Comana Monastery-Romania ✥۩♚۩✥
Comana Monastery is a Romanian Orthodox monastery in Comana, Giurgiu County, Romania.
- In 1461, the original Comana Monastery was founded and built by Vlad Țepeș (Vlad the Impaler) as a monastery-fortress. Having fallen into disrepair, the original monastery was completely demolished and rebuilt in 1589 by Radu Serban, future prince ofWallachia, Romania. Measuring 61m x 56m (200ft x 184ft), the new monstary was fortified with defensive walls and five towers. It was restored between 1699 and 1703 by Serban Cantacuzino and again during the 18th and 19th centuries.
Comana Monastery Vlad Dracula's grave
Comana Monastery is in GIurgiu county. There is a plaque on the walls before entering the Monastery that states Vlad Dracula built this church in 1461. On another plaque overlooking the place where VLad is supposed to have been buried, Constantin Resecevechi states that this is the most logical resting place and states also with ample evidence Vlad was killed in the forest near here. See Constantin Resecevechi papers in the Journal of Dracula Studies.
???? Ride from Bucharest City to #Comana Village | ???? Exploring #ComanaNaturalPark & #NeajlovDelta
Cycling Ride From Bucharest City to Comana Village (Giurgiu county) with main attraction: Comana Monastery and Comana Adventure Park, Comana Nature Park and Neajlov Delta also named Comana Lake
Riders: DTH on FOCUS MTB `29, MRS on Bianchi Reparto Corse road bike, and VRN on vintage Peugeut road bike.
Video attraction:
1) ✔️ Over taken, over and over again ⚡️ Focus MTB 29 Vs Bianchi Reparto Corse on min 21:11
2) ✔️ Exploring the Comana Natural Park, Comana Adventure Park, Neajlov Delta and sites on min 22:32
3) ✔️ Meeting with VLAD THE EMPAILOR (VLAD ȚEPEȘ) at 26:26
Be free to explore...
About Comana Village
Comana is a commune in Giurgiu County, southern Romania. It is composed of five villages: Comana, Vlad Țepeș, Budeni, Falaștoaca and Grădiștea. The commune is approximately 32 kilometers (20 miles) south of Bucharest.
Comana is part of the Giurgiu county, which is among the less developed areas in Romania, and, in the same time, is part of the Comana Natural Park, a Nature 2000 and Ramsar protected area.
Comana Monastery is located in the commune, as is Comana Nature Park, the largest protected area in southern Romania.
On the night of 6 to 7 of May 1944 a British bomber crash-landed at Comana. The aircrew were killed ( )
About Comana Natural Park
Is a natural reserve near Bucharest, situated in Giurgiu county, at approximately 30 km. Comana Natural Park is well-known for its Delta of the Neajlov River, home for waters, birds, trees and abundant vegetation.
In the month of May there are lots of peonies blooming in the Comana forest, an occasion for the locals to celebrate spring, during Peony Fest (Sarbatoarea Bujorului).
Blue Danube at Giurgiu, Romania.m2t
On June 1st I visited the town of Giurgiu located on the Romanian Danube River bank. This is crossing point between Bulgaria and Romania The correspondent Bulgarian town is Russe on the other side of the river.
Natural Park Comana - Drone shot / #DragosCuDrona
Shot with DJI Phantom 4 Pro and edited with iMovie & Lightroom.
Mănăstirea Comana și-a sărbătorit cel de-al doilea hram
Mânăstirea Snagov (Snagov monastery)
Mânăstirea Snagov (Snagov monastery). Located on the only island on Snagov lake, the monastery is a very old religious site founded in the early 15th century. The location of the monastery is well known because it is believed to be the burial place of Vlad the Impaler, better known as the inspiration for Irish author Bram Stoker's character Dracula in his 1897 novel. The monastery once housed the coin minting facility of the medieval principality Wallachia and in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, one of the most important printing houses in South-Eastern Europe was located on the island. (WikiTravel) Taken on a Panasonic SD700 camcorder and edited with iMovie.
Pașii Pelerinului. Mănăstirea Verbila, jud. Prahova (01 12 2019)
8. Ruinele Manastirii Vodita (1370-1375)
Manastirea Vodita din judetul Mehedinti reprezinta cea mai veche ctitorie voievodala atestata documentar si, totodata, primul asezamant monahal din Tara Romaneasca. Ea a fost ridicata intre anii 1370-1372 de Sfantul Nicodim pe cheltuiala domnitorului Vlaicu Voda. Inca de la inceput, manastirea a fost inzestrata cu odoare pretioase, bani si proprietati.
De-a lungul timpului, manastirea a cunoscut perioade de inflorire si de decadere. Intr-un hrisov din 15 iunie 1689, se precizeaza ca Vodita a fost rezidita din temelie de catre boierul Cornea Brailoiu. In urma razboiului austro-turc, incheiat in 1718, Manastirea Vodita a suferit mari distrugeri si a intrat intr-o etapa de decadere.
Biserica initiala a manastirii este probabil primul monument al arhitecturii sacrale romanesti ridicat pe plan triconc.
In ianuarie 1991, Sfantul Sinod al Bisericii Romane a aprobat reinfiintarea Manastirii Vodita. In perioada 1991-1995, s-a construit aici un impunator corp de chilii si o biserica de lemn.
Rousse - Giurgiu Euroregion
Itenerary Map: Comana Monastery, Romania - Basarbovo Rock Monastery, Rousse, Bulgaria
De mooiste landschappen van Roemenië, Bucegi, Donau, Retezat, Rodna,
De mooiste landschappen van Roemenië, Bucegi, Donau, Retezat, Rodna,
De mooiste Nationale parken van Roemenië.
Name Area (km²) Counties Photo
Domogled-Valea Cernei 601.00 Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi, Gorj Mehedinti Mountains
Rodna 463.99 Bistriţa-Năsăud, Maramureş, Suceava Rodna Mountains
Retezat 380.47 Hunedoara Retezat Mountains
Cheile Nerei-Beuşniţa 371.00 Caraş-Severin Waterfall Beuşniţa - Beu River
Semenic-Cheile Caraşului 366.64 Caraş Severin Semenic Mountains
Călimani 240.41 Bistriţa-Năsăud, Harghita, Mureş, Suceava Călimani Mountains - Pietrosu Peak
Cozia 171.00 Vâlcea Cozia Massif
Piatra Craiului National Park 148.00 Argeş, Braşov Piatra Craiului Masiff
Munţii Măcinului National Park 113.21 Tulcea Măcin Mountains in the background
Defileul Jiului[1][2] 111.27 Gorj, Hunedoara
Ceahlău National Park 83.96 Neamţ Ceahlău Massif
Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş 65.75 Harghita, Neamţ The Bicaz canyon
Buila-Vânturariţa 41.86 Vâlcea Buila Massif
Proposed hunting[edit]
The Romanian Parlament is currently (September 2008) discussing a bill aiming to open 13 National Parks to sustainable hunting, in order to manage the wildlife bio-diversity in these areas and promote greater tourism and the accompanying revenue necessary to support and maintain the parks.[citation needed]
Natural Parks[edit]
There are thirteen natural parks totaling 7282.72 km2:
Name Area (km²) Counties Photos
Muntii Maramureşului 1488.50 Maramureş Maramures Mountains
Porţile de Fier 1156.55 Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi Danube River dear Iron Gate
Mehedinţi Plateau Geopark 1060 Mehedinţi
Hateg Country Dinosaur Geopark 1023.92 Caraş-Severin, Mehedinţi
Apuseni 757.84 Alba, Bihor, Cluj Apuseni Mountains
Putna-Vrancea 382 Vrancea Waterfall Putna
Bucegi 326.63 Argeş, Braşov, Dâmboviţa, Prahova Moraru Massif in Bucegi Mountains
Vânători-Neamţ 308.18 Neamţ Vânători Neamţ Park
Balta Mică a Brăilei 175.29 Brăila Măcin mountains in the background
Grădiştea Muncelului-Cioclovina 100.00 Hunedoara Şureanu Mountains
Comana 249.63 Giurgiu
Defileul Mureşului Superior 9.156.00 Mureş
Lunca Joasă a Prutului Inferior 82.47 Galaţi Prut River
Lunca Mureşului 174.55 Arad, Timiş
Manstirea Vodita | MH | Oltenia
capela sixtina de giurgiu- biserica delta neajlovului comana
capela sixtina de giurgiu- biserica delta neajlovului comana
Dosar România: Cros pentru Daia
Duminică, 10 mai, la TVR1, de la ora 18:45, la Dosar România, Ruxandra Ţuchel ne propune un documentar despre acţiunea unui grup de biciclişti care au organizat un cros pentru strîngerea de fonduri destinate satelor săsești aflate în paragină.
E sîmbătă dimineața și în fața unei biserici ortodoxe de la marginea Sighișoarei, cîțiva biciclisti se pregătesc să plece într-un cros pe drumuri de munte, spre satul Daia de Mureș. 16 km de drum accidentat , neumblat îi așteaptă pe acești tineri veniți din toată țara. Acțiunea este de fapt o strîngere de fonduri destinate satelor săsești aflate în paragină. Satul Daia a supraviețuit aproape neschimbat timp de opt secole, până când, între anii 80- 90, majoritatea saşilor transilvăneni au plecat în Germania. Ruxandra Ţuchel vă propune o poveste despre trecutul și viitorul satelor săsești, în Cros pentru Daia, duminică, 10 mai la Dosar România.
Delta Neajlovului Monastery ✥۩♚۩✥
Manastirea Delta Neajlovului este construita ca o adevarata cetate monahala cu o biserica tip catedrala in partea centrala a curtii, inconjurata de chilii iar in exterior detine o parcare frumos amenajata. Hramurile manastirii sunt: Nasterea Maicii Domnului (biserica mare), Inaltarea Domnului (biserica de lemn), Sfintii Arhangheli (paraclisul).
Oameni Multumiti la Manastirea Delta Neajlovului
Oameni Multumiti la Manastirea Delta Neajlovului, mai, 2019, filmare drona amator 720p, nosound
manastirea braditel neamt :TOACA
Manastirea Curtea de Arges - imagini interior
Filmare 17.09.2016
The exterior of the Late Roman basilica of Argamum Orgame, Tulcea, Romania. Part 3 of 3
- bazilica paleocrestina centrala cu trei nave(bazilica 2) - doua faze constructive - anexele sale(sec. V-VI p. Chr.),
edificii adiacente si strazi din proximitatea ei(sec. IV-VII p. Chr.)
- tronsonul de incinta romano-bizantina cu bastion de pe latura de est si edificii adiacente.(sec. VI p. Chr.)
Argamum (Jurilovca village, Tulcea County, Romania)
Argamum is a Graeco-Roman settlement which is on a promontory projecting into the Razelm Lake, between Danube delta and Black Sea.
The Argamum Complex is situated on Razelm - Sinoe, 20 km SW of St George's channel, 40 km north of Histria and 7 km from the village Jurilovca (Jud Tulcea). The access to the archaeological site can be done through Jurilovca where you will arrive at a country road.
Founded by Greek colonists from Asia Minor, the citadel, was by mid century. VII a. C., a placed above the Black Sea coast.
Today it is situated on the shores of the Razelm Golovita complex. The traces of the Greek city are overlaid with the ones from the late Roman era.
The first settlement of our territory mentioned in ancient writings (end of the VI a. C. century) is the city prior Histria.
Traces of habitation have been demonstrated by excavation since the Bronze Age. Currently Argamum spreads over about 2.5 ha,
being released the trails of the Roman era buildings.
Orgame/Argamum is one of the most important archaeological sites along the Black Sea coast. The pattern of habitation for the area lasts,
with small periods of interruption, almost two millennia. The archaeological discoveries fully illustrate this interval, starting about the 13th century
and divided into the following periods: Bronze Age (13th century B.C); Early Iron Age (10th -- 8th centuries B.C.); Archaic and Classical
(7th -- 4th centuries B.C.); Hellenistic (3rd -- 2nd centuries B.C.); Early Roman (2nd -- 4th centuries A.D.) and Late Roman (4th -- 7th centuries A.D.).
Giurgiu rendering
Rendering of Giurgiu townhall and square based on point cloud