Destination: Hanau
The city of Hanau, the birthplace of the brothers Grimm, is not the most beautiful place in Germany. It does, however, have a fascinating history.
All historical images and maps used in this videos are in the public domain and available from Wikimedia Commons:
Music: Wheels by Jason Shaw
Hanau Germany
Hanau Germany
Shopping Mall Forum Hanau, Hanau Germany
Shopping Mall Forum Hanau, Hanau, Germany
Hanau, Germany: U.S. Pioneer Kaserne, Sportsfield Housing Area, and More!
Overview: Hanau Pioneer Kaserne Street and Surrounding Area from Google Earth:
Welcome to HANAU, GERMANY - land of the Grimm Brothers, linguists and masters of German Folklore!
The 104th Area Support Group (ASG), and the 414th Base Support Battalion (BSB), were located in Hanau. Germany. The peacetime mission of the 104th ASG, and the 414th BSB, was to provide quality of life support to the units within the ASG footprint.
While many US facilities continue to close in Germany, Hanau and its outlying communities (Buedingen, Gelnhausen, and Erlensee) have now closed also. The history of Hanau is both important and interesting. In the early hours of 19 March 1945, Hanau was violently woken by a massive allied air strike. Close to 85 percent of Hanau was destroyed, and it seemed the city, just 11 miles east of Frankfurt am Main, had suffered a mortal blow.
Today, Hanau is a small, bustling city of approximately 100,000 people. This figure includes the populations of the smaller communities of Wolfgang, Grossauheim, Steinheim, Klein Auheim, Hohe Tanne, and Mittlebuchen as a result of a merger in 1974. Some 13,000 workers commute daily to Hanau, causing the main traffic arteries leading out of town to swell each afternoon.
Although Hanau received status as a city from Albrecht I in 1093, it was not until religious refugees poured into the city in 1597 that it began to flourish. Given religious freedom by the ruling Count, these refugees, mostly Dutch and Belgian Wallons, constructed a new city and started new trades, including gold and silver-smiting. The refugees also built the Netherlands Wallon Double Church, which stands today on Franzoezische Allee, as a monument. Hanau's Academy of Art was established in 1772 for the training of young people to work in the city's gold and silver trade. It is the oldest existing school of its kind in Germany. The history of the city touched that of America during the Revolutionary War. A treaty was signed in Hanau in February 1776 - to hire mercenaries. This treaty provided England's King George III with the first contingent of Hessian soldiers for use against the American Colonies. During the early years of the 19th century, Hanau was occupied by Napoleon's troops and its fortifications were destroyed. In 1886, Hanau fell into Prussian hands. At the beginning of the 20th century, Hanau's Main River Port was built. This paved the way for trade of all kinds. Despite the world wars, Hanau continued to thrive. Its gold and silver industries attracted gem and other precious metal factories. Today, the products of Heraeus, Quarzlampen Company, Dunlop Rubber, Degussa and many others, are vital to the city's economic welfare.
On 16 October 1991, the US military community in Hanau was re-designated as the 414th BSB in accordance with the United States Army Europe Community Command Plan. Unlike most army posts in CONUS, the Hanau military community was comprised of seventeen smaller installations or Kasernes. Each kaserne has an interesting history of its own. Pioneer Kaserne was built under Hilter's regime between 1938 and 1939. It was occupied by the German Railroad Recruiting and Training Battalions of the 3rd German Railroad Regiment. In 1944 and 1945, the kaserne was damaged by an allied aerial bombardment and was later attacked by artillery fire. It was reestablished by municipal construction agencies organized by the US Government. Pioneer Kaserne late housed the majority of the facilities for the support and welfare of military personnel and their family members.
The US military forces obtained Pioneer Kaserne in 1945, and 63 years later, turned the compound back over to the Germans in August/September 2008.
This video footage was captured in July 2014.
Pioneer kaserne - Sportsfield Kaserne ( Wolfgang - Hanau Germany ) 05.08.2018
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Best Restaurants and Places to Eat in Hanau , Germany
Hanau Food Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Hanau for you. With the help of this list you can try Best Local Food in Hanau. You can select best Bar in Hanau.
And Lot more about Hanau Food and Drinks.
It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Hanau, it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.
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List of Best Restaurants in Hanau
Steve's Bar & Grill
Taverna Maria
Der Laden - Hanau
Emma's Steakhaus
Wenck'scher Hof
Steakhouse Romerhof
Goldener Bock
Rincon Espanol
Hanau Germany ????????..the first vlog I made????
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SCAPERS LOUNGE - The NEW aquascaping store in Hanau, Germany
Welcome to the grand opening of Scaperslounge in Hanau, Germany!
Sascha Hoyer's aquascaping shop just opened its doors (01.06.2019) and the first impressions are just amazing!
I would like to wish the best success for Sascha, Matthias and the entire Scapers Lounge Team! ????
#FAAO #Aquaflora #Aquascaping #planted #aquarium #aquatic #plant #freshwater #plantedtank #aquascape #plantedaquarium #scaperslounge #saschahoyeraquaartist #saschahoyer
Hanau in 4k UHD []
Hanau in 4k
Ein kleiner Rundgang durch die Brüder-Grimm-Stadt Hanau im Main-Kinzig-Kreis:
Schloss Philippsruhe, Wallonisch-Niederländische Kirche, Brüder Grimm-Nationaldenkmal, Marienkirche, Kuranlage Wilhemsbad, Altstadt Steinheim, Gedächniskirche, Schloss Steinheim, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus ...
Aufgenommen und Bearbeitet von Thorsten Fleck
- Sony FDR-AX100E
- TARION OS03555 Schwebestativ
Music lizensiert bei
Soundtrack: Cinematic Trailer von AudioPizza
Exchange library in Hanau, Germany
Exchange library in Hanau, Germany
Partybodrum @ Germany / Hanau - Club Podium
Facebook Fun Page
Partybodrum @ Germany / Hanau - Club Podium ( Burcu Gunes Oflaya Oflaya Remix )
Schloss Philippsruhe in Hanau, Germany
Read the article here:
Pioneer Kaserne - Hanau, Germany, 29th of October 2017
A guided tour of the city of Hanau through what used to be one of the largest US Army garrisson's in Europe. Home to the 130th engineer brigade now(2017) stationed on Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
This video was taken 9 years after the US Army left the kaserne. As of now (October 2017) plans to rebuild and/or tear down buildings to make way for civil German housing are underway.
On a side note and in my own opinion: Unfortunately many of the once pristine looking buildings, having been in very good shape in 2008, were left to rott over the years instead of having been put to good use in civilian form. Probably due to the greed of few trying to make the most money they could off of what once had been a thriving military community.
memories of hanau us army
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driving in Frankfurt am Main and Hanau / Germany / September 2018 - road trip
driving in Frankfurt am Main and Hanau / Germany / September 2018 - road trip
Music by: Nomyn - Lightness
All rights reserved.
Sunday Morning in Hanau, Germany
Sunday Morning in Hanau, Germany, out the window of the Best Western. Follow us on:
Driving the Nation
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Hanau, Germany: The U.S. Middle School & High School Area In 2019
Hanau High School: Home of Panther Pride
School opened in 1975 and closed during 2008.
Hanau middle school and high school were located for many decades on Old Argonner Kaserne, later across the street from New Argonner Kaserne, in the Hanau/Grossauheim region of Germany. The location for both of these historical U.S. military institutions, were situated on property that U.S. military began occupying in the late 1950's, which was of course after World War II ended in 1945. Also, in the 1990's, the Milcom's Hanau Teen Center and military billeting hotel, found their home on Old Argonner Kaserne.
* Video recorder, voice over, editor: Otis Cue Pate
* Date recorded: March 23, 2019
* O. Pate has been a member of the US Milcom community in Germany since June 1977. He resides in Frankfurt, Germany with his wife Lynn.
*Music credits*
Music provided through Creative Commons Attribution License.
*Artist/Group/Producer: BoxCat Games
*Music Tracks:
1) Love of My Life
2) Against The Wall
3) Mission
*BoxCat Games at the Free Music Archive:
*Creative Common Attribution License:
All music rights reserved by artist/group/producer. The artist/group/produce is not affiliated with Frankfurt Alumni Video and isn't responsible for nor accepts any liability for the contents contained in Frankfurt Alumni Video's uploads.
Hanau, Germany: U.S. Pioneer Kaserne, AAFES Gas Station & Garage, Sportsfield Housing Area (Rare!)
The 104th Area Support Group (ASG) and the 414th Base Support Battalion (BSB) were located in Hanau. The peacetime mission of the 104th ASG and the 414th BSB, was to provide quality of life support to the units within the ASG footprint. Unlike most army posts in CONUS (the CONtinental United States), the Hanau military community was comprised of a number of smaller installations or Kasernes. Each kaserne had an interesting history of its own. Located in Hanau was Pioneer Kaserne, home to the 130th Combat Engineer Brigade, as well as the Yorkhof, Hutier, and Francois Kasernes. Fliegerhorst Kaserne, home to the 4th Aviation Brigade, was located in nearby Erlensee.
Pioneer Kaserne was historically home to the 130th Combat Engineer Brigade, got its name from the original German Pioniere/Pioneers (Engineers), who inhabited the post until 1945. It was first built during the 1930s. Pioneer Kaserne was built under Adolf Hilter's regime between 1938 and 1939. It was occupied by the German Railroad Recruiting and Training Battalions of the 3rd German Railroad Regiment. In 1944 and 1945 the kaserne was damaged by an allied aerial bombardment and was later attacked by artillery fire. It was reestablished by municipal construction agencies organized by the US Government. Pioneer Kaserne used to house the majority of the facilities for the support and welfare of military personnel and their family members in Hanau.
This video footage is from our lost and found archives. The recording took place in June 2016, but the capture was lost and then found in December 2019. It features Pioneer Kaserne, AAFES gas station/parts store/ and garage, Sportsfeld Housing Area, and more.
Otis Cue Pate worked for the CPO (the Civilian Personnel Office) in Hanau, Germany, from April 1996 - April 2000. However he lived in Langenselbold, Germany, which is 10 kms/6.2 miles East, of Hanau's Wolfgang's military area.
Video's Editing & Recording: Otis Cue Pate
* AFN Europe:
Underwood Kaserne - Hanau-Großauheim [ Part 1 - 18.12.2019 ]
Die ehemalige 6,1 Hektar große Underwood Kaserne ist die jüngste Kasernenanlage in Hanau und wurde erst im Jahr 1985 von den amerikanischen Gaststreitkräften als Stützpunkt eines US-Patriot-Bataillons eröffnet.
Das Underwood-Gelände wird durch eine Eisenbahnlinie von der benachbarten ehemaligen Großauheim-Kaserne getrennt. Die Liegenschaft liegt im Dreieck von Depotstraße im Westen, die Eisenbahnlinie Hanau-Aschaffenburg im Süden und eine Eisenbahnstrecke, die die Hauptstrecken Hanau-Aschaffenburg und Hanau-Fulda direkt verbindet, im Nordosten. Auf der gegenüberliegenden Seite der Depotstraße befindet sich ein großes Industriegelände der Firma ABB. Direkt nördlich, nach der Eisenbahnlinie, beginnt der Großauheimer Stadtwald.
Der größte Teil der Fläche ist versiegelt. Auf der Liegenschaft sind insgesamt sechs Gebäude, sowie mehrere Unterstationen für Strom und Wasser vorhanden. Im Süden ist der technische Bereich mit zwei Fahrzeughallen, einer Tankstelle sowie Wartungs- und Verladerampen, die von versiegelten Flächen umgeben sind, angeordnet. Im nördlichen Bereich sind zwei Unterkunftsgebäude, ein Verwaltungsgebäude sowie die Kantine angesiedelt. Die hier vorhandenen Parkplatzflächen werden durch Grünflächen unterbrochen. Auf dieser Fläche gibt es noch diverse Lagerboxen und Fertigteilgaragen.
Weiterhin ist die Liegenschaft im rechtskräftigen Regionalen Flächennutzungsplan 2010 für den Ballungsraum Frankfurt-Rhein-Main als gewerbliche Baufläche dargestellt. Ein rechtskräftiger Bebauungsplan ist nicht vorhanden. Verkehrstechnisch ist die Liegenschaft gut angeschlossen. Die Haupteinfahrt der ehemaligen Kaserne liegt an der Depotstraße, gegenüber der Einmündung der L 3309. Über die Depotstraße und die L 3309 sind die Bundesstraßen B 8 und B 43a zu erreichen, sowie die Hanauer Innenstadt und auch die benachbarten Gemeinden Großkrotzenburg und Kahl.