But How?.... Insane Crooked Forest in Poland
so more people can discover the true beauty of Poland :-)
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MUSIC, Joakim Karud
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Weird Places: Europe's Dancing, Crooked Forests
Hank takes you through the weird, twisted forests of Russia and Eastern Europe, where trees grow at odd angles. What caused trees to grow into big wooden pretzels? Was it wind? Manipulation by woodworkers? Nazis, maybe? See for yourself as Hank explores the possibilities.
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Crooked forest
The Crooked forest in Gryfino, Poland. Wierd looking trees growing in crazy shapes.
КРИВОЙ ЛЕС В ПОЛЬШЕ (Crooked Forest, Gryfino, Poland)
ПОДПИШИСЬ! СКУЧНО НЕ БУДЕТ! Нажми на кнопку ПОДПИСАТЬСЯ и на Колокольчик — НАЖМИТЕ КНОПКУ — ЕЩЕ — В западной провинции Померании в предместьях Nowe Czarnowo, недалеко от города Грыфино (Gryfino), Польша, существует небольшая роща сосен именуемая «Кривой лес», которая стала известной благодаря одной маленькой изюминке - все 400 деревьев, расположенных там, имеют странный изгиб прямо у основания. На территории площадью около 1,8 га раскинулся сосновый бор с диковинными деревьями, не похожими на любые другие в мире. Название у этого леса такое же необычное - «Кривой лес». А все потому, что в этом удивительном лесу растут деревья, но они растут не ровно вверх как обычные деревья, а изгибаются крючком, к такому дереву приделать струны и получилась бы арфа. От земли деревья растут вверх приблизительно на 20 см., а дальше каким-то образом резко изгибаются все в северную сторону, постепенно вырастая опять к верху, образуя красивую дугу. Всего на территории насчитывается около 400 изогнутых сосен. Как так случилось, что деревья растут таким необычным образом, никто не знает, даже жители близ стоящего городка Грыфино. На данный момент проезжая недалеко от леса можно увидеть специальные знаки, информирующие людей о «кривом лесе», создано это для того, чтобы привлечь внимание туристов к этому месту. «Кривому лесу» несколько лет назад даже присвоили статус памятника природы, и теперь изогнутые деревья нельзя будет использовать для какого-либо производства. Данный феномен можно смело отнести к великим тайнам, так как ученые до сих пор не ответили на вопрос, каким образом деревья решили расти таким необычным манером. Кривой лес был посажен в начале 1930 годов. Лес охраняется государством, так как представляет собой памятник природы. Изогнутых деревьев около 400 штук. Все это сосны. Само собой разумеется, вырубка или любое другое повреждение этих деревьев карается законом. По утверждению некоторых посетителей кривого леса, там не слышно пения птиц и звуков насекомых. Надо также подчеркнуть, что высота деревьев составляет около 15 метров, что недостаточно для сосен такого возраста. Чем обусловлена такая нестандартная высота – также неизвестно.
The Crooked Forest, Gryfino
The Crooked Forest, Gryfino
This Polish forest has only crooked trees
It’s an old mystery why a dirt road in Poland leads to a patch of trees with crooked trucks. No one knows for certain why there is this usual stand of trees in a protected forest, outside the town of Gryfino, Poland. Some suspect that it was the destruction of the forest during World Ward II that caused the curious growth. Interested? In that case, you better go in the morning while the sun shines through the trees to appreciate the full effect.
Mysterious Crooked Forest in Poland.
We don`t cease to be surprised by the wonders of nature. If you meet a tree with a crooked trunk, you perceive it as an exception to the rules. And here you can see the very place of crooked forest.
J SHAPED TREES | Mysterious ‘Crooked Forest’ in Poland | European Days
In a small corner of western Poland, near the town of Gryfino, a strange and eerie woodland exists. This bizarre collection of curved trees, named the “Crooked Forest,” is shrouded in mystery and despite the numerous different theories that have been proposed over the years, no one truly knows what caused the trees to adopt this conformation.
The Crooked Forest consists of around 400 pine trees that grow with a 90-degree bend at their base, the vast majority of which are bent northward. Curiously, the Crooked Forest is enveloped by a larger forest of straight growing pine trees. It is estimated that the trees were planted in the 1930s and that they were around 7-10 years old when they experienced whatever force/damage that resulted in trunk curvature.
So what could have caused these trees to grow in this bizarre “J shape? The weather? War? Aliens? (Aliens……) Here are some of the ideas proposed so far. Please check the video for more details.
#poland #CrookedForest #germany
???? SOCIAL MEDIA ????
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Hi, I am Ali, European Vlogger documenting my travel around the Europe. I want to inspire others to venture out, explore, take risks and go on our own adventure!!
Song credit to AudioLibrary
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This video was shoot in iPhone 11Pro Max
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Crooked Forest (Krzywy Las), Gryfino, Poland 波蘭彎曲森林講廢話 by GoPro Hero 7 Black (UHD 4K60)
Roadtrip to Chernobyl day 2. Crooked forest, Poland
On the second day of our road trip, we visited the crooked forest. There are several theories on how the trees got their remakrable shape, such as Russian tanks stood on them or drove over them, a thick layer of snow fell on them and locals bent them in shape to use for furniture, but nobody really knows for sure. After a long drive we arrived in Wroklaw for some sight seeing and dinner.
Poland’s Mysterious ‘Crooked Forest’
Deep within the Polish forest, something has caused the trees to transform.
Los bosques quebrados de Polonia Crooked forest
Fenomeno natural, experimento Nazi o trabajo de los humanos?
music by
Rokiczanka - W moim ogródecku
This Polish Forest Is Full Of Crooked Trees And Nobody Can Explain Why
This Polish Forest Is Full Of Crooked Trees And Nobody Can Explain Why: UFOS Over Poland:
Ghost Story by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Incredible News E3
Effect of Gas Giant Resonances on an Innermusic Forest of Crooked Woods
Set to a small child's eye view of my mountain forest landscape, including the fjellfield summit, or rockpile old Mr. Happyshine used to exemplify my insanity, is this work of five movements, set into the harmonic matrix of electromagnetic resonances of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and the solar wind of the Sun itself. All this cosmic background noise constantly bombards us, only it is too faint to be heard unless grossly amplified.
Garden wise you get a tour of the trail the trick or treaters must walk to reach my door. Good luck in the creepy, haunted forest of all the little crooked woods of dwarf conifers and possibly the world's only mature grove of dwarf aspen.
You get a perspective outside the capture of a photograph, of the rockery, set and designed to imitate a 14,000 foot summit. Each rock was brought back from a climbed mountain over 45+ years of doing that. Like any shelf or cabinet of souvenirs, each holds a memory from when it was gathered and backpacked down. To this day I know where every single rock came from! Maybe as with the other collections, these should be labelled in some archive database.
Three mature trees are also featured. Zone denial successes. We are in USDA Zone 5b. The three mature trees are in order of appearance, Cadrus atlantica glauca (6A) the Blue Atlas Cedar, Sequoiadendron giganteum (6A) the Giant Sequoia or Sierra Redwood, and Cupressus arizonica (7B) the Arizona Cypress. They have been growing here undamaged for twenty years as of this year, and are well established. The Cedar and Cypress produce cones. I expect the Sequoia to produce cones any year now.
Not saying the effect of gas giant resonances has any effect or influence on the cold tolerance adjustment of these trees to survive where they should not, but rather that we don't know until we actually investigate, just like we didn't know much about the gas giants until we sent space craft there, and the information sent back totally changed our understanding and perspectives of those distant places. Jupiter and Saturn moons are not only geologically active, heated by effect of gravity, but may harbor life. Life in places thought too cold for life? Who would have thought?
The five movements are His Story, Saturnalian Rings, Day of Wrath (impact of Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 on Jupiter), Creature from Uranus, and Neptune of Thee I See memorializing the flyby of New Horizons.
This is all new, experimental, exploratory music.
Crooked Forest, the mysterious forest of curved trees
Crooked Forest, the mysterious forest of curved trees
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Poland’s Mysterious ‘Crooked Forest’ Is One Of Nature’s Great Mysteries
Natural wonders - Crooked Forest (Poland)
Natural wonders - Crooked Forest Poland
The Crooked Forest (Krzywy Las), is a grove of oddly-shaped pine trees located outside Nowe Czarnowo, West Pomerania, Poland. This grove of approximately 400 pines was planted around 1930, when its location was still within the German province of Pomerania. It is generally believed that some form of human tool or technique was used to make the trees grow this way, but the method and motive are not currently known. It has been speculated that the trees may have been deformed to create naturally curved timber for use in furniture or boat building. Others surmise that a snowstorm could have knocked the trees like this, but to date nobody knows what really happened to these pine trees.
Natural wonders
Wonders of the World
Poland has a Crooked Forest with 400 bent trees | Unique Architecture
The Crooked Forest in Poland is a grove of about 400 pine trees planted around 1930, which are bent at the base at a 90-degree angle. It is generally believed that the reason behind the occurrence is man-made. Interestingly, most of the trees face North, and the Crooked Forest is enveloped by a larger forest of straight pine trees.
Read More:
[Polen 2017] Krummer Wald (Krzywy Las) bei Gryfino/Oder, 2017-10-07
crooked forest in Poland
crooked forest in Poland