, as you may observe visiting the leather tanneries or the copper workshops. Walking into Fes el-Bali is a full immersion in Morocco’s traditions and culture, feeling the vibes of this wonderful country.
Someone says that it’s easy to get lost there, as the district is huge and it can be challenging to understand where you are. Maps are useless. Don’t worry about that. Take your time, bring a compass with you and move in like an explorer. You will enjoy it. Start from Bab Bou Jeloud (the Blue door) and walk into the heart of the medina. Surprises wait for you behind each corner, inside any wood roof alley, in unexpected squares or just in front of an open door. Anyway, if you don’t like the risk, you can look for a guide to bring you in this iconic labyrinth.
There are several guesthouses or hotels to overnight inside the medina or just close to main doors. Choose a riad, the typical local accomodation. They are comfortable, often cheaper and charming. And don’t forget street food. There is plenty of cafè, tea rooms, restaurants and open air kitchens ready to satisfy your taste.
This short film has been filmed mainly with a little action cam, the Eken H8R. Some footage have been shot with a mirrorless Olympus OM-D EM5 MKII. Photos are by Francesca Sparatore and her Nikon D3100. Cyberlink PowerDirector 15 for post-production.
The track “Coast” is by great Silent Partner and is available in YouTube library.
Special thanks to the two musicians/dancers of Place Seffarine. I don't know their name but they are great.
Any more information? Leave a message below or contact me through one of the following links:
Voici un résumé de notre voyage dans le Nord du Maroc.
Au programme, des images de la Médina de Fès en drone, Meknès, la foret d'azrou et le site archéologique de Volubilis.
Instagram : arnaud_jezequel
???? Filmé avec :
- GH5
- DJI Mavic Pro
???? Monté sur Adobe Premiere Pro
LOST IN FEZ | Morocco - Travel video
1 minute Travel video - INSPIRATION
Fez/Fès - Morocco/Maroc
Voyager avec moi à Fès!
*Gopro hero 7
Café Scorpion du Désert - Fés - Maroc - Morocco
Au centre de la médina de Fès, le restaurant -- café Scorpion du désert vous propose un havre de paix, une cuisine marocaine du marché de qualité dans un cadre traditionnel au style berbère.
Venez prendre un thé à la menthe et goûter notre spécialité typique du désert marocain, la Madfouna dite « pizza berbère », sous une tente berbère ou en terrasse.
Venez vous joindre à la clientèle locale et touristique et profitez des concerts de musique traditionnelle que nous organisons tous les samedis à partir de 19h.
Site web:
Téléphone : +212 670 997 596 || +212 653 300 296
E-mail :
Adresse: 6 Derb Teryana, Talaa Kbira - Fès médina - Maroc
Fes Morocco Promo | EPS04 | مكتبات وأسرار
رحلتنا لمدينة في عالم ألف ليلة وليلة.. كل ركن من أركانها يُعد لوحة فنية.. أهم العواصم الثقافية في العالم الإسلامي، درس فيها أنبغ علماء المسلمين مثل ابن خلدون.. نكتشف في حلقة جديدة من برنامج #مكتبات_وأسرار مدينة فاس، نبض الثقافة والحضارة والفنون في المغرب.
For PR and business inquires email
የዓለማችን መስተዋት | የፈረንሳዩ ማክሮን ሲቀባጥሩ፣ ሽህ መሀመድ ሲያንኮራፉ፣ ፕሬዚደንት ትራምፕ ሲገላምጧቸው
በብዙ ሚሊዮኖች የሚቆጠር ህዝብ በአሰቃቂ ሁኔታ ያለቀበት አንደኛው የዓለም ጦርነት ካበቃ ባለፈው እሁድ 100 ዓመት አስቆጠረ። እለቱ ከትናንት በስቲያ ፓሪስ ፈረንሳይ ውስጥ የዓለም መሪዎች በተገኙበት ታስቧል።
በዚሁ የመታሰቢያ ስነ-ስርዓት ላይ የፈረንሳዩ ፕሬዚደንት ንግግር ሲያሰሙ፤ የአረብ ሞሮኮ ንጉስ ሲያንቀላፉ የአሜሪካው ፕሬዚደንት ትራምፕ ክፉኛ ሲገላምጧቸው ይታያሉ።
Courtesy: FOXNews
Moroccan Village (1960)
Various M/Ss and L/Ss of rural country in Morocco, showing a range of mountains. One shot also shows a small village, Xauen, at the foot of the mountains. M/S of a man riding a donkey through the village. He rides past two small children who run beside him, holding out their hands. He throws something (a coin?) to them.
M/S of village men sitting and talking together. M/S of village, tilt down to show women washing by a small stream before a stone wall. M/S of the village where a man is driving a donkey through the crowd of villagers. C/U of a young girl carrying a small boy on her back.
Various M/Ss and C/Us of women washing clothes in tubs and gossiping; they are wearing quite colourful clothes. M/S of the Calipher (sp? - head man) walking towards the women; as he reaches the group he speaks to some of them.
C/U of a woman walking past with a bucket on her head. C/U of two village girls with another woman in the background with a bucket balanced on her head. C/U of the Calipher smiling.
This footage looks quite contemporary. The narration concentrates mainly on the fact that life has been the same for nearly 5 centuries in this village, and elements of modernisation such as advertising and television have not taken away the individuality of the area; no sleepless nights wondering which detergent will ensure that Abdul's burnous is fractionally cleaner and infinitesimally whiter that Ahmmed's.
Note: Print shows signs of vinegar syndrome - in isolation vault 56.
FILM ID:101.13
British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
Riad Jardin Chrifa, un bel équilibre
Maroc Origines à choisi Riad Le Jardin Chrifa comme membre du programme associatif de Maroc Origines, vous pouvez réserver ce Riad en cliquant ici :
Riad Le Jardin Chrifa à Fès dispose d'un patio, d'une terrasse et d'internet par wifi dans les parties communes, il peut accueillir jusque 24 personnes dans 10 chambres.
Riad Raouia Hotel in Fes Morroco
Things to do in morocco : Visit the Tanneries in Fez gives you the best service of Excursions and Circuits in Morocco at the lowest price in the professional domain market
link :
Fes el Bali - Maroc
he Arabic word فأس Faʾs means pickaxe, which legends say Idris I of Morocco used when he created the lines of the city. One noticeable thing was that the pickaxe was made from silver and gold.[5]
During the rule of the Idrisid dynasty, Fez consisted of two cities: Fas Elbali, founded by Idris I[citation needed], and al-ʿĀliyá, founded by his son, Idris II. During Idrisid rule the capital city was known as al-ʿĀliyá, with the name Fas being reserved for the separate site on the other side of the river; no Idrisid coins have been found with the name Fez, only al-ʿĀliyá and al-ʿĀliyá Madinat Idris. It is not known whether the name al-ʿĀliyá ever referred to both urban areas. It wasn't until 1070 that the two agglomerations were united and the name Fas was used for the combined site.[6]
Foundation and the Idrisids
Further information: Fes el Bali
The city was founded on a bank of the Jawhar river by Idris I in 789, founder of the Zaydi Shi'i Idrisid dynasty. His son, Idris II (808),[7] built a settlement on the opposing river bank. These settlements would soon develop into two walled and largely autonomous sites, often in conflict with one another: Madinat Fas and Al-'Aliya. In 808 Al-'Aliya replaced Walili as the capital of the Idrisids.
Arab emigration to Fez, including 800 Andalusi families of Berber descent[8] in 817–818 expelled after a rebellion against the Umayyads of Córdoba, Andalusia, and 2000 Arab families banned from Kairouan (modern Tunisia) after another rebellion in 824, gave the city its Arabic character. The Andalusians settled in what is called the 'Old' Fez, while the Tunisians found their home in the 'New' Fez, also called al-'Aliya. These two waves of immigrants would subsequently give their name to the sites 'Adwat Al-Andalus and 'Adwat al-Qarawiyyin.[9] The majority of the population was of Arab descent, and the minority was of North-African Berber descent, with rural Berbers from the surrounding countryside settling there throughout this early period, mainly in Madinat Fas (the Andalusian quarter) and later in Fes Jdid.[10]
Upon the death of Idris II in 828, the dynasty’s territory was divided among his sons. The eldest, Muhammad, received Fez. The newly fragmented Idrisid power would never again be reunified. During Yahya ibn Muhammad's rule in Fez the Kairouyine mosque, one of the oldest and largest in Africa, was built and its associated University of Al Quaraouiyine was founded (859).[11] Comparatively little is known about Idrisid Fez, owing to the lack of comprehensive historical narratives and that little has survived of the architecture and infrastructure of early Fez (Al-'Aliya). The sources that mention Idrisid Fez, describe a rather rural one, not having the cultural sophistication of the important cities of Al-Andalus and Ifriqiya.
In the 10th century the city was contested by the Caliphate of Córdoba and the Fatimid Caliphate of Tunisia, who ruled the city through a host of Zenata clients. The Fatimids took the city in 927 and expelled the Idrissids, after which their Miknasa were installed there. The Miknasa were driven out of Fez in 980 by the Maghrawa, their fellow Zenata, allies of the Caliphate of Córdoba. It was in this period that the great Andalusian ruler Almanzor commissioned the Maghrawa to rebuild and refurnish the Al-Kairouan mosque, giving it much of its current appearance. According to the Rawd al-Qirtas and other Marinid era sources, the Maghrawi emir Dunas Al-Maghrawi filled up the open spaces between the two medinas and the banks of the river, dividing them with new constructions. Thus, the two cities grew into each other, being now only separated by their walls and the river. His sons fortified the city to a great extent. This could not keep the Almoravid emir Ibn Tashfin from conquering it in 1070, after more than a decade of battling the Zenata warriors in the area and constant besieging of the city.
In 1033, several thousand Jews were killed in the Fez Massacre.
Riad Magie d'Orient, un petit coin de paradis en terres marocaines
Maroc Origines à choisi le Riad Magie d'Orient comme membre du programme associatif de Maroc origines, vous pouvez réserver ce Riad en cliquant ici :
Quand on séjourne au Riad Magie d’Orient Marrakech, les buts de promenade ne manquent pas, à commencer par la célèbre place Jemaa El Fna, située à deux pas de l'établissement et où règne, à toute heure du jour et de la nuit, une animation unique !
Au riad Magie d’Orient Marrakech, confort et authenticité font bon ménage, tant le personnel a à cœur de mettre ses hôtes à l’aise, depuis le petit déjeuner servi sur la terrasse jusqu’à des suggestions personnalisées de visites et d’excursions.
Les cinq chambres de l’établissement et leurs salles de bain privées peuvent accueillir jusqu’à dix personnes, ce qui en fait un lieu idéal pour des vacances de charme en couple, en famille.
Fez // Morocco Cinematic Travel Vlog
A cinematic experience of what our weekend trip to Fez, Morocco looked like. Beautiful city, culture, and people. Can't wait to go back someday.
Music: Slack – ford.
Riad de Luxe dans le désert Marocain - un film réalisé par Dave NIZET
Film promo d'un riad au coeur du désert sur Marocain.
Au delà des films de voyages, Dave NIZET réalise également la promotion des complexes hôteliers.
360° Production
فاس سهب الورد : شاب يتعرض لإعتداء شنيع من طرف فاعل جمعوي
شاهد أيضًا: من الحدود المغربية الجزائرية رسالة الشاب العجال للشعب الجزائري
اشترك في قناة هبة بريس ليصلك كل جديد:
قناة هبة بريس على يوتيوب قناة إخبارية تهتم بالشأن السياسي والاقتصادي والاجتماعي والفني والرياضي المغربي، تنقل الخبر بشفافية ومهنية ومصداقية، ولا تهدف إلا إلى إرضاء متابعيها في كافة أنحاء المملكة المغربية.
تابعوا قناة هبة بريس على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: