Inside Corpus Christi Church / Wroclaw
This video shows you the inside of the Corpus Christi Church in Wroclaw. In Polish it is called Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, I believe.. Not too old from the inside, and the silence is a Hugh difference with the busy outside. Polish people pray a lot, but don't give money to the vagrants who are often sitting next to the entrance, they will directly use it in the café next to the church. Reasonable modern style inside, where most churches are dark, this one is exceptionally light as you can see in this video. Not to disturbing a local citizen praying, we made this a short video. Please walk into this church when you are nearby for a moment of self-reflection, you have an impression of the inside now.
Ten film pokazuje wnętrze kościoła Bożego Ciała we Wrocławiu. W języku polskim nazywa się Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, wierzę .. Nie za stary od środka, a cisza to różnica Hugh z ruchliwym na zewnątrz. Polacy dużo się modlą, ale nie dają pieniędzy włóczęgom, którzy często siedzą przy wejściu, będą bezpośrednio z niego korzystać w kawiarni obok kościoła. Rozsądny styl nowoczesny wewnątrz, gdzie większość kościołów jest ciemna, ten jest wyjątkowo lekki, jak widać na tym filmie. Nie przeszkadzając miejscowym mieszkańcom modlić się, zrobiliśmy to krótkie wideo. Proszę, wejdź do tego kościoła, kiedy jesteś w pobliżu na chwilę autorefleksji, teraz masz wrażenie, że jesteś w środku.
Cette vidéo vous montre l'intérieur de l'église du Corpus Christi à Wroclaw. En polonais, cela s'appelle Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, je crois. Pas trop vieux de l'intérieur, et le silence est une différence entre Hugh et le monde occupé. Les Polonais prient beaucoup, mais ne donnez pas d'argent aux vagabonds qui sont souvent assis à côté de l'entrée, ils l'utiliseront directement au café situé à côté de l'église. Style moderne raisonnable à l'intérieur, où la plupart des églises sont sombres, celle-ci est exceptionnellement claire, comme vous pouvez le voir dans cette vidéo. Sans déranger un citoyen local en train de prier, nous avons fait une courte vidéo. Veuillez entrer dans cette église lorsque vous êtes à proximité pour un moment de réflexion sur vous-même. Vous avez maintenant une impression de l'intérieur.
Dieses Video zeigt Ihnen das Innere der Fronleichnamskirche in Breslau. Auf Polnisch heißt es Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, glaube ich. Von innen nicht zu alt, und die Stille unterscheidet sich stark von den Beschäftigten im Freien. Die Polen beten viel, geben aber den Landstreitern, die oft neben dem Eingang sitzen, kein Geld. Sie werden es direkt im Café neben der Kirche benutzen. Angemessener moderner Stil im Inneren, wo die meisten Kirchen dunkel sind, ist diese außergewöhnlich hell, wie Sie in diesem Video sehen können. Um das Beten eines Einheimischen nicht zu stören, haben wir ein kurzes Video gemacht. Bitte betritt diese Kirche, wenn du für einen Moment der Selbstreflexion in der Nähe bist, du hast jetzt einen Eindruck von innen.
Toto video vám ukazuje vnitřek kostela Corpus Christi ve Vratislavi. V polštině se to nazývá Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, věřím .. Není příliš starý zevnitř, a ticho je rozdíl mezi Hughem a rušným exteriérem. Poláci se hodně modlí, ale nedávají peníze tulákům, kteří často sedí vedle vchodu, budou je přímo používat v kavárně vedle kostela. Rozumný moderní styl uvnitř, kde je většina kostelů temných, je tento výjimečně lehký, jak můžete vidět na tomto videu. Abychom nerušili modlitbu místního občana, udělali jsme toto krátké video. Prosím, vraťte se do této církve, když jste poblíž, abyste se dostali k sebevyjádření.
Questo video mostra l'interno della Chiesa del Corpus Christi a Wroclaw. In polacco si chiama Parafia Rzymskokatolicka, credo .. Non troppo vecchio dall'interno, e il silenzio è una differenza di Hugh con l'esterno occupato. I polacchi pregano molto, ma non danno soldi ai vagabondi che sono spesso seduti vicino all'ingresso, lo useranno direttamente nel bar vicino alla chiesa. All'interno di un ragionevole stile moderno, dove la maggior parte delle chiese sono buie, questa è eccezionalmente leggera come puoi vedere in questo video. Per non disturbare un cittadino locale che prega, abbiamo realizzato questo breve video. Per favore, entra in questa chiesa quando sei nelle vicinanze per un momento di auto-riflessione, ora hai l'impressione di essere dentro.
Corpus Christi w Rivo pl 01
O. Jan Czuba svd, prezydent Divine Word University w Madang, pracuje rowniez pastoralnie w parafii Rivo. Parafianie zorganizowali nietypowa procesje Bozego Ciala (Corpus Christi) pomiedzy rafami koralowymi i wyspami. Video w jezyku polskim.
Corpus Christi procession in Rivo Village of Madang, Papua New Guinea. Video produced in polish language.
Particular Mass in Wroclaw, Poland
Stained-glass windows in typical Polish church in Wroclaw, Poland /Iphone 7 plus/
Slideshow of beautiful stained glasses in the Polish church - these photographs were taken with iPhone 7+ in the very dark conditions of course handheld.
Needless to say that the photographs were of highest quality almost matching that of DSLR
Catholic Cathedral Wroclaw Poland
Corpus Christi Dożynki Festival
Catholic religious crowd in Wroclaw in Poland
Corpus Christi Procession -- Madison 2012 raw footage.m4v
Raw footage of the latter half of the downtown Madison Corpus Christi procession. NOTE: this was taken with a single, hand-held, digital video camera, without benefit of tripod. Please do not expect a polished video.
Cathedral Island, Wroclaw, Poland / Dominsel, Breslau, Polen / Ostrów Tumski, Wrocław, Polska
Ostrów Tumski (Cathedral Island) is the oldest part of the city of Wrocław in south-western Poland. It was formerly an island (ostrów in old Polish) between branches of the Oder River.( )
The Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Wrocław, (Polish: Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela, German: Breslauer Dom, Kathedrale St. Johannes des Täufers), is the seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Wrocław and a landmark of the city of Wrocław in Poland. The cathedral, located in the Ostrów Tumski district, is a Gothic church with Neo-Gothic additions. The current standing cathedral is the fourth church to have been built on the site.
Der Breslauer Dom, die Kathedrale St. Johannes des Täufers (poln. Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela), wurde in den Jahren von 1244 bis 1341 im Stil der Gotik errichtet. Seine Türme sind mit knapp 98 Metern die höchsten Kirchtürme der polnischen Stadt Breslau. Er ist eines der Wahrzeichen Breslaus.
Ostrów Tumski -- najstarsza, zabytkowa część Wrocławia, powstała na obszarze przepraw na Odrze, pomiędzy ujściem rzek Oławy na południu, Ślęzy i Widawy na północy. Rzeka rozgałęziając się na liczne odnogi utworzyła tu wyspy (staropol. ostrowy).( )
Archikatedra św. Jana Chrzciciela we Wrocławiu (niem. Breslauer Dom, Kathedrale St. Johannes des Täufers) -- rzymskokatolicki gotycki kościół parafialny a także katedralny biskupów wrocławskich zlokalizowany na wrocławskim Ostrowie Tumskim.
Obecna, czwarta katedra pochodzi zasadniczo z okresu gotyku, z XIII-XIV w. Poprzedzały ją jednak 3 inne kościoły znajdujące się w tym samym miejscu. Obecny kształt jest efektem barokowych uzupełnień oraz współczesnych restauracji po zniszczeniach wojennych. Uchodzi za pierwszą w pełni gotycką świątynię na ziemiach polskich.
St. Mary Magdalene Church, Wrocław, Lower Silesian, Poland, Europe
The church of St. Mary-on-Sand is a Catholic church in Wroclaw (Breslau before 1945) in Silesia. It is located on a small island of the Oder, in the middle of the city. It is now one of the country's oldest Gothic churches. It is at the end of the twelfth century the descendants magnate Pierre Wlast (or Wlostowic) allow the construction of a Romanesque church on this small island, where the term on-the-sand. This powerful family involved in the evangelization of Silesia. It is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, patroness of the Governor's wife (Statthalter), Maria Wlast. We note above the entrance to the eardrum has a statue of the Virgin and Child with beside the statue of the founder kneeling Maria Wlast, carrying his son in arms portal. The Romanesque church was demolished in the fourteenth century to make way for a larger Gothic church, built of brick between 1334 and 1430 according to the plans of the master architect Peschel. She must have two towers, but the north tower was never completed. Illuminated by large windows nave measures 78 meters in length. Gothic vaults rise to 24 meters in height. Additional work involves the following centuries, including the construction of the chapel of the Holy Cross by Antonio Coldin in 1666. It is the oldest baroque building of the city. The church was sacked by Swedish troops in 1632 during the Thirty Years War. a century, the lightning strikes the south tower destroying its roof, while a few days before we came to bless the new bell of 4.7 tons. During the Seven Years War, the Prussians used the church as a weapons depot. Hitler made a fortified city of Breslau in 1944. This is the famous citadel of Breslau. When Soviet troops advancing west in 1945, and Sandkirche buildings serve as the headquarters of the German army which recognizes fight a battle without end. General von Hermann Niehoff control the 371st Infantry Division. During the fighting, most of the historical monuments of Breslau were destroyed or severely damaged. The Sandkirche also burns. The baroque interior disappears completely, tables Michael Willmann, baroque chair Franz Joseph Mangoldt the organ were destroyed by the flames. The German population was expelled after the war and replaced by Polish refugees from the east. It is the official name of Wroclaw is attributed to Poland. A program of restoration of the church, of which only the walls standing still standing start in 1946. The vaults were rebuilt. A Virgin of the sixteenth century is offered by the Catholic Church of Bessarabia became Mariampol Ukrainian. The interior of the church is made up of survivors of other churches destroyed the city and the Diocesan Museum elements. Only the eardrum and the baptistery are original. The Warsaw artist Teresa Reklawska made in 1968 new modern stained glass windows depicting scenes from the New Testament. The church is now served by the Canons Regular of the Lateran.
Church of St. Elizabeth, Wrocław, Lower Silesian, Poland, Europe
St. Elizabeth's Church of the Catholic Third Order of Saint Francis is a Gothic church in Wrocław, Poland. The structure dates back to the 14th century, when construction was commissioned by the city. The main tower was originally 130 meters tall. From 1525 until 1946, St. Elizabeth's was the chief Lutheran Church of Breslau/Wroclaw and Silesia. In 1946 it was expropriated and given to the Military Chaplaincy of the Polish Roman Catholic Church. The church was damaged by heavy hail in 1529, and gutted by fire in 1976. The church's renowned organ was destroyed. The reconstructed main tower is now 91.5 meters tall. An observation deck near the top is open to the public. Since 1999 there is a memorial on the church property to Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a native of the city and martyr to the anti-Nazi Cause.
SUBSCRIBE: - Let's visit one of the magnificent churches, built in the baroque style, in the spectacular city of Krakow (Cracow) in Poland. Incredible views and spectacular architecture... Vic Stefanu, The Church of St. Anne (Polish: Kolegiata św. Anny) located at ulica św. Anny 11 street in the historic centre of Kraków, Poland, is one of the leading examples of Polish Baroque architecture. The church's history dates back to 14th century.
Poland is the sixth most populous member state of the European Union.[8] Poland's capital and largest metropolis is Warsaw. Other major cities include Kraków, Łódź, Wrocław, Poznań, Gdańsk, and Szczecin. Poland is bordered by the Baltic Sea, Lithuania, and Russia's Kaliningrad Oblast to the north, Belarus and Ukraine to the east, Slovakia and the Czech Republic to the south, and Germany to the west.
The Most Holy Name of Jesus Church of the University in Wroclaw, Poland
The Most Holy Name of Jesus Church (formerly Jesuit) of the University in Wroclaw, Poland, choir rehearsal.
Catholic Culture: Inspiration for Salvation
St. Elizabeth's Church, Wrocław, Lower Silesian, Poland, Europe
St. Elizabeth's Church of the Catholic Third Order of Saint Francis is a Gothic church in Wrocław, Poland. The structure dates back to the 14th century, when construction was commissioned by the city. The main tower was originally 130 meters tall. From 1525 until 1946, St. Elizabeth's was the chief Lutheran Church of Breslau/Wroclaw and Silesia. In 1946 it was expropriated and given to the Military Chaplaincy of the Polish Roman Catholic Church. The church was damaged by heavy hail in 1529, and gutted by fire in 1976. The church's renowned organ was destroyed. The reconstructed main tower is now 91.5 meters tall. An observation deck near the top is open to the public. Since 1999 there is a memorial on the church property to Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a native of the city and martyr to the anti-Nazi Cause.
Easter Message from Father Mariusz Dymek - 2012 - Corpus Christi Church (Polish)
Easter Message from Father Mariusz Dymek (Polish)
Church plant in Wroclaw -
Here's an update from Krys and Sara, after a couple of weeks in Wroclaw. Their dream is to see a Bible based, Spirit filled, contemporary church planted which helps the younger generation connect with God in a fresh way. Contact them via Twitter @szczygielk @Sara_Szatkowska @Destinykosciol
St Isaac Jogues Poland Pilgrimage 2018
Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa
The Jesuit Counter Reformation In Poland
Polish Catholic church service
St John the Baptist Cathedral, Cathedral Island, Wroclaw Poland, June 2011
We are fighting for democracy in Poland with Katschinski and Catholic Church regime since 2016 !
We are fighting for democracy in Poland with Katschinski and Catholic Church regime since 2016 !