Lanzarote, Cueva de los Verdes, Jameos del Agua, Canary Islands - Spain Travel Channel
The Cueva de los Verdes in the north of the resort island of Lanzarote, is a 7 km long tunnel which was born after a volcanic eruption of the Vulcano de la Corona. The upper coat of the lava solidified in the air while the lava flow continued underneath the surface. After the lava flow ran dry, the tunnel remained and formed enormous hall.
The Jameos del Agua is a part of the same tunnel. It is only 300 meters off the coast and was developed to the center of art and culture by César Manrique. In a small underground lake, about 1.5 cm blind albino crabs (Munidopsis polymorpha), which otherwise can be found only in 2000 m water depth.
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Die Cueva de los Verdes im Norden der Ferieninsel Lanzarote, ist ein ca. 7 km langer Tunnel, der nach einem Vulkanausbruch des Vulcano de la Corona, entstand. Die Luft brachte die obere Schicht der Lava zum Erstarren, während der Lavastrom unterhalb der Oberfläche weiterfloss. Als der Lavastom versiegte, blieb ein Tunnel zurück, der gewaltige Hallen bildete.
Der Jameos del Agua ist ein Teil desselben Tunnels, nur ca. 300 m vor der Küste und wurde von César Manrique zum Zentrum der Kunst und Kultur ausgebaut. In einem unterirdischen See tummeln sich kleine, ca. 1,5 cm große blinde Albino-Krebse (Munidopsis polymorpha), die sonst nur in 2000 m Wassertiefe vorkommen.
Hier ist unser Reisevideoblog:
Cueva De Los Verdes Lanzarote.
Cuántas cosas habrán quedado ocultas bajo los escombros, tras los desprendimientos habidos desde la última vez que ha sido habitada por los guanches.....
Cueva de los Verdes, Lanzarote, Spain
These are the tunnels created by lava flows, the lava subsided leaving tunnels where it had flowed. A fascinating walk through these tunnels and caverns reveals some hidden surprises later in the tour.
The caves are named after the family who owned them called los Verdes --- The Greens
lanzarote caves - cuevas de los verdes
day out at cuevas de los verdes Lanzarote with the kids.
La Cueva de los Verdes (Lanzarote)
La cueva de los Verdes forma parte de un tubo volcánico situado al norte de la isla de Lanzarote.
Se formó durante la erupción del Volcán de La Corona hace unos 5000 años. Cuando las lavas descendieron por debajo de lavas más compactas crearon una gran cavidad alargada.
La cueva fue utilizada por la población de la isla para refugiarse de los ataques piratas que asolaban la isla en busca de esclavos, y recibe el nombre de Cueva de los Verdes porque la familia propietaria de las tierras en las que se encuentra la cueva era la familia Verdes.
Cueva de los Verdes, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain
Cueva de los Verdes
Volcano Tunnel, Cueva de los Verdes | Canary Islands of Lanzarote, Spain
Volcano Tunnel, Cueva de los Verdes | Canary Islands of Lanzarote, Spain
Cueva de los Verdes — Walk and get into the volcanic tunnel of Cueva de los Verdes, It is not only one of the most interesting volcanic formations on the island, but is also one of the longest volcanic tube in the world of 6 km long. The municipality of Haría on the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, Spain, and forms part of the vast volcanic landscape of the Monumento Natural del Malpaís de La Corona. Its formation is the result of the eruptive activity of La Corona Volcano. Dating back, according to geologists, some 3000 to 5000 years, which gave rise to an extensive underground volcanic tunnel over six kilometers long, running from the cone of the volcano down to the sea. Two of the most relevant Centers of Art, Culture and Tourism - Cueva de los Verdes and Jameos del Agua - are located inside the tunnel. A volcanic tunnel is formed by the cooling and solidification of the superficial part of a lava flow in contact with the air, while the liquid magma underneath continues to flow. The partial collapse of the roof of a given section of the tunnel forms the structure known in Lanzarote as a Jameo - this is an opening in the earth which provides access to the other grottoes. The tunnel formed by La Corona Volcano is one of the longest and most interesting on the planet. There are 21 jameos dotted along its length. Over six kilometers of the tunnel have been explored; these run from the crater of La Corona before entering the sea in an underwater stretch of 1.5 kilometres known as the Túnel de la Atlántida or Tunnel of Atlantis. The cave is also famous for its concert hall which is located near the entrance and exit of the cave. The concert hall has about 15 to 20 rows with 26 seats in each row, allowing up to 500 people in the concert hall at once. In earlier centuries, inhabitants throughout Lanzarote hid in this cave to protect themselves from European pirates and Muslim slave raiders. The caves are definitely worth a visit and if the molten wax-like rock isn't enough to impress you, the secret of Cueva de los Verdes will be. The lowest part of the cave is used occasionally as a concert hall and is an impressive sight in itself. As with many cave systems, the Cueva de los Verdes has its own optical illusions, which you will be shown on the guided tour; which is the only way to see the Green Caves. Since 1964 a 2km pathway has been open which shows off the caves to their best effect after having been carefully transformed - if that is the right word - by Jesus Soto. Unlike many tourist attractions, it is difficult to tell that there has been any human intervention in the cave structure. The main work has gone into an awesome lighting system which highlights the walls of the cave extraordinarily well. Lanzarote has suffered attacks from pirates and raiders throughout its history; which is one of the reasons that the inland town of Teguise, used to be the capital of the island. The Cuevas de los Verdes was an excellent place to hide for the local people, going as far back as the Guanches who were an aboriginal people who used to inhabit the Canary Islands. In fact there is actually a chamber within the tunnel which is known as 'The Refuge', because it was so often used for shelter.
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Lanzarote, de lavagrotten van Cueva de los Verdes
Mooie rondleiding door de prachtige verlichte lavagrot. Voor een beschrijving van de wandeling zie ook
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La Cueva de los Verdes y Los Jameos del Agua | I. Canarias
Vamos hasta Punta mujeres en Lanzarote, para visitar dos de los Patrimonios más importantes de Canarias y para nuestro gusto las más chulas de Lanzarote. La Cueva de los Verdes y Los Jameos del Agua. Para terminar subiremos hasta el Mirador del Rio con unas vistas impresionantes de La Graciosa.
Paquete de entradas Lanzarote:
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Cave of Los Verdes LANZAROTE
The Cueva de los Verdes or Green Caves are part of the Atlantida underground Cave system formed some 3000 years ago during the eruptions of the Corona Volcano (in the north of Lanzarote). The original inhabitants, often referred to as the Guanches, and later the Hispanic population, would shelter here from Pirates that once tormented the Island.
The tunnel is over 6 km long with an additional 1.6 km under the sea and is one of the longest Volcanic Tunnels in the World (the underwater section has not been fully explored), although only about 2 km are open to the public.
The cave measures more than 15 meters wide and 15 m high.
The Caves are not named after the colour Green, but rather a family whose surname was Verde (Green), although the Caves are indeed colourful, especially since they have been carefully and thoughtfully artificially lit for the public.
The caves are definitely worth a visit and if the molten wax-like rock isn't enough to impress you, the secret of Cueva de los Verdes will be.
The lowest part of the cave is used occasionally as a concert hall and is an impressive sight in itself..
Lanzarote: Jameos del Agua y Cueva de los Verdes.
This video is a part of Galavlada's serial about Lanzarote.
Spanish and english subtitles available.
LANZAROTE VLOG: il viaggio alle Canarie continua con l'eplorazione delle grotte segrete.
Jameo del Agua tunnel vulcanico sotterraneo e La Cueva de los Verdes percorreremo il tunnel per 1 km. Tutte le info sul mio blog Pinalapeppina [link: ]
Precedente Video (Lanzarote the best)
Cueva de los verdes auf Lanzarote
Die Vulkanhöhle liegt im Nordosten Lanzarote in der Nähe von dem Ort Orzola in einer Landschaft, die Malpais de la Corona genannt wird. Die Cueva de los Verdes ist bei den Ausbrüchen des Vulkans Corona entstanden. Vor mehr als 3.000 Jahren ist der größte Vulkantunnel der Welt, der 6 Kilometer lang ist und der noch einen Kilometer ins Meer hineinreicht, entstanden. Vor mehr als 200 Jahren wurden diese Höhlen als Zufluchtsorte vor Piratenangriffen genutzt.
Cueva de los Verdes, Lanzarote
Walk through an underground lava tunnel, south-east of Monte Corona in the north of the island of Lanzarote; a geological phenomena, with atmospheric lighting and sounds!
Guia turista en cueva de los verdes
Explicacion didactica de la creacion, apertura y desarrollo de la cueva de los veredes
Rutas recomendadas y lugares que visitar por España. Recorrido por el interior de la cueva. 1 kilómetro transitable de un total de 7 que forman el total de la cueva. La entrada con guía son aproximadamente 10 euros. Completamente recomendable!
Cueva de Los Verdes - Lanzarote
Los Jameos del Agua, like the Cueva de los Verdes, are located inside the volcanic tunnel created by the eruption of La Corona Vulcano. It owes its name to the existence of an internal lake which constitutes a unique geological formation. It originates by filtration through the rock which lies below sea-level.
Los Jameos del Agua, al igual que la Cueva de los Verdes, se localizan en el interior del túnel volcánico producido por la erupción del Volcán de la Corona. Los Jameos del Agua se encuentran situados en la sección de este túnel más cercano a la costa. Deben su nombre a la existencia un lago interior que constituye una formación geológica singular. Se origina por filtración al encontrarse por debajo del nivel del mar.
Die Jameos del Agua befinden sich wie die Cueva de los Verdes in dem Vulkantunnel, der durch den Ausbruch des Vulkans La Corona entstand. Die Jameos del Agua befinden sich in dem der Küste am nächsten gelegenen Abschnitt dieses Tunnels. Sie verdanken ihren Namen einem Binnensee, der eine einzigartige geologische Formation darstellt. Er wird durch Filtration verursacht, da er sich unter dem Meeresspiegel befindet.
Les Jameos del Agua, de même que la Cueva de los Verdes, se trouvent à l’intérieur du tube volcanique produit par l’éruption du Volcan de la Corona. Les Jameos del Agua se trouvent dans la section de ce tunnel la plus proche de la côte. Ils doivent leur nom à un lac intérieur qui constitue une formation géologique singulière. Se trouvant au-dessous du niveau de la mer, il s’est formé par filtration.
Lanzarote-tour presents: Cueva de los Verdes Lanzarote. The Cueva de los Verdes is a section of the „Atlantis Tunnel offering an extension of 6km above and 1.5km below sea and therefore being the largest volcanic tunnel of the world. The cave is a part of the lava that, resulting from an eruption of the volcano La Corona, flew down to the ocean more than 4 million years ago.
La Cueva de los Verdes al igual que Jameos del Agua, es una sección del túnel de la Atlántida , que tiene una extensión de 6 kilómetros en la superficie y 1,5 km bajo el mar, es el túnel volcánico más largo del mundo. La cueva forma parte de la colada de lava proveniente de la erupción del Volcán de La Corona que avanzaba hacia el mar, hace más de cuatro mil años.