Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2016 – The Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg, Austria
On the last weekend of June, Brixlegg once again became the place to be if you enjoy hot skate-bowl action. It was the 9th anniversary of the annual Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters at the Cradle Skatepark in Tyrol. Besides the badass skate contest with a prize pool of 3500 € there was also an awesome after party and BBQ that made the weekend once again an unforgettable event. See you next year!
1 Hallford Alex (UK)
2 Erhart Roman (AUT)
3 Storelli Matteo (ITA)
4 ex aequo Gordon Oliver (AUT)
4 ex aequo Bauhofer Hannes (AUT)
5 ex aequo Atzl Stefan (AUT)
5 ex aequo Blue Tomato Teamrider Fox Sebastian (AUT)
6 Exenberger Santino (AUT)
7 Pignati Fabio (ITA)
8 Senfter Gregor (AUT)
9 Nadler Michi (AUT)
10 Schmidthaller Stefan
11 ex aequo Stefanec Matthias
11 ex aequo Reiter Thomas (AUT)
12 Kopp Michi (AUT)
13 Nicola Vitali (ITA)
14 Sailer Sahin (AUT)
15 Kopp Daniel (AUT)
1 Jordan Sepentini (US)
2 Anita Arvelo Alvembe (ITA)
3 ex aequo Bertaccini Valeria (ITA)
3 ex aequo Blue Tomato Teamrider Veith Lisa (AUT)
Kids Boys
1 Schlager Patrick
2 Havaux Kris (AUT)
3 Schwarz Michi (AUT)
Kids Girls
1 Julia Michelle (GER)
Filming and editing:
Borna Obranovic
Youth Avoiders – No Disguise
John Harris – Hangin In
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Bowlmasters 2018 - Brixlegg, Austria
Bowlmaster 2018 at the Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg, Austria.
Filmed and edited by Peter Mader
Music by The Shrine Death to Invaders
The Cradle Skate Park Brixlegg
Austrian Bowl Masters in the Cradle Skate Park in Brixlegg
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Cradle Skatepark Brixlegg
Austrian bowl masters at the Cradle skatepark Brixlegg
Chet Childress Daniel Cardone Brian Patch skateboarding bowl at Rattenberg Brixlegg cradle skatepark
Austria in 2002 and 2003. Legends.
13 year-old skater Tyler Edtmayer, an afternoon in The Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg, Austria
My friend Alex Shiller and his friend Davide Spina make really cool movies and they met me at one of my favorite bowls for a couple hours to hang out and film. It was such a perfect afternoon and I love what they did with this!
13 year-old skater Tyler Edtmayer, evening session at The Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg, Austria
just playing around with some fun lines
Cradle skatepark night session
cradle skatepark Brixlegg, small skate session
Wassergap Brixlegg Cradle Park
wassergap brixlegg watergap water gap cradlepark cradle park skatepark skate skateboard skateboarding ollie air austria oesterreich tirol zillertal kufstein schwaz
brixlegg and wörgl
skatepark brixlegg and wörgl
Austrian Bowl Masters
Austrian bowl masters at the cradle skatepark brixlegg
the Cradle
Brixlegg , Rattenberg , Austria. Building of the first Cradle and the first session of the Cradle. Gari , Silli , Preston , Mark Scott , Sage Bolyard , Stefan Hauser , Mike Swim , Jeff Kimbrough, Tavita Scanlan , Christof , Gutz , Peter Connelly , Sarah Connelly and others ,of whom I regret, I am at a loss for names.
Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2015
Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2015
This year, the Austrian Bowl Master Championship is held the 8th time. The Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg is perfectly adapted for this contest, having 1.200 m² of freshly polished concrete and the world´s first-ever built Cradle.
The Cradle Skatepark Brixlegg
Jamie Mateu - The Cradle Brixlegg
Jamie Mateu rocks the Cradle!!
Der Austrian Bowl Master 2015 wurde gekrönt
Die Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters fand bereits zum achten Mal in Brixlegg statt.
Dank vielen ehrenamtlichen Arbeitsstunden, freiwilligen Spenden, Unterstützungen der Gemeinden, dem Land Tirol sowie der ASKÖ konnte die 1.200 qm große Anlage saniert werden.
Auf dem weltweit ersten gebauten Cradle wurde um den Austrian Bowlmaster-Titel geskatet. Dabei winkte ein ordentliches Preisgeld – insgesamt 3000 Euro. Die Skaterszene aus Österreich, Deutschland und Spanien, Frankreich und Italien war am 08. August vertreten. 35 TeilnehmerInnen begeisterten mit einer tollen Show mit coolen Tricks die Zuschauer. Aber auch die Judges mit dem dreifachen Austrian Bowl Masters David Margreiter, Kampfinger Alex, Gernot Kinast, Geisler Helmut und Robert Klausner.
Für den reibungslosen Ablauf sorgte das OK-Team um David und Vera Margreiter.
ASKÖ President Klaus Gasteiger erwähnte: „Es war eine echt tolle Veranstaltung mit hoch motivierten Mitgliedern um Obmann Tom Lutz!“
Skateboardbauer aus Jenbach, Martin Pesserer, war mit seinen GUIBOARDS vertreten. Martin produziert seit heuer Kinderboards und unterstützt erstmals einen top Nachwuchsskater. Kris Havaux aus St. Margareten heißt das junge Nachwuchstalent der mit Bravour die Bowl bewältigte und die Wiege rockte. Er wurde bei den Kids Dritter.
Bei den Kids weiblich belegte Philippa Steeg aus Deutschland den ersten Platz. Zweite wurde Xenia Kluge aus Fellbach (D).
Valeria Bertaccini aus Italien führte die Wertung der Damen an. Auf den Plätzen zwei und drei reihten sich Lisa Veith aus Graz und Anne Olsacher aus Linz, nach einer gelungenen Show, ein.
Reece Knobloch aus Deutschland skatete sich bei den Kids männlich auf den Thron der Bowl. Ihm folgte Alex Borgatti aus Italien und Kris Havaux.
Den Titel BLUE TOMATO Austrian Bowl Masters bei den Herren holte sich Jaine Mateu aus Spanien. Johannes Haist aus Deutschland folgte auf Rang zwei. Drittplatzierter wurde Roman Erhart aus Absam.
Die Wildcard für „The Captains Quest“ bekamen Johannes Haist für den besten Trick und Jaime Mateu. Der Spanier wurde als most impressive Rider gewertet.
Im wetterfestem Zelt sorgten Live Bands wie Vacunt, The Devil`s Rejects und Cans für den gebührenden Abschluss der achten BLUE Tomate Austrian Bowl Masters auf dem Cradle Skatepark Brixlegg.
Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters
The Weekend from 12.-14. September was in sign of the Blue-Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters Championship at The Cradle Skatepark in Brixlegg! Starting on Friday, the weather was dry, so the Game of S.K.A.T.E sponsored by Bleed Organic Clothing and the Sadistic Artforms Wallbattle could take place. Simon Rieder from Jenbach won the Game of S.K.A.T.E. The Tatoo Artists from Sadistic Artforms from Kramsach sponsered cash for Tricks. Most cash went to Roman Erhart from Absam and Patrick Freitag from Söll! Although the warm-up Party was held during dry weather, it got pretty liquid for some of the people! Not really a suprise when Dj Beatpuzzler, Dj Webstah and Wasteboys Inc. are on stage together!
Dark grey clouds were covering the heaven on Saturday, so we delayed the Bowl Contest to Sunday in hope for some sunshine. During the meet & greet at the Skatepark in the afternoon the vibes were good, cause everybody was looking foward to the live shows of the Bands in the evening. And it got great! The Surfing Hundekuchen opened the stage with their german punkrock and gahtered a lot of fans here. After that, bombs hit the area. Just kidding, the Bombers were live on stage! They gave an insight on how Hardcore / Punkrock from Kufstein sounds like. People from Kufstein rock it proberly, also shown by the Kaschorros Wiciados who entered the stage after the Bombers. Victim or Villain is a well known three-man-team from Tyrol, standing on stage since severeal years. Always a pleasure to hear your melodic punk! After that, it was not over yet, it got big another time! The later the evening, the fuller the tent, so Garagedays entered the stage in front of a super motivated crowd in heated atmosphere. Massive show, finest metal straight out from Rattenberg City and friends of the Skatepark – we are Fans! At this place, many thanks to Ultimate Entertainment – event engeneering!
After the partycrowd and the weather calmed down, the search for the Austiran Master in Bowl Skating started in early afternoon. The Judges, including Stefan Hauser from USA, one of the builders of the Cradle, set the greatest value on a variable performance around the whole bowl. As visitors from Switzerland competed as well, we had international starters from which out there were two Austrian Masters chosen! Ex aequo David Margreiter from Kramsach and Roman Erhart from Absam! „The Brave“ and „the Blade“, two good friends who have their boards and the Cradle under control! You are nuts – but we love you for that!
Close behind on second/third place was the visitor from Switzerland, Martin Fabio. He skated the Bowl as if he was a local, riding the Cradle every day! Respect! Stefan Atzl from Kufstein, an experienced Cradle-Rocker lined up behind Fabio and could defended his, in this case, third place from last year. The strongest junior-rider in Tyrol, Santino Exenberger from Schwaz, did of course not miss out this competition. His solid runs took him to fifth place!
The best trick session was leaded by Patrick Freitag from Söll and Matthias Trobos from Kramsach. Patrick took home the best-trick-trophy for his deep-end hurricane action. After that, he and Matthias were doing an insane deep-end-combo-action. Boardslide around the vertcorner & fs-Air over the Boardslide! Massive, so cash for both!
Subsequently the Watergap Session, sponsored by Gloryfy, was leaded by Patrick „Brownie“ Pittl from Innsbruck, no doubt about that! Alban Millaku, also from Innsbruck and Simon Rieder from Jenbach were on second on third place.
Big Merci to all the riders for the massive action the whole weekend! Hope to see you next year!
All RESULTS listed:
Bleed Game of S.K.A.T.E
1. Rieder Simon
2. Brunner Mike
3. Hausberger Franz
Sadistic Artforms Wallbattle - Cash for Tricks!
Most cash went to Roman Erhart & Patrick Freitag
Bowl Contest
1. Margreiter David & Erhart Roman
3. Martin Fabio
4. Atzl Stefan
5. Exenberger Santino
Best Trick: Patrick Freitag & Matthias Trobos
Boardslide around the vertcorner & fs-Air over the Boardslide! Massive deep-end action combo!
Gloryfy Watergap-Session
1. Pittl Patrick
2. Millaku Alban
3. Rieder Simon
Big thanks to all the riders, bands and viewers!!
Greetings from the Cradle
Summer Postcard :
Matteo Storelli rides the Cradle.
Brixlegg - Austria
Filmed by Pinna, Vale, Robi and himself
Music by The Freak Fandango Orchestra
Hey Moe -
Edit by Gianandrea
TurnOut - God Inside (live - güz memorial brixlegg cradle skatepark)
Etnies Bowl Masters 2006 The Cradle Skatepark Brixlegg AUT
Some sick skateboardin´ action and price giving at The Cradle skatepark Brixlegg Austria filmed & edited by The Chef
Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2015
On the 8th of August the Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2015 took place at The Cradle Spatepark in Brixlegg. You can find a detailed story about the Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Masters 2015 here:
As sun was shining, 1200m² of freshly polished concrete were ready, and 3000 euro price money were about to be given away, the 35 contestants as well as the crowd were ready for the competition. The deserved winners, Jaime Mateu from Spain in the male competition and Valeria Bertaccini from Italy in the female competition, as well as the kids’ winners Reece Knobloch (boys) and Philippa Steeg (girls) can now proudly be called Blue Tomato Austrian Bowl Master 2015. Best Trick winner Johannes Haist from Germany was also lucky, as he won a wildcard for the first edition of Blue Tomato’s The Captain’s Quest.
The final results are the following:
Kids Female
1. Philippa Steeg, Germany #bluetomatoteam
2. Xenia Kluge, Germany
1. Valeria Bertaccini, Italy
2. Lisa Veith, Austria #bluetomatoteam
3. Anne Olsacher, Austria
4. Pili de la Cruz, Austria
5. Bettina Pfeiffer, Austria
6. Larissa Schwaiger, Austria
Kids, male
1. Reece Knobloch, Germany
2. Alex Borgatti, Italy
3. Kris Havaux, Austria
4. Patrick Schager, Austria
1. Jamie Mateu, Spain
2. Johannes Haist, Germany
3. Hannes Bauhofer, Austria
3. Roman Erhart, Austria
5. Matthias Trobos, Austria
6. Stefan Atzl, Austria
7. Patrick Freitag, Austria
8. Oliver Gordon, Austria
Best Trick: Johannes Haist / Winner Wildcard The Captains Quest
Most impressive Rider: Jamie Mateu / Winner Wildcard The Captains Quest