A RAINY DAY IN NEW YORK Trailer German Deutsch (2019)
Offizieller A Rainy Day in New York Trailer Deutsch German 2019 | Abonnieren ➤ | (OT: A Rainy Day in New York) Movie Trailer | Kinostart: 5 Dez 2019 | Filminfos
Mit seiner College-Liebe Ashleigh (Elle Fanning) plant Gatsby (Timothée Chalamet) ein romantisches Wochenende in New York. Ashleigh soll für die College-Zeitung den berühmten Regisseur Roland Pollard (Liev Schreiber) interviewen, in der verbleibenden Zeit möchte Gatsby ihr seine Stadt zeigen – und das ist vor allem das alte New York mit Klassikern wie der Bemelmans Bar und einer Kutschfahrt durch den Central Park. Doch Ashleigh wird von Roland Pollard nach dem Interview zu einem Screening seines neuesten Films eingeladen. Während sie mit ihm, seinem Drehbuchautor Ted Davidoff (Jude Law) und dem gefeierten Filmstar Francisco Vega (Diego Luna) von einer unerwarteten Situation in die nächste schlittert, muss sie Gatsby immer wieder vertrösten. Auf sich allein gestellt lässt dieser sich im Regen durch die Straßen New Yorks treiben. Und trifft dabei nicht nur auf Chan (Selena Gomez), die schlagfertige jüngere Schwester seiner Ex-Freundin, er hat auch ein Gespräch mit seiner Mutter (Cherry Jones), das für ihn alles verändert. So ist am Ende eines regnerischen Tages für beide, Gatsby und Ashleigh, nichts mehr so, wie sie es zuvor erwartet hatten.
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Note | #ARainyDayinNewYork German #Trailer courtesy of NFP Marketing & Distribution. | All Rights Reserved. | sind Affiliate Links. Bei einem Kauf ändert sich für euch nichts, aber ihr unterstützt dadurch unsere Arbeit. | #KinoCheck®
This is me - Cover | Ana Lisa Kohler & Chiara Castelli
Unser erstes gemeinsames Cover und wir hatten soviel Spass. Wollt ihr mehr davon sehen, dann kommentiert das Video.
produziert von DenkenSieGross
Zum Vergleich - Official Audio von This Is Me (from The Greatest Showman Soundtrack)
Im Kino gibt es jetzt die Sing Along Version von The Greatest Showman - ab ins Kino und singt einfach mit.
Wir verlosen insgesamt 10x2 Tickets für den Film.
Youtube Ana Lisa Kohler:
Greatest Showman - Sing Along (DE/OV) gibt es in den folgenden Kinos
Capitol Filmpalast / Albstadt Kinos 72458 Albstadt
Kinopolis Aschaffenburg 63739 Aschaffenburg
UC-Kino im Rügencenter 18528 Bergen auf Rügen
Cinestar Cubix 10178 Berlin
Cinestar Original / Sony Center 10785 Berlin
Cinestar Tegel 13507 Berlin
Cinestar Treptow 12435 Berlin
Kino in der Kulturbrauerei 10435 Berlin
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 33602 Bielefeld
Metropol 71032 Böblingen
Kinopolis Bad Godesberg 53173 Bonn
Cinestar - Der Kristallpalast 28307 Bremen
Cinestar-Filmpalast am Roten Turm 09111 Chemnitz
Kinopolis Darmstadt (Cinemaxx) 64293 Darmstadt
CPX Dettelbach Cineworld 97337 Dettelbach
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 44147 Dortmund
Cinestar Düsseldorf 40549 Düsseldorf
Cineplex Erding Lichtspielberg 85435 Erding
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Erfurt 99084 Erfurt
Cinestar Metropolis Frankfurt 60318 Frankfurt am Main
Cineplex Friedrichshafen 88045 Friedrichshafen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Fulda 36037 Fulda
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Garbsen 30823 Garbsen
Kinopolis Gießen 35390 Gießen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 17489 Greifswald
Filmwelt Grünstadt 67269 Grünstadt
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Gütersloh 33330 Gütersloh
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Hagen 58095 Hagen
Kinopolis Hanau 63450 Hanau
Burgtheater 72379 Hechingen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Jena 07743 Jena
Filmpalast Am ZKM 76136 Karlsruhe
Cineplex Kassel 34117 Kassel
Kinopolis Koblenz 56070 Koblenz
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Konstanz 78462 Konstanz
Kinopolis Landshut 84028 Landshut
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Leipzig 04109 Leipzig
Cinestar Lübeck Stadthalle 23552 Lübeck
Village Cinemas Cinestar Ludwigshafen 67061 Ludwigshafen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Mainz 55116 Mainz
Cineplex Mannheim Planken 68161 Mannheim
Mathäser Filmpalast 80335 München
Cineplex Neufahrn 85375 Neufahrn
CineStar-Der Filmpalast Neumünster 24534 Neumünster
Cineplex Neu-Ulm Dietrich 89231 Neu-Ulm
Cinecitta 90403 Nürnberg
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Oberhausen / Village Cinema 46047 Oberhausen
Cinestar Capitol Filmpalast Rostock 18055 Rostock
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Saarbrücken 66115 Saarbrücken
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Siegen 57072 Siegen
Cineplex Singen 78224 Singen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 21680 Stade
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 18439 Stralsund
Corso Cinema International 70563 Stuttgart
Kinopolis Main Taunus 65843 Sulzbach/Taunus
Broadway Filmpalast 54292 Trier
Kinopolis Rhein-Neckar 68519 Viernheim
Cineplex Vilsbiburg Lichtspielberg 84137 Vilsbiburg
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Wildau 15745 Wildau
ROTPUNKT Full Film | Alex Megos
Through failure and success, Alex Megos strives to be the best climber in the world.
Directed by Ken Etzel + Chelsea Jolly
Produced by Patagonia Films
Editor: Kahlil Hudson
Original score by Sanders Bohlke
Slime track Hey Punk” @ 1:16
Slime track “Ich Will Nicht Warden” @ 14:27
This is me - Cover | Chiara Castelli & Ana Lisa Kohler
Unser erstes gemeinsames Cover und wir hatten soviel Spass. Wollt ihr mehr davon sehen, dann kommentiert das Video.
produziert von DenkenSieGross
Zum Vergleich - Official Audio von This Is Me (from The Greatest Showman Soundtrack)
Im Kino gibt es jetzt die Sing Along Version von The Greatest Showman - ab ins Kino und singt einfach mit.
Wir verlosen insgesamt 10x2 Tickets für den Film.
Youtube Chiara Castelli:
Greatest Showman - Sing Along (DE/OV) gibt es in den folgenden Kinos
Capitol Filmpalast / Albstadt Kinos 72458 Albstadt
Kinopolis Aschaffenburg 63739 Aschaffenburg
UC-Kino im Rügencenter 18528 Bergen auf Rügen
Cinestar Cubix 10178 Berlin
Cinestar Original / Sony Center 10785 Berlin
Cinestar Tegel 13507 Berlin
Cinestar Treptow 12435 Berlin
Kino in der Kulturbrauerei 10435 Berlin
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 33602 Bielefeld
Metropol 71032 Böblingen
Kinopolis Bad Godesberg 53173 Bonn
Cinestar - Der Kristallpalast 28307 Bremen
Cinestar-Filmpalast am Roten Turm 09111 Chemnitz
Kinopolis Darmstadt (Cinemaxx) 64293 Darmstadt
CPX Dettelbach Cineworld 97337 Dettelbach
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 44147 Dortmund
Cinestar Düsseldorf 40549 Düsseldorf
Cineplex Erding Lichtspielberg 85435 Erding
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Erfurt 99084 Erfurt
Cinestar Metropolis Frankfurt 60318 Frankfurt am Main
Cineplex Friedrichshafen 88045 Friedrichshafen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Fulda 36037 Fulda
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Garbsen 30823 Garbsen
Kinopolis Gießen 35390 Gießen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 17489 Greifswald
Filmwelt Grünstadt 67269 Grünstadt
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Gütersloh 33330 Gütersloh
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Hagen 58095 Hagen
Kinopolis Hanau 63450 Hanau
Burgtheater 72379 Hechingen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Jena 07743 Jena
Filmpalast Am ZKM 76136 Karlsruhe
Cineplex Kassel 34117 Kassel
Kinopolis Koblenz 56070 Koblenz
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Konstanz 78462 Konstanz
Kinopolis Landshut 84028 Landshut
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Leipzig 04109 Leipzig
Cinestar Lübeck Stadthalle 23552 Lübeck
Village Cinemas Cinestar Ludwigshafen 67061 Ludwigshafen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Mainz 55116 Mainz
Cineplex Mannheim Planken 68161 Mannheim
Mathäser Filmpalast 80335 München
Cineplex Neufahrn 85375 Neufahrn
CineStar-Der Filmpalast Neumünster 24534 Neumünster
Cineplex Neu-Ulm Dietrich 89231 Neu-Ulm
Cinecitta 90403 Nürnberg
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Oberhausen / Village Cinema 46047 Oberhausen
Cinestar Capitol Filmpalast Rostock 18055 Rostock
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Saarbrücken 66115 Saarbrücken
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Siegen 57072 Siegen
Cineplex Singen 78224 Singen
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 21680 Stade
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast 18439 Stralsund
Corso Cinema International 70563 Stuttgart
Kinopolis Main Taunus 65843 Sulzbach/Taunus
Broadway Filmpalast 54292 Trier
Kinopolis Rhein-Neckar 68519 Viernheim
Cineplex Vilsbiburg Lichtspielberg 84137 Vilsbiburg
Cinestar-Der Filmpalast Wildau 15745 Wilda
Belfast Tattoo 2017 Fanfara Bersaglieri Magenta (Italy)
Esibizione di sabato 2 settembre 2017 della Fanfara dei Bersaglieri Nino Garavaglia di Magenta (Italy)
Odyssey: Ai Weiwei a Palermo - ZAC Cantieri Culturali della Zisa (Slide show)
Oltre mille metri quadrati di “floorpaper” con un motivo iconografico composto da un intreccio di immagini tratte dai social media e dal materiale raccolto dall’Artista nel corso dei suoi viaggi nei diversi campi profughi del mondo, ed organizzato formalmente secondo stilemi che si ispirano agli elementi grafici e compositivi delle antiche civiltà greche ed egizie. Le illustrazioni stilizzate in bianco e nero presentano immagini giustapposte, come nella pittura vascolare greca, e i contenuti rimandano all’immaginario mediatico del XXI secolo, rappresentato da scene di militarizzazione, migrazione, fuga e distruzione.
Odyssey nasce da un progetto di ricerca sui rifugiati e sui campi profughi nel mondo, avviato nel 2015 dal grande artista cinese che vive e lavora tra Berlino e Pechino ed è stato promosso dall’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Palermo e da Amnesty International Italia nell’ambito di “Diritti in Cantiere”, una ricca serie di iniziative culturali ed educative che ha preceduto i lavori della sua XXXII Assemblea generale. L’organizzazione è di ruber.contemporanea, in collaborazione con Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo | dICODA Dipartimento di Comunicazione e didattica dell’Arte.
Un progetto di ricerca che ha radici profonde, come spiega lo stesso artista: «Ho pensato alla mia esperienza come rifugiato. Quando sono nato, mio padre, Ai Qing, è stato denunciato come nemico del partito e del popolo. Siamo stati mandati in un campo di lavoro in una regione remota lontano da casa […] È un’esperienza terribile essere considerato straniero nel tuo paese, nemico della tua gente e delle cose che più mio padre amava» (Laundromat, Jeffrey Deitch Gallery, New York, 2016). Il suo interesse per lo studio di questo tema nasce già nel 2011, quando Ai Weiwei viene arrestato, ma può concretizzarsi solo nel 2015 quando gli viene restituito il passaporto e la possibilità di viaggiare fuori dalla Cina per visitare i campi profughi di diversi paesi, tra cui Grecia, Turchia, Libano, Giordania, Israele, Gaza, Kenya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Messico. Nel 2016 gira un documentario sulla situazione mondiale dei rifugiati.
Ai Weiwei, da sempre impegnato tra attivismo politico e ricerca artistica, è forse l’artista cinese oggi più famoso nel mondo e nel 2015 è stato nominato Ambasciatore della Coscienza di Amnesty International. Ha realizzato per Palermo un’istallazione di straordinaria forza che condensa in una grafica allo stesso tempo terribile per la forza dei contenuti e accattivante per la pulizia della forma, le immagini raccolte in questi anni di ricerca. (fonte:
Fotografie e montaggio: Salvatore Clemente (
Comicon 2016: Video intervista a Don Rosa
Il nostro incontro con un mito del fumetto mondiale, Don Rosa, l'autore della Saga di Paperon de' Paperoni ospite al Comicon di Napoli.
Leggi su Movieplayer.it
List of department stores by country | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:00:17 1 Africa
00:00:25 1.1 Ghana
00:00:39 1.2 Kenya
00:00:58 1.3 Nigeria
00:01:11 1.4 South Africa
00:01:21 1.5 Tanzania
00:01:38 1.6 Tunisia
00:01:51 1.7 Zimbabwe
00:02:02 1.8 Ethiopia
00:02:13 2 North America
00:02:22 2.1 Canada
00:13:22 2.2 El Salvador
00:13:48 2.3 Haiti
00:14:13 2.4 Mexico
00:14:38 2.5 Puerto Rico
00:15:10 2.6 United States
00:15:19 3 South America
00:15:28 3.1 Argentina
00:15:44 3.2 Bolivia
00:15:56 3.3 Brazil
00:16:07 3.4 Chile
00:17:07 3.5 Colombia
00:17:38 3.6 Ecuador
00:17:58 3.7 Peru
00:18:46 3.8 Venezuela
00:19:55 4 Asia
00:20:03 4.1 Bangladesh
00:20:17 4.2 Brunei
00:20:34 4.3 Cambodia
00:20:46 4.4 China
00:21:13 4.5 Hong Kong
00:21:51 4.6 India
00:22:26 4.7 Indonesia
00:23:44 4.8 Iran
00:23:58 4.9 Israel
00:24:06 4.10 Japan
00:24:15 4.11 Laos
00:24:27 4.12 Macau
00:24:39 4.13 Malaysia
00:25:57 4.14 Nepal
00:26:10 4.15 Pakistan
00:26:54 4.16 Philippines
00:27:24 4.17 Saudi Arabia
00:27:30 4.18 Singapore
00:28:04 4.19 South Korea
00:30:43 4.20 Sri Lanka
00:30:59 4.21 Taiwan
00:31:39 4.22 Thailand
00:40:12 4.23 United Arab Emirates
00:40:38 4.24 Vietnam
00:41:04 4.25 Lebanon
00:41:20 5 Europe
00:41:29 5.1 Austria
00:41:31 5.2 Azerbaijan
00:41:42 5.3 Belgium
00:41:58 5.4 Bulgaria
00:42:16 5.5 Czech Republic
00:42:21 5.6 Cyprus
00:42:28 5.7 Denmark
00:42:56 5.8 Estonia
00:43:03 5.9 Finland
00:43:10 5.10 France
00:43:42 5.11 Germany
00:44:58 5.12 Greece
00:45:22 5.13 Hungary
00:45:26 5.14 Iceland
00:45:37 5.15 Ireland
00:45:55 5.16 Italy
00:46:40 5.17 Latvia
00:46:54 5.18 Lithuania
00:47:16 5.19 Luxembourg
00:47:30 5.20 Netherlands
00:47:47 5.21 Norway
00:47:55 5.22 Poland
00:48:01 5.23 Portugal
00:48:18 5.24 Romania
00:48:21 5.25 Russia
00:48:53 5.26 Serbia
00:48:58 5.27 Slovakia
00:49:00 5.28 Slovenia
00:49:16 5.29 Spain
00:50:03 5.30 Sweden
00:50:30 5.31 Switzerland
00:51:32 5.32 United Kingdom
00:51:41 5.33 Turkey
00:52:23 6 Oceania
00:52:32 6.1 Australia
00:54:21 6.2 New Zealand
00:54:37 7 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
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Speaking Rate: 0.8755221658924034
Voice name: en-AU-Wavenet-A
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
This is a list of department stores. In the case of department store groups the location of the flagship store is given. This list does not include large specialist stores, which sometimes resemble department stores.
Naples | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:19 1 History
00:03:27 1.1 Greek birth and Roman acquisition
00:05:48 1.2 Duchy of Naples
00:08:38 1.3 Kingdom of Naples
00:08:47 1.3.1 Norman to Angevin
00:12:09 1.3.2 Aragonese and Spanish
00:16:17 1.3.3 Independent Two Sicilies
00:16:46 1.4 Italian unification to the present day
00:21:35 2 Architecture
00:21:44 2.1 UNESCO World Heritage Site
00:23:32 2.2 Piazzas, palaces and castles
00:26:35 2.3 Museums
00:28:34 2.4 Churches and other religious structures
00:29:23 2.5 Other features
00:30:22 2.5.1 Subterranean Naples
00:31:47 2.5.2 Parks, gardens, villas, fountains and stairways
00:33:02 2.5.3 Neo-Gothic, iLiberty Napoletano/i and modern architecture
00:34:19 3 Geography
00:35:26 3.1 Quarters
00:35:46 3.2 Climate
00:36:57 4 Demographics
00:39:32 5 Education
00:42:18 6 Politics
00:42:27 6.1 Governance
00:43:41 6.2 Administrative subdivisions
00:43:51 7 Economy
00:45:55 8 Transport
00:49:55 9 Culture
00:50:04 9.1 Art
00:51:44 9.2 Cuisine
00:54:55 9.3 Festivals
00:56:52 9.4 Language
00:58:08 9.5 Literature and philosophy
01:02:07 9.6 Theatre
01:04:13 9.7 Music
01:07:35 9.8 Cinema and television
01:10:48 9.9 Sports
01:12:53 9.10 Tailoring
01:18:01 10 Neapolitans
01:18:10 10.1 Honorary citizens
01:18:24 11 International relations
01:18:34 11.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:18:58 11.2 Partnerships
01:19:07 12 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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Speaking Rate: 0.9185548696372338
Voice name: en-US-Wavenet-C
I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Naples (; Italian: Napoli [ˈnaːpoli] (listen); Neapolitan: Napule [ˈnɑːpələ] or [ˈnɑːpulə]; Latin: Neapolis; Ancient Greek: Νεάπολις, lit. 'new city') is the regional capital of Campania and the third-largest municipality in Italy after Rome and Milan. In 2017, around 967,069 people lived within the city's administrative limits while its province-level municipality has a population of 3,115,320 residents. Its continuously built-up metropolitan area (that stretches beyond the boundaries of the Metropolitan City of Naples) is the second or third largest metropolitan area in Italy and one of the most densely populated cities in Europe.
First settled by Greeks in the second millennium BC, Naples is one of the oldest continuously inhabited urban areas in the world. In the ninth century BC, a colony known as Parthenope or Παρθενόπη was established on the Island of Megaride, later refounded as Neápolis in the sixth century BC. The city was an important part of Magna Graecia, played a major role in the merging of Greek and Roman society and a significant cultural centre under the Romans. It served as the capital of the Duchy of Naples (661–1139), then of the Kingdom of Naples (1282–1816) and finally of the Two Sicilies until the unification of Italy in 1861.
Between 1925 and 1936, Naples was expanded and upgraded by Benito Mussolini's government but subsequently sustained severe damage from Allied bombing during World War II, which led to extensive post-1945 reconstruction work. Naples has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades, helped by the construction of the Centro Direzionale business district and an advanced transportation network, which includes the Alta Velocità high-speed rail link to Rome and Salerno and an expanded subway network. Naples is the third-largest urban economy in Italy, after Milan and Rome. The Port of Naples is one of the most important in Europe and home of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples, the NATO body that oversees North Africa, the Sahel and Middle East.Naples' historic city centre is the largest in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a wide range of culturally and historically significant sites nearby, including the Palace of Caserta and the Roman ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Naples is also known for its natural beauties such as Posillipo, Phlegraean Fields, Nisida, an ...
Naples | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:02:53 1 History
00:03:01 1.1 Greek birth and Roman acquisition
00:05:07 1.2 Duchy of Naples
00:07:39 1.3 Kingdom of Naples
00:07:47 1.3.1 Norman to Angevin
00:09:41 1.3.2 Aragonese and Spanish
00:13:12 1.3.3 Independent Two Sicilies
00:13:39 1.4 Italian unification to the present day
00:17:57 2 Architecture
00:18:06 2.1 UNESCO World Heritage Site
00:19:42 2.2 Piazzas, palaces and castles
00:22:14 2.3 Museums
00:24:02 2.4 Churches and other religious structures
00:24:46 2.5 Other features
00:25:39 2.5.1 Subterranean Naples
00:26:55 2.5.2 Parks, gardens, villas, fountains and stairways
00:28:02 2.5.3 Neo-Gothic, iLiberty Napoletano/i and modern architecture
00:29:13 3 Geography
00:30:13 3.1 Quarters
00:30:32 3.2 Climate
00:31:36 4 Demographics
00:33:54 5 Education
00:36:23 6 Politics
00:36:32 6.1 Governance
00:37:39 6.2 Administrative subdivisions
00:37:49 7 Economy
00:39:40 8 Transport
00:43:14 9 Culture
00:43:23 9.1 Art
00:44:52 9.2 Cuisine
00:47:43 9.3 Festivals
00:49:29 9.4 Language
00:50:39 9.5 Literature and philosophy
00:54:11 9.6 Theatre
00:56:04 9.7 Music
00:59:06 9.8 Cinema and television
01:01:59 9.9 Sports
01:03:51 9.10 Tailoring
01:08:42 10 Neapolitans
01:08:51 10.1 Honorary citizens
01:09:04 11 International relations
01:09:13 11.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:09:35 11.2 Partnerships
01:09:44 12 See also
Listening is a more natural way of learning, when compared to reading. Written language only began at around 3200 BC, but spoken language has existed long ago.
Learning by listening is a great way to:
- increases imagination and understanding
- improves your listening skills
- improves your own spoken accent
- learn while on the move
- reduce eye strain
Now learn the vast amount of general knowledge available on Wikipedia through audio (audio article). You could even learn subconsciously by playing the audio while you are sleeping! If you are planning to listen a lot, you could try using a bone conduction headphone, or a standard speaker instead of an earphone.
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The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.
- Socrates
Naples (; Italian: Napoli [ˈnaːpoli] (listen); Neapolitan: Napule [ˈnɑːpələ] or [ˈnɑːpulə]; Latin: Neapolis; Ancient Greek: Νεάπολις, lit. 'new city') is the regional capital of Campania and the third-largest municipality in Italy after Rome and Milan. In 2017, around 967,069 people lived within the city's administrative limits while its province-level municipality has a population of 3,115,320 residents. Its continuously built-up metropolitan area (that stretches beyond the boundaries of the Metropolitan City of Naples) is the second or third largest metropolitan area in Italy.
First settled by Greeks in the second millennium BC, Naples is one of the oldest continuously inhabited urban areas in the world. In the ninth century BC, a colony known as Parthenope or Παρθενόπη was established on the Island of Megaride, later refounded as Neápolis in the sixth century BC. The city was an important part of Magna Graecia, played a major role in the merging of Greek and Roman society and a significant cultural centre under the Romans. It served as the capital of the Duchy of Naples (661–1139), then of the Kingdom of Naples (1282–1816) and finally of the Two Sicilies until the unification of Italy in 1861.
Between 1925 and 1936, Naples was expanded and upgraded by Benito Mussolini's government but subsequently sustained severe damage from Allied bombing during World War II, which led to extensive post-1945 reconstruction work. Naples has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades, helped by the construction of the Centro Direzionale business district and an advanced transportation network, which includes the Alta Velocità high-speed rail link to Rome and Salerno and an expanded subway network. Naples is the third-largest urban economy in Italy, after Milan and Rome. The Port of Naples is one of the most important in Europe and home of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples, the NATO body that oversees North Africa, the Sahel and Middle East.Naples' historic city centre is the largest in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a wide range of culturally and historically significant sites nearby, including the Palace of Caserta and the Roman ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Naples is also known for its natural beauties such as Posillipo, Phlegraean Fields, Nisida, and Vesuvius.Neapolitan cuisine is synonymous with pizza – which originated in the city – but it also includes many lesser-known dishes; Naples has the greatest number of accredited stars from the Michelin Guide of any Italian city.The best-k ...
Naples | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:03:02 1 History
00:03:11 1.1 Greek birth and Roman acquisition
00:05:23 1.2 Duchy of Naples
00:08:05 1.3 Kingdom of Naples
00:08:14 1.3.1 Norman to Angevin
00:10:14 1.3.2 Aragonese and Spanish
00:13:57 1.3.3 Independent Two Sicilies
00:14:25 1.4 Italian unification to the present day
00:18:58 2 Architecture
00:19:07 2.1 UNESCO World Heritage Site
00:20:48 2.2 Piazzas, palaces and castles
00:23:30 2.3 Museums
00:25:22 2.4 Churches and other religious structures
00:26:09 2.5 Other features
00:27:05 2.5.1 Subterranean Naples
00:28:26 2.5.2 Parks, gardens, villas, fountains and stairways
00:29:37 2.5.3 Neo-Gothic, iLiberty Napoletano/i and modern architecture
00:30:51 3 Geography
00:31:54 3.1 Quarters
00:32:14 3.2 Climate
00:33:21 4 Demographics
00:35:46 5 Education
00:38:23 6 Politics
00:38:32 6.1 Governance
00:39:43 6.2 Administrative subdivisions
00:39:52 7 Economy
00:41:49 8 Transport
00:45:36 9 Culture
00:45:44 9.1 Art
00:47:18 9.2 Cuisine
00:50:18 9.3 Festivals
00:52:11 9.4 Language
00:53:24 9.5 Literature and philosophy
00:57:10 9.6 Theatre
00:59:08 9.7 Music
01:02:19 9.8 Cinema and television
01:05:23 9.9 Sports
01:07:24 9.10 Tailoring
01:12:15 10 Neapolitans
01:12:24 10.1 Honorary citizens
01:12:37 11 International relations
01:12:47 11.1 Twin towns and sister cities
01:13:10 11.2 Partnerships
01:13:18 12 See also
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Naples (; Italian: Napoli [ˈnaːpoli] (listen); Neapolitan: Napule [ˈnɑːpələ] or [ˈnɑːpulə]; Latin: Neapolis; Ancient Greek: Νεάπολις, lit. 'new city') is the regional capital of Campania and the third-largest municipality in Italy after Rome and Milan. In 2017, around 967,069 people lived within the city's administrative limits while its province-level municipality has a population of 3,115,320 residents. Its continuously built-up metropolitan area (that stretches beyond the boundaries of the Metropolitan City of Naples) is the second or third largest metropolitan area in Italy.
First settled by Greeks in the second millennium BC, Naples is one of the oldest continuously inhabited urban areas in the world. In the ninth century BC, a colony known as Parthenope or Παρθενόπη was established on the Island of Megaride, later refounded as Neápolis in the sixth century BC. The city was an important part of Magna Graecia, played a major role in the merging of Greek and Roman society and a significant cultural centre under the Romans. It served as the capital of the Duchy of Naples (661–1139), then of the Kingdom of Naples (1282–1816) and finally of the Two Sicilies until the unification of Italy in 1861.
Between 1925 and 1936, Naples was expanded and upgraded by Benito Mussolini's government but subsequently sustained severe damage from Allied bombing during World War II, which led to extensive post-1945 reconstruction work. Naples has experienced significant economic growth in recent decades, helped by the construction of the Centro Direzionale business district and an advanced transportation network, which includes the Alta Velocità high-speed rail link to Rome and Salerno and an expanded subway network. Naples is the third-largest urban economy in Italy, after Milan and Rome. The Port of Naples is one of the most important in Europe and home of the Allied Joint Force Command Naples, the NATO body that oversees North Africa, the Sahel and Middle East.Naples' historic city centre is the largest in Europe and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, with a wide range of culturally and historically significant sites nearby, including the Palace of Caserta and the Roman ruins of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Naples is also known for its natural beauties such as Posillipo, Phlegraean Fields, Nisida, and Vesuvius.Neapolitan cuisine is synonymous with pizza ...