Convent de Sant Francesc de Morella
Imatges del Convent de Sant Francesc situat junt al castell de Morella, amb el claustre, l'esglesia, l'arc del cor, la dansa de la mort...
Les fotos són meues exepte cinc que he trobat per internet i m'han agradat. Moltes gràcies a tots els que mireu el vídeo i espere que us agrade.
Morella, Spain 2019 (city hightlights)
Morella is a small town in Castellón province, 105km North of Castellon de la Plana (where we took the morning bus). The fortified hilltop dominates the town that can keep you busy for a day in this peaceful but beautiful small town.
Some interesting sites in Morella: Castell de Morella, church of Santa Maria la Mayor, Convent de Sant Francesc de Morella, the gothic aqueduct (13th c.), the Town Hall(Ajuntament), Dinosaur Museum.
Food was good in the two restaurants we visited. Don’t forget to try the local special pastry, the flaó, made with cinnamon, cheese, and almonds.
If you get there by car have in mind there is limited parking space (outside the city walls).
Η Μορέγια είναι μια μικρή ορεινή πόλη της επαρχίας Καστεγιό (105χλμ Β της ομώνυμης πόλης από όπου πήραμε και το λεωφορείο, προσοχή γιατί έχει μόνο δύο δρομολόγια την ημέρα).
Πρόκειται για μια από τις ομορφότες πόλεις της ευρύτερης επαρχίας της Βαλένθια. Λόγω μεγέθους μπορεί να περπατηθεί άνετα (οκ προφανώς θα έχει ανηφόρα μέχρι το κάστρο) με φιλόξενους ντόπιους, καλό φαγητό, μαγαζάκια για δώρα και κάποια αξιοθέατα για να σπάσει η μονοτονία. Αξίζει να δείτε την εκκλησία Santa Maria la Mayor, το γοτθικό υδραγωγείο, το δημαρχείο αλλά προφανώς το highlight της επίσκεψης μας ήταν η βόλτα στο κάστρο (13ος αιώνας) για την θέα πάνω από την πόλη.
-- video recording/editing:
Places to see in ( Morella - Spain )
Places to see in ( Morella - Spain )
Morella is an ancient walled city located on a hill-top in the province of Castellón, Valencian Community, Spain. The town of Morella is the capital and administrative centre of the comarca of Els Ports, in the historic Maestrat region.
There are traces of settlement by the Iberians, succeeded by the Greeks and Romans, Visigoths and the Moors. From the early 17th century to the Spanish Civil War, the town of Morella was often fought over, due to its strategic situation between the Ebro and the coastal plain of Valencia. Morella is part of the Taula del Sénia free association of municipalities.
Every six years the citizens celebrate the Sexenni, a commemoration of the town's recovery from the plague in the seventeenth century. Tourism now plays an important part in the local economy, along with agriculture. In the 20th century the town and surrounding area became depopulated, a trend that has only been reversed in the early 21st century. One of the typical gastronomic products of Morella is sweets known as flaons. Local bakeries are also renowned for a number of other traditional pastries and sweets, like mantecadas, prepared in the ancient way.
In the late seventeenth century, Morella was severely affected by the plague. After twenty years of suffering, the citizens brought a statue of the Virgin Mary from the Sanctuary of Vallivana, 24 kilometres (15 mi) away, at the feet of the Serra de Vallivana range, and processed it through the streets. It is said that the plague disappeared from the city and, to remember this, every six years the Sexenni festival takes place for nine days in late August. The virgin is carried in procession and the traditional town guilds perform ancient dances in her honour. The festivities in 2006 were the first of the 21st century.
Morella's municipal area is divided into subdivisions are known as Dena since ancient times. These are: La Vespa, Els Castellons, Dena Primera del Riu, Dena Segona del Riu, La Font d'en Torres, Herbeset, Els Llivis, Morella la Vella, El Coll i el Moll, La Pobla d'Alcolea, Dena de la Roca, Muixacre, Herbeset, Xiva de Morella, Hortells and Vallivana. Morella occupies a strategic position between the plains of the river Ebro to the north west and the coastal plains of Valencia and Castellon.
Morella is now a tourist destination, with many historic buildings, hotels and restaurants. It is listed as one of the most beautiful towns in Spain. Some of the top sights to see in Morella are the Castillo de Morella (Morella Castle), the aqueduct, La Iglesia de Santa María Morella (Saint Mary’s Church), Convento de San Francesc Morella (St. Francis’ Convent) and the Morella Museo Temps de Dinosaures (Time of Dinosaurs Museum Morella).
Although not as important as in the past, wool and woollen goods still plays a part in the local economy. One of its most famous products is the Morella blanket, which has a unique design, with a range of colour combinations and horizontal stripes.
( Morella - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Morella . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Morella - Spain
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Visita guiada al convent de sant Francesc de Vilafranca del Penedès.
La Muixeranga a Morella: La Degollà d'Alcoi al convent de Sant Francesc
Amb el permís del company que ens ho va passar, penjo en youtube aquesta versió de la Muixeranga perque es una gran versió que no teniu que deixar de sentir. Va ser un moment impresionant en un marc incomparable, com es el convent gòtic de Sant Francesc.
EMM2015 - Early Music Morella 18 a 23 de julio de 2015
VII centenario de la muerte de Ramon Llull (1232-1315/16)
V centenario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa de Jesús (1515-1582)
La dimensión académica de Capella de Ministrers se condensa con la realización de Early Music Morella, combinación de la tradición y la música culta, la práctica con la teoría musical. Un Curso Internacional de Música Medieval y Renacentista especializado en el repertorio de los siglos X a XVI que palía la carencia de estudios y difusión de este singular repertorio. El Curso y Festival EMM 2015, en su IV edición, centra el punto de atención en la Mística, entendida como una experiencia universal natural a las Tres Culturas, y en la que la música es fundamental para transportar la razón, el conocimiento y los sentidos. Coincidiendo con el 700 aniversario de la muerte del cabalista y teólogo mallorquín Ramon Llull (Raimundo Lulio) y el V centenario del nacimiento de Santa Teresa de Jesús, se genera el entorno del Curso y Festival en el que se ahondará en el concepto intercultural de la mística desde la Edad Media al Renacimiento.
Trovadores, canto gregoriano y monodia, ars subtilior, música de las Tres Culturas, seminarios de música tradicional y andalusí, polifonías religiosas en torno al misticismo, conferencias, talleres, exposiciones, la danza medieval de la muerte... En definitiva, todo lo que desde el nacimiento del canto gregoriano hasta las últimas polifonías del Renacimiento se pudo escuchar en Occidente y Oriente, tanto transmitido por tradición oral como escrita, tomando especial atención en esta edición al corpus musical del Siglo de Oro de la Corona de Aragón en torno a la espiritualidad, el sufismo y la mística en la música antigua.
Compartir, recuperar, interpretar, conservar y difundir nuestro patrimonio musical, conocer en definitiva el entorno social y cultural de nuestra historia más antigua, es el objetivo fundamental del Curso Internacional de Música Medieval y Renacentista Early Music Morella. Estáis todos invitados a participar.
Cognitio divinorum fuit semper in anima per simplicem intuitum vel contactum
700th anniversary of the death of Raymond Lully (1232-1315/16)
500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
The academic dimension of Capella de Ministrers is condensed with the realization of Early Music Morella. From tradition to cult music, combining musical practice with theory is created the International Course on Medieval and Renaissance Music Early Music Morella. A specialized course in the repertoire of the 10th to 16th centuries, in order to alleviate the shortage of specialized studies in this particular repertoire. The 4th edition of Early Music Morella focuses on the Mysticism, as a natural universal experience to the Three Cultures, in which music is crucial to transport the knowledge and the senses. Coinciding with the 700th anniversary of the death of the Kabbalist and Theologian Raymond Lully, and the 500th anniversary of the birth of St. Teresa of Avila, Early Music Morella 2015 will deal with the intercultural concept of Mysticism, from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.
Troubadours, Gregorian chant, religious and court music, ars nova and ars subtilior, music of the Three Cultures, historical dance... In short, everything that, from the birth of Gregorian chant to the latest Renaissance polyphony, could be heard in the West, taking special attention to the musical corpus of the Crown of Aragon.
Recover, interpret, preserve and disseminate our musical heritage to know the social and cultural history of our oldest history, fundamental objective of the International Course on Medieval and Renaissance Music Early Music Morella. We are preaparing IV edition of the course, that will be presented in early 2015.
Cognitio divinorum fuit semper in anima per simplicem intuitum vel contactum.
MORELLA: uno de los pueblos más bonitos de la Comunidad Valenciana | España
Visitamos Morella uno de los pueblos más bonito de valencia. Caminamos por su casco antiguo conociendo los lugares imprescindibles de Morella. Este mágico pueblo de España se encuentra en la Comunidad de Valencia. (Turismo de España).
We visited Morella one of the most beautiful villages of Valencia. We walk through its old town knowing the essential places of Morella. This magical town of Spain is located in the Community of Valencia. (Tourism of Spain).
¿Qué ver y visitar en Morella? / what to see and visit in Morella?
- Casco Medieval
- Muralla Morella
- Castillo de Morella
- Convento Sant Francesc
- Iglesia de Santa María de Morella
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Música: Royalty Free Music by
La Degollà d'Alcoi interpreta Anem al concert a Morella (12/07/2014)
Concert de La Degollà al Convent de Sant Francesc de Morella (12/07/2014).
XXVè aniversari de la colla.
Obertura per a dolçaines i percussió de Vicent Ferragut, Anem.
Places to see in ( Sagunto - Spain )
Places to see in ( Sagunto - Spain )
Sagunto is a town in Eastern Spain, in the modern fertile comarca of Camp de Morvedre in the province of Valencia. Sagunto is located c. 30 km north of Valencia, close to the Costa del Azahar on the Mediterranean Sea.
Sagunto is best known for the remains of the ancient Iberian and Roman city of Saguntum, which played a significant part in the Second Punic War between the Carthaginians (under Hannibal) and the Romans.
Alot to see in ( Sagunto - Spain ) such as :
The remains of Sagunto Castle may be seen on top of the hill. It preserves much of its walled ramparts, of Roman and Moorish origin.
A Roman theater, partly restored in late 20th century. It is found on the northern slope of the citadel hill. It was the first official National Monument declared in Spain (1896).
The Gothic Esglèsia de Santa Maria (St Mary's Church), in the Plaça Major (Main Square).
The Palau Municipal (City Palace), or town hall; a beautiful 18th century building with a neoclassical façade.
The early Gothic Esglèsia del Salvador (Church of Our Savior).
The narrow streets of the Juderia (Old Jewish Quarter), on the hillside on the way up to the citadel.
The 13th century Santa Ana convent adjacent to the Plaça de Pi.
The Sagunto History Museum, located in the house of Mestre Peña, a building in the Jewish quarter dating from the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The largest collection is from the Ibero-Roman Period.
The famed composer Don Joaquín Rodrigo, who composed Concierto de Aranjuez, among others, was born in Sagunto .
( Sagunto - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Sagunto . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Sagunto - Spain
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Vídeo promocional de Morella i el 100é aniversari de la Valltorta-Morella la Vella
Vídeo promocional de la ciutat de Morella, capital de la comarca dels Ports. El seu terme municipal acull nombroses masades i llogarets com els Llivis, la Llàcua, la Pobleta, Vallivana i Xiva, entre d'altres. Es troba a més de 1.000 metres sobre el nivell del mar i desenvolupa el poblament del nucli urbà al voltant del seu castell, amb elements arquitectònics singulars com ara l'església arxiprestal, el convent de Sant Francesc, l'aqüeducte, l'Ajuntament i molts altres vestigis patrimonials, com és el cas dels diferents abrics de Morella la Vella, declarats Patrimoni de la Humanitat
Els xiquets de Morella s’endinsen en la música antiga
Un taller dirigit per Mar Aranda i Jota Martínez al Convent de Sant Francesc
Parador de Morella
Infografía 3D para Paradores del complejo de Morella
Música dels pelegrins de Morella
La Muixeranga Luar Na Lubre
Concert de Luar Na Lubre al Teatre Calderón d'Alcoi amb motiu del 25 aniversari de la degollà
Compromís alerten del perill que el Maestrat i Els Ports queden relegats en la recuperació econòmica
El claustre del Convent de Sant Francesc va acollir dissabte a la vesprada l’Assemblea Oberta convocada per Compromís del Maestrat i Els Ports, a la que van acudir simpatitzants, militants i càrrecs de la formació.