The 5th largest city in South Korea , Daejeon (한국의 5번째 도시 대전, 韓国で5番目に大きい都市大田))
Daejeon is South Korea's fifth largest metropolis. Daejeon had a population of over 1.5 million in 2010. Located in the center of South Korea, Daejeon serves as a hub of transportation and is at the crossroads of major transport routes. The capital Seoul is about 50 minutes away by high speed train.
Daejeon is one of South Korea's administration hubs with the Daejeon Government Complex (Other administrative hubs: Seoul, Gwacheon and Sejong).The Korean administration in the 1980s decided to relocate some of its functions from Seoul, the national capital, to other cities. Currently, 12 national government offices including Korea Customs Service, Small and Medium Business Administration, Public Procurement Service, the National Statistical Office, Military Manpower Administration, Korea Forest Service, Cultural Heritage Administration, Korean Intellectual Property Office as well as Patent Court of Korea are located in Daejeon. Korail (Korea Railroad Corporation), K-water (Korea Water Resources Corporation) and KOMSCO (Korea Minting & Security Printing Corporation) are also headquartered in the city.
Daejeon has 18 universities including KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), Chungnam National University, Hanbat National University, Hannam University and UST (Korea University of Science and Technology). Daejeon has earned its name as Asia's Silicon Valley and High technology city. The city hosted the Taejon Expo '93 and the International Mathematical Olympiads (IMO) in 2000. Several important research institutes are based in the city.
Daedeok Innopolis (Daedeok Research and Development Special Zone) is composed of 28 government-funded research institutions as well as 79 private research institutes with as many as 20,000 researchers. In addition, Daejeon established the WTA (World Technopolis Association) in 1998 with the view of realizing regional development through international cooperation with world science cities. Currently the WTA has grown to have 67 members from 32 countries, and it actively cooperates with many international organizations including UNESCO as its official consultative body.
Background music
1. Kim Bum Soo - Appear (Secret Garden OST)
2. Deok Hwan - I'm Going To Meet You (Queen In-Hyeon's Man OST)
3. Hymn of the Daejeon
Daedeok Science Town | Wikipedia audio article
This is an audio version of the Wikipedia Article:
00:01:08 1 Institutes
00:01:17 1.1 Government agencies
00:01:26 1.2 Public enterprises
00:01:59 2 Other science and culture facilities
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I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think.
- Socrates
Daedeok Innopolis, formerly known as Daedeok Science Town, is the research and development district in the Yuseong-gu district in Daejeon, South Korea. Daedeok Innopolis grew out of the research cluster established by President Park Chunghee in 1973 with the opening of the KAIST. Over 20 major research institutes and over 40 corporate research centers make up this science cluster. Over the last few years, a number of IT venture companies have sprung up in this region, which has a high concentration of Ph.Ds in the applied sciences. There are 232 research and educational institutions to be found in Daejeon, many in the Daedeok region, among them the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. The town will provide a core for the International Science and Business Belt.
The Daedeok Innopolis logo was created by the industrial design company INNO Design in Palo Alto, USA.
Heart to Heart - EP2668-Oh Se-jung, the First President of the Institute for Basic Science ...
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Oh Se-jung, the First President of the Institute for Basic Science, the 'Research Center of Dreams'
꿈의 연구소, 기초과학연구원(IBS) 초대원장 - 오세정
The Institute for Basic Science (ISB) is the core organization of the International Science & Business Belt that was established in Daejeon in 2011. Meet ISB's first president, Oh Se-jung.
Combining basic sciences and application technology to make breakthroughs in scientific technology is becoming increasingly commonplace in the 21st century. The need for basic science is stronger than ever, and ISB is the research center of dreams for experimental, adventurous scientists. The Institute strives to benefit the future of all people, in Korea and beyond. ISB plans to establish 50 research teams by 2017 in mathematics, physics, life science, chemistry and other fields that will power the development of Korea. At least 30% of these teams' directors will be internationally renowned foreign scholars.
Professor Oh Se-Jung announced that during his 5 year term, ISB will conduct cutting-edge research in fields yet to be explored. Until now, Korea has followed a 'fast-follow' strategy of imitating and modifying technology from more advanced countries. Prof Oh believes that with independence and continuity guaranteed in the new environment, Korea needs to be come a first-mover's system.
From his admission to Seoul National University to his PhD qualifying exams at Stanford, Prof Oh has always been at the top of his class. Now he represents the sciences in Korea. We'll talk to him about the importance of basic science research to the future of our national development and his efforts to make IBS a basic science powerhouse.
2011년 대전에 설립된 국제과학비즈니스벨트의 핵심연구기관, '기초과학연구소(IBS)'의 오세정 초대원장을 만나본다.
과학 기술의 혁신을 위하여 기초과학과 응용기술의 융합이 나날이 일상화되어 가고 있는 21세기, 기초과학의 중요성과 필요성이 그 어느 때보다도 더욱 강조되고 있다. 기초과학연구원은 최적의 연구 환경에서 실험적, 모험적인 기초과학 연구를 수행하는 과학자들을 위한 '꿈의 연구소'로서, 대한민국을 넘어 인류의 미래를 밝힐 수 있는 세계 최고의 연구소로 발돋움하고 있다. 수학, 물리학, 생명과학, 화학분야 등 한국의 미래 성장 동력을 발굴할 50개 연구단을 2017년까지 설립할 예정이며, 세계적 석학들로 전체 연구단장의 30% 이상을 외국인으로 구성할 계획이다.
오세정 원장은 5년 임기동안 미개척 분야에 대한 도전적이고 실험적인 연구를 시도하겠다는 초대수장 포부를 밝혔다. 특히, 지금까지 한국은 선진국 기술을 모방•변형하는 추격형(Fast-follow) 전략을 통해 산업경쟁력을 갖춰왔지만, 이제는 자율성과 연속성을 보장하는 새로운 연구환경, 선도형(First-mover) 체제로의 변환이 필요하다고 제시했다.
서울대 예비고사•본고사 수석, 미국 스탠퍼드대 대학원 박사과정 자격시험 1등까지,
국내 과학계를 대표하는 오세정 원장을 모시고, 미래국가발전의 초석인 기초과학연구의 중요성과 기초과학 강국으로 나아가기 위한 IBS의 활동에 대해 이야기 나눠본다.
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ICIC DAEDEOK 2011 Saul Singer Keynote Presentation 1
May 18, 2011
Keynote Speaker 1 : Saul Singer
Venue : Daejeon Convention Center, South Korea
Host : Ministry of Knowledge Economy
Organization : Korea Innovation Cluster Foundation
Sponsors : Korea Technopark Association, Korea Industrial Complex Corp., Asian Science Park Association(ASPA), World Technopolis Association(WTA)
Defining of Daejeon via T.E.D : HongChul Yeom at TEDxDaejeon
Hong-cheol Yeom : Mayor of Daejeon city
Hong-cheol Yeom is a politician. He defines himself as a minority. He's from very small city Nonsa and since he came to Daejeon for studying, he's been a minority locally and he was lonely when working as a profesor and a government officer because his background is not as good as his colleagues'. So he reminded himself to work harder and harder to survive, and this made him of today. People nicknamed him as 'a Expo Mayor' after he hosted Daejeon Expo successfully in short time. He's also famous as an early adopter among government officers and he is always opened to communicate with his citizens through twitter and facebook.
염홍철은 정치인이다. 그는 지난 자신의 삶을 '소수파 인생'으로 요약한다. 충남 논산 시골 출신으로 고등학교 때 대전으로 '유학'을 온 그는 학창시절 내내 지역적으로 소수에 속했고 교수와 중앙 공직자로 일할 때도 동료들에 비해 그럴듯한 배경을 갖지 못해 외로웠다. 그래서 그는 스스로 난 열심히 일해야만 생존하는 사람이라고 끊임없이 되뇌었고 이런 채찍질이 지금의 그를 만들었다. 2년의 짧은 기간이었지만 대전엑스포를 성공적으로 치르면서 '엑스포 시장'이란 애칭도 얻었다. 지역 관가에 '얼리어답터'로 소문이 난 염홍철은 평소 소셜 네트워크 서비스인 트위터와 페이스북 등을 통해 직접 시민들에게 시정 현안을 알리고 활발하게 소통하는 창구를 열어놓고 있다.
About TEDx, x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
President Park calls on researchers to support SMEs with necessary technologies
President Park Geun-hye has called on the nation's leading researchers to support small- and medium-sized companies with the technologies they need.
Speaking at a ceremony commemorating the 40th anniversary of the Daedeok Research and Development Special Zone in Daejeon,... the president said they should focus on research and development that could be difficult to carry out in private sectors... and turn the complex into a hub for the so-called creative economy.
She emphasized that Korea can survive the effects of the global economic slowdown and high unemployment... through science, technology and innovation, just as it did in the past.
I firmly believe that we can overcome the current challenges by making innovative changes based on science and technology and by creating new markets and industries, in much the same way our country saw economic growth after investing in science and technology.
The Daedeok research complex was created in 1973, during the Park Chung-hee administration, and has been the center of science and technology and an engine for economic growth in the nation.
President Park also paid a visit to the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, which was also established during the Park Chung-hee administration.
The president met with young scientists there, and stressed that science, when combined with other sectors of study such as the humanities, can result in unexpected accomplishment and creativity.
Throughout this week, President Park's schedule focused on the economy and the livelihood of the public. Political pundits say this reflects her determination to normalize state affairs that are facing challenges with the ongoing political deadlock at the National Assembly.
Eoh Jin-joo, Arirang News.
TEDxDaehangno - Ho Lee - The Social Role of Hangul Designer
the 2nd TEDxDaehangno Event
▶ Event Title : 古來 - The Future of the Old Things
▶ Date : March 26, 2011
▶ Place : The Eun Deok Culture Center, Wonseo-Dong, Jongno-Gu, Seoul, South Korea
▶ Speaker : Ho Lee*
▶ Talk Title : The Social Role of Hangul(Korean alphabet) Designer
*Ho Lee is a head designer of Sandoll Communication
About TEDx,
x = independently organized event
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.
KAIST, formerly the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, is a public research university located in Daedeok Innopolis, Daejeon, South Korea. KAIST was established by the Korean government with the help of American policymakers in 1971 as the nation's first research oriented science and engineering institution. KAIST has approximately 10,200 full-time students and 1,140 faculty researchers and had a total budget of US$765 million in 2013, of which US$459 million was from research contracts. From 1980 to 2008, the institute was known as the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. In 2008, the name was shortened to KAIST.
In 2007 KAIST adopted dual degree programs with leading world universities to offer its students diverse educational opportunities and strengthen academic exchanges; since then with Carnegie Mellon University, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Technische Universität Berlin, and the Technische Universität München.
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