Places to see in ( Comillas - Spain )
Places to see in ( Comillas - Spain )
Comillas is a small township and municipality in the northern reaches of Spain, in the autonomous community of Cantabria. The Marquisate of Comillas, a fiefdom of Spanish nobility, holds ceremonial office in the seat of power at a small castle which overlooks the town. The Comillas Pontifical University was housed here before it moved to Madrid, and the old university buildings are among the finest examples of architecture in Comillas . Besides this, there are many notable medieval and baroque buildings.
Comillas is situated close to the coast in the autonomous community of Cantabria. To the north lies the Bay of Biscay and to the south the Cantabrian Mountains which run parallel with the coast, the highest point of which is the Torre de Cerredo, 2,648 metres (8,688 ft). Santander lies fifty kilometres to the east. There is a sandy beach and headlands and the town is set a little way back from the sea.
The Plaza del Corro de Campios, in the centre of the oldest part of Comillas , is surrounded by ancestral mansions with shields on the walls depicting the noble families who lived there. Comillas hall and the seventeenth century parish church of San Cristóbal are nearby, and there are some interesting mausoleums in the cemetery. The Neo-Gothic university buildings overlook Comillas. The Art Nouveau buildings are some of the finest in Cantabria and include the Sobrellano Palace Chapel, the Pantheon, and El Capricho, a fantastic creation by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. The first Marquis of Comillas was Antonio López y López (died 1883). Founder and owner of the Compañía Transatlántica .
Alot to see in ( Comillas - Spain ) such as :
El Capricho
Sobrellano Palace
Fuente de los Tres Caños
Casa del Duque
Capilla Panteón de los Marqueses de Comillas
Monumento a Antonio López y López. Marqués de Comillas
Ermita Monte Corona
Monumento al Marqués de Comillas
Ayuntamiento antiguo de Comillas
Puerta de los Pájaros (o del Moro)
Monumento a las Mariscadoras
Portalaa Casa Moro
Torre de la Vega
Parque Guell y Martos
Casa del Duque de Almodovar del Rio
Palacio de Ocejo
Fuente de los Tres Canos
Universidad Pontificia
Comillas Beach
Cementerio de Comillas
( Comillas - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Comillas . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Comillas - Spain
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Comillas Beach.AVI
We parked our caravan right on the beach and got woken up by some council workers cleaning up the beach and surrounding areas.
Cantabria,Comillas - Spain (HD1080p)
COMILLAS - Cantabria - Spain [HD]
#Comillas #Cantabria #Spain #TRAVELwithPHOTOSPHOTOStoTRAVEL
Comillas - Cantabria - Spain
Beach: Así es la playa de COMILLAS, Cantabria
EnVerde.Net - VIAJES: Así es la playa de Comillas, Cantabria, costa del mar Cantábrico, España. Imágenes del 9 de septiembre del 2014.
Comillas Cantabria Spain
Visitamos Comillas Cantabria Spain, otro de los pueblos más bonitos de España ubicado en Cantabria. Pueblecito pesquero con un patrimonio cultural digno de admirar.
Comillas Cantabria es uno de esos pueblos en españa imprescindibles a visitar.
Durante el recorrido por el pueblo visitaremos diferentes plazas y disfrutaremos de su arquitectura típica de Cantabria.
Visitamos también el Cementerio de Comillas de aspecto gótico con su Angel exterminador. Este famoso cementerio declarado Bien de Interés Cultural en 1983 tiene unas vistas inmejorables al mar cantábrico.
Acabaremos el recorrido dando un paseo por el pueblo y disfrutando de uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España.
0:01 Intro Comillas Cantabria Spain
0:16 Calles de Comillas Cantabria
0:31 Cementerio de Comillas Spain
0:42 Plaza
0:48 Iglesia de San Cristobal Cantabria Spain
1:00 Más plazas y calles
1:08 Caserones típicos de Cantabria
1:15 Típicas calles
1:19 Créditos finales
Santillana del Mar
San Vicente de la Barquera
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Comillas Spain 4k Drone Selfie
Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Comillas
Places to see in ( Cantabria - Spain ) Comillas
Comillas is a small township and municipality in the northern reaches of Spain, in the autonomous community of Cantabria. The Marquisate of Comillas, a fiefdom of Spanish nobility, holds ceremonial office in the seat of power at a small castle which overlooks the town.
The Comillas Pontifical University was housed here before it moved to Madrid, and the old university buildings are among the finest examples of architecture in the town. Besides this, there are many notable medieval and baroque buildings. Comillas was the capital of Spain for a day, the 6th of August 1881, following an agreement between king Alfonso XII and the Minister's Council to gather at a formal meeting in town.
Comillas was first inhabited in prehistoric times when the caverns that are plentiful in the area were used as shelters. The Neolithic inhabitants left behind them rock paintings that depicted the animals they hunted. Magdalenian and Bronze Age artefacts have been found in nearby Ruiseñada, and there was an ancient mine at La Molina in which utensils and Roman coins have been found as well as an altar dedicated to the god Jupiter. Arrowheads have also been found here. On the border between Comillas and Ruiloba, heaps of shells have been found showing that the ancient people, besides hunting, specialised in collecting food from the sea.
The remains of the medieval castle of Peña del Castillo are still visible and another castle later occupied the same strategic site. The earliest documents relating to the town date to the eleventh century, although most of them were destroyed later in a fire at the town hall. Garcilaso de la Vega built a tower on the coast to demonstrate the towns dominance in maritime affairs. After the conclusion of the Valles Lawsuit against the Duke of Infantado in 1581, Comillas became part of the Province of Nine Valleys, a judicial and administrative body. Historically, the town was one of four towns making up the Alfoz of Lloredo. The town is sometimes known as the Town of the Bishops, because five priests who were born here went on to become bishops in several different dioceses during the Middle Ages.
Early in the twentieth century, the first marquis Antonio López y López invited King Alfonso XII to his mansion at Comillas and the town became popular with the aristocracy; the architect Joan Martorell built the enormous Palacio de Sobrellano on the instructions of the marquis.
Comillas is situated close to the coast in the autonomous community of Cantabria. To the north lies the Bay of Biscay and to the south the Cantabrian Mountains which run parallel with the coast, the highest point of which is the Torre de Cerredo, 2,648 metres (8,688 ft). Santander lies fifty kilometres to the east. There is a sandy beach and headlands and the town is set a little way back from the sea.
The Plaza del Corro de Campios, in the centre of the oldest part of the town, is surrounded by ancestral mansions with shields on the walls depicting the noble families who lived there. The town hall and the seventeenth century parish church of San Cristóbal are nearby, and there are some interesting mausoleums in the cemetery. The Neo-Gothic university buildings overlook the town. The Art Nouveau buildings are some of the finest in Cantabria and include the Sobrellano Palace Chapel, the Pantheon, and El Capricho, a fantastic creation by the Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí.
( Cantabria - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Cantabria . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Cantabria - Spain
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Comillas es una localidad situada entre cuatro pequeños cerros a pocos metros de la costa, a orillas del Cantábrico. En esta pequeña villa encontramos uno de los principales focos de Modernismo fuera de Cataluña. Su principal impulsor fue don Antonio López López, primer marqués de Comillas.
Asentado en Barcelona, el marqués mantenía un estrecho contacto con los jóvenes que estaban desarrollando nuevas formas arquitectónicas, y no dudó en llamarlos cuando decidió engalanar su villa natal.
Uno de los primeros edificios construidos fue el palacio de Sobrellano, obra de estilo ecléctico con influencias del gótico inglés. A su lado se alza la Capilla Panteón, una réplica a menor tamaño de las catedrales góticas alemanas.
La Universidad es uno de los edificios representativos de la villa. Se trata de una ecléctica construcción en la que se imponen los estilo gótico y mudéjar.
Domènech i Muntaner es el autor de la Fuente de los Tres Caños, levantada en homenaje a Joaquín de Piélago, por conseguir la traída de aguas a la villa.
Domènech también es el autor del Cementerio de San Cristóbal, diseñado en perfecta simbiosis con el paisaje de la cornisa cantábrica y las ruinas de la antigua iglesia parroquial.
Pero, sin duda, El Capricho es el edificio emblemático de Comillas. Antoni Gaudí es su autor, concibiéndolo como un organismo vivo en el que las actividades diarias siguen el recorrido del sol. En su suntuosa decoración destaca el recuerdo oriental, así como el motivo del girasol, constantemente repetido. --
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Camino de la Costa 2013 (6): Santillana del Mar - Comillas - San Vicente de la Barquera - Pendueles
Los videodiarios del Camino, quinta temporada (2013): En el camino de Santiago de la costa, sexta parte.
De Santillana del Mar por Cóbreces, Comillas, San Vicente de la Barquera y Colombres a Pendueles
(Subtítulos disponibles en español, inglés o alemán)
En buena compañía: una peregrina de 81 años. Vacas limpias. Alpacas: Llamas de pelo largo. Una etapa larga. Por o entre Comillas, caprichos, edificios monumentales y murales evanescentes. Los Picos de Europa nevados en la lejanía. Por el bosque hundido en un tramo alternativo. Un concierto para los peregrinos. Asfalto y pedazos de camino verdadero. Más vacas y un nuevo albergue. Una sorpresa.
The Camino Video Diaries, fifth season (2013): On the Coast Way of St. James, sixth part.
From Santillana del Mar via Cóbreces, Comillas, San Vicente de la Barquera and Colombres to Pendueles
(Subtitles available in English, German or Spanish)
In good company: an 81 years old pilgrim. Clean cows. Alpacas: long-hair Llamas . A long stage. In or between Comillas, caprices, monumental buildings and evanescent murals. The snowcapped Peaks of Europe in the distance. The sunken forest near an alternative section of the way. A concert for the pilgrims. Asphalt and pieces of the true path. More cows and a new albergue. A surprise.
Die Camino-Videotagebücher, fünfte Staffel (2013): Auf dem Küsten-Jakobsweg, sechster Teil.
Von Santiallana del Mar über Cóbreces, Comillas, San Vicente de la Barquera und Colombres nach Pendueles
(Untertitel verfügbar auf Deutsch, Englisch oder Spanisch)
In guter Gesellschaft: eine einundachtzigjährige Pilgerin. Saubere Kühe. Alpakas: Langhaar-Lamas. Eine lange Etappe. Durch oder in Comillas, Kapriccios, monumentale Bauten und verschwindende Wandmalereien. Die verschneiten Picos de Europa in der Ferne. Durch den versunkenen Wald auf einem alternativen Wegabschnitt. Ein Konzert für die Pilger. Asphalt und Stücke des wirklichen Weges. Noch mehr Kühe und eine neue Herberge. Eine Überraschung.
Camino del Norte * Northern Way * Chemin du Nord * Nordweg * Nadbrzeżną / Północna Droga św. Jakuba * Kystruten / Nordlige ruten * Cammino del Nord * Nordliga vägen * Severská cesta svatého Jakuba * Noordelijke route * Kostaldeko Done Jakue bidea * ノーザン ウェイ * 북부 길
Marina de Campios, Comillas, Spain HD review
Located in this charming town near the sea, this hotel was originally a 19th-century, Cantabrian home and boasts theatrical design and a sophisticated bar and terrace area.
Take the 1,701 feet walk down to the golden beaches of this area. On the way, admire views of Comillas with its terracotta roofs and stone buildings. Once at the beach, enjoy golden sands and waters that are good for surfing. You can also soak up the fresh air on the nearby golf course or with a long, coastal walk in the Oyambre Nature Reserve which runs alongside the beach.
In the evening, enjoy a refreshing drink in the Marina de Campios stylish Piano Bar. You can also soak up the sunshine on the outdoor terrace. Alternatively, relax and chat with other guests in the TV room which also houses a small library.
Prepare for the busy day ahead with a great breakfast served in the Marina de Campios.
Check-out is a relaxed 12:00 PM, so you can sleep in and really enjoy that morning cup o' joe.
Comillas con los 5 sentidos
Video promocional del Ayuntamiento de Comillas
Comillas desde el Aire - Descubre Comillas
Corte del documental Cantabria desde el aire (C&C Publicidad, 2007)
Visita Comillas uno de los lugares más bonitos de España en Cantabria
Albergue Paradiso, en Cantabria. Situado entre las playas de Suances y Santillana del Mar (cuevas de Altamira). El Albergue Paradiso cuenta en sus instalaciones con: albergue, granja escuela, centro de formación, escuela de tiempo libre, gimnasio, piscina, campo de aventura, pistas polideportivas, cafetería, parque infantíl, aparcamiento, wifi... Especializados en turismo escolar y familiar.
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