Kukarel Reserve Forest is located in Indranagar adjacent to Shivpuri Colony on Picnic Spot Road.
Kukrail houses a deer park and one of the nurseries of the endangered species of crocodiles in India. One of the favourite picnic spots in Lucknow, it consist of a Children's Park, Cafeteria and Rest House. A stream runs through this picturesque forest and a variety of birds and black buck can also be seen here in their natural habitats.
In Uttar Pradesh, crocodiles are found in the Ramganga, Suheli, Girwa and Chambal rivers. The
Kukrail Alligators Park Chandanapur Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
Kukrail Alligators Park Chandanapur Lucknow Uttar Pradesh
Kukrail houses a deer park and one of the nurseries of the endangered species of Alligators and Crocodiles in India. One of the favorite picnic spots in Lucknow, it features a Children's Park, Cafeteria and Rest House. A stream runs through this picturesque forest and assortment of of birds and black buck can also be viewed in their natural environments.
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Kukrail Alligators Park
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kukrail reserve forest
kukrail picnic spot
huge alligator
kukrail picnic spot in lucknow
crocodile bank
picnic spot
crocodile park
family park
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park zoo
zoo park
crocodile zoo
kukrail lucknow
crocodile breeding centre
kukrail forest
alligator (animal)
kukrail reserve forest (organism classification)
kukrail alligators park lucknow uttar pradesh
Crocodile video in zoo of Lucknow
This video is a crocodile.
Crocodiles in lucknow zoo house
Why Animals Kept in Zoos | Khel Khel Main For Kids | Kids Educational & Entertainment Video In Hindi
Channel- Sunil Batta Film
Documentary - Khel Khel Main Series For Kids - Why Animals Kept in Zoo
Kids Educational & Entertainment Video In Hindi
Produced & Directed by Sunil Batta
Voice- Navneet Mishra, Camera-Chandreshwar Singh Shanti, Edit- Venkatesh, Music-Krishan Swaroop, Shooting Location- Lucknow Zoo.
Synopsis -
प्यारे बच्चों, Zoo शब्द सबसे पहले London Zoological Garden के लिए इस्तेमाल हुआ था जो 1828 में साइंटिफिक स्टडी के लिए बना था जिसके दरवाजे आम जनता के लिए 1847 में खोल दिये गये थे। Zoological Garden शब्द Zoology से बना है। Zoology एक ग्रीक शब्द है Zoon और logos यानी Zoon मतलब Animal और logos माने Study। समझ गये ना Zoology का मतलब Study of Animal यानी जानवरों के बारे में देखना, जानना पढ़ना और समझना।
बच्चों लखनऊ का चिड़ियाघर जिसे लखनऊ Zoological Garden कहते हैं पहले इनका नाम प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स के नाम से रखा गया था क्योंकि ये तोहफा लखनऊ वासियों को प्रिंस ऑफ वेल्स का ही दिया गया सुन्दर तोहफा है, इसका कुल क्षेत्रफल 71.6 एकड़ है इसीलिए आज इसे भारत के बड़े चिड़ियाघरों में शामिल किया जाता है।
बच्चों, यहां बहुत तरह-तरफ के जानवर हैं जैसे कई किस्म के हिरन, बारहसिंगे, बन्दर, भालू, भेड़िया, जेब्रा, गेंडा, दरियाई घोड़ा, जिराफ, कई तरह की चिड़िया, मोर, तोता, सांप, कई तरह की रंगीन मछलियां, चीता, और यहां जंगल का राजा शेर भी है। इनकी देखभाल करने के लिए दो Veterinary Doctor भी हैं जो इन जानवरों के स्वास्थ्य और खुराक का विशेष ध्यान रखते हैं। इस जू में प्रतिवर्ष 12 से 13 लाख दर्शक आते हैं जिनमें 40 से 50 प्रतिशत स्कूल के बच्चे होते हैं।
बच्चों, तुम सोच रहे होंगे कि आखिर जू यानि चिड़ियाघर में इस तरह से जानवरों को बन्द क्यों रखा जाता है तो इसका मुख्य कारण इन लुप्तप्राय जानवरों को बचाना और उनकी संख्या को बढ़ा कर संरक्षण देना है क्योंकि कई जानवरों की संख्या आज विश्व में चिन्ताजनक स्थिति तक कम हो गयी है, और कुछ जंगली जानवर जब किसी कारणवश नरभक्षी हो जाते हैं तो भी उनको यहां लाकर रखा जाता है। यहाँ देखने के लिए केवल जानवर ही नहीं हैं बल्कि बहुत सी और नायाब चीजें भी हैं जैसे 14 नवम्बर 1969 यानि बाल दिवस के दिन से यहाँ ट्वाय ट्रेन भी छुक-छुक कर चलने लगी हैं जिसमें दो यात्री डिब्बे भी लगे हैं और इसका सफर 1.5 किलोमीटर का है। एक बार अगर ट्रेन में बैठ जाओगे तो आराम से घूम कर सारे जानवरों को देख लोगे।
इसके अलावा 1 जनवरी, 2005 से फाइबर पैडल बोट्स से यहाँ नौका विहार भी किया जा रहा है पैडल बोट से छप-छप करते तैरने से, पैदल घूमने की सारी थकान, कुछ ही देर में दूर हो जाती है और हाँ यहां कई खूबसूरत पार्क भी हैं जहाँ रंग-बिरंगे फूल लगे हैं और एक बड़े पार्क में तो कई तरह के झूले भी लगे हैं जहाँ बच्चे खूब मौज मस्ती करते हैं। एक पार्क में एतिहासिक तोप भी रखी है जो कई लड़ाइयों के बाद अब कई दशकों से बच्चों की सवारी, खेलने और तो और लटकाने के काम भी आ रही है। यहाँ एक हवाई जहाज भी आराम फरमा रहा है क्योंकि वह कई हजार किलोमीटर का सफर तय कर अब थक चुका है।
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Chhajju Chempanzee Story | Bioscope For Kids | Educational Animal Video In Hindi For Children |
Crocodile - Kukrail Reserve Forest
Kukrail Reserve Forest is located about 9 km from Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.In Uttar Pradesh, crocodiles are found in the Ramganga, Suheli, Girwa and Chambal rivers. The female crocodile lays eggs in April by digging holes on the river banks. The young crocodiles hatch in a period of 60 to 80 days. The idea of setting up a breeding center for the endangered crocodile species
The Million Years Stone Park & Pattaya Crocodile Farm Thailand Tour Package Video
The Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm was founded by Khun Suan Phanomwattanakul, a businessman who loves nature
and has a life objective to preserve the beautiful nature and fine culture of Thailand.
1 February 1992, the Million Years Stone Park and Crocodile Farm was opened to tourists and the general public for the
first time.
Amusing and thrilling performances have been held regularly, including daily shows of man fighting with adult crocodiles
bare-handed, making the Park a famous tourist destination of Thailand, attracting thousands upon thousands of visitors,
both Thais and foreigners, every year.
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खेत में निकले मगरमच्छ को देखने, गांव वालो की लगी भीड़, फिर जो हुआ..
खेत में निकले मगरमच्छ को देखने, गांव वालो की लगी भीड़, फिर जो हुआ..
Watch this video :-
A crocodile suddenly came out in a paddy field in a village. On seeing the crocodile, people who worked in the farm came into panic. People also reported to the police and the forest department. Forest staff arrived, but neither brought ropes nor any vehicle In the end villagers gave ropes and provided the vehicle and then took the forerunner that crocodile. This is the case .......
- Tekpur village is 50 km away from Gwalior. There are many paddy fields in the village. On Tuesday morning Sardar Ranjit Singh went to the farm and a seven feet long crocodile was sitting.
-The smell of the mangarhar saw their senses. The villagers started getting together after listening to the news of being a crocodile in the field. The villagers feared that the crocodile farm would not be able to get into the villages of the village.
-The crocodile sat quietly after seeing the crowd When he was tied with a rope, he did not do any kind of thing. Even with the help of ropes to drag him into the truck.
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Must Visit Place of Lucknow Kukrail Gharial Rehabilitation Center|| Known as Lungs of Lucknow !!
This short documentary is completed with the help of TSA-India and UP Forest Department. This film is made by Mr. Pankaj Kumar he is freelance filmmaker.
In 1978, the Kukrail Gharial Rehabilitation Centre was established to protect the endangered gharials of the north Indian rivers. “Gharial's are fresh water animals. They mainly feed on fish and are very sensitive to pollution in the waters.
Content Credit : Karavanindia.org
In the 1950s, the dimensions of Lucknow city expanded tremendously. The government decided to create green lungs for the city. An extensive afforestation drive took place here. Teak, Peltophorum, Acacia, Prosopis, Mango, Eucalyptus and many other kinds of trees were planted. Today Kukrail is the densest forest cover in Lucknow. The Picnic Spot at Kukrail is perhaps the most beautiful place in Lucknow. Everyday hundreds of picnickers, morning walkers and romantic couples visit Kukrail to savor the tranquility of the ‘dark and deep woods’.
At the Center, visitors can see the different sections where the Gharial are raised from birth to adulthood. Besides the Gharial, crocodiles and turtles have been given a new lease of life here. The Center is located at Kukrail Forest. Spread in an area of around 5000 acres, this is a plantation jungle.
Even the remotest recesses of Kukrail can be explored on foot. Nature trails in the forest provide a wonderful opportunity to watch some 200 species of birds: residents, migrants and local migrants. Springtime (March-April) is really special. This is time for building nests and heronries. This hectic activity can be viewed with great ease at Kukrail; especially when the morning sun awakens the sleepy colors of night.
Nature trails at Kukrail lead to several nurseries. These nurseries are maintained by the Forest Department. There is a herbal nursery, a medicinal nursery and sapling nursery. Hundreds of plants can be bought at a very nominal cost. All plants have been collected and cultivated locally at Kukrail. They are sent throughout the state for plantation and other economic purposes. The rich biodiversity of India is thus being preserved for both the present and future generations.
Lucknow Hunar Haat। Lucknow का खूबसूरत हुनर हाट। हुनर हाट 2020।
उत्तर प्रदेश की खूबसूरत राजधानी लखनऊ में देश भर से आए कलाकारों द्वारा सजाया गया यह हुनर हाट यानी हुनरमंद के काम से पटा हुआ बाजार शहीद पथ के किनारे शिल्प कला बाजार में लगा हुआ है। जिसका यह खूबसूरत वीडियो हम आपके लाए हैं।
Kukrail Picnic Spot ( Phase 1 ) aka Kukrail Forest - shared by visitlucknow
Dear all,
Once again we are here and presenting a quick look about Kukrail Picnic Spot ( Phase-1 ) , Lucknow .
Kukrail houses a deer park and one of the nurseries of the endangered species of crocodiles in India. One of the favourite picnic spots in Lucknow, it consist of a Children's Park, Cafeteria and Rest House. A stream runs through this picturesque forest and a variety of birds and black buck can also be seen here in their natural habitats.
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UP Forest Plantation Kukrail Nursery
Morning of Benti Kunda Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh | Raja Bhaiya Residence | 4K
Benti is a village in Kunda tehsil of Pratapgarh district in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. The village is located on the bank of river Ganges and nearby village Bhadri.
Benti's evaluation is about 110 metres (360 ft) above sea level. It is situated on the bank of the Ganges River, with Bihar towards the east, Kara tehsil towards the west, and Babaganj towards the north.
The district headquarters at Pratapgarh lies 54 kilometres (34 mi) to the west, while the state capital at Lucknow is 160 kilometres (99 mi) distant.
Baba Bhimrao Ambedkar Sanctuary, or Benti Lake, is located in Benti. The lake, which covers more than 1,000 acres (400 ha), was designated as a bird sanctuary by the Kumari Mayawati government in 2003.
Kunda Harnamgnj railway station and Bhadri railway station are the very nearby railway stations to Benti. However, Allahabad Junction is a major railway station 48 kilometres (30 mi) from Benti.
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आप में से कई लोग यह चाहते थे कि मैं कुंडा के ऊपर एक छोटी सी डॉक्यूमेंट्री का निर्माण करूं जिसमें सारी महत्वपूर्ण चीजों का दृश्य समायोजित हो। वह वीडियो प्रतापगढ़ हब चैनल पर उपलब्ध है जिन लोगों ने नहीं देखा है वह चैनल पर जाकर वीडियो देख सकते हैं और कमेंट में अपने विचार जरूर व्यक्त करें। इस डॉक्यूमेंट्री के निर्माण के समय मुझे बेंती के पंचवटी भवन में रुकने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। इसके लिए मैं माननीय राजा भैया, अक्षय प्रताप सिंह उर्फ़ गोपाल जी एवं जुल्फिकार भुट्टो जी, निगम जी व ओम जी का हृदय से आभार व्यक्त करता हूं। रात गुजारने के बाद जब सुबह मेरी आंख खुली और मैंने चारों तरफ फैले हुए प्राकृतिक दृश्यों को देखा तो मुझे बेंती कि वह डॉक्यूमेंट्री याद आने लगी जिसमें यहां पर राजा भैया की उपस्थिती में हजारों लोग मौजूद थे लेकिन जब वह नहीं होते तो बेंती इसी तरह से एकांत में प्रकृति के साथ आलिंगन में लीन रहता है।
इस गहन एकांत को देखकर आप लोगों को इस बात का आभास अवश्य हो रहा होगा कि यह कोई पर्यटन स्थल नहीं है और हर व्यक्ति को यहां पर घूमने टहलने की अनुमति नहीं होती। सुरक्षा कारणों से राजा भैया की उपस्थिति के बिना यहां प्रवेश निषेध है।
यदि आप कुंडा आकर बेंती के इस राजभवन का भ्रमण करना चाहते हैं तो मैं आपको सावधान करना चाहूंगा
बेंती के इस दुर्ग की रखवाली की जिम्मेदारी मनुष्यों से अधिक एक श्वान पर है
लोगों उसे हंटर के नाम से बुलाते हैं।
उसके बारे में कई कहानियां यहां के लोगों के बीच में सुनी जा सकती हैं
सुरक्षा कारणों से मैं उसका दृश्य इस वीडियो में नहीं डाल सकता।
लेकिन बेंती के इस प्राकृतिक दृश्य को देखने का अधिकार हर व्यक्ति को होना चाहिए इसलिए मैं यह वीडियो आप लोगों के साथ शेयर कर रहा हूं। यह दृश्य अधिकांश के लिए दुर्लभ है तो घर बैठे-बैठे बेंती का भ्रमण कीजिए और इस वीडियो को लाइक शेयर और कमेंट करना मत भूलिएगा। नए लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर ले। जुड़े रहिये एवं प्रतीक्षा कीजिए अगले वीडियो का। धन्यवाद !
प्रतापगढ़ हब के बारे में और जानने के लिए नीचे दिए गए लिंक पर क्लिक करें-
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इस वीडियो को बनाया और एडिट किया गया है ब्रेन्स नेत्र लैब में
Searching for a place to visit in Lucknow.. then our this video is for uh guys..
Top 10 parks in Lucknow
1. Janeshwar Park
2. Lucknow Zoo
3. Ambedkar Park
4. Ram Mahonar Lohiya Park
5. River Front
6. Picnic Spot
7. Begam Hazrat Mahal Park
8. Biotechnical Park
9. Crocodile Nursery
10. Nawabganj Pakshi Vihar
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Gliricidiya Nursery v1Nimari SPS MP
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साधु जी के समर्थन में यहाँ क्लिक कर के नाम लिखें
Sign the petition by Pari from USA to support Shyam Sadhu and help him gain recognition which he deserves -
Website :
To Talk To Shyam Sadhu Directly, Call : +91-9450089127
(Strictly between 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM - IST )
Please visit us: Shyam Sadhu, Geetanjali Niwas, Behind Durga Market, Kutchehry Road, Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Address link:
Shyam Sadhu is a Indian social activist, environmentalist and a YouTuber from Rae Bareli district of Uttar Pradesh, known for his love for monkeys. His real name is Krishna Kumar Mishra is who currently living with his family in Rae Bareli. Shyam Sadhu had fast for 49 days after MK Gandhi to give the status of the national river for Ganga river.
He was born on 2 June 1937 in Bermo of district Hazaribagh of Jharkhand (then Bihar) in British India.
He is known for organizing Vanarbhoj or feasts for monkeys on a daily. He says instead of offering sweets and fruits to the idol of Lord Hanuman in the temple, people should serve and feed the living monkey, as monkeys are considered the personification of Lord Hanuman. Feeding and the loving animal is real worship of Gods.
In some of his videos uploaded on his YouTube channel has crossed more than 3.5 Million views. the cricketer Virender Sehwag tweeted shared one of his videos on Twitter and appreciated his work.
Krishna Kumar Mishra brings home orphan animals who get injured and abandoned, whether its monkeys, cows, calves, dogs, donkeys, or pigs, he does not discriminate. He tries his best to get these injured animals treated, though he is not financially well. He has been doing this for such huge numbers of decades. He is 80 years old now, still he is relentless and exceptionally dynamic.
His cause has been covered by various news channels and media houses including Dainik Jagaran, News 18, The Quint, Scroll.in, and MNS.com etc.
He has been doing this for so many decades. He is nearing 80 years of age now, still, he is unstoppable and very active. He spends all the money he receives or he has on these animals.
Quick Facts
Name: Shyam Sadhu
Real Name: Krishna Kumar Mishra
Other Names: Vanar Baba, Kutta Baba, Gadaha Baba, Suwar Baba
Date of Birth: 2 June 1937
Place of Birth: Bermo, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, British India
Father's Name: Bal Bhardar Saran Mishra (served as inspector in Hazari Bagh police station)
Mother's Name: Indrani
Marital Status: Married
Wife: Satyabhama Mishra
Children: 2 Daughter; Geeta Mishra and Anjali Mishra
Resident: Raebareli, UP
Occupation: Social activist
Some lesser known facts about Shyam Sadhu
⦁ He is an ardent follower of PM Narendra Modi and UP CM Yogi Adityanath.
⦁ He appreciates PM Modi's work and has done many Vaanar Bhoj in PM's name.
⦁ He gets financial help from his YouTube followers to conduct his social work.
⦁ Sadhu Shyam was offered 30 lakh bribe for criticizing PM Narendra Modi by the leaders of an opposition party.
⦁ He is also known by the name of Monkey Man.
#SHYAM_SADHU_RAEBARELI #animal #care #india #up #environment #love #instagood #me #cute #tbt #photooftheday #instamood #iphonesia #tweegram #picoftheday #igers #girl #beautiful #instadaily #summer #instagramhub #iphoneonly #follow #igdaily #bestoftheday #happy #picstitch #tagblender #jj #sky #nofilter #fashion #followme #fun #sun #amazing #girls #awesome #clouds #baby #tagblender #party #red #repost #music #black #jj_forum #instalove #all_shots #igaddict #night #followback #yummy #white #bestfriend #green #yum #instago #halloween #school #eyes #harrystyles #sweet #2017 #2018#nature #green #earth #love #sustainability #art #beautiful #sustainable #vegan #life #trees #environmental #wildlife #plants #conservation #travel #climatechange #landscape #ecofriendly #instagood #animals #design #recycle #water #education #sky #sun #eco #forest #natural #ocean #summer #gogreen #agriculture #instagram #environmentalist #organic #photooftheday #beauty #instadaily #outdoors #garden #tree #photography #naturelovers #planet #peace #sunset #beach #health #nature #green #earth #love #sustainability #art #beautiful #sustainable #vegan #life #trees #environmental
We Went To National Botanical Garden Lucknow | NBRI Lucknow | Flower Show 2018 | Tafri Wale Laundey
Aj hm ja rahe hain NBRI Lucknow jaha pr Annual Flower Show ho raha hain 2018 ka, toh socha hamne ki vlog kar liya jaye....
Toh Laundo kaisa laga vlog, agar accha laga to isi baat pr like maaro, share karo, aur sabse jaroori channel ko subscribe karo, kyuki bhai ka channel hai sharmana kaisa !!!!
#NBRILucknow #FlowerShow2018 #TWL
About NBRI Lucknow:
The CSIR-National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) - is amongst one of the constituent research institutes of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi. Originally set up as the National Botanic Gardens (NBG) by the State Government of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.), it was taken over by the CSIR in 1953. Though, initially engaged in research in the classical botanical disciplines, the NBG went on laying an increasing emphasis, in keeping with the national needs and priorities in the field of plant sciences, on its applied and developmental research activities. A time came when it was felt that the name NBG no longer projected the correct nature and extent of its aims and objectives, functions and R & D activities. Consequently, the NBG was renamed as the NBRI, i.e., The National Botanical Research Institute in 1978. This name has since correctly reflected the distinctive character and the R & D activities of this applied botanical institution only of its type in the country.
Event location: NBRI Lucknow
436, Rana Pratap Marg, Gokhale Vihar, Butler Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226001
Dekhne k liye apka dhanywad !!!!
*Tafri Wale Laundey*
10.Ganga aquarium
9. Nawabganj wildlife sanctuary
8.Botanical gardens
7.crocodile Nursery
6. Begum hazrat mahal park
5.Gautam Buddha park
4. Kukrail forest Reserve
3. Dr. Ambedkar park
2. Janeshwar Mishra Park
1. Lucknow zoo
Blue world and Lucknow Zoo Park
imran r2h
Lucknow churiya Ghar ka ye fish