Address: Calle Rodriguez Ballon 533 | Miraflores, Arequipa, Peru
Attraction Location
Colca Journeys - Day Tours Videos
Arequipa Tours, Colca Canyon
Arequipa Tours, Colca Canyon
Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Arequipa Tours, Colca Canyon Tours, Arequipa tour, Arequipa, Arequipa Hotels, Colca Valley, Colca Canyon Tours, Peru, Santa Catalina Monastery, hot water springs, thermal springs, White City, Misti Mountain, Llama Trail, Peru Trips
Arequipa Tours
The White City, which is the nickname for Arequipa, was made from the volcanic rock which it had been made from. Arequipa Tours of the second largest city of Peru, after the capital Lima, with nearly 1 million people, and is located in the southern part of Peru.
Colca Canyon
Arequipa hotels and tours are spread throughout a large area. Colca Canyon hotels are favorite attractions for international tourists as they are in the center of ecological regions and nearby thermal hot water springs.
A tour of Arequipa is a rush of colonial history and modern civilization as the city attracted many Europeans for its weather and location.
Arequipa Hotels
The Santa Catalina Monastery was built in 1580 and is a major attraction of Arequipa Tours and can be visited during a trip with Solstice Tours. Arequipa Hotels and those in the Colca Canyon hotels are far from each other, Peru Travel Agencies wont tell trip goers that. Nearby Colca Canyon is generally a 2 day tour which is the most astonishing and amazing natural panorama of the region. Condors can be seen flying through Colca on a regular basis.
The condor was the highest of animal deities representing the sky and heavens.
The puma represented the world of the living.
The Snake representing the underworld.
Arequipa is known for its mummies found in the mountains. Misti Mountain is a volcano that can be seen anywhere in Arequipa and is a point of hiking and biking.
Colca Valley, Arequipa tours, Arequipa Hotels, Colca Canyon Tours, Peru, Santa Catalina Monastery, hot water springs, thermal springs, White City, Misti Mountain, Llama Trail, Peru Travel Packages
Another early morning and we finally arrived in Arequipa after an overnight bus ride... just in time to catch another bus to Chivay, Peru and to tour Colca Canyon, which is twice as deep as the Grand Canyon. It was a Happy Thanksgiving as we enjoyed local dancing and music and oh ya, Mark had an eagle on his head :)
Subscribe to keep up with our adventures and make sure you follow us on Instagram (@thenyccouple) for daily IG stories and pictures of our travels!
Daily Vlogging Camera: Mirrorless Vlogging Camera: Camera Lens 1(Prime): Camera Lens 2 (Wide Angle): Rode Mic: Gorilla Pod: Manfrotto Pocket Tripod (Point and Shoots): Laptops: (basically this but w/ more RAM) External Hard Drives: Drone:
Arequipa y El Colca, un fin de semana
Nos fuimos a Arequipa y al Colca y aquí te cuento lo que hice en este viaje flash de fin de semana ???? Fue la primera vez que salí de la cuidad blanca y me encantó. ¿Dónde hospedarte? ¿Qué tour seguir? ¿Dónde comer? Todo en este videito.
Acá algunos datos más: 1. La agencia del tour: Me la recomendó Casa Andina 2. ¿Dónde salir? Me faltó incluir: Empezamos por La Casona del Pisco y terminamos en Chaqchao ????????????
Our journey to Peru 2019 (Arequipa, Colca Canyon, Uros, Machu Picchu,...)
We´ve been to Peru from 23. August to 12. September. After arriving in Lima we flew straight to Arequipa. We´ve seen the Condors in the Colca Canyon and enjoyed the city in southern Peru. We traveled to Puno, took a boat ride to the Uros on the Titicaca Lake and finally arrived in Cusco to see the magnificent ruins of Machu Picchu.
The whole footage was filmed on my 5D Mark IV and the DJI Mavic Air for the drone shots.
Music and SFX from epidemic sound.
Breakfast at Llahuar lodge in Colca canyon Peru
It was even worse going down in the dark after a few beers.
Day Trips around Arequipa Peru: Chiguata Hiking
Chiguata is a small town about an hour bus ride from Arequipa. There are lots of paths to explore the countryside. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments.
Llahuar lodge in the Colca canyon Peru
We go in to the canyon by bus. It is quite a journey, but worth it!
Arequipa, Peru! (10-16-16)
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We're on our last leg of our Peru trip and visiting Arequipa! This souther Peruvian town is known for a jump off spot to Colca Canyon. It also is home to the Inca Ice Maiden, Juanita!
Music: Intro by Clayton Jackson (Creative Commons License)
Make sure to Subscribe to see the rest of the Peru trip and to check out my prior trips to Thailand, Turkey ans several spots in the United States!
Why You Need To Travel to Peru - Luxembourg and Perú Arequipa
Arequipa es conocida por el picante en la comida, el Cañón del Colca, el particular Sillar Blanco en las catedrales, la Arquitectura, el Volcán Misti, las leyendas y el misterio en la Historia. Tienes que conocer este lugar.
Arequipa is know for the spicy food (not every food, there's a lot of options), the Cañón del Colca, the white particular ashlar in the buildings, cathedrals, the architecture, The Misti volcano, the legends and the mistery in the history. You need to take a look here.
Julian (France): Arequipa is in the top,. I recomend Papa Rellena that was my favourite food.
★☆★ FACEBOOK ★☆★
Marc (Luxembourg) You need to take a look here, even if it's only to watch Titicaca lake. I love the architecture here, it's a really nice place
★☆★ SPIES★☆★
#Travelling #TourGuide #Arequipa
This video is about: Travelling to Peru - AREQUIPA IS WAITING FOR YOU - Tour Guide Arequipa
Cruz del Condor Colca Canyon
Cruz del Condor Colca Canyon can be explore by bike. This is tour is organized by pachamamahome in Cabanaconde. We offer daily departures and this is a different way to explore Cruz del Condor by bike
Video en colaboración con Bodytech
¡Hola amiguiños!
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♥ Suscríbete al canal, ¡ES GRATIS!:
Aquí les dejamos el detalle de TODO lo que mencionamos en el presupuesto total para que puedan ir con el precio que les mencionamos.
1. TREKKING 2D/1N EN EL COLCA: el precio del tour es de S/ 159.00. El tour lo tomamos con una agencia que ya no lo ofrece :( pero pregunten en la recepción de su hospedaje, es un tour muy conocido pero recomendamos más el de 3 días!!
Como fuimos pocos días a Arequipa y no tuvimos tiempo de hacer casting de agencias turísticas, apostamos por la opción digital y felizmente nos fue súper! Incluye: • Guía oficial bilingüe durante todo el tour • Transporte turístico compartido • 1 noche en Hostal Sonqokilla • 2 desayunos • 1 almuerzo • 1 cena
2. TICKET TURÍSTICO COLCA BTC (pago obligatorio de S/. 20 para peruanos, S/.70 para extranjeros)
3. CANOPY EN EL CAÑÓN DEL COLCA: el precio es de S/ 60.00. Esta actividad la tomamos con EXPLOOR.PE :
Incluye: • 2 recorridos de 600m en total • Equipo necesario • Entrenamiento
4. TAXI PARA HACER CANOPY: Desde Chivay puedes tomar un taxi por 8 soles. Ida y vuelta a 16 soles 5. PRECIO TOTAL DEL VIAJE: ¡todo, todo, todo lo que mencionamos, sale S/ 264 por persona!
Otros datos:
* Las tabas a prueba de Meteorito que usamos en el video son de The North Face. El modelo es “W ULTRA HIKE II MID GTX”
*VUELO LIMA – AREQUIPA – LIMA VÍA LCPERÚ: si lo compras con anticipación lo puedes encontrar desde $58
*HOSPEDAJE: Dragonfly Hostel: desde S/30 soles la noche por persona en habitación compartida, incluye desayuno. También venden comida por las noches. Ubicación: Teléfono: 990010696
Colca Canyon Bike Downhill Llahuar
Bike Downhill Llahuar is a great tour. Bike from Cabanaconde to Llahuar is a tour only offered by PachamamaHome.
HIGH ALTITUDE EFFECTS | Colca Canyon, Peru Two-Day Tour
Today, we started a Colca Canyon two-day Tour from Arequipa. We went with a company recommended by our partners at Peru Hop, and they took us around the Colca Canyon, Peru.
We had to deal with the high altitude - so we bought a few coca leaf products to try out.
Along the way in the Salinas And Aguada Blanca National Reserve, we saw some wild vicuña (or, vicunyas) and we were lucky enough to hang out with a bunch of llamas and alpacas. Plus, we got to trek up a hill and see some very cool Inca tombs - which were completely open!
Here is our experience with Peru Hop:
Here's more on Authentic Peruvian dishes you have to try:
#colcacanyon #colcacanyonperu #peru ___
LIKE THE MUSIC IN OUR VIDEOS? Try Epidemic Sound for 30 days!
CAMERAS: Main Camera - Halef Cam - GoPro - Google Pixel 3:
LENSES: Main Lens - Wide-Angle:
DRONES: Main Drone - Backup Drone -
ACCESSORIES: Camera Stabilizer - Camera Batteries - Lens pouches - Video Microphone -
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ABOUT US Michael and Halef live in Atlanta, GA, but are originally from Canada and Indonesia, respectively. They love to travel and try to do it as much as possible. They saved for a few years and are currentlly on a long-term round the world trip!
Colca Canyon Trekking 3D-2N
This video is about Colca Canyon Treking 3 Days-2 Nights
Our 3rd vlog takes us to Cusco, and forward onto Arequipa to tackle the Colca Canyon 2 day hike.
Colca Trek, Colca Canyon
Colca Canyon tours
HOW MUCH IS AREQUIPA FROM 1 - 10 Travelling To Peru - Tour Guide Arequipa
Arequipa es conocida por el picante en la comida, el Cañón del Colca, el particular Sillar Blanco en las catedrales, la Arquitectura, el Volcán Misti, las leyendas y el misterio en la Historia. Tienes que conocer este lugar.
Arequipa is know for the spicy food (not every food, there's a lot of options), the Cañón del Colca, the white particular ashlar in the buildings, cathedrals, the architecture, The Misti volcano, the legends and the mistery in the history. You need to take a look here.
Julian (France): Arequipa is in the top,. I recomend Papa Rellena that was my favourite food.
★☆★ FACEBOOK ★☆★
Marc (Luxembourg) You need to take a look here, even if it's only to watch Titicaca lake. I love the architecture here, it's a really nice place
★☆★ SPIES★☆★
#Travelling #TourGuide #Arequipa
This video is about: Travelling to Peru - AREQUIPA IS WAITING FOR YOU - Tour Guide Arequipa
Colca Canyon Day Trip Peru - Bamba Experience
An incredible included experience with traveling through Peru with a Bamba Experience travel pass. The Colca Canyon is a stunning land formation, hike through ancient agricultural terraces and feast your eyes on stunning views with giant condors flying overhead. Book your Buena Vista journey with us:
Daily life in Arequipa combined with our trip to Paracas and the start of our journey in Cusco Vida diaria en Arequipa combinado con nuestro viaje a Paracas y el empiezo de nuestro viaje a Cusco
|Arequipa Day 2 & 3| Colca Canyon
The long awaited DAY 2 & 3 of the Arequipa series!!! While studying abroad in Peru we took a trip to Arequipa & went zip lining in the Colca Canyon and on day 3 we went to the Santa Catalina Convent followed by the Mirador de Yanahuara! Hope you guys enjoyed this short series. It was one of my favorite trips ever while in Peru. Please like, comment, and subscribe!